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"Voices in the Night" [Brenner]

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:55 pm
by Lyra
60th of Frost, 121 AS

Continued from: Dancing in the Dark

They had gone to the second deep? And ghostblooms that lead them to the Fademire? What little he could recall made Lyra's frown deepen, but she did not press further. Her hands still rested on his shoulders and she massaged the muscles there gently as she continued to study Brenner's face. They were close now, nearly as close as two people could be, though beyond another smile at his excitement Lyra did not push things further.

"The Second Deep of the Warrens is known to house the elements, and the creatures there tend to take on characteristics of the environments they live. I have never heard of the Fademire," She admitted, but her golden eyes looked troubled, "But the description is... It sounds as if your party grew close to an entrance into the Third Deep."

The Haunted reaches, the lands where specters roamed and things of even greater power, and danger resided. It was there that the foolish explores found her prison in the white sands, and it was also home to something even more concerning. His talk of losing memories, and the more she learned of the trip, the more Lyra suspected that Brenner and his group had run afoul of the thing that drove men mad.

The sound of the door opening drew Lyra's eyes up as Salem returned with two robes which he laid on a bench near the pool, then as quickly as he had come he was gone, leaving them alone once more.

"My curiosity grows by the second." Lyra said, her smile returning as she found Brenner's eyes once more. She trailed a finger along his neck, cupping a cheek for a moment before slipping off his lap to sit close at his side, "After our bath I will take you to my workspace. There perhaps we can discover what it is that was done to you."

Re: "Voices in the Night" [Brenner]

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:25 am
by Brenner Dornkirk
Brenner cocked an eyebrow in concern at Lyra's confession that she'd never heard of the Fademire. He'd thought all of Kalzasi's citizenry were schooled on the ins and outs of the Warrens over which their metropolis was housed. Lyra was a novel transplant to Kalzasi, he supposed, but still he regarded her as a wise, albeit misguided, creature. She was also his only hope for a remedy, and so her ignorance of the probably source of his affliction was troubling indeed.

"I see..." Was all he said, after a long pause. His mind travelled back to the realms she broached. The rockslide that might have claimed his life, if not for the quick reflexes of Florian Albrecht. The Fungelion ambush that might have culled their number, if not for the adeptness of the crew he'd selected. And then the rest... He remembered the Fademire as if it had been a dream from which he'd woken days ago. There were little shards of memory that came in the form of general themes and a few stark visuals. He could recall the sight of the Hexenfresser when they first came to life from their timeless dormancy and took to the air like glowing blue spores. Perhaps whatever it was that dulled his memory was overpowered by the potency of that particular moment which, being so paramount to Brenner's ambitions, was imprinted more starkly than anything else.

He glanced up at the entrance of Salem and found himself strangely embarrassed to be in such intimate quarters with the half-elf's mistress. Typically he'd have thought nothing of a servant observing his fraternisations from the sidelines, but in this instance for some reason he was. But soon he was gone, and Lyra was withdrawing.

"Of course." He inclined his head. He was far more eager to have his questions answered than to wallow in a bath. "I am ready, whenever you are."

Re: "Voices in the Night" [Brenner]

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:58 pm
by Rune


Lore: 5 each

Points: 10 each


Loot: None

Notes: Sorry this wasn't finished =\