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Into the Vault

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:33 pm
by Riven

Riven could have stayed like that forever. In silence, his forehead just touching Taelian's as their breathing synchronized, their nude bodies covered up to their waists by the sheets, the exhilarating feeling of the experience they just had shared still lingering in their minds. His left forearm kept his side suspended over the futon while his right hand absent-mindedly ran over Taelian's waist up to his ribcage and back down, slowly, periodically, feeling his soft skin and the light, strong curves of his torso. He couldn't stop thinking about Taelian and himself; the heat, the masculinity that filled the air, the pleasure. He was still assimilating what he'd just done. He had always thought he'd be jumping and flying around while screaming, but what he was doing was actually perfect.

He smirked; he just remembered how they had finished, how he had rushed to the small washing room to spot himself in the mirror and laughed. And, ruined one of Taelian's towels washing his face. It had to be done though. Taelian just stared at himself with an inquisitive look on his handsome face, his lips slightly bending upwards. Chuckling, Riven shook his head, laying his forehead on Taelian's again. He leaned in for a brief kiss on his lips though; being able to take those small tokens of Taelian's love meant the world to him.

They stayed like that for several minutes as the light that bathed the room through the paper windows got brighter; Riven noticed a slight change on Taelian's expression. The Siltori's bright eyes had changed somehow; they went from getting lost in Riven's to stare right at them. And then, a request. And an offer. Story for story; the chance to discover the person in front of each other, to try to grasp their essences even if just barely. And Riven nodded; he agreed. He wanted to listen to Taelian; hear his story. He knew the elf; he needed to know what had made him be the man he so deeply loved.

But still... There was a black corner in the bottom of Riven's brain; a vault he would refuse to open and kept oozing its dark influence on Riven's mind. He didn't feel strong enough to open it still... But looking into Taelian's confident complexion, his hand on Riven's chest reassuringly... He was strong enough to face it at least; to acknowledge what was there and banish it again to its deeps. "There's some stories I just can't tell you, Taelian. I'd like to be honest with you... But I just can't bring myself to speak about those things. I don't expect you to understand... But I hope you trust me enough to know I'm telling you the truth." He explained, gulping, but managed to look into his eyes as he continued. "I will tell you any other story. I'll answer all the questions I can answer... And I'll definitely listen to anything you want to tell me. I love you; I want to know why." He said, leaning in and kissing Taelian, cupping his jaw tenderly as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss, his short beard rubbing on Taelian's cheeks. He pulled out with a shy smile.

"Go ahead. Ask."

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:54 am
by Taelian

His eyes lingered softly upon Riven's complexion as he spoke of his hesitation, at least in regards to some things; the stories that he would not, or supposedly could not, tell. Taelian couldn't claim to perfectly understand that. There was nothing that he was unwilling to talk about, at least with Riven. But he did not take it as an insult, or a sign that he was not trusted, or loved; it was an issue that Riven needed to contend with that had nothing to do with him. He was certain the Avialae would have seen it that way, too, and so he was satisfied with that.

The only thing was -- the man didn't tell him what was off-limits, so he was stuck blindly asking questions and hoping none of them stung. Taelian did not want to ask safe, innocent questions this day. He could learn the man's favorite color or musical instrument, or flower, or whatever couples liked to learn about one another... anytime. They could discuss frivolous things like that as they jogged through the wilderness, or ascended to the hilltops, or returned once more to the springs. This, unlike those fun but regular things, was special -- a moment that would never come again, in the same way. It was the moment after their first act of inseparable intimacy, where the two made clear to one another just how strong the love was that they shared.

Taelian had never felt closer to Riven. Or to anyone. It was closer than familial affections, as people often ascribed to their partners. It was something else, wholly; the other man was like a lost part of himself that, now, had come together with him. He felt complete, laying at his side like he was.

And so... certainly, now was the time to learn about him. Everything that he could. Eyes poised towards the ceiling, Taelian uttered his first question.

"What was your journey like? From Lorien to here?" he asked. Taelian took the man's hand in his and smiled, softly, bringing Riven's fingers to Taelian's own smoothly textured chest. He parted his lips, again, to speak. "I know you didn't ask, but I'll tell you how I came here. I was ordered to come to Kalzasi by Aldrin Sil'Jalus, the leader of the Black Remedy. I left with another Ebon Knight named Elindra, who had been sent to operate in Arlain. The first part of our journey was long and uneventful; we roamed quietly through the barren countryside of Sil-Elaine, looking for a train operated by a group of Famished like me. The Adh Nuaihm. Killed a few Dranoch along the way... and then we boarded, surrounded by refugees in that underground train, it--"

He smiled. "It was really grand to me. Even back then. I couldn't believe how far the resistance against the Dranoch had come, to operate an underground train that ran to Carine. Sadly, a Cardinal had managed to infiltrate the passengers, and he attacked the car ahead of me during the journey to Daravin. Elindra fought him at her lonesome and died." Taelian had been too afraid to go. Or maybe just . . . hesitant. He wanted to know the circumstances before he leaped forward, and that was the moment where he performed Searing for the first time.

"The rest of the journey was precarious. There were earthquakes -- in fact the Cardinal that had snuck onto the train attacked during the first of them -- and there were Dread Mist... Dust Storms, as the Daravain call them, lingering from above and polluting the air, even underground. But eventually the train managed to make its landing, and we were brought to Carine on the edge of the Imperial Badlands," he said. Taelian's eyes were lit up in a way that one did as they reminisced; he was enjoying speaking of these things, even though they weren't long ago.

"The Badlands were difficult," he whispered. "I was alone during that part of the journey. I stole a man's horse, but I couldn't ride it very well," he laughed. "It threw me off and ran away -- I found its corpse two days later as I continued wandering west, covered in bugs and dug into the sand. Then . . ."

Taelian blushed. He realized he'd been going into far too much detail. The Siltori tried, then, to bring things back together. "I'm sorry. I found my way to Arlain and managed to bribe one of the portal-guards to let me use one of the permanent doorways to go to Amoren. I took a Skyship, then, to Alfsos and then a swift Korkann vessel to the Free Cities. I saw so many things. I had never left Sil-Elaine, you see; I was so used to the grime, the rot, watching the people around me cough and wheeze and sometimes die right on the streets. I was used to seeing every guard, every person of money, as someone who saw me as livestock. And I was, back then, surrounded by perpetual danger. Not here, though. Not here."

Taelian nodded. Not with Riven -- that was what he really meant. He had never felt safer than right now. It was so good to know that feeling.

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:14 pm
by Riven

Taelian was hesitant; Riven couldn't blame him. He had placed a verbal trap and now the Siltori was trying to tiptoe around it. He still didn't feel too good about doing that; Taelian would be scared to hurt his feelings... But even if he went in hard, he couldn't know. Riven would just skip the question and everything would be okay. He smiled at him reassuringly, encouraging him to ask Riven a question that mattered. Having Taelian's hand on his chest helped as well; it was some kind of magic filling him with courage. Hadn't he seen him fully naked just an hour ago, he would have wondered if the elf was actually a master of Mesmer as well.

"What was your journey like? From Lorien to here?" Riven's throat tied into a knot. That stroke close... But the more he thought about it, the more he was ready to talk about certain things with Taelian. His hardened complexion started to soften as he gaped his mouth open, but the Siltori decided to tell Riven about his journey... And Riven wanted to listen. That was important.

And so many different things to listen to: the leader of the Black Remedy, the Famished again, and there it was. Taelian was one of them, for sure now. His escape and loss in the underground train and the terrible lands of Daravin... He could relate to that. He would have stolen a horse if it wasn't for the heavy pair of wings in his back. He had wanted to steal one himself when he was the most tired. And then... Portals and skyships? There was so much of the world Riven hadn't seen. What astonished him the most was the fact that Taelian talked about his escape happily, laughing, almost with glee. He didn't seem to mourn all the loss, to remember all that fear. Maybe because it had all been worth it, like Riven's. But the Avialae wasn't so fond of his own travel. It seemed Taelian still had things to teach him.

He held his hand against the elf's chest, softly stroking his chest as he confirmed Taelian was done with his story. He didn't feel the need to say anything... And he owned Taelian his own story.

"To answer your question... It was rather hard. I think I've mentioned it before; an Argent knight had chosen me to serve in the knighthood, and so had me train in lethal combat in... Hard ways. I was treated rather... poorly. So, on the night of my fifteenth birthday, I decided I had to leave and see the world. I fled at midnight; I knew I wouldn't last long if I stayed in Lorien, so I had to head south to the wild borderlands of Turoth. I had grabbed food and gold, and for the first time, I finally felt free." He said, smiling. Was that what Taelian felt about his own journey? Riven guessed it was; the freedom, the end of the cage trapping him, the ability to make choices for the first time. "It was rough; gold loses some part of his value with desperation and the lack of a system, but I had to eat, so I was overcharged from time to time. I headed east; the more I walked, the faster I realized there had to be someone sent to... fetch me back." He said; he had severely undervalued that fear.

"I reached Daravin. I only saw the north though... And I stayed out of large populations to avoid suspicions. Thing is... Daravinians didn't trust me at all. My gold quickly faded... And I had resorted to begging to farmers. I remember a Siltori opening his door, looking at me, saying whatever he said in Sylvain and then spitting in my face. That day stealing from his barn hadn't been as bad as other days in other farms." He explained with a half smile; he bet Taelian wasn't impressed. From what he'd heard from him, Riven had only seen the most benign parts of Daravin. If those were good, Riven was glad he hadn't seen the bad ones. "Anyway... I actually stockpiled food for some time and I climbed the Gravekeep mountains on my own... And then I got to the Wildking's forge." He started to understand how Taelian related to his memories; he was barely feeling anything after he omitted the crippling fear and constant paranoia he had felt on his journey. Like that, the story was a somewhat true but empty husk of a tale.

"I met the Dratori communities there. They fed me and kept me healthy as I advanced towards the west; they guessed I was going back home. At the time I didn't know the Synnekar actually existed; I guess that's forbidden information in Lorien. At least it was to me. I managed to reach Antiris with their help; Ash was ending and soon most of the trees would have lost their leaves, so I was rushing. And then..." He stopped; what happened in Antiris blocked his throat for a second and made him feel dizzy; he closed his eyes and leaned on Taelian as he tried to breathe, not loudly enough for him to hear but with his chest rising and lowering fastly for air, almost like if he hyperventilated. He ended up gasping against his will until he could breathe again, opening his eyes to look at Taelian with a pained smile.

"Er... I got rather...sick. And injured, but I just couldn't stop. There was something waiting for me; winged men, a safe place, somewhere to eat warm... I didn't know, but I just made my last effort. I climbed the Astralar mountains terribly wrecked... and I landed on the state of the most powerful Great House of Kalzasi. And they took me in, luckily. The whole journey was 149 days, I think. I ruined a birthday." He said, chuckling, remembering how Talon had taken care of him. Talon. He quickly dismissed the tought, and looked at Taelian. He had so much to ask. "That was my journey. I don't think I remember it as fondly... But still. I don't regret getting here."

"I answered... I think you're going now, then. I--I just need to know. You've mentioned it a couple of times." He said, looking into Taelian's eyes. He held his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "You're Famished, Taelian." It wasn't a question, but a statement. It was true. "I still don't know what it means though. I've been looking for the word in the Academy but it simply doesn't show up even in the few books that mention your sigil. What... What does it mean? Does it make you...?" He stopped there. He didn't want to offend Taelian, and he didn't know how to make the question without offending him. He just hopped the siltori would understand.

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:57 pm
by Taelian
The Siltori listened to the man as he detailed his whole journey. It was... long. Much longer and more arduous than Taelian's, which was largely typical and which moved directly through the traditional, proper channels. It appeared he had been actively fleeing something, and abrupt cuts within the story potentially further illuminated that fact, particularly in relation to his sudden and unexplained injury. Though it could've been an accident; random.

The culmination of the story perhaps interested him the most. His landing. The Greatest House in Kalzasi -- or, the Novalys. He had been in the city long enough to know. And he supposed that would be his next question.

But first...

Taelian listened to Riven's own query, and sighed.

Does it make you...?

Immediately, his eyes narrowed. Of course, he knew this would come up eventually; it was inevitable that it would. In fact, it had to come up . . . in order for the man to truly understand him. The two of them would have so many bridges to cross in the future, and this one would only be the first of many. But it was one that would loom over them forever; always, with no chance of change. It was a detracting quality that Taelian could never forgive himself for -- a thing that had always made him feel inferior to others around him, who were not butchered so fundamentally.

"I suppose I should feel flattered that you looked."

The smallest of smiles developed upon his complexion, though undoubtedly it was fake. It wasn't that he was angered with or agitated by Riven, or even slightly bothered by the way the man had approached the topic. He wanted to talk about it tonight; he had intended to, and he was glad that Riven had asked. It meant that what he was soon to share would be more meaningful.

He was anxious, though. Really, genuinely afraid. He didn't expect the other man to up and leave him -- he didn't even think there was any way Riven could possibly understand. But what he knew was that it would change things. Somewhere in his lover's heart would lie a morsel of pity, and somewhere a morsel of doubt, and perhaps somewhere the smallest shadow of discontent, smothered by goodwill and high-minded intentions.

Taelian was, again, an expert wallflower. He knew that Riven knew, somehow already, what being Famished truly meant. The name told it well enough. It was to be starved... of everything.

"I want to tell you a story that I think will help you understand what it is to be Famished," he said, turning to look at the other man. A wider and more genuine smile graced his lips; he wanted Riven to listen closely, to follow him along in his journey. It was the only way it would mean what he needed for it to mean -- if it was fully absorbed.

"My parents died when I was young. Of infection, like with so many people in Sil-Elaine. Grime and muck, physical and arcane, is everywhere coating every surface; volatile bulbs of brewing fumes grow from the soil and spit illness into our blood, sanitation is poor and the air is filled with particles of Sunder-corrupted dust. They died in horrific conditions. I remember... feeling sad. Crying a lot; how could I not, after all? Not only were the foundations of my life dead and gone, but I was likely gone with them. I wouldn't have to be afraid for very long -- I would be with them soon. Certainly. An orphan child could never survive the streets of Silfanore. Certainly..."

He reminisced. It was all a very long time ago, and now it meant nothing. Riven was closer to family than anyone since then -- and perhaps even before. His parents had never been the best at fulfilling their duties to him.

"I think you understand that a child undergoes a level of shock and sorrow that is incomparable to us adults. While we can feel both wonder and unimaginable pain, there are few things that can scar an adult for so long a time as they can scar a child. Moments of fear, truly understood; abuse, neglect, rejection and shame. I want you to remember this imagery; of a young child laying awake every night and sobbing until he no longer could. As if he'd run out of tears. As if they needed to recuperate before he could continue forward. That was my life, Riven; pure pain. For a while..."

He looked to the ceiling. His smile expanded even more, but relaxed into the corners of his lips. He looked... happy. Remembering everything. It was so difficult for him to feel like this in any other situation, but with Riven, he almost forgot that he bore the Black Sigil at all.

"But eventually, love and joy came into my life again. I truly bonded with another boy my age, a Dratori named Lethiril. I spent every day with him, and often slept in his home at night. I would play with him and imagine my future out in the world's wide expanse -- him at my side. I guess, before you, there was only one other that I ever considered giving my heart to, even though I was nothing but an innocent child. That was Lethiril. Someone who made me feel protected, even though in our group I was the strong and steadfast one. He and his family provided me with hope. I spent every day just -- overjoyed. That things could truly change; that I could find myself surrounded by love once more. And then--"

"They left. Lethiril's family went away like I worried they would, smuggled out of the city in order to pursue a better life. They left me behind. Of course, I cried for days once more; weeks. But his presence in my life awakened me to a possibility -- that I could be loved again. Even if I had to find a new family once more, I knew I could find one that would accept me. I was strong, and I was brave, and I wanted more out of life. I wanted to be someone worth giving a home to in someone's heart, a tinderbox for their hearth. But the home I found was not the one I expected. It was... it was the Remedy."

Tears welled at his eyes. He could not believe it. They had not formed into tears, but they were there, a wet gloss that made his skin feel swollen to the touch. Taelian frowned with shaky lips, his voice beginning to tremble. He remembered. The moments after that. Not how they felt, but how afraid he was of the fact that he didn't feel anything.

"In a moment, Riven, all of that was gone." He... began to cry. His voice truly shook within his words, and he spoke somehow weakly, though he continued to do so and quickly managed to fight back the swelling in his throat and the downpour of emotions. "I lost everything, Riven. Any chance at ever finding a place where I could be loved -- or where I could love. Where I could be me. The Sigil... th-the, the way they made me... a Famished. That's what being a Famished is, Riven. A life of such emptiness. A life where not even the most resolute of men can dream. But I was one of the earlier ones, and my transformation was flawed. I still had feeling. I had a closer connection to my soul. It was all so much weaker, and utterly more volatile, but something living in me remained. Enough to look above, from the crypts of the Citadel Gallows, at the things that I would never have. Enough to chase the things that I would never reach. I never expected to love anyone, Arlaed. And certainly never to be loved. But yet -- you have given me both. And for that..."

Taelian paused for a moment. He looked... truly, truly glad. Even as tears pooled at the corners of his nostrils, and touched the edges of his lips.

"For that, my one and only, I will always be grateful to you. You will always be the most important aspect of my life. I've looked so long for a meaning despite my affliction; something to gravitate towards. Something to make everything feel... worth it. That meaning, Riven -- is you."

He kissed him. And held him close. And once again turned away from sorrow to exuberant, jovial grinning, laying his head into the masculine boundary of Riven's upper chest. He was... so glad.

"By the way--" he interrupted himself, though he did not cease burying himself in the other man's burly pectorals. "What did you mean when you said the Novalys took you in? Did they like... adopt you, or something? Do we have a prince in our midst?" he laughed, lightly. Taelian was only glad to be in the presence of the other man. Above any other thing.

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 10:53 pm
by Riven

Riven had a harder time reading Taelian's expression than usual. It almost shifted, like two feelings battling to fill the main space of his mind; it seemed inevitable that one would win, but Taelian was making an effort not to show the turmoil Riven's question had created in his head. Riven felt sorry for him; he wanted to stop him, tell his lover that he didn't need an answer at that moment and that it was okay. But he felt hypocritical; the stronger side of him, his inherent curiosity and need to understand the world's most intrincate and invisible nuances, needed to know. He needed to know what could cause someone as collected as Taelian such uneasiness. And the Siltori managed to take out a little fake grin and a joke that Riven couldn't laugh about, given the inconsistency with his previous expression. The elf looked... Scared. Scared of what, though? But Riven could make a guess; scared of what would happen if he gave the Avialae an answer. Scared of making things change. And still, he seemed determined to do what Riven couldn't. He felt a profound admiration for Taelian; he was going to risk taking a step Riven couldn't even start thinking about. His natural answer was an encouraging smile and yet another hand squeeze. He wanted his lover to know he would stick to him no matter what, but he still tried to respect his space to tell a story.

Taelian smiled as an answer; he had resolved to turn the explanation into a story, and Riven braced himself. If it was what he thought, it wouldn't be a nice one. And he was right, of course. Starting with Taelian's parents'd death wasn't the best way to set a cheerful tone... But Riven was pretty sure the story would not be cheerful at all. His hand slid to Taelian's waist; he slid the elf closer to him and laid his forehead on Tae's silver hair, closing his eyes for a second to stress that Riven was there with him, and would be. Taelian wasn't alone anymore. He kissed his forehead softly, pulling back while still holding his waist to listen. His heart broke imagining a little Taelian alone in a world full of filth and corruption; at least Lorien remained pure, even if the argent knights made death a daily threat. He rubbed his beloved's back as Taelian's demeanor started turning darker. But still, he couldn't help but find the similarities in their stories; objectively, Taelian's seemed darker and way more disheartening, but Riven could clearly remember his own crying nights as a little boy. His terrible, bleeding injuries. Crying out in the night for a good mom or a dad, even if he knew they wouldn't come get him. His magical awakening. The verbal abuse he constantly suffered. The smell of his favorite book burning in the fireplace as he was pulled back to the fortress to train. He had lived terrified on a daily basis, and he could understand Taelian's deeply banished sorrow. The elf was smiling; Riven just didn't know what to do about it. It seemed natural, but stemming from his own pain, Riven just couldn't understand how he'd gotten to ignore those feelings so blatantly. They clearly weren't gone. A part of him envied Taelian; he wanted to be able to talk about his issues without breaking down and shutting out, but no matter how hard he tried, he was a shaky mess and the eight foot and a half titan became a little kid again. He breathed in; Taelian's story was affecting him more than he'd expected. He leaned in, stroking the back of his hair, and managed to smile a bit.

And Lethiril came into the story. Riven's grin widened; he was glad Taelian had such a positive influence; he had the Curate, who played a fatherly role, but it was not the same. Riven would have liked to have a true friend; maybe he wouldn't have been so lonely. It even seemed Taelian had felt something strong for him; childhood feelings were complicated. Riven wasn't bothered at all; it was really cute. The story had taken a brighter turn... Until Taelian was abandoned again. Riven wasn't surprised; he really knew things wouldn't be so easy. And then the elf's complexion went grim.

Taelian's eyes were bright, watery; his smile had finally broken down and the tears were starting to flow. Riven hugged him close; the boy was starting to shake. He let Taelian rest his head on his shoulder as he tried to keep talking, but they stayed there for a minute before he could actually keep going on a rather weak voice about what being Famished truly meant. It broke Riven's heart; for him, emotion was his source of drive now; he felt things rather intensely, and just the image of that empty void seemed... terrifying. Something so atrocious, he couldn't understand what could even justify that. And Taelian's face... gods. He hugged him again, closer, tighter. Riven was there. He wasn't going anywhere. His blood started boiling in rage; for a second, the only wish in his mind was getting to Silfanore and burning the Remedy to the ground for doing that to children. His jaw clenched; he forced himself to calm down. He just couldn't bear the fact that someone had torn something essential in Taelian just like that. He had felt something similar (at least he thought it could be similar) twice, and they had been some of the worst moments of his life. It still wasn't the same, but Taelian's suffering resonated deeply inside of his heart. He hugged his lover until he could calm down; he hated seeing Taelian like that... But he couldn't help it. Asking him not to cry would be putting even more boundaries to his feelings.

And then Taelian smiled... And managed to make Riven smile as well. Their love was real; it was powerful, and apparently, a force that could push against Taelian's curse. Riven could still see slight nuances of the sigil... But truth be told, when they were together, Taelian's emotions seemed more intense than his own many times, even hard to control; he wasn't surprised, given the Siltori had less experience. He felt happy to be a part of that; to allow Taelian to open up to a wide range of emotions he thought he had lost, to find meaning in his life, even if Riven knew he wasn't the only thing that drove the elf. He felt grateful; grateful of the amazing lover he had, and grateful that he could be there to help fix something so wicked and that made him suffer that much. He dried his tears with a kiss on his cheek, close to his nose, and then aimed lower, kissing him deeply, cupping his jaw and his wet cheeks with a large hand as they tilted heads, their tongues slowly expressing a wide and deep love for each other. He let Talian dive into his chest after that, leaning backwards so the elf could rest his head on Riven's pectorals.

He laughed at Taelian's question was muffled by his strapping pecs; he stroked Taelian's hair as he let his head drop on the pillows, looking at the ceiling. It was a pretty fair question, and one he could honestly answer. And the story was rather happy; it was the story of how Riven's life had improved radically.

"I'm no prince. House Novalys has never adopted me, and I'm not considered one of them by most standards. I told you I wasn't a noble; I would have known of their oppression plans for wingless little boys like you back in the mountains." He said, smirking; facts were he had never been nobility, and he held no real power whatsoever. "It's a strange story to tell... But I'll try not to get lost." He said, smiling as he looked down at Taelian, his chin on Riven's chest as his silver eyes were riveted on his Arlaed. "Well... I told you. I was badly injured and sick, and I crashlanded on the estate. It just so happened to be Talon's; I mean, the heir's, seventeenth birthday, so everyone was in the garden and witnessed me land. I fully broke one of my wings as I landed on it and I was so exhausted and wrecked I immediately passed out. Next time I remember is Talon watching me on a room his family prepared for me; I was full of bandages and heavily drugged, but I still could feel the pain if I tried to move. Talon had moved earth and sky to let me stay there; I'm a Kathar, so my people aren't exactly loved in Kalzasi even if I'm the first one they see in a long time. The... Lord of the house, Savien, hated me. He still does; he used to think I was some sort of stupid spy sent by the Rien. He wanted to kick me out of the city immediately and he couldn't care less about me dying from my injuries; I was told this later. Talon managed to convince his mother first, then his fater, persuading him to show hospitality as an example to the rest of the houses and being responsible for my behavior." He smiled; he really owed Talon much. As much as his father was a jerk, he had ended up feeling warmly welcome by the prince. "So yeah, he is my best friend, mentor... You name it. He is the prince; I'm just the prince's companion. I healed over time; when I was fully done recovering, thanks to a doctor from another house, I was ready to move out of the palace. Talon's father wouldn't have me in that building a minute more. I relocated to a little empty hut in Talon's gardens and promised to take care of them as payment for letting me stay; I still do. And I slowly adjusted to life in Kalzasi; I became one of the prince's bodyguards and trained with him, went to the Academy from time to time to learn... Talon has always watched over me and has helped me blend in, in spite of my looks and my accent." He said, his smile plastered on his face; he was the only person he had gotten truly close to; Talon had been there the first day of his new life, and had never left his side.

"I've also been there for him; he went on his Warren March... I don't know if you've heard about it. Noble kids, mostly Avialae, go down to the warrens in order to pull out a dragonshard to symbolize their growth to adulthood. It's crazy dangerous; most participants die or never recover from the experience. I thought Talon had died when he crawled out of the pit; I spent a week without sleeping waiting for him to wake up." He said, shivering. Remembering that wasn't his cup of tea, but at least it was bearable. "I also took mine. Lord Savien was opposed at first... but then, I guess he decided it was a good oportunity for me to prove I was one of his people or even better, die trying. So I went down to the pit for the first time... and, stubborn as I was to prove myself to the Synnekar that despised me... I decided to look for two shards instead of one. I made one of the longest runs ever recorded because of that; most people had left me for dead by the time I went up. I had achieved my goal... But the price I paid was too high." He closed his eyes strongly; he tried to think about any other thing but that. "I had mental sequelae; I wasn't myself for some time. I just felt like an empty husk. I don't remember much, really, but I didn't know who I was or what I was meant to do; I couldn't even see what was in front of me, and the few times I saw something it was horrifically distorted. I had completely shut down... and I don't know if I would have on my own, but Talon brought me back. I'll be eternally grateful." He said, and his face reflected it. His relationship with Talon was as solid as a boulder, and yet... There they were, Taelian and him, naked in the same bed. A dark thought crossed his mind; it was swiftly dispelled as he pulled Taelian upwards a bit to kiss him deeply, tilting his head slightly to the side. He embraced him close, feeling the Knight's warmth.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, Taelian." He said, letting the man lean on his chest again, Riven continuously running a hand trough his wavy hair. "How was life... Before all of that? In Silfanore, I mean. When your parents were still alive. You seemed... I don't know. Rather happy." He asked with a soft smile. He hoped his question didn't backfire. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it though." He said, leaning in to lay a soft kiss on his blond locks. "We can stop for a second, If you want to. This can be too much."

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:04 am
by Taelian

The whole time Taelian shared his story, Riven had been unmistakably kind to him. He held him close, cradling Taelian in his naked warmth, kissing the Siltori throughout his harrowing tale as he subsequently rubbed his skin. He felt that their bodies organically fit with one another. He melded perfectly into the form of his taller lover, and Riven wrapped perfectly around him; Taelian felt so small in his grasp, as he never thought he would, but it was a feeling that somehow became normal. And... he liked it. Their differential in size had never been an issue to him; Riven made him feel protected, even if Taelian was quite a fighter on his own. Throughout his tale, Taelian couldn't deny that he felt loved. It made the telling easier, and the tears flow without hesitation.

It made him realize that to Riven, being Famished was not the end-all. Perhaps it was not even a flaw, just an aspect of Taelian's character that did not need to change or be erased. Though he wished it could be. He found that... while some time ago he had stopped caring about his condition, Riven made him want to be normal again. He started to fantasize about a future where he held the full, possible range of emotions. Where he could be whole for his lover. Taelian... a strangely passionate and idealistic young man, imagined a life where the two of them were married and had children of their own. And he did not want for their children to look upon him and see emptiness. The void, as they told him that they loved him. The void, as he fakely smiled back and whispered a dull 'I love you' in return.

He did not want to see Riven like that, either. This streak of affection would not go on forever, as much as he adored the other man. Eventually, he would want to recede, to become a pile of nothing that felt nothing and was desired by nothing. It was always so -- it always ended up being that way.

Taelian listened to the other man's story -- of how he came to grow into his life in Kalzasi, alongside the House of Novalys as Taelian roughly guessed he did. He was not a Noble, but the companion of a Noble. The dear friend to the city's heir, who... he supposed sounded quite kind. Talon. The Elf would remember the name; it was clearly one of significance to the other. Taelian could not ignore the slightest sting of jealousy grip him as he spoke so fondly of his friend, but he knew that such an emotion with so little reasoning was irrational at best, and he resolved to ignore it. That man was not a threat to him. The Knight quickly realized amidst their time with one another, this morning, that no one could replace him. He had become a core aspect of Riven's life, and Riven his own, the two carrying passions for one another that could not be replicated with ease.

So, he continued to listen, any juvenile emotions dissolving as he did. He felt worry for the other man as he spoke of his endeavor into the Warrens, for what damage had been done. He attempted to go far above and beyond what was expected of him, and somehow he survived. Taelian smiled faintly in recognition; Riven was exactly the brilliant man that he knew him to be. He was brave, strong at heart and skilled at the things he committed to. Throughout their conversation, he was reminded constantly as to why he loved him. And why he always would.

"They sound like they've been good to you, Riv," the Siltori nodded. "I'm glad."

His lips curled into a small, but endearing, smile. "They helped shape you into the courageous, loving man that you are. The one that I so adore. So -- I'm grateful to them, too."

Taelian kissed the other, crawling upward to meet him face-to-face before delving in and assailing his lips and tongue with his own. The Silver Elf laughed as he did so.

The other man asked him about his family. His life before it all. Taelian's grin softened and his eyes peered... upward, as if he were searching his mind for something. Memories. They were faded, far gone.

"It wasn't that great, to be entirely true. My family was not the most happy." It wasn't a glamorous story, but it was the truth of their dynamic. Mostly... mediocrity, as a family unit. For a plethora of reasons. "My father was a handsome man. He was renowned in Sil-Elaine for his looks, his charm, the suave way in which he spoke. But he was utterly and totally poor, with little marketable skills save for a charming smile and cunning wit. He was a con-artist, really; a bloody sorry one at that," Taelian broke out into soft laughter.

"My mother was a Sil. Names don't really totally signify class anymore, but generally the Sil -- who were once the Nobility -- were still richer than the rest of the Elainians, on average. Sil actually means Lord, not Silver. Silver is a human interpretation of what it means, based on how we look. So, Siltori actually means 'Lord Elf', as we were once the domineers and rulers of Elven Kind," he explained. "Anyhow -- my mother was brought in by his charm and his manipulations. He convinced her that we would live a fruitful and wealthy life. That he was in the process of becoming the protege for a Dranoch Cardinal who had great influence in Morian and Silfanore, who would suspend us far beyond even the wealth she was raised with. So, with that and actual love for him at hand, she married him and they both had me. But everything fell through, and the two of them were forced to relocate to the Pyred Bedlam, where I was born. The absolute slum of Ransera. Perhaps the poorest and dirtiest place in our entire world. She was not happy."

He sighed. "She looked at me with a stare of contempt and distaste as often as with love. She was a spiteful woman, filled with displeasure at everything around her. I don't blame her, either; it made sense. She was raised not far outside of the Dusk Palisades, and was forced to live in absolute filth. Even then, though she had the option to return to her own family, she never abandoned me to do so. She stuck through, raising and nurturing me, until the moment she contracted an illness and died as a result. Before then? I suppose life was... good enough. I wasn't incredibly happy, but -- I was happier than what came after. And I would've gladly stuck with it, perhaps to the detriment of the Knights, if given the chance. Who knows, though; Silfanore is so chaotic. If they hadn't died to infection, perhaps they would've been absconded by the Dranoch and eaten alive. Perhaps they would've been made Famished, or I would have been. Or perhaps they would've escaped with me and Lethiril's family. My father knew his for a long time, after all. Perhaps they could've left together."

Taelian shook his head. There were many possibilities, but most of them he could not know. Only one of them had come to pass.

With that, his brief and unimpressive story was over. There was a lot more that he could've shared, and he would, but not now. Not yet.

"I know that you probably don't want to talk about your own," he put forward, bluntly. "I can tell how hesitant you are in regards to speaking of them, and your past with them. I see it every time the very thought crosses your mind, and somehow despite my poor empathy for others, I can read you quite well."

Taelian kissed him again. "So, I'm not going to reciprocate the question. Instead, I'm going to ask you this, my Arlaed: what do you love about me? I feel it... overflowing, all the time. The warmth that comes from you to me. The care and consideration. Why? From where did... all of this, stem? I was rude to you, at first, and then -- inconsiderate. I've belittled your experiences. I've..."

He exhaled. "I'm also a stupid, ignorant boy, whose heart is like a brazier lit and then chilled at random by the wind. Thanks to me being a Famished, I guess. But all the same; I feel I wish to marry you as often as I feel I wish to mock you. I'm a mess of a man. How do I deserve... this?" He gestured to Riven's body, and his complexion, all of him. Taelian had never felt himself fully worthy of it all.

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 10:04 pm
by Riven

"They've been really good to me, given the circumstances. There was a point where I started to fear execution even... But I was feverish and paranoid. And I think the... I mean, Talon's father has learned to live with the fact that I'm here to stay, so that's great." He said with a smirk. Riven was the mighty Savien Novalys' only known defeat and he was very proud about it. "No one's shaped you become the man you're right now though, Taelian. I don't think the remedy was ever capable of this--" He said, interrupting himself to kiss the elf again. "--and you still ended up becoming your own man, just by yourself. I'm not only glad, I'm proud." He said, smiling as they kissed again.

Taelian's smile weakened as he started to talk about his family though. Riven wasn't sure he'd made the right question, but the Siltori was not stopping, so he just resolved to stay quiet and listen to his story. And hope it would not go too wrong. Taelian seemed to be making a conscious effort; he had been really young when his parents had died. Riven bit his lower lip in a fast flash of anguish for his lover; he'd be more mindful later. He quickly smiled though, as Taelian started talking about his father. He knew where the elf's looks came from then; it seemed he had to thank his father for siring such a handsome boy. He couldn't imagine Taelian being as charming though... And suprisingly, he liked that. The image of such a suave, seductive Taelian crossed his mind; he softly chuckled, but then muted as he remembered the Remedy and Taelian's affliction. Maybe it wasn't so funny. Still... he loved Taelian the way he was now. That wouldn't change. He listened carefully; he knew about the meaning of Sil from a Siltori book he'd read in Lorien, but he was polite enough not to mention that and interrupt Taelian. Her mother's story was kind of disheartening. Taelian's parents seemed to love each other though... In a twisted, spiteful way. And they seemed to love Taelian. That was something Riven did not know, but he was glad Taelian had known it. Still, he hadn't ever lost his parents, and that did seem painful. He decided not to delve on that though when the Siltori was finished. "I guess this is going to sound naive because I don't know what it's like... But they loved you, Taelian. That's what matters the most, I guess." He said, holding his hands and pulling him close to a quick embrace.

"You should give yourself more credit than what you're given, love. It's true, I don't really like the subject. But... I guess I can tell you something." He said, sighing and breathing in. He owed Taelian that; and he also wanted him to understand a part of himself. "I never met my parents. At least, I don't remember them; only thing I know is that my father had to be an Avialae from Lorien, and my mother was probably Jastai to some degree. You know..." He rolled his eyes, pointing at his full height, head to toe. A deep, dark, closed corner of his mind screamed that it wasn't true; that he did know one of them. That he wasn't an orphan, but some kind of fucked up weapon. That part was way too deep for Riven to listen to; it was the most painful thing he stored. "I was raised in a small abbey in Nivenhain; a Curate--I mean, a priest raised me. He was an old Avialae man who had given up fighting. I always knew he wasn't my father, but he took good care of me and was my own source of happiness there. I was told by the priests that I was brought to them when I was a baby; I guess my mom was probably dead or abandoned me. They wouldn't tell me anything else, except my name." He explained, shrugging. It was like that; he had given up asking by the time he was ten. "I... I always wondered how'd it be to have parents; to live outside and play with other kids... But I never got to do that. Sometimes with the Curate, but they were mostly adult board games, or the Fowls... err, like priestesses. They liked to pretend I was their Celebrant lord when I was little and take me to the kitchens to get extra food, but I never enjoyed that kind of treatment. In hindsight, I appreciate them trying." He side smiled, but there was no nostalgia on his face. He did not miss that. "Things got colder there as I grew though. Guess there were... several reasons. Spoiling me in the slightest way got them in trouble. The Curate had a pass because all he did was bringing me books." Sighing, he laid back, pulling Taelian closer to him, letting him rest his head on Riven's chest.

It didn't last long though. There was... the other question. The one that had made Riven blush so hard and gave him the last push to talk about his own childhood, but now he had to face it. "And about your question... er... it's not easy to say, to be honest. It's not that I don't know!" He exclaimed, agitated. He was trying not to fuck up so hard. He loved Taelian for a plethora of things, and every hour there was something new. "I love you. I love... how you make me question myself in a way no one's ever done before; what do I want, how do I love... I love that you'll stick with me, even if you shouldn't. Even if... even if I've hurt you." He said, looking at him with a bittersweet mixture of regret and gratitude. "I love that you are truly yourself with me; I don't think you realize how deep your love, all of your emotions, can be. Famished or not... I can see your heart, Taelian. No need for Semblance or a Dratori. I love how you look at me; makes me feel wanted, interesting, valued, loved..." All of it was true; his voice was starting to tremble slightly, but that was how he felt. "I love your smile, and your little dimples; I don't think you're conscious of how cute you can be. It's warm, and joyful, and energetic. I love how handsome you are; I love your body, even more when you're... Like this." He landed a hand on Taelian's bare chest and leaned down to kiss him, softly, deeply. "I love... I love what we just did. I've never felt anything like that in my life." He stated, not able to refrain himself from grinning wide. "I love that you make active efforts to understand me and yourself; I love how mindful you can be. I love you you call me your Arlaed, even though I don't wanna butcher your beautiful language; I'm not sure, but I bet you're my Arlaed, Taelian." He rolled to his side, his face just in front of Taelian's, and gave him a soft kiss. "I love your inner fire. It's just like mine and so different at the same time. I'm not talking about the Sigil." He slid a hand through the back of his neck though; he pulled him closer again to kiss him, their heads tilting slightly as they went in deeper, their tongues twisting to fit each other. "I love loving you; there's nothing that's made me so happy. I love all of that about you, I love even more little things, and I discover a new thing every hour we spend together. You feel like home and an adventure to me at the same time, Taelian. That's all the things I love about you. Can't wait until the clock hits the next hours though."

He kissed Taelian again; he pushed himself over the elf, the sheets raising with Riven's waist as he leaned down to get closer to him, passionately, slowly, deeply. If he could name kisses, that would have been a summary kiss; a kiss that expressed all things said and unsaid. Suddenly, something clicked; a faint agitation that he had felt only once before, the feeling of his mind pushing through to join Taelian's, to express everything he couldn't with words, the strength of the feelings for Taelian Riven's heart boiled with, all of them finally reaching a destination; there was a window between their minds, suddenly... and Riven could feel Taelian's joy, and love towards him; pure, unnuanced emotions that hit both like a warm wind that swirled between their very souls. A Bond. Riven blinked; his wishes had found a way through. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss; he didn't explain anything that would ruin the experience as he held Taelian closer and rolled with him under the sheets, making him lay on Riven as they kept kissing, softly, intensely as their hearts did all the talking, Riven's hands sweetly cupping Taelian's angular jaw... and his soft, perfect rear end. He couldn't dream of anything else; when they finally needed air, Riven let him go, grinning at him stupidly wide, absolutely blissful.

"So... What do you love about me? The hotheaded sharvaloog with a need for your everflowing love, your loyalty, your passion..." He ran a hand between Taelian's head and the pillow as he stared into his ivory eyes, stroking his hair. "I... still don't understand how things have gone so fast. And yet... here we are, living and loving proof." He said, the dumb grin still plastered on his face, although softened by his fondness for Taelian.

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:00 am
by Taelian

Taelian nodded to the other man, a soft and earnest smile upon his face, as Riven told him that to some relative level of depth, his parents must have loved him. Taelian knew they did, and while his feelings for them were often mixed at best, he could not deny a feeling of jovial reminiscence as he recalled the way in which his father would regard him. The eagerness to which his mother always came to his side when he was ill, frightful or hungry.

"They would have loved you," he told the other man, the grace of a warm smile filling out his soft lips. He was thereafter embraced, a feeling that he melted into with ease. "With the way you regard me... the way you..." he trailed off. Taelian's brows relaxed into the crease overlooking his eyes and he closed them, both, allowing himself to focus on nothing but the sensation of warmth and the gentle, deliberate words that whistled kindly from Riven's lips. "I love you," he told him again. Taelian knew he would never grow tired of the words.

They moved on, and the topic that was raised was enough to invoke a level of curious intrigue in the Siltori. He had to confess that he was surprised, when the other man actually did detail his upbringing; how he was left at an abbey, not knowing his parents, raised by religious officials of varying importance, one particular man hailing from his own race. He threw around a few terms that were little-known to Taelian; Curate, Fowl... The more Riven told him about Lorien, the more he was interested in its strange and otherworldly affairs. Their fearful worship of the bird-things, the Kindred, that the Daravain he had met seemed to intensely fear. He remembered hearing of their fantastical acts of subversion and deceit, and truthfully, he believed those stories.

Though it was brief, it was nice to get an insight into Riven's past. It meant something to him. And, to all of that, Taelian only had a few words to state.

"It didn't take parental guidance to make you into a great man, Arlaed. You'll have time to learn what a family is like. The two of us, we--"

He stopped, and blushed profusely. Taelian realized he had gone, perhaps, a little too far.

But he was quickly brought back down to earth, or -- perhaps deeper into his fantasy. Riven brought him up to his chest to rest his head into the man's pectorals, a thing Taelian often liked to do, clearly with the other man's direct notice. Riven began to answer his question, and at first the Siltori laughed lightly as if to admit that he was far from impressed. But he knew the other man; he was kind. He would find something to say, and Taelian would love every word he uttered. He knew.

And he did.

I love you. I love how you...

It began. And the rest that followed was so... benign. Even if I've hurt you.

"You have never hurt me, Riven," he whispered. Taelian did not elaborate -- he wanted it to be known that the moment the Kathar had referred to was long gone. He'd never brought him pain.

The other man continued on. What Riven said next brought such serene giddiness to his heart; Taelian was smiling, from ear to ear, with an uplifting feeling of warmth filling his chest. His eyes started to gloss up and swell again, which only made him feel ridiculous, but he couldn't restrain it like he wanted to. It was, fortunately, limited to damp eyelids and thin streams of joyful expression from the corners of his eyes. Riven... recognized Taelian's love for him. How deep it went. He thought he must've been so bad at loving him; it was a feeling so new to him, or at least so far gone. If there was one thing alone that he had wanted to express to the other man, it was his love.

To Taelian, he was the whole world. All fear and ideology abated by his side; the Elf was made purely into a man again, pulled from the restraints of the Sigil's shell.

Yes... the question had not come yet, but it was perhaps one of the things he loved most about Riven. How he made him feel... simple. He could simply do, and be, without need for witty parley or a guarded awareness. He trusted him. That was it.

Wanted, interesting, valued, loved...

"You are all of those things," he told him. "And more."

The other man complimented his... face, his smile, how cute he was. Taelian blushed profusely; he was not often told such things. The Ebon Knight nodded shyly as he listened -- to how handsome he was. Everything Riven liked about him.

The other man felt his skin. They kissed, deeply, and the Siltori nearly fell limp into the other man's embrace. He wanted nothing more than to be held by him, and each time their bodies drew nearer he found it difficult to even slightly pull away.

I love... I love what we just did. I've never...

The Siltori continued to blush, nodding very deliberately. Catching the other man's wide grin, he felt somewhat embarrassed.

Arlaed. He laughed.

"You are my arlaed, Riven. And... if I may be so daring, I think I am yours. It means... beloved. But more than that. Siltori form strong relationships with one person, and most often only one. This person is . . . like a . . . second half of them. They make them complete. That person is their arlaed, and among many other wonderful things, that is what you are to me. My--"

Another kiss. Taelian's lips curled, shy. Riven continued with his praise, and pulled Taelian forward by softly guiding him forward by the back of his neck. They kissed, with passion, and each of the two explored the lips of the other once again. He'd always loved kissing Riven; it felt masculine, affectionate... somehow it put him at ease.

It was the last thing that he said -- after their kiss -- that truly left the Siltori shaken, unable to speak as a tightening grip of pure emotion clutched his throat, and sent moisture further escaping from the edges of his eyes. I love loving you, he began. There's nothing that's made me so happy.

Like home. Like an adventure...

...Can't wait until the clock hits the next hours.

He would've laughed if he weren't so overtaken with joy. Joy on such a fundamental level that he could not even imagine feeling it, like this, ever again. But he knew that with Riven, feelings like these were being introduced to him every day. His chest felt like a sun had begun to rise within it. He felt jovial, and shy, and shaken with the intensity of emotions he had never been given words to describe.

It was pure adoration. For everything that his lover was. Everything that made him his arlaed. The two entangled as passionately as they had not long ago, with Riven rising over the bare-formed Elf, keeping the Siltori beneath him as he lowered his muscular body to blanket and cradle the Ebon Knight's smaller frame. They kissed, and Taelian felt totally at ease. Everything from a moment ago rose again throughout his body. He smiled.

And in those moments of sheer, uplifting wonder, Riven's mind began to bleed into his own. He felt the other man's love for him, pure and unexpressed by words. Its summary; the total of what it was. And it felt... boundless. Like it never ended, no matter how far it went. He knew that he was projecting his own feelings into the other man, and he knew that his own fondness for the other was much the same. But their link... only made it stronger.

He didn't know what it was. He could not call it a name. But whatever had just been forged between them, it amplified all of those wondrous things that Riven already made him feel. He felt... more whole. For good. Like the Famished cage built around his being had been chipped at -- like more of himself could fit through. Riven was his freedom, and simultaneously, the person to whom he belonged. His own home -- and yes, his own adventure.

They shifted their position, Taelian rolling with Riven until he was atop his muscular, gallant arlaed. Taelian held the other as closely as he could as the two fervently kissed, groaning quietly in reply to the other man cupping his sensitive skin. Their two wide grins met. Finally, Taelian felt courageous enough to speak, despite the overwhelm of his current state. He exhaled, softly, before doing so. "We're bonded," he smiled, and began to lightly laugh with pure joy as he leaned into the other man and wrapped his arms around the other's upper shoulders. Taelian was so incredibly overjoyed.

"You truly are my arlaed," he said, his voice seeped in emotion. "Riven... I love you. I love you so much. I love you. I love you. I..."

He sighed, and breathed, and tried to regain his composure. But he couldn't.

"What do I love about you?" he replied, bemused. "Everything!" the Siltori happily exclaimed. "Everything, Riven, everything. I wish I could say that answer is just me being... lazy, but it's not. I love everything about you. Your smile, your kindness, the way you gave me a chance when we first met and... how you held me so close. You introduced me to the very concept of admiration, and to the joy of physical touch. I love being held by you. I love the way you eclipse me in your own shape, as if I'm something you eagerly wish to protect. I love your body, arlaed, and the strength which it wields. You are so grand... so imposing and robust, handsome and perfect and sculpted and... mine, all of you. In every way."

Taelian ran his own fingertips along the other man's abdomen, then his waist, his hips... the interior of his thighs. He loved touching him. He loved every moment of their contact.

"I love your humor and your innocent glee. I love your nature; one as gentle as it is heroic. I love... what we did, too. I love how close I felt to you. I love that even though it is an act not unique to our bodies alone, I felt and know that I would never have the same feeling with anyone else."

Taelian nodded, jovially. "I love that you desire me; I love that you love me, so much and... bafflingly so. I couldn't imagine anyone feeling anything of good regard for me before -- but I look at you and... no, I look into your very soul and I know that I am not alone. That I have a man who will always be with me, who is meant for me, who would stand against any odds to be by my side. And for you, Riven... my better half... I would do the same."

They kissed again. Taelian rolled off of the other man playfully and invited him to press him down into the floor like he often did, the two kissing with wild synergy. He could feel the slightest touch of Riven's immense, muscular weight, preventing him from escaping. And he did not want to. He never would.

"Riven... I don't care how fast we go. I know in my heart that this is right."

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:01 pm
by Riven

Taelian's beaming face after his full declaration was all Riven had wanted as an answer... But the fact that the both had bonded was all the more significant. Apparently, the Synnekar could control when and how they bonded to a significant other, but Riven's bond had all been created as an emotional response to the deep feelings he harbored for a person he loved. And there was no doubt; he loved Taelian with his whole heart. And it seemed Taelian understood the nature of the mental bridge between them, that boiling exchange of passion and joy that overtook both men. "We're Bonded" he had stated joyfully as he wrapped his arms around Riven, the Avialae cheerfully holding his nude waist and pulling him closer, kissing his forehead lovingly. Happiness tears were welling up in Riven's eyes, but he blinked them away; crying in front of Taelian at that moment maybe wasn't the best idea; he didn't want to worry his... Arlaed, he guessed. He wasn't used to it still, but maybe it was because the sheer love Taelian infused into that word when he pronounced still made Riven's heart jump a little. Maybe it always would; that seemed like a certain possibility. He grinned wide, mirroring Taelian's own euphoria as the Elf flashed the dimples that consistently melted Riven's soul a little. So handsome, he couldn't believe he had found someone like Taelian. I love you. I love you so much. I love you. I love you. I... Riven didn't want to interrupt, but he couldn't resist sliding his own whispered "I love you too, Tae" in there, so his bursting feelings wouldn't go unexpressed.

"Everything." Such a simple word shouldn't have made Riven's face blush as it did, but having Taelian in his arms and feeling the adoration the Siltori's mind projected in his own heart made him understand what he exactly meant, and as unreal it could seem, it was very much the truth. He couldn't understand how he loved Riven's natural reactions, his blooming love for the beautiful soul Taelian was; those were given to him already. And his strong hybrid body... of course, that didn't help making the color in his face go away, but it was enough for a proud smirk and holding Taelian in his arms again, rolling to have him on top this time. And it was a good excuse for Taelian to run his touch through the Avialae's muscular body, every crevice and hard knot, every golden hair and every blood vessel. Down to his waist, his thigh, and his... Riven shivered, leaning in to kiss Taelian deeply. He felt the blood rushing in; he breathed in after they pulled apart, smiling. It was astounding, how easily he could lose control in a way he had never imagined; battles were an easy task compared to the restraint he needed when Taelian simply touched him. They rolled again, Riven pressing Taelian's body against the futon softly with a playful smirk on his face.

"I can't imagine things otherwise now, Taelian. I desire you intensely, and I love you even more, and I don't think I could ever stop doing so. Things have gone fast, yes... but you're right. I don't doubt this. Our love is very real, and I want to enjoy every second of it, my love. My Arlaed. I love you so much... and now there's no way to doubt that." He said, kissing Taelian deeply, pinning his hands against the futon as he leaned into his side, resting half of his body on the futon and the other half over Taelian, running a hand over the Siltori's smooth, strong chest. "I love you, Taelian. Dearly. Completely. I just love you" He said, letting that overflowing love pour into their new Bond, having it reach his mind. He breathed in; he didn't know if he was aware of how special it was.

"You've mentioned it before, Taelian. We're Bonded. I don't know if you're aware of the meaning of that... but us Avialae Bond with the people we hold closest to our hearts. I don't know how to fully control this; I wasn't even sure of being able to do it... but this Bond is living proof of our love. Through it we can exchange feelings, and eventually, thoughts will make their way through it. It might sound scary, maybe. But... I know you've felt it. Our hearts becoming one, I don't think I could describe this feeling any other way. And I can't regret that. You're beautiful in every way, Taelian. I'm glad I get to see that better than anyone else can, even if it's a bit selfish." He said, kissing him deeply; he held his neck softly, caressing the short hair in his nape, as he deepened their kiss, their tongues slowly expressing all the love they felt for each other, the torrent of warm to boiling passion and emotions they could feel in each other's soul. The love he felt for Taelian was different to anything he'd ever felt, and he never wanted to lose or hurt that bond. They pulled apart with a wide smile, their foreheads touching as they looked at each other's eyes, two crowns of fire that pumped with their fast heartbeats. They stayed like that for a while; words weren't really necessary when they could feel each other's minds

Eventually, Riven embraced Taelian with a small, guilty smile. "I'm kind of hungry, love. Mind if I leave you here for a bit? I'll make us breakfast." He said, grinning as he got up, walking naked to the stove, lighting it up with a small wisp of permanent blue fire, and raided the elf's cupboards for supplies. Bread, eggs, butter... a jam jar? Apparently Taelian couldn't live without that now, because more than half of that was empty... He quickly made both a fast breakfast, laying it on a single steamy plate and beckoning Taelian to approach him "Hey, think you're going to like this, Tae." The jam-covered toast did look pretty shiny.

Re: Into the Vault

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:11 pm
by Taelian

It made him smile, hearing Riven call him his 'Arlaed'. He supposed he was being, perhaps, a bit unfair in not explaining the depth of that word; what it really meant. It felt right to him, though, and each utterance of it by either party had a warming effect on the Ebon Knight's heart. He realized that within him there was not even the slightest tug by the Black Sigil... the Bond, and everything else they shared, had kept him upright. He felt, really, like he had always wanted to.

"I desire you too," he said, softly. Taelian began to lightly laugh as the other man pinned him down, feigning a resistance by pressing forward with his wrists. "And I love you," he added. "So much. And..."

He closed his eyes. The other man loomed over him, holding him down tightly and affirmingly. He felt the physical connection, but also something else. In the depths of his thoughts, funneling into his mind as a physical sensation, he felt Riven's emotions being received by the Bond. He breathed in; the euphoria those... tingling sensations created was overpowering. Before long it was not just a tingle, but a flowing feeling of warmth like a summery tide.

"I can feel it," he said, smiling softly still, but with his glee crystal clear. "Dearly... completely. I can feel it all," he nodded, his eyes still shut. He looked back upon the memories they had already created with one another -- in mere days, a lifetime of words and actions and feelings that would stick with him. That he would never forget. Taelian laughed, again, and this time continued to do so with an almost childish giddiness. The other man explained the Bond, and Taelian only felt warmer as he continued to listen along.

It sounded serene. He was glad, too, that Riven could feel his feelings like no one else could -- it was a fitting tool for his Arlaed. They would never be blind to one another; they could always empathize and understand. Even if not everything would be immediately clear.

His eyes finally opened, and when they did they locked with Riven's, and the two scarcely said anything afterwards. They continued to touch, to feel the thuds of the other's heart, to allow their minds to speak to one another. Taelian felt his tell Riven many things, though never through words. Feelings were enough. He felt love, and wonder, and curiosity - still.

It did not last forever, but it lasted until they were both content. Riven eventually asked for his permission to go, and the Siltori happily nodded. His arlaed went off to make the two of them a meal, and Taelian continued to longingly imagine their combined futures. Food came before long, and once beckoned, the Elf rose despite his revealed state and hastily obliged the direction of the taller man. He'd made him, again, his favorite food... though he was certain anything Riven made would be wonderful to him.

He loved everything about him; he understood that now. It was just as he said -- nothing about it had been a lie.

As he looked to the other with clear enthusiasm, he prepared to dig into his meal. And then, their day continued.