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Aidolon - Journeyman

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:06 am
by Siorey
₪ Ma'ar Vokun ₪

Sphere: Eldritch
Current Level: Moderate
Length of Contract: Permanent - Aidolon

  • At this level, Nil-Thur evolves its form to that of a bipedal raptor from the void, becoming an eyeless predatory creature. The translucent, almost jelly-like skin of it turns more to the consistency of a tough leathery exoskeleton. Standing at 5.5ft, the aidolon is at the perfect height to be considered a mount of sorts.
  • The Ma'ar Vokun considers itself a vicious predatory creature with no higher goals than the protection of their summoner and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them. Shedding its impish nature the Ma'ar Vokun, as it wishes to be called, takes on the temperament of a guard dog, vigilant and observant, always on the prowl around the vicinity of their summoner.
  • Corrosion Bomb: Initially the Ma'ar will gather eldritch energy into a ball, infusing it with a double coating of its aether as. When fired, once it makes contact with a solid object it will then stick to it and begin to corrode through the material slowly with the eldritch energy stored inside it. It will remain sticky until it is finally detonated which the Aiodolon or its summoner can do anytime within a 40ft radius of either of them. It holds the explosive strength of a landmine.
  • Raptor's Edge: Being that it takes on the form of a raptor, the large talons on its feet can be used to slice and tear into flesh with relative ease. It has the ability to pounce on its prey with its strong hind legs which will allow it to disable small creatures and unarmored enemies as well as survivors. While the aidolon is on top of its prey, it can freely attack its victim repeatedly for a period of time, allowing it to kill those unfortunate enough to be beneath its foot.
  • Unsetting Aura: Those unfortunate to be in the presence of Ma'ar Vokun find that they become unsettled. The unnerving feeling that something bad will happen will cause those of weak fortitude to cave under the creeping fear. Those of stronger constitution find that they become jumpy at the littlest things, and those of impeccable mental strength feel the hairs on their skin stand up.

Re: Aidolon - Journeyman

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:36 am
by Paragon
Request approved.