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Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:08 pm
by Baudric

Frost 121, Day 58

Baudric sat as Dr. Faelith poked, prodded, and grappled with his wing in inspection of the wound now healed. Irritation heavy on his mind. Resisting the urge to throw the woman off him and leave him be. So much he had wished Kala was there instead of the haughty woman.

"Have you finished? It is very uncomfortable how you are holding my wing.. not to mention the fact you are touching them at all." The irksome grimace on his face bespoke of his desire to give her the taste of her own medicine. She let go of his wings with a clearing of her throat. Visibly shaken by his imposing demeanor now that he was in better shape and health.

"Well. Ser. I see no reason to hold you here still. I would like to keep you longer, but there just isn't any way I could convince you. I am going to alert the authorities that I will be releasing you today so that there is no rampant panic in the streets when they see a fully uniformed Knight Legionnaire walking about. I will have the forms brought in for you to fill out before you leave but otherwise. It has, been something to have you." She gave him a smile and walked out dismissing the orderlies to leave Baudric alone.

Without another beat of hesitation Baudric stripped of the hospital clothing to pick up the stack of his own. Pleasantly surprised to see that they had been cleaned at some point in his stay. Either it was customary of the staff here. Or it was another blessing of Kala. He gave the empty room a smile, before pulling his underwear on. It was then as he was pulling on his pants that the nurse came in with the paper work. Grabbing his boots he sat back down on the bed and began filling out the papers.

The Middle aged woman stood there staring at him as he filled things out and signed his name. Lingering on various places of his body. She had seen him naked before, during his arrival when they had to strip him and bath him. Now that she could look at him not as a patient though she found her mind a little out of focus.
"You're staring. It's unwelcomed."

Her face burns bright red as she takes the now finished papers and leaves the room. He adjusts the strings of his boots and shoves his foot inside. Settling the fit before he began the long task of lacing it up properly. His mind drifted off to his induction into the Uberfallenlicht. Standing before the sanction office as they fit him for his uniform.

"Not many your size come through. Usually either tall or broad. Not both. This should fit." The quartermaster began loading up his arms with uniform, Chapter colors, standard issue sword, belt and sheath. Boots proved an interesting time. The woman having tossed everything at him, now took her time to fit him for his size twenty men's boots. Testing them around his calves. But before it got too awkward seeing they would fit she tossed them at him as well.
"Right then. Put those on and see yourself to your Primarch and Archknights for presentation. Good luck with that."

Present Baudric, Memory BaudricNPC

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:35 pm
by Talon
Talon knelt at the bedside of a woman. His hands were clasped gently around hers. Calmly he whispered soothing words in Synskrit as silver-white fire flowed from his hands into her body. Beside her, an exhausted looking young man, likely just a teen, and girl were dozing lightly. Situated in the young man's lap was a Sky Guard helmet. After several moments, Talon withdrew his hands and the fire receded.

"I have done what I can." Talon rose from the bedside and turned to face the guard officer watching anxiously. "What happened?"

"She was on patrol with the West Watch. A breach formed and probably a dozen or more shamblers crawled out. She, myself and two others held them off from getting into the village. We were holding our own well until...I've never seen anything like it." Talon examined the woman with his Semblance. Her wounds were great but it was clear that she was holding on with every ounce of willpower she had. His eyes turned to the two sleeping nearby. Talon already knew the fate of the other guardsmen. He met the officer's gaze. The man was Avialae, one arm was in a sling. His face was bandaged. He had already received Talon's blessing to purge corruption.

"Her family?" The officer's jaw flexed. He looked down to the sleeping children and in his eyes, Talon saw a tenderness that had been reflected in his parent’s eyes many times.

"Their father died protecting them in Frost 119. I.. I've been trying to help. I know that…" Talon reached out and squeezed the officer's shoulder. A look of understanding in his eyes.

"Stay with them." Relief passed over the man's features. Talon ushered him over to the small family. When the officer stepped up, the boy stirred. Gently the Avialae officer ran a hand through the boy's hair and whispered for him to rest as he pulled up a chair to sit at the bedside. He watched them quietly for only a moment. He prayed the mother pulled through. Turning, he stepped outside of the room. The floor was designed simply, with open corridors that allowed for airy and spacious interiors that had an abundance of natural lighting. Fire dragonshard crystals and dawnstone crystals helped to illuminate things during the evening hours and keep the interior protected against the cold. The nurses station was placed so that all of the rooms could easily be reached or seen at any given moment. Standing there, waiting for him, was Aoren. His face was grim as he finished conversing with another guardsman. When Talon approached, the soldiers bowed earning a nod of his head. Their business finished, the guard went to the room that Talon had just left.

It’s the same as yesterday. Swarm of shamblers followed by some kind of ice demon.” The fires in Aoren’s eyes burned brighter. Even if they were not bonded, Talon already knew what his bondmate wanted to do. Talon had answered a request to be seen by the affected soldiers because they had prayed to him in the aftermath. It was becoming a more frequent thing as more and more soldiers within the Sky Guard and even some mercenaries in the Slayer’s Keep reached out for his divine attention. Rather quickly, Talon was finding he was becoming associated with the more militant aspects of Kalzasi. While he welcomed that, as House Novalys were the patrons of the military, there were kinder and less brutal things that Talon wanted to be associated with as well. Visiting wounded in the hospital helped to foster recognition in his merciful side as he used the light of Dawnfire to purge the taint of the Warren’s touch from those affected by it.

We will deal with this demon.” Talon’s attention was drawn as he noticed a towering figure exit one of the larger rooms. Seeing him dressed in his full regalia was impressive, he had to admit. Something else came to mind as he beheld the Kathar however. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, Aoren turned his head to look at the Orkhan Avialae. He looked skeptical but silently he agreed that it could be of benefit to them all. His decision made, Talon quietly made his way over to the giant just as he was turning around.

Ser Baudric.” Talon was not dressed in the princely robes of his station. He and Aoren were garbed in the black and silver vestments of the Skyforge Raiment. The dark armor looked humble but it was perhaps one of the most potent creations of runeforging that Talon would ever make and he planned to make improvements with time. Talon assessed the giant warrior, gleaning surface information with his Semblance.

You say you hunt demons…” He eyed the man from head to toe, gauging whether he might be open to the prospect. “...would you join us in hunting one?

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:25 pm
by Baudric

Boots on, he stands and fastens his pants then dons his military doublet. From there he slipped his now swordless sheath and the colors of the Uberfallenlicht. Satin white and sanguine red embellishments to offset the gunpower grey to black bulk. Battle worn steel gauntlets and plates still managed to shine like a retired Knight ready to enter the fray still fit and proud.

Taking a moment to look at his reflection, adjusting his collar and hair, he still wished to believe there was good in the Imperium though his time with Kala shook everything he knew at its core. Grabbing the papers he stepped out to hand them over to the nurses station. He knew he would now be drawing attention. As much as he did before now it was undeniable he was a soldier of the Inquisition. Keeping his own eyes from wandering less he make anyone feel intimidated. The nurse who had been staring at him earlier also kept herself from looking, embarrassed from being caught earlier.

"Alright Ser. You are clear to leave. Everything is in order."
He placed his black leather clad hand on the surface between them managing to pull her attention to look him directly.

"Can you please inform Ms. Kala if she comes this way that I will be outside in the same place?" After she nodded her understanding he began to leave only to come face to face with The demigod and Kathar defector. Not expecting to be confronted suddenly his face was the picture definition of confused surprise. They had a strong sense of conviction to their faces as Talon delivered his proposition. He had not thought to be thrown so soon into combat let alone the kind that landed him in the hospital to begin with. Trained for it or not, he had to quickly flick his eyes around to ensure the good Dr. Faelith was not within earshot.

"Arm me. And I will be your shield."
Without realizing it he had thrown his arm up in salute as though Talon had been his presiding officer back home.

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:54 pm
by Talon
Talon was not expecting the salute but he was glad to see that Baudric did not flinch away from the chance to fight against such terrible forces. He considered the arsenal of weaponry that he had at his disposal, gauging whether or not it would be a good idea to entrust this warrior with one of his prized blades. Across the bond, he could feel Aoren’s neutral disposition. This decision would be his and his alone to make. Nodding more to himself than to anyone else, Talon turned on his heel, motioning for Baudric to follow him.

Come with me.” Talon guided them out of the hospital without delay. From the determined expression on his face, those who might have approached avoided doing so. Over his shoulder he spoke to the warrior.

I have the means to arm you. We will have to visit my forge first before we depart.” To Aoren he gave instruction. “I will go ahead. Guide him to the Skyforge.

Of course.” Talon clasped his bondmate’s shoulder briefly before looking in the direction of his forge. He opened up his senses to the spatial pathways that formed the web of the Slipspace. Stepping forward, Talon opened a pathway between his current place and to the doorstep of his workshop. He then stepped across the threshold and Vaulted from the Tranquil Gardens hospital and to the Skyforge. Talon did not break his stride as he teleported from the hospital to the forge. He entered it, nodding to his employees. As Pyrra, his Head Clerk, walked up to greet him, Talon spoke.

Aoren will be arriving soon. In his company will be another Avialae. We will need to get him outfitted.” True to form, Pyrra had a scribe’s board in her hands and was immediately taking notes.

“Special armaments? Measurements?” Talon thought on Baudric. Just from glancing at him, the man was a giant that would require some of the Moratallen style armaments that were stocked.

Moratallen. I do not know his exact measurements at the moment.” As the words left his mouth, another woman’s voice joined the conversation. A tall woman with the muscular build of a seasoned blacksmith. Her hair was a dirty blonde that had begun to turn grey with age. Her sharp blue eyes were keen, likely having picked up on some of the conversation. He nodded to Ashara, the second-in-command of his workshop.

“Is he of half-giant ancestry?” Talon shook his head.

Possibly. He appears to have largely Orkhan heritage, I suspect that perhaps there is some giant blood in him.” Ashara made a grunt of acknowledgement before nodding.

“I think between the two of us, we can get him sorted.” She and Pyrra began making their way toward one of the sections of the shop that were dedicated to the half-giant clients that sometimes made their way to the Skyforge. Talon went down the steps to his forge and into one of the lower areas of the shop to his personal vault. He had a sword to retrieve.

Aoren watched as Talon vanished into the mists of aether that accompanied his teleportation powers. He could still feel him, not too distantly within the main hub of commercial activity in the city. They would be joining him soon enough. Already he could hear his bondmate’s mind abuzz with the logistics of planning a confrontation with a demon. Aoren looked to Baudric. The man looked well enough. He gave a glance to the Kathar’s wings, attempting to gauge whether or not the man was suitable enough to fly. He was no medic and he did not possess the aetheric sight that his partner did. He opted for the safer route and one that would allow the others at the shop time to get things arranged.

Come.” Aoren began walking in the direction of the Plaza of Jeweled Arches. For a short while, he walked in silence. The soft breeze of the winter winds ghosted over his face and touseled his hair. Though he did not feel the cold, he enjoyed the winter weather. He supposed on some level, all Avialae did. After some silence, he looked over at Baudric.

What do you know of Kalzasi and the Synnekar?

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:31 pm
by Baudric

"Change of plans. Please pass my forgiveness on to Ms. Kala. Let her know that her Shinsei has need of me for, consultation. Let her know I will find her as soon as I am done." Quickly he turned back to the nurse. She seemed rather surprised by his sudden change of message but nodded her understanding.

Catching up to Talon was not hard for the length of his legs. Nearly crossing the room to the halls in two steps. He wasn't sure what he had in mind to arm him with but he wasn't going to complain. He had basic training enough to not be a fool with any weapon. Though real training was limited to single handed blades and shields. Glancing over to Aoren as Talon instructed him what to do with Baudric. He had never seen Teleportation magic in person. Often he had the thought of how much teleportation could solve many issues in hunting pursuit of demons. The visuals of the spell being woven and released nearly gave him a bit of motion sickness causing him to place a hand on his stomach.
"If I ever learn that, I hope it feels better than it looks. So.. Wie lange warst du nicht zu Hause? Oder wurden Sie nie in die Inquisition aufgenommen?"

Quickly falling into step with Aoren as he led the way through the streets. It did not go unnoticed the looks of disgust or pointed whispers as he passed. Perhaps it was because of Aoren though no one approached. Talon was not wrong in his assumption that very few people would treat him with kindness or respect. The disdain the common folk had for the Imperium wasn't misplaced. Yet somehow it still bothered him. Still hurt his pride.

"I know a great many things about the Synnekar and only what was important to know about Kalzasi. In my time here and getting to know a handful of the people though.. my knowledge is probably all propaganda. Nothing but slander to depict you as villains."
There was anger in his voice. The memory of pain and betrayal still fresh in his heart when he learned the differences as legitimacy.

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:57 pm
by Talon

Es ist acht Jahre her. Wem ich gedient habe, spielt keine Rolle. Ich werde ihnen nie wieder freiwillig dienen.” Aoren left it at that. The haze of the years that he had lived in the Imperium interspersed with periods of wakefulness still haunted him. The sharp clarity that had come with living in Kalzasi, having escaped the life that he had been chained to, had brought with it a cascade of things. Most of it negative at first. That had passed with time.

For all of the differences between the Imperium and Kalzasi, the Avialae have not changed much. This city is situated on a place called the Warrens. It is an endless pit of caverns and strange places that all manner of demons and creatures crawl up out of. The Synnekar were drawn to it like moths to flame. They fought and still fight, to keep the horrors of the Warrens in check, lest the rest of the Northlands become overwhelmed by the creatures that dig their way up out of the Yawning Chasm.” Aoren guided them down a street. He was hailed by several of the soldiers walking on patrol. He returned their waves and nods to some of the regulars around the Plaza of Jeweled Arches.

We were made to fight monsters. So the Synnekar found new monsters to fight.” The morning business was beginning to pick up. Undeterred by the cold weather that came with winter, the commerce district of Kalzasi pushed ever onward. Aoren glanced at Baudric as he spoke, anger evident in his voice.

There is only one villain in the story of our people, Baudric. The rest are just victims caught in a web of lies.” Aoren left unsaid who that villain was. He would leave his fellow Kathar to determine that for himself. He walked in silence for a good while, allowing Baudric to take in the sights of the Plaza. While there were a few people who saw the vestments he wore and recognized them for what they were, most paid Baudric little heed. Among the people going about their business in the commerce district there were Moratallen half-giants, there were Goblins, there were Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, and Elves, with Avialae drifting through the skies or on rooftops among them. It was clear that Kalzasi was a diverse city.

Stay away from the Midden, at least until you make a name for yourself. The Sky Guard are taught to recognize foreign colors and banners. Some may recognize symbols of the Imperium on you. While they might not be warm toward you, they will still intervene if they see someone attempting to bring you to harm. The Midden? That is a lawless place too close to the Warrens. You’re on your own there.” That was the only advice he had to offer for Baudric as the man found his way in the city. They came upon the arches of a large two-story complex that was quieter than some of the other buildings. An ornate symbol was carved into the stone archway, in softly glowing silver and gold runes depicted a hammer superimposed over two half-circles. Figures dressed in white, red, and black robes, armored warriors that appeared part of the city guard and even mercenaries could be seen conversing in a large courtyard leading up to the main building. Some were showing off wares. Others seemed to be in heated discussions about what seemed to be arcane matters based on snippets of the conversations.

Aoren brought Baudric to a set of broad steps, taking each of them steadily until they reached the entryway to an open room. Inside was a spacious interior wrought of wood and stone and lit by fire crystals. On display were jewels, weapons, armor, staves, wands and all manner of magical looking objects. The sound of hammers pounding away at anvils, the bubble of potions mixing in labs, and the clink of gears being refined in a workshop could be heard all forming a harmony of craftsmanship continually at work.

Welcome to the Skyforge, Ser Baudric.” No sooner had the words left Aoren’s lips than a woman walked forward to meet them. She wore the vestments of a blacksmith. Her blonde hair was done up in a tight bun. The sharp blue of her eyes held in them an air of authority mixed with keen intelligence. Her build was hearty, with the bulk of a woman who had worked the forge most of her life. She was as tall as Aoren, clearly a woman of Moratallen heritage.

“Lord Aoren.” She gave Aoren a bow of her head to which he returned. “I am going to guess that you are the gentleman that Prince Talon told us about?”

The woman arched an eyebrow at Baudric, taking him in from head to toe. Before she could say anything further, Aoren spoke.

Where is he?” The woman jerked her head toward the back.

“The Vault.” Aoren nodded, folding his arms over his chest. He gestured to Baudric. “Yes, I can see him. Bigger than I was expecting but not impossible. His Highness did warn us.”

The woman gestured for Baudric and Aoren to follow her. She brought them to a quieter room where a Dwarven woman was making adjustments to a few items with the assistance of several other staff members. When the three of them entered she blinked at Baudric.

“Well, that rules out some of our selection.” She chuckled lightly before shaking her head and went with the rest of the staff to finish arranging some other things. The Moratallen woman turned and eyed Baudric as she placed her hands on her hips.

“What do you wield? Polearm? No. You’re too broad for that. Greatsword? No. You’ve got the build for it but your gait isn’t wide enough to suggest that. Longsword?” Stepping up to Baudric, she began circling him, appraising him with the eyes of an outfitter. Without hesitation she leaned in as though she could discern what manner of fighter Baudric was simply by looking at him. “You wield a shield. Yes. You lean into your step, ready to break the charge of a raging bull. Just like my son.”

She shook her head and turned to some of the weaponry and accessories assembled. She began picking up various shields.

“Right then. Sword and shield is it? Buckler? Tower? Kite?” After a moment she made a gesture with her hand over her shoulder. “Well, what is it, boy? I haven’t got all day.”

Aoren leaned in and whispered.

Ashara is good at what she does. You’ll get better results if you tell her what you know you can’t do.

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:55 pm
by Baudric

It's true moods have improved since they first left the hospital. Baudric could see this as a middle ground where the indifference and social modesty met with the lawlessness and malice from the Midden. He could only assume and accept the word of Aoren.

Aoren certainly had his opinions of the Imperium, ones he was not ashamed to voice. Most of which Baudric had been slowly waking up from a sweet dream to see the nightmare that the Imperium could be. It put a very bad taste in his mouth. The conflict in him between pride of duty and the disdain for the treatment of his people. Regardless there was one thing he could not agree to. There wasn't one Villain in the Imperium. He knew of at least one more.

He could feel his stomach churn thinking on his Primarch. If there was anyone in the world he allowed himself to detest. It was him. He constantly had to resist his temper and urges to inflict pain upon him. Not only was he a Higher ranked officer of influence. Someone who could hold a lowly Avialae under his boot without much effort. Baudric needed this man. He needed to obey him for his life depended on it.

Before he knew it they were stepping into the familiar atmospheric scent of a forge. Though this one already shown signs in the entrance of being far more than a basic forge.

His eyes wandered around the room as the two of them exchanged a few words. There was something in the air here. He could feel it. It wasn't ambience. Nor was is the magic about. Something sacred perhaps. It made the hairs on his neck stand on end, a shiver down his spine. His feathers bristled slightly as he tried to focus his senses to pick it out. Perhaps it really was the God-prince. This place was important to him, the conclusion brought a passing musing of if this feeling existed in other places important to Talon.

It amused him doubly to not only be referred to as a gentleman but to hear that his size had still be underjudged. But then the woman began pacing about him sizing him up as everyone else in the smaller room watched on. There eyes were nothing compared to the Primarch's eyes upon him. They didn't make him feel exposed and frail. Lifting his head high as she assessed him.

"Single handed blades, Tower. I have been trained more in the moving wall or battering ram for my Unit. I get in my opponents face, make them have to deal with me, take the brunt of the attacks while they maneuvered the battlefield to strike from the flank or rear. My job is to hold attention."

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 8:57 pm
by Talon

After hearing what Baudric had to say, Ashara picked up a tower shield that looked just big enough to be suitable for him. She handled it as though it weighed no more than a few pounds despite clearly being made of steel. She extended it to Baudric so that the knight could test it out for himself.

Thank you, Ashara. I will take it from here.” Talon stepped forward into the room. In his right hand he carried a solid black scabbard that had decorative blood red writing along the shaft. The hilt of the blade formed the head of a dragon with the sword itself clearly jutting out from what appeared to be its maw. A clear gemstone with scarlet lines interwoven into the interior of the gem decorated the pommel of the sword. Talon himself remained dressed in his black vestments. He entered the room, giving a nod to Ashara as she bowed and saw herself out.

Every object in this shop has either been forged by my hand or was done so under my guidance by one of my associates.” Talon walked up to observe Baudric as he took hold of the tower shield. “That shield was forged from steel and enchanted to be as light as a feather. It is reinforced with kinetic magic and enhanced to be able to withstand incredible force. If used well, it can be a bulwark against many an obstacle.

Talon extended the scabbard to Baudric.

This sword was one of the first truly great weapons that I have ever made. It is time for it to find a worthy owner.” The sword was certainly large enough to be used as a single-handed blade by Baudric. Beneath his fingers, Talon could feel the blade practically vibrate with magical power. He remembered every painstaking moment he had spent crafting it. Though he hesitated to part with it for even a moment, he knew that going into the fight with the demon ahead of them, it was best to ensure all of them were suitably armed. He could think of no finer weapon than the one in his hand at that moment. The amount of blood, sweat, and even tears that had gone into forging it had taught him many lessons.

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:45 pm
by Baudric
Grasping the grip after sliding his arm through, his eyes widened slightly at the shield. Indeed it was very finely crafted. Better than anything given to him as standard issue with the Legion. Which in itself was no joke either. How could it when they were meant to fight demons. He opened his mouth to ask about its make but was quickly interrupted by Talon's voice calling over. Baudric watched a very different man walk his way. Not the Talon he had met in the hospital, not the Talon that assisted Telion in purging him of corruption. No this was a man who carried himself like a seasoned warrior. He glanced over to Aoren to see that he looked upon this man with a complex pride, But it was pride for certain.

Talon stopped before him. Speaking about his work with everything here. To be allowed to use such a shield was overwhelming, his ambitions could be achieved with this single item alone, he thought. He opened his mouth to speak once again but stopped as Talon began again, handing him a claymore. To anyone else anyway. But for him it fit in his grasp as though it was a Long sword. Wait, Worthy owner?
"I beg your pardons, I am certainly grateful that you would entrust these to me, truly. When I asked for you to arm me for the battle I did not think you would present such fine instruments. Are you certain about this? I would just be gracious enough to take a basic blade and shield and still help you. I may be Imperium, but I cannot turn away from innocent people caught in the reach of my calling and duty. Even as a loan, I must needs know that you are certain for me to take up these arms."

His face was calm and steady as he looked into Talon's eyes. His own clear as crystal reflecting the light around them from the golden flecks. He needed to know Talon would not regret this choice for if by some stroke of bad luck either were to be lost or damaged in any sense of the word. He would not forgive himself.

"I knew a man back home, his creations were like his children. Each one pains takingly crafted and cared for. I know this can't be easy for you to part with. These are not just some equipment. I know that. So please, speak true."

Re: Fit for Duty [Talon]

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:04 pm
by Talon

I have seen your soul, Ser Baudric. While I cannot say for certain I understand all of what I have seen, I know that you have the makings of a great protector in you.” Talon looked over the Orkhan Avialae, his expression largely blank. He extended the sword to Baudric once again. He allowed the knight to grasp it and as soon as it was in Baudric’s hand, Talon pulled the scabbard free of the sword. A blood red blade lined with an ebony sharp edge was revealed. Along the flat of the blade were carved runes in Silandris, the language of the Siltori elves. The sword extended from a hilt that was designed to look like the maw of a dragon, with a jewel that contained thin red lines like a web of veins in the pommel.

This is Xue Ya, Bloodfang.” Talon looked upon the sword. Within him spun several emotions. Pain. Triumph. Bitterness. Happiness. Anger. Relief. He was sure that all of those emotions passed across his expression as he did not try to hide them. Bloodfang brought with it a weight of many things as he recalled the memories that went into its forging. Some of them were happy ones. Other ones were not. It was a blade that already had a story attached to it but he would not share the fullness of it that day.

This was one of the first truly masterful swords that I ever forged. It remains one of the strongest as well. The edge of this blade will cut through material lesser than itself and suffer no dulling of its sharpness. It will never stain. It will never rust. It will channel magic far greater than an ordinary sword. The blade has other gifts but…” He gave Baudric a small smile. “I think that you should discover them for yourself.

Talon stepped back, gesturing to one of the training dummies that had been set up in the room. Aoren came to stand by his side. His elemental eyes watched Baudric closely, gauging his reaction carefully.

The sword is yours, provided you remain worthy of it in my eyes.” He was not sure what compelled him to give Baudric that sword but it felt right. Very shortly, he would have the opportunity to see whether or not his assessment of the man proved to be true.