Imperial Bloomhorn


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Imperial Bloomhorn

Name: Imperial Bloomhorn

Description: Goat like livestock domesticated by the Empire, They are the product of many generations of selective breeding for the most docile nature. Due to mutations over the generations the species is almost entirely born albino. Their horns tend to sprout small blooms in the spring season on adults of the species.

Size the average specimen of the species reaches around two to three feet in height and four in length and usually weighing between 100 to 150 pounds when fully grown.

Notable Abilities: The pure white fur of the species is near impossible to stain with most liquids. From wines to inks and dyes no color clings to the fur of the Bloomhorn. With the exception of blood, which dies the fur a mottled black and brown. For some reason even small flecks of blood can discolor the otherwise impregnable to color material. Leather harvested from the Bloomhorn is similarly a light cream color however it does not stain with blood like the fur does.

Clothing made from the fur and hide of a Bloomhorn is resistant to picking up both stains and scents, cleans and dries quickly, leather made from Bloomhorns dries quickly and is more durable than most leathers in terms of water tolerance.

The ground bones of the Bloomhorn make for very potent fertilizer.
The horns however are often kept whole. It is said that burying a Bloomhorns horn in a flower pot will nourish most small to medium plants for an entire year before breaking down entirely.

Lastly the milk of the bloomhorn is said to be one of more delicate tasting dairy products produced by any domesticated animal. It is said to smell slightly of clover and taste slightly of honeysuckle. Many imperials prefer this to common cows milk even if it is slightly more expensive. Bloomhorne milk hosts a healthy bacterial biome that has similar effects to yogurt on ones innards.

Threat level Low

Habitat: Farms of the empire

Reproduction Same as the common goat

Reasons to interact A docile and easy starter animal for most novice farmers. Their milk and meat is a staple of the Empire diet.

Recommended Stats for encountersNovice farming or animal handling or better.
Skinning the Bloomhorn without ruining its fur with blood is a very difficult process and generally only competent leather workers are up to the task.

word count: 412

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