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On the Run II

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:26 am
by Rickter
On the Run II
Glade 3rd, 122nd Year

The room had become vacated after the Barnell clan finished their packing, their final goodbyes were given as they bid everyone that stayed good luck with their journey. Patrick stayed and prepped to be ready as Rickter's rider, as the wolf himself finished the refinement of the anchor that would mask their physical presence. Refraction. Who would've thought he would try his luck with bending light using shields. He handed the aetheric sigil that hardened in his palm over to Telion, which was then slipped within her sleeve as she held one of the twins close.

Patrick held the other twin while Rickter began to strip a layer of clothing off, starting from his jacket to his boots, and then from his shirt down to his very trousers. The Atinoran's eyes widened as he turned to look away, even so much as shielded Isaac's eyes too, while the two ladies in the room acted as though it were nothing unusual. After handing the loose clothing aside to Telion, he stilled his breathing for a moment to rest on all fours, his palms flat into the wooden planks as the forefront of his feet pressed down into them. He breathed and relaxed, remembering the thought of intent to being instant. And with a snap of bone and cartilage, the Atinoran looked over again with utter awe from the sound.

Rickter's body contracted as his muscles responded to the stimulus of shifting, the fur coat of his body rapidly growing out as his face grew into a more prolonged snout. Within several seconds he'd shifted into a wolf in ease, his attention fixed on Telion as she stuffed his clothing into the featherlight bag. This time Patrick was the one to carry it on his person, seeing as how he was the one who volunteered to help Rickter with this crazy plan. As Hannah continued to cycle through a series of hand motions, she made five gestures repeatedly as aetheric threads weaved their way across her palms.

"So, how long is it gonna take to port us outta here exactly?"

"I can Spatial Map there in an instant, it's just prepping the aether for all of us to travel at once." She stated plainly as she kept total concentration, Telion self consciously gripping the sleeve where Rickter's Refraction anchor rested. As the wolf himself sat patiently and paced his breathing, he focused in on the ones that were around him. He needed to mask all their aetheric prints and to do that, he needed to recognize their existence to accommodate the shield's negational protocols. The wolf's eyes closed as he used Aether Sense to observe the flow of their personal Aether, while using his nose to help identify what each one was by scent.

Telion smelt of the warmth blanketed with fragrant flowers and sunshine, while Hannah smelled more of the sea and promiscuity, and Patrick pungently smelled a brewer that had been set ablaze. The twins had their own subtle scents, not quite placeable since they shared both their mothers and fathers. Then of course Rickter's own scent... He always had a hard way of describing that in particular, but given the immensity of his aura when he'd create the ward, he felt confident he'd negate his own presence entirely in the act alone. Thus with another deep breath the wolf exhaled through his nostrils, the Negation rune on his shoulder glistening brightly as aether started to radiate off his form.

Telion looked to Hannah as Patrick moved to look readily in position, as the burning question that remained was put out in the open. "Are we ready?"

The rogue looked to her and Rickter sharply, her fingers tented together as if in prayer as she nodded to them eagerly. "Listen up! Soon as I punch this hole, they either will or won't see us going through. We ready to bamboozle the fuck outta these bitches?"


The wolf's response confirmed that things were ready to set in motion, and with the twins carefully held by Telion and Patrick, Hannah stood within the center of them as she slowly pulled her hands. The threads of aether sparked and sizzled as they started to coalesce into a cerulean ball of light, a sudden charge filling the air as the wolf exerted his own aether within the room. Rickter released the ward over his aura and allowed the aether to fill the room, the task of covering their Aetheric Presences in mind as he focused on maintaining the exertion. Hannah then pulled her hands apart as lights danced around them in aetheric tendrils, the floor beneath them shimmering as the wolf felt gravity rushing through his gut. "Here goes!"

The rogue clapped her hands over the residual tendrils of the sphere, the Slipspace instantly enveloping around them as the room vibrated from the cast. Right away Rickter felt his insides lurch and disorient him, just as soon as he felt his lower body hit the firm ground a second later. Don't... Don't lose consciousness! He held on as he felt himself nearly slip from that lurch, while Telion quickly raised her sleeve close to near her chest over Kendric. Without a second waste, she activated the anchor with her aether, causing it to discharge the Refraction barrier that would hide their location if anyone had followed. Right away Rickter, moved to rise on his four paws, his blue eyes instantly opening to make sure that none had tailed them to their destination.

They had ported right back at the entrance they snuck in, the drain into the Midden to their southwest as they stood on the shore of Lake Udori. Making sure that the negation field still hid away their aetherial presences, while Telion kept the Refraction barrier active, the four of them tensed in anticipation as they waited to see what became of their attempt.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"

Re: On the Run II

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:35 pm
by Rickter
On the Run II

Though they all stood ready at the moment, hesitation quickly filled their ranks as nothing seemed to happen. At least not right away... "Well!?" Hannah remarked as she held Isaac in her left arm, the fingers on her right hand already tingling with aether. The suspense was shortlived, as bells and alarms were set off within the city of Kalzasi. "Shit!"

"Spoke to soon, here they come!" Patrick cited with sarcasm, as portals thundered across the lakeshore around them. Battlemages from the Great House of Briathos had translocated to their area, having their spells ready to cast other wards came to life within the vicinity of the group. Rickter looked to his alpha partner first, recognizing the anchor that kept them temporarily safeguarded from all sight. Yet the power of Refraction would be gone soon enough, leaving the wolf and the Atinoran to fend for themselves when the moment finally came.

"Here goes!" The rogue's aether swirled about the four of them, Telion giving Rickter one last look before they were all whisked away.

"Rick-" Before she could finish that statement, before the fear of what may come shook her tone, the spell was cast and she and Hannah were gone. No longer present to maintain the barrier, the refractive layer immediately faded out to reveal the ones left behind, Patrick quickly climbing atop the wolf's back to plot their escape route.

"There! Eliminate the intruders at all cost!" The floating runes from the city wards radiated and unleashed a variety of aerial creatures, entities of gold and silver both zooming into the open air to soar around them. Within moments, projectiles of all varying elements were sent their way, lightning being the quickest to assail them, as Rickter's next snarl released a wave of aether that swirled into an all-around barrier. The aether within the ward sizzled and sparked, however, remained strong in warding off the first wave of magic attacks. Still more volleyed their way, and the wolf could feel every wave slowly draining away his aetheric reserves.

Fuck, anytime now, Patrick! The wolf thought as he felt the Atinoran's aetheric pressure spiking bit after bit. At this rate, though, it would do no good; if they were to get out they'd need a chance at running first. So to make that happen, Rickter breathed in deeply, as if sucking in with his own aura. When the next volley of magic projectiles came spiraling their way, the wolf unleashed as harsh of a roar as he could, bellowing out a blast of wind to overwhelm their magic. Inadvertedly, Rickter created a high pressure with his own aetherial aura, as more and more silver and gold winged creatures appeared into the air above. Even elementals were being called in defense against them, the wolf having radiated enough aether to highlight his night-soaked

Yet there was no time left, not when the wolf bought themselves a window at least. As soon as he took off and bolted, Rickter felt the air around him charge with static, his immediate rush toward a group of battlemages met with a high-pitched whirring before they zapped into the air. SHIT! He knew it was coming and yet he wasn't prepared, the punch in his gut hitting hard as his paws landed onto the next spot of ground they'd warped to. It had been nearly a kilometer east from where the two were just moments ago, several more summons already tailing them as the battlemages they left behind scurried to trace their direction.

"Alright big guy! Get going!" The subtle but urgent kick of heels into his side nearly aggravated him, yet with a short bark, Rickter hurled himself into another mad dash straight for the Astralar Mountain range. There was no chance in hell he'd be able to run that far, yet, with a Traverser atop his back, it was possible to mislead everyone there. Thus he bolted hard as more lightning bolts rained from the sky, the winged creatures summoned into existence launching spiked projectiles their way as Rickter tried to dart left and right. The movements were only slowing him down though, and he hadn't the time to concentrate on utilizing Monolith to protect them.

"You just keep running, I'll get us away from them!" The bartender assured him as the wolf felt another bolt of lightning ping their location, almost clipping his high leg no less as he continued to run.

Just hurry, damn it! Rickter wanted to shout as he adjusted his shoulders, propelling himself to go harder into each push. He couldn't run any harder than now, his upper legs already starting to burn as the air grew static around them once more. More lightning bolts volleyed at the wolf and his rider, before the air whirred again, and the wolf felt his figure surge through the Slipspace once more. This time they were near the base of the mountain range, close enough to start on the Black Road next, as the wolf only slowed to overcome that next roll in his gut. Damn...

"You got this, Umber, c'mon man!" The Atinoran urged as more summons teleported to where they were, as a few battlemages took positions along the ridges of the lower Astralar. "You've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me!"

No shit! The wolf wanted to remark as he charged forward, his lungs already on the verge of hurting as he paced his breathing quickly. Rocks and other projectiles were now raining down on them, the wolf pivoting on his paws to wind along the trail before them. Finally, the rider on his back had enough, and pulled out a pistol from the holster on his belt. As Patrick returned fire back to those that assailed them with magic, Rickter felt his stamina quickly draining, almost certain enough that they'd be caught soon if something wasn't done. I know you probably can't hear or feel me right now... His thoughts trailed from his immediate pack family, to the ones that were no longer present within that pack.

But right now, I really need your help. As his paws thudded hard across the rocky road, Rickter mentally reached out for the power that he knew might help him. It was only a last resort in this case, but one that would allow him the chance to get away... if done correctly. Thus a white glimmer radiated from his left foreleg, the wolf's emblem generating brilliant light that radiated from his fur. Heat coursed through his entire being as Rickter felt the exhaustion numb down some, and his physical strength amplified by the presence of Eminence within his body. The Atinoran above him was likely startled of course, but kept his focus on Spatial Mapping, while loosely aiming another shot toward a summoned entity in the air.

"Next jump comin' up!" The wolf barked quickly to show understanding, his head tucked lower now that he felt capable of charging onward. Another buildup of static led to the world flashing into a whir, before they somewhere along the upper peaks of the Astralar Mountain range. Now, Vulcans soared overhead, their screeches echoing across the spines of the mountain, as the wolf didn't even budge from the shift in momentum he felt. "Awe shit, hang on!"

They were running toward a slope that turned far too sharply... and Rickter... was far too deep into his speed to slow or turn with the path. The terrain was already hard enough to navigate as it were, but seeing that they had no other place left to go, the wolf quickly timed his paw placement to where he leaped straight off the edge. He felt Patrick grip into his fur coat tightly as the center of gravity shifted, the wolf feeling their propulsion forward quickly turning into a downward arc toward the lower peaks below. The wolf expelled more aether from his body as a means of protection, Rickter coaxing the Flux around them as efficiently as he could, while Patrick focused on the next instant jump that would land them to safety.

Another zip through the Slipspace.

The wolf felt his paws hit the Circle of Wandering hard, his aether gently pulsing out around them when they landed. They were centered within the circle itself, as the wolf finally stopped to look up toward the peaks where they came from. "I'd say that'll throw them off, especially if they encountered those Vulcans." The Atinoran reasoned as he hopped off Rickter's back, the wolf still eyeing the surrounding mountains as he breathed heavily through his nose. The glimmering sheen on his fur coat died down moments after, and with it, the startling amount of exhaustion that came from running all those miles.

Fuck!... He sank low on all fours, before needing to lay on his side and stretch. He was so physically exhausted now, having spent all that energy on magic and running alone. I dunno... If I can keep this up or not. Would his life always be like this? On the run from those wanting to kill or capture them? Even though he looked to really want to leave Rickter to rest, Patrick (who was also slowly panting from the amount of aether he used) nudged the wolf's thigh with his boot before leaning over him.

"Not much time to keel over now, Umber. We gotta clear out of here." He urged with the pistol he held holstered back on his belt, the featherlight bag lifted from his shoulder afterward. The wolf groaned with a huff through his nostrils, before he pulled himself up to start turning once more. They still had a plan to carry out after all, and now, two women to catch up to before nightfall.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
Rickter "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"

Re: On the Run II

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:40 pm
by Chronicle
Name: Wolfboi

  • Negation: Refraction Wards
  • Negation: Suppressing Aetheric Signatures
  • Running: Carrying Someone On Your Back In Beast Form
  • Running: Putting All Your Power Into Speed
  • Running: Outmaneuvering Projectiles Cast At You
  • Resistance: Overcoming Traversion Sickness

Points: 8
Magic: These points can be used for Kinetics (Negation is maxed).

Injuries: Nothing to report!
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!


Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!