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Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:31 pm
by Aegis

It's early in Frost here in Karnor. The air is cold and still these days, a warning of those yet to come. The sky is cloudy, but bright, not yet ready to drop the snow on the already freezing landscape. Birds and squirrels and other creatures forage desperately in the grasslands and forests of Karnor, racing against the snow that will bury everything without exception. The world is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen, for anything to happen.

Because something will.

The light around the area is dimming, earlier now than an at any other point in the year. And as those few stray beams of light begin to vanish, the temperature continues to plummet. The Wild King's Forge has never been forgiving, and those who enter it unprepared never come out unscathed. All the caravans that take the merchant roads have settled in for the night, building campfires, cooking stews of potato and hare, the luckier ones having deer. The trains have stopped for the day, resting at their respective stations, and the airships continue on their journeys, not at all concerned with the mundane happenings of those on the ground.

But for those choosing to not take the well worn path, there is little comfort to be found here in the wilds. Luckily for them, bears have all begun their hibernation, removing one such danger, but many others, the wolves, the large cats, and the many other predators are out hunting with a fervor. This is when the predators make bolder choices, attacking riskier potential prey, for in winter, one can never be sure of their next meal. And those off the beaten path would hear the wolves, always.

And never hear the cats.

However, even those off the main way aren't alone. There are a myriad of reasons to not take those traveled ways, and just as many people carrying those reasons as torches. And one such group is huddled around a large fire in the bend of a frozen river. Their presence can be detected from a good ways off, and that is quite intentional. They make their presence loud and known, as a warning to the desperate creatures looking for an easy meal. The group was nearly a dozen strong, half of them human of varying shapes and looks, the other half a smattering of others, as Zaichaer would put it.

One man, some type of elf if his ears were any indicator, was singing a deep throated, joyful jubilee, a song of welcoming strangers to the fire, a song of warmth and camaraderie, and a warning to those who might wish harm. The others chatted and played games and laughed with one another as the man sung his song, over and over, until the sun finally disappeared and with it, the song would end. The song was a promise from these people, and those like them, those that come bearing no ill will would be warmed and fed and most importantly, accepted as who they presented themselves to be.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Elsewhere and Elsewhen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Constantine looked annoyed as the man in the plain suit straightened his tie, his plain and forgettable face devoid of any emotion. All monsters have masters and all peons have bosses. "This is quite the mess you've found yourself in. Many resources were lost when Subjects 065, 172, and 457 escaped." There was no hint of blame or malice there, simply cold facts. "We, of course, have to now spend resources recovering those subjects if possible. Our people are on the ships, on the roads, and on the trains. They will be found, but the patience of our," he says as he straightens his tie once more, "masters, well, it is wearing thin. They've given a timeline on this recovery, and if it isn't met, the subjects will be terminated by the spies we have hidden in place, should they turn up."

Constantine's eyes went wide, "No! You can't! That research is of vital importance! I've given years of my life to it!"

The man in the suit waited for Constantine to remember his place, and when the doctor went quiet once more, the man continued, "The decision has been made. However..." He adjusted his tie more, "This is an opportunity for us. A chance to showcase some of our other discoveries, to abate them. Two birds, one stone, as they might say." Constantine looked on curiously, "What are you getting at, sir?"

"Give a sample from Subject 457 to Subject 000, and turn him loose into the Wild King's Forge. Use him to flush 457 out, drive him to ground."

Constantine's eye went wide once more, betraying the fear within, "Sir, we can't turn 000 loose. We haven't figured out how to kill him, let alone control him. We lost so many resources the last time he escaped."

The plain man grinned just ever so slightly, "We'll send a tracking team to follow 000, record the findings and observe, from a safe distance, and clean up as necessary. This is a chance to see your research in the field. See which route is better, 000 or 457, and then we can use that information to see which we wish to pursue. Make the next generation."

Constantine still looked worried, "457 could've been the future. Far more stable than 000."

The man straightened his tie once more, "Yes, but there's something special about 000's efficient brutality." He turned to leave Constantine's office, "And I do love that look in his eyes when he's draining people. He shows so much pain, but keeps doing what we need him to do. It's so satisfying."

 ! Message from: Aegis
You can set any date you wish in early Frost, and have Florian find his way into the scene (in whatever way is most appropriate to the character of course). Feel free to include any information necessary from when Florian escaped up until current.

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:07 pm
by Florian
Frost 1

Florian was cold. Always, always, always cold. He was already rail-thin, and it was a surprise he had not managed to freeze to death in the middle of the night. His clothes were not adequate, he was very likely being chased, and he was heading North, where it was even colder, to Kalzasi, where he could only guess at what would happen. At this point he was begging death to take him, but bad decisions liked to melt into further bad decisions and at least the cold kept him awake.

Nightmares flooded his dreams when he did sleep, and it was difficult to tell between the reality of them, the memories, and what other new horrors came conjured up. Scars lined his body from the necromantic surgery he had endured for weeks, though he took every opportunity to think about something else, something other than death and pain and the enduring loneliness of the frosted trees and chittering of animals still out this season.

Florian wondered if the wolves could tell how skinny he was, because he had yet to be bothered by them. He had heard them, but he had not seen them, and that was just another blessing he counted. If he had been stalked as prey, he had no idea.

He hadn't yet run into any people where he strayed off the roads, but it had only been a smattering of days. Singing came first, and then he saw the fire. He'd come to the realization he didn't really have a choice in the matter, and so he approached the group and the fire they were around. It wasn't entirely humans from what he could see, and it didn't seem to be of any government affiliation, either. The song sung was welcoming, and he was going to have to take them up on that offer. Dressed only in the thin clothes from the facility, he knew he was a sight. His eyes were blue — neutral, but wary.

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:11 am
by Aegis

As Florian approached the group at the fire, one man's pointed ears twitched and he smiled. He stood up from the group, still laughing as they continued their conversations and stories and removed his own cloak, revealing his painted form that had been obscured. He turned and faced where Florian was coming from, arms outstretched, cloak held out in offering.

"The night comes for us all, yet the moon never stops finding the lost. Come, friend, and be warmed."

Many of the group turned, casting eyes on the ragged and scrawny form of the man that even wolves thought not worth the effort. Some smiled, a couple even waved, and a few others turned back to what they had been doing before. The man approached Florian, keeping his posture relaxed, trying to be as comforting and disarming as possible. "You must eat, Cheri is cooking tonight, she'll make it so Bobbo can't play the chorus to The Emperor's Mistress on your ribs." It was said in obvious jest. "Come, join our fire, all seeking refuge are friends here."

Over at the cooking fire, which was set off a small ways from the communal fire, was a large, round and jiggly Ork woman, wearing far less than the others around her, as she perspired over the food she was cooking there. She wore what could only be described as barbaric leathers, her body covered entirely in tattoos, as she roasted the bodies of a deer, several hares, and many other things, tuttutting the whole time.

The man speaking to Florian smiled softly, "My name is Garhela, and I joined this group two years past, looking much like yourself now."

There was a slight cough from behind Florian, as a woman, human, made her presence known. She spoke to Garhela, "The wolves are taking watch now. Someone will have to relieve them at third howl." She'd been watching Florian for a while now, through the eyes of the wolves she lived among. She was the real reason he'd not yet been made a meal of. She had even tried to get the wolves to drive him expressly to their camp, but the escapee was forever determined to carve his own path, it seemed.

She did not smile at him, but she already considered him a friend. She learned everything she needed to know about a person from her wolves. She moved past Florian coolly. Garhela continued, "What should we call you, friend?"

A small growl interrupted the air, as a dog looked up from its spot resting at the feet of a young human girl. It did not move though, for it was busy nursing a single puppy. The human girl looked wide eyed at Florian and whispered to the elf next to her, who nodded. The girl's wide eyes looked on at the man in admiration and fear.

Cheri looked up from her cooking, wiping the sweat from her brow, and in a deep, gruff voice, "Hare, deer, or vegetarian?"

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:57 pm
by Florian
Florian was in no position to decline the offered cloak, especially after he had approached their camp. He was wary, still, but if he were going to die, dying among a mix of peoples and after a warm meal was better than in the cold to be eaten by the crows. He walked towards the fire like a moth, the ambient warmth from it already soothing his dry, blistering skin.

"Grahela." He repeated. "I'm Florian." He took in the surroundings but didn't completely acknowledge them, focused more on warming up before he could really take the time to think about anything else. He hoped they were safe, but he simply could not bring himself to believe it in full. Dr. Constantine was a friendly man who stuck himself elbow-deep in his guts and put him back together again, over and over, and the mere thought of it strained him. He wiped his eyes and stared into the flames as if it could burn all his memories away.

It took him a few moments to acknowledge Cheri's question. "Deer is great, thank you." It was easier to skip meals when there was the option to eat in the first place, and he was actually hungry now. Just a few days of little food and the weight he had gained — almost to a healthy point — as a test subject was falling off again.

Florian watched the strange, horned dog nursing her puppy and wondered if they were going to search for him. Hunt him down. It's not like he was competent enough to cover his tracks; he stayed off the main roads, sure, but anyone smart enough could surely find him. Or maybe they'd just put a bounty out and he'd be turned in after a matter of days by these new fellows. It was a problem to think about after he ate, and he crouched in front of the fire, wrapped in the cloak.

That woman mentioned the wolves taking watch now, which he could only figure was a nickname or, by her wild appearance, literal wolves. He had never had much kinship with animals, no chances or money or, later, time for a pet. Not exactly by choice, but by circumstance. He looked back at Grahela. "You take in strays often, then?"

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 11:45 am
by Aegis

Cheri beamed, bringing over a large bowl for Florian, boiled potatoes resting in broth with a healthy slab of venison on top. It was covered in a variety of winter herbs, providing that savory anise flavor. With a wink, "There's as much as you'd like, love." It wasn't much longer until a goblet of warmed cider was passed to Florian as well. Grahala grabbed a plate and sat near to Florian but still gave the young man his space.

"Strays? Almost exclusively. Every person in this group was a stray that wandered in and joined our campfire at some point. And eventually, each of us will move on to our next thing. None of those who were here are left, they've gone off chasing love, happiness, adventure in other lands. Probably means its my turn before too long."

The man smiled broadly, "That's part of our... thing, I suppose. People join us for however long they need us, and they move on. We don't need the idea of permanence or ownership or anything such as that. Open campfires, open skies, and friendships in the moment, nothing more."

A more somber look on his face now, "After all, we all have a story and a past. But in this group, we are only defined by what we choose to be defined by. We are who we decide to be."

Grahala held up his goblet and everyone else around the fire joined in, "To our new friend, Florian."

Every nodded, smiling at Florian, and took a long swig of the cinnamon apple cider. The young human girl began wandering over toward Florian, and the dog was quick to be protectively at her side. It was not showing any aggression toward Florian, actually keeping curious eyes on the man. The puppy was tottering after its mother confidently, though didn't appear to have any idea what was actually going on. The little girl pointed at Florian's repaired horn, "That's really pretty!" Before blushing and going quiet, standing there awkwardly like only a small child could.

She then remembered her manners, "Oh, this is Matilda!" She gestured to the mother, "And that's her baby, Galahad! Would you like to pet them? They are very friendly! Their horns are different from yours but yours are just as pretty!"

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 2:53 pm
by Florian
Florian took the large bowl with a small "thanks", feeling pain as the smell grew even closer. He took a spooon and ate a bit of the broth before he ate anything solid, almost fearful he'd get sick if he started to eat too fast. He ate a piece of potato next, and then tore off a piece of venison. It was delicious, and local, and it made him feel homesick. He never thought he'd feel homesick for Zaichaer, but he felt homesick for sitting in his mother's kitchen and eating dinner with her. Was that really barely more than a season ago?

It felt so soon and so far away.

"No permanence..." He mumbled. The idea was both appealing and unappealing. He wanted permanence. He wished he had stayed in Zaichaer after his admission to Eitan and saw where that had gone. Now he wasn't sure if he'd ever see the man again, and if he did, it would almost certainly be under bad circumstances. But warmth and safety was something to hold onto while it lasted, no matter how long it lasted, no matter how tenuous it was.

Florian had almost forgotten his fixed horn, though it had been less than a season since its repair. It, too, felt so long ago that he was standing in his apartment and looking at it in the mirror. He'd barely looked at it at the facility, and he had tried to forget it since.

"Thank you, a friend of mine repaired it for me." He offered. It was mostly the truth. Florian wasn't sure if he was good with children or how to act around them. "Sure, I'd like to pet them." He held the bowl in one hand and reached with the other to let Matilda sniff his hand, and then he scratched her behind the ear and around the horn. "We match, Matilda."

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:01 pm
by Aegis

The little girl positively beamed when Matilda accepted Florian and allowed him to pet her. And soon, the camp fell into its usual evening routine. Food and drink were shared, conversations were had, stories were told, songs were sung. And when one of the women relieved the wolves and took over the next watch, many in the camp went to their respective, shared tents to sleep. Florian would be offered a bedroll in Gahala's tent, as well as a smaller tent of his own if he so desired, though the latter would require him to help set it up.

For three days, the group would travel through the woodlands of central Karnor, following game paths instead of the caravan roads. They traveled by foot, some of their supplies carried on the backs of a couple of mules. When they traveled, they were accompanied by a small pack of wolves that moved in a protective perimeter around the group, escorting them. It was as comfortable and as safe as one could hope for in these parts. The group would depart each day before sunrise, stop for a bit at midday, and continue onward until nightfall.

Everyone had duties, but they were simple enough. Some were hunters, gathering the food for the group, others worked to make camp, gather firewood and what food was still available in the wilds, and those who didn't wish to do those were put to work either helping Cheri or serving as watches, keeping the group safe. During these three days of travelling together, Florian was provided with company, comfort, and clothing that was hastily tailored so as to fit him better and keep him warm. His name was even stitched into each of the garments given to him. The little girl, Lilac, and her dogs, were constantly trying to put themselves at Florian's side, asking him the questions that children always ask and showing him all the kindness and enthusiasm that came with youthful curiosity. These people never pressed Florian about anything, always had an ear open should he decide to talk, and treated him as though he'd been with them for years. They were happy to have met him and happy to have him.

It was evening now on Frost the fourth, the sun had fallen, and Cheri was putting the finishing touches on a large, spit roasted boar over her cooking fire. She was playfully complaining because of how big and fat the pig was, taking so long to cook. She even offered the Florian the crispy, curly tail, a true delicacy for those aware of such things. As they settled into the comfort of another night, a pained canine cry filled the air. Immediately, Kaya was on her feet, growling, with a fearful look in her eyes, spear in hand, and running into the darkness toward the sound. Gahala quickly took charge of the camp, drawing out his axes. A few quick orders put Lilac and the others that were more vulnerable closer to the fire, while having those that were able bodied and fighters creating a defensive perimeter. The air was silent save for the crackling of the fire and the nervous huffing and stamping of the mules, as the camp waited to hear word back, hoping that one of the wolves had just gotten spooked.

 ! Message from: Aegis

You may solo at your leisure anything you'd wish during the 3 days of travel. This is entirely optional, and can be done now or after the completion of this thread. If you'd like any more details on anything concerning those 3 days or the people in the camp, you can either ask or create the details yourself.

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:33 pm
by Florian
In new clothes with new, early friendships, Florian was as safe as he could be in the wilderness. He was still on edge, and he could not get a good night's sleep without waking up to nightmares of his mother's hands in his guts. Most things seemed to startle him, even Lilac and her dogs, but he was almost settling into a routine, with warm clothes and food every day. He didn't have the heart to decline Cheri's food and so he ate at least what he was offered. Three days didn't mean much for weight gain, but at least he had some energy. Everyone was friendly, even while he was standoffish and closed, even while he shared very little about why he was wandering and the circumstances that led him there. He tried to be friendly, but fear had a firm grip around his heart, and most everything was still met with a wary suspicion.

There was the sudden sound of a pained wolf and the entire air of the camp changed. Florian was already jumpy, and he suspected the worst — that something had killed or injured the wolf, and it seemed most everyone else assumed the same, given that most were now circled around the fire. He could fight, but he didn't think he could do much with his fists against whatever just got the wolf. And his magic — but he had nothing to absorb, no dragonshards in his belly.

"Are any of you mages?" He spoke into the silence. Given the axes, he wasn't sure, but he could do so much more to help if someone could feed him aether. His eyes were already awash in silver, observing the dull glow of aether and searching for anything brighter in the dark. Florian had no reason to believe that whatever was here was magical in nature, but with Kaya still gone, he wasn't sure what to believe.

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:57 pm
by Aegis

The group was silent for a long, agonizing moment at Florian's question. Gahala's eyes glanced over at Lilac but said nothing. But the fire cracked, and a log fell over, causing the young girl to jump. In her startled state, she squeaked out, "I am! I do fire!" She moved over closer to Florian, Matilda following her, her ears pulled back and teeth showing, keeping a bit crouched. She whispered to Florian, "I'm not very good at it though..."

Florian didn't know this, but Gahala did. Lilac joined the group a year or so ago, as a way to escape from Zaichaer. She had been given magic by one of the rebels in Zaichaer, but not taught control. She had accidentally burned down her home, killing her mother, father, and younger brother. She fled, and ran and ran until she collapsed, feet bleeding, having worn her shoes away completely but not stopping, when Gahala and the group found her.

"What.. what do you need me to do?"

A loud series of wolf barking and howls filled the air now, all consolidated now in the direction that Kaya had run off toward. They sounded panicked, frantic, desperate. And one by one, their voices began to disappear. And soon, there was silence in the darkness beyond the campfire. The forest for a league in all directions was still. None of the nocturnal predators stirred, nothing chittered in fear, nothing dashed for cover. Everything stopped and was holding its breath.

And Florian, with his Aether sight, would be the first to see a large, hulking, horned figure in the distance appear. It seemed to be standing there, fifty yards out, obscured by trees and foliage, but easily picked up by Florian. And it was staring directly at Florian as well. Both beings would know that the other could see the other. They would both be able to feel it, truly feel it, deep within them.

The hulking figure swung an arm lazily, sending an object flying, before the figure disappeared entirely from Florian's Aether sight. There was a cracking of small branches as the object soared towards the camp. It came through the trees, and landed in the fire, bouncing out and rolling to a stop near to Florian and Lilac. It was Kaya's head, her face twisted in agony, having been literally ripped from her body, flesh and throat and nerves hanging out of her neck. Her hair was now burning, putting that acrid smell into the air.

And Lilac screamed, breaking the silence of the forest.

Re: Off the Leash (Florian)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:35 pm
by Florian
Florian crouched next to Lilac as she screamed and put his hands on both of her shoulders, so that he was level with her. He looked into her eyes with his own silvery ones. "I need you to make fire, Lilac. So I can help us. It won't hurt me, I promise." With his request, Lilac nodded and formed a small ball of fire in front of him. He could feel the heat coming from it, but he rolled up his sleeve and wrapped his hand around it anyway. It was hot, but it didn't necessarily burn his skin, and the veins in his hand grew silver as he absorbed the aether from the fireball. It only took a few seconds, and then he asked her to make another one, and another, and all three fireballs were absorbed without much more than a mild burn. It doubled as a task to keep the girl's attention from the panicked wolves, though from the fear apparent on her face he wasn't sure if it was very effective.

Florian asked no more of her, and he stood back up to watch the woods from where the sounds were coming from. He saw the figure, he watched the figure, and deep inside him he knew it watched him, too. And that made it worse. There was no shaking the feeling that all of this was because of him. Florian stared at the decapitated head of Kaya. It almost reminded him of his mother, and the panic was rising in him. Death and destruction and despair followed him like a cloak, wrapping everything and everyone that touched him or helped him or became close to him in its grasp. It was his fault. They had survived for years and years without such an encounter. It was his fault, and he wasn't sure if he could shut down the pain and tears that drenched his cheeks. What could he possibly do? He had no gun, but he had aether now.

"There's something in the dark, it's huge. Massive." He pointed in the dark, where the creature had been and where it had thrown the head from. "I can't see it anymore."