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The Silver Wings

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:01 am
by Kala Leukos


Business Type: Mercenary Company
Services Rendered: Bodyguards; Couriers; Training
Patron: House Leukos
Assets: An apartment in the Commons lovingly referred to as "the Barracks." Equipment furnished by Kilvin's Forge.
Debts: Seed funds lent by House Leukos.


Ceran and Indric are orphans. They failed their Warren March at eighteen, surviving with their lives but not their pride. They survived in large part due to the last minute aid they received from Kala and Kaus Leukos, as well as another would-be Avialae adult, Caden. Disheartened, they returned to the Low-City to lick their wounds and wonder if they would ever become men in the eyes of society. The Leukos twins sought them out and encouraged them. A year later, they did succeed in their Warren March and, as adults, founded a humble mercenary company of two with the help of Kala Leukos, who oversees her family's financial dealings in Kalzasi. Kaus Leukos, on the other hand, has occasionally acted as a third warrior when they needed more manpower.

The "company" is modest, but intends to grow.

Frost 122 — Having been in Atoria with the Leukos twins, Ceran and Indric have become true believers in the nascent divinity who shared their first Warren March. While Kalzasi is coming to terms with her wings, that divinity remains under wraps. When the Eclipse threatened Starfall and she revealed herself to her people in order to protect them, more people came into the secret and some adventurous few came to join the Silver Wings. In time, it is likely to become a Holy Order. For now, they have an ongoing contract to protect the Vice-Minister of Finance.

Ash 124 — While the people of Starfall became aware of Kala's ongoing apotheosis during the Eclipse, her Silver Wings were already aware. She learned to craft star shards by combining her geomancy and her growing divine power; and though they were but weak things, they did help keep people safe from the shadows. Her people have embraced her divine secret and are in various stages of worshiping her, though there is no true cult as yet. She is their homegrown goddess, and the understand Unity and see her family's blue star as foreshadowing her domain. There is much talk of the future. Meanwhile, Asallon became the first Silver Wing without wings, and Kanedama found his way to her through his greed as her secretary in Kalzasi. Without attempting to, she converted both to her cause.


Race: Avialae
Age: 22
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 255 lb
Profession: Mercenary
Relation to PC: Subsidiary, Friend
NPC Type: Personal, Local (Faction)
Influence: 5
Bio: Since he could manage it, Ceran has been doing odd jobs at the Slayers Keep. When they aged out of foster care, he and Indric went it together. They are companion bonded, though it seems likely to mature into a core bond. The ice gem he recovered from the Warrens was runeforged into his spear, which adds an edge to his middling skill. Brown hair, brown eyes, and falcon wings.

Negation | Master
Kinetics | Master
Polearms | Expert
Elementalism | Journeyman
Leadership | Journeyman
Survival | Journeyman
Business | Apprentice


Race: Avialae
Age: 22
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lb
Profession: Mercenary
Relation to PC: Subsidiary, Friend
NPC Type: Personal, Local (Faction)
Influence: 5
Bio: Preferring the wilds near Kalzasi, he worked as a hunter and a tracker in the Wildlands. When work for the Silver Wings is slow, he still does, which puts meat on their table rather than draining their seed funds to feed them. A keen shot with the bow, he is happy to let Ceran lead the way. Fortunate to have found a decently pure memory stone, it was runeforged into an amulet that allows him to secure information to run between those willing to pay. Brown hair, green eyes, and sparrow wings.

Summoning | Master
Traversion | Master
Ranged: Archery | Expert
Hunting | Journeyman
Tracking | Journeyman
Survival | Journeyman
Blades | Apprentice

Asallon d'Selyn

Race: Siltori
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200 lb
Profession: Mercenary
Relation to PC: Subsidiary, Friend
NPC Type: Personal, Local (Faction)
Influence: 5
Bio: While he doesn't speak much of his past, it is known that he grew up in Auris and, once he achieved a certain level of magical mastery, he left to travel the world, seeking out new people and new knowledge, at least to him. He was in conversation with a stellar spirit when the newly minted Goddess of Stars was created, and the reaction of the star spirit awed him. When he found her, he made himself useful so he could observe her and learn from her. Over time, he grew to respect her and care for those she cared for. While the Silver Wings began as winged mercenaries, they allowed him to join and he has been a devotee ever since.

Summoning | Journeyman (50)
Semblance | Journeyman (50)
Magic Theory | Journeyman (50)
Survival | Apprentice (25)
Observation | Apprentice (25)
Research | Apprentice (25)
History | Apprentice (25)

Kanedama Aito

Race: Dratori-Siltori/Demon Indwelt
Age: ???
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lb
Profession: Mercenary
Relation to PC: Subsidiary, Friend
NPC Type: Personal, Local (Faction)
Influence: 5
Bio: Aito remains somewhat of a mystery, even to himself. Kala met him when he was referred to her as a secretary when the Iron Queen-Regent appointed her Vice-Minister of Finance. It didn't take her long to suss out that there was an infernal presence in him. She trapped him, tested him, and then gave him what he was lacking: a sense of purpose beyond his own avarice. Aito was a summoner of great ambition but poor follow-through. As such, the greed demon he summoned rebelled and, locked in deadly battle, they came to a stalemate. So closely were they matched, so spiritually injured were they, that their remains blended into a new person, both elf and demon. An odd follower of a Moritasi, perhaps, he remains her devoted secretary in the Avialae palace, but joined the Silver Wings, where he mostly acts as treasurer and only skims an appropriate amount off the top.

Law | Journeyman (50)
Economics | Journeyman (50)
Affliction | Journeyman (50)
Summoning | Apprentice (25)
Nyx | Apprentice (25)

Acolyte of Avenna, First Emblem of Affluence

Note: Ceran and Indric originally created by Paragon and expanded upon by Antinoös. Please contact one of us to have them appear.
  • Skill update per Black Sun Rising.
  • Asallon and Kanedama added to roster with permission here.