Thorny Crown [Memory]

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Glade 45th, Year 102, Age of Steel

Berintainth was tomorrow and all of Antinaw must be stirring if Raellon was as bustling with life for the big day. Linden was dashing between legs and dodging workers as they prepared the area for the bonfire, the dancing that will be taking place, oh and his favorite activity, the table that will have the makings for flower crowns. This year, he was going to make his mother the best one made from ivy and Priscella flowers. Maybe some morning glories too! Specifically white and purple ones.

"Linden!" Shout Arif as she lands beside the young boy who turns around happily.

"But! But! Look!" He grabs Arif's hand and semi-drags the woman to the maypole where the ribbons were all tucked nicely for the next day. "Do you think mom and dad will come out with me this year? The three of us will come out and dance and-"


"Then we all get to tie a bow! A bow, Arif! It will be so nice and I will make her the biggest crown ever! Make him a matching one and one for me and one for you and-"

"Linden!" The excited eight-year-old became silent as their caretaker took the small boy into her arms and sat down with him on her lap. "I know you are excited and every year you for the past few years you have tried to, but you know your mother doesn't come out to these things."

"But it's a holiday! A big one! With dancing and singing and a big fire at the end! I want to make all of us, especially her, the flower crown that will be the best flower crown ever! Be so envious that even the Queen would be jealous!"

"Well, that is quite the crown you have for her," she smiles knowingly as the child just kept yammering away to themselves. Talking about the different color combinations as the crown grew more elaborate. The owl neoalt wondered if it would be better to just grab a few baskets and take the child home. "Let us go home, eat, and then we can come back out to scout the area?"

"I don't want to. I want to go and find some vines right now or young twigs to mold into a proper crown first. I know how big their heads are and my arms are great measuring tools," nods Linden seriously as he demonstrates. "See."

"You got twenty minutes to run off that energy of yours and to bring back preliminary supplies for tomorrow. After all, if you prepare a day ahead it means more time to enjoy the festivities and-" Before she could finish whatever was being said he was gone. The small figure already a good thirty-feet away and while Arif could catch up with no issues, she knew better and was just going to be in the area waiting for the child to return.

Running around, Linden leaped frogged over some hunched over workers as he burst with laughter. Images of his parent's smiling faces appearing in his head that filled him with pride. This year he knew he was going to convince her to come out. This year he will get to dance with her and his father around a maypole. This year... This year he was going to show her all the wonders of the vendors and all the beauty this celebration had to offer!

Oh! Willow trees! They are perfect for being a crown base!

Turning towards the large tree he stopped about ten feet away as he took a breather. The small body breathing heavily from the exertion with wide, glowing eyes as he reached for one of the limbs when something struck the back of his hand.


"Don't touch my tree," says the familiar voice of Corbin Asmund, his half-brother, and Seriel's firstborn son. Didn't matter if they didn't follow traditional rules, the older child still believed as the firstborn it was still his right to boss others around.

"It's not your tree, Corbin," Linden replies and rubs the back of his hand that was already red with a welt rising.

"I was here first and therefore it is mine. Now scram," the older boy states again and crosses his arms as his friends stand beside him as well as two of the other half-siblings.

"Not until I get two limbs."

Corbin walks over to Linden as the boy was at least three heads taller at the age of twelve. With little effort, the oldest swept his leg while shoving the other down. The others pointed and laughed as if on cue as Corbin turned to them with a grin as his markings showed on his face that showed the Hytori lineage. "I didn't know trash talked, did you?" The others just agreed with whatever they were saying even if some were confused before looking down at Linden. "I really hate to say this, but you are a failure you know that? You obviously never got our father's good looks or gifts. I know I did, his strength and can-do attitude while you got nothing."

Linden's heart was racing from fear at first before turning to anger. His small hands clenching the Earth beneath him as his older brother kept demeaning him. Then a sudden pain struck his cheek as he grabbed the area and let out a cry. Corbin used the willow like a whip and began to laugh as he brought it down again. The others looking at him with worry as their siblings jumped in to stop him.

"Your mother might be a true marriage, but I think it is all a joke! People say she is beautiful and that is why she stays locked away, but I bet she is fat and ugly with warts all over her face so our father, the kind man that he is, saves the people of Raellon from having to stare at her!"

It didn't matter anymore. Linden knew the end result as his eyes saw a rock that was the size of his fist by his head. Gritting his teeth, he picked it up and threw it at Corbin's face as it struck the boy square on the nose. Anger and adrenaline coursing through his small body as he got up and tackled the other boy as he kept screaming. Arif always said to hit the weak point and so Linden tried to keep striking their bloodied nose. However, the fight wasn't going to be in his favor long once they composed themselves and who knows what was going to happen. He was going to get the beat down of his life.

"You are so dead!" Shouts Corbin as he spits out blood and knocks the lighter one off with a punch. Soon the two boys were rolling as some shouted "fight" and some seemed to be debating on who to help since this has gone further than what it should.

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45th Glade,102
he season of birth and growth was nearing it's completion. Any of the cities citizens were up and around. Celebrating the festival of Berinatainth as it approached. The sounds of children screaming and cheering as they darted through the streets. Searching for flowers and other plants to decorate their crowns. A smile curled at the grey hooked lips of the Beastalt that walked through the streets. A basket filled with various herbs on one hand as he felt the sunshine on his skin.

There was peace among the chaos of the festival. A peace that Kerr very much enjoyed. Chewing absentmindedly on a herb as he walked. Pausing a moment as he saw a young boy darting towards the tree. And what seemed like a moment of joy and exploration quickly turned into a moment of anger and fighting.

Ears twitching as he listened to the two boys argue. Suddenly the two became many as a crowd of like aged children wrapped around the group. The scuffling breaking down into bloodshed as a breath pushed past clenched teeth. A grumble in his throat as his steps cracked against the ground. Dull thuds on the dirt as he moved his large frame towards them. Closing the gap and pushing between the crowd of children with ease.

"That is enough children." He called, grabbing the older boy Corbin by the collar of his shirt and yanking him back. Dragging the boys heels through the dirt and away from the young Linden. Stepping between the two of them as Corbin launched to his feet as if he was going to attack again. Only to realize the massive wall of gray fat and muscle that stood before him. "Nature belongs to no one by the earth. This tree is not yours now and nor will it ever be." His voice boomed like thunder. Dark eyes looking towards the boy as he sat down the basket. "Now scurry boy. Before I drag you to your father." His tone a mix of a command and a threat as he turned to face Linden.

Pulling the younger boy to his feet. "Come now. Let me see your injuries." Kerr said, his voice not much softer then it was before. As he held the boys face in his grasp. Inspecting the cuts and bruises that were already forming. Though nothing looked serious, Kerr shook his head and sighed. "And where is your care taker? Did you escape from her sight again?" He asked. What appeared to be a smile on his face.

Releasing Linden, Kerr rose to his feet. Looking up at the willow tree as it's branches reached out. The foliage falling around them. "So tell me boy. What was the reason for fighting?" He asked as he stepped towards the trunk of the tree. Running a hand along the bark of the tree. Wishing he had brought his knife with him to carve some. Turning his gaze back to Linden as he waited for an answer.

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Glade 45th, Year 102, Age of Steel

It was strange. Linden didn't really feel the blows land as he was propelled one way or the other. Who was moving them? Him? Corbin? He wasn't sure, but all he knew was that he was angry just as much as they were. The emotion in the small body continued to rage as if everything they ever suppressed came forth. Their usually soft chocolate eyes looked darker with a wildness inside.

It was only a matter of time, however, for one to lose steam quicker than the other. Linden could barely move fast enough to block and Corbin was using his body weight to deal the blows. Then as quickly as this fight began it ended when the weight was taken off of his chest. No one really hearing the heavy footsteps that approached them until the children were pushed out of the way.

Some recognizing Kerr and ran off and others knew better than to leave Corbin's side. They all took a step back when Corbin was removed off of Linden and warned. The older boy spouted something in Kyriac and runs off with his troupe of friends and siblings.

I was saved again, Linden thought as he was pulled onto his feet saw Kerr's face.

The large horn with the golden band the first thing he sees before their eyes amongst the gray hide. Kerr inspected his injuries that began to throb now. "Is it bad?" Linden asks when he heard the other sigh and shake his head. Was he disappointed in Linden too?

"Arif told me to come back in twenty once I grabbed things for the crowns so I didn't run off," Linden's eyes cast downward as his face scrunched and he sniffed. How was he going to get out of this one? Especially when he promised that he won't get into fights with them again.

"So tell me boy. What was the reason for fighting?"

Linden's lip trembled as eyes grew misty trying to find the right words and if they even justified the fight. A thought did pass his mind to lie about the reason, but if he couldn't get a lie past Arif or his parents, how could he get one past Kerr?

"Corbin started it," came the childish answer. "He said a bunch of mean things and then... Then he made fun of my mom and how the true marriage between them. That dad is protecting the people of Raellon from her ugliness."

There. It was said. They were the truth without going into details as Linden held it in. "Do you think I am a failure, Kerr? That I am nothing like dad in looks or power? That I inherited nothing? I don't even look like I have Hytori blood in me."

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45th Glade,102
he large for shook it's head. The loose skin around his neck moving a bit as he did. "No. Most scratching and bruising. But you will live." Nodding at Lidens mention of not running off. "I see and what do you need for this crown?" The grumble of his voice was as near monotone as it could be. No hint of frustration nor happiness could be found. Though the large gray figure was happier then could be seen. The sun shining down on them as he prepared to teach the boy in front of him a lesson.

"Corbin Started it"

The defense of a child was predictable as always. Though Linden could hardly be blamed for that. Kerr had plenty of experience with the rest of the line, and that of children in general, to know that if they can get out of it by blaming someone else. They would. But who's fault it was wasn't any of Kerr's concern. Linden had appeared to be on the losing end of the fight and his injuries did not seem to be of any major concern. He could only assume that Corbin would not be any worse for wear.

"Do you think I am a failure, Kerr? That I am nothing like dad in looks or power?"

His dark eyes stayed on Linden. Studying the boy's expression as he looked up at him. He could see that the boy was worried and stressed about his question. Sitting down on the ground with legs crossed to try and close the height difference between the two of them. "A failure no. I just believe that you have not yet found your purpose. Now listen to me Linden. You do not need to look like your father. You do not need the powers of your father to be great. Your purpose and his are different."

He paused as he turned back to the tree. Standing to his feet, he scooped up the young boy with ease. Setting him on his shoulder as he thundered his way closer to the tree. "This tree is unique. It is it's own living thing. It has a seed that it grew from that came from another tree. But that does not mean they are the same. Nor do they have to be. Look up boy, what do you see in the branches."

If Linden did look up, he would see a couple of birds nest resting above. "This tree provides you shade and shelter. It provides those birds a home. Inside there are many bugs that crawl around. They are provided shelter and they help keep the tree healthy." Pausing for a brief moment for the boy to take it all in. "Each one serves a purpose. They all have different skills and traits to them. But they work together in harmony. You and your father are similar. You and your mother are similar. But you are unique. You have traits and skills that will make you stand out on your own as you grow. Now tell me again, what did you need for that crown?"

word count: 555
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Glade 45th, Year 102, Age of Steel

Linden's eyes watched the large Beastalt sit down in front of him. Stepping closer to Kerr, he listened to what they had to say. Their young mind took note that there was no chastising or berating. Nor did Kerr take sides or acknowledge who was at fault. It was a strange relief to know that not everyone always pointed out the flaws of others or perhaps it was because Arif and Kerr were much older than them. Their Rathari lineage allowing them to see the bigger that others would simply forget or not take heed.

"A failure no. I just believe that you have not yet found your purpose. Now listen to me Linden. You do not need to look like your father. You do not need the powers of your father to be great. Your purpose and his are different."

"Different? How? Are we not supposed to follow in their footsteps? We are their legacy?" Linden was confused by their words. Other members of the family talked about "legacy this and legacy that". Bloodlines and passing on your knowledge and power. Being compared to a parent and showing their traits meant some form of importance.

Watching Kerr begin to stand, Linden was scooped up by one of the large arms and placed on their shoulder. The pain that was inflicted upon him earlier forgotten momentarily as Kerr continued to speak to him. "This tree is unique. It is it's own living thing. It has a seed that it grew from that came from another tree. But that does not mean they are the same. Nor do they have to be. Look up boy, what do you see in the branches."

Looking up, the sun was passing through the branches and leaves, but more importantly, there was a bird nest nestled between branches. Kerr imparted the knowledge to the young boy what the willow tree provided shade and shelter. A home for those that resided in it such as the birds and insects in turn that took care of the tree. A cycle where they worked together in harmony. So while it may appear to be a singular action, it was far from that. That the actions of one affected another and together they resulted in harmony. That in the end, they were all interconnected.

Kerr's words about him being similar to both parents made his sore face smile as he draped himself over the top of their head. His eyes still looking upward and wondering what made him unique if he wasn't supposed to be like either parent, but similar to them. Though Linden did have to stop himself from frowning that he will stand out as he grew older.

"Well I wish to grow up soon so I can stand out," he says softly and poked at the gray skin. "For the crown, all I wanted was a few thin branches to create a base for the flowers so they had a strong foundation that they could rely on. I am not sure how many times they need to wrap around the head to be sturdy though. For the flowers, I don't know. I am hoping that this will just be the best, most beautiful crowns so that mom and dad can be together and join me tomorrow. I want to make it so beautiful and wonderful that even the King and Queen of Atinaw would be jealous."

word count: 606

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