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Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:26 pm
by Aurin
The Free City of Antiris
20th of Glade, Year 122 Steel

Kalzasi was a mess.

As one of the public faces of the Golden Peacock Theater, Aurin had been called to help maintain order after the debacle on high that set airships afire and then the political and social landscape. The ban on travel had been lifted and the Skyharbour repaired, and the Iron Queen was now the Iron Queen Regent—authoritarian order had been established so he felt his people were safe enough for him to fulfill a promise he had made to one of his people.

It felt a bit strange to be back in Antiris. He had been back since Arvine Venasyr swooned into his arms and began to construct Arvalyn Val'Cithaeron from whole cloth. Now he was back specifically to search Arvine's roots. Using all the information Arry had provided him, he found the building he had grown up in until he joined the little army of ragamuffins. The human-dominated ghetto made him think of Brenner Dornkirk's insinuations last season—it felt so long ago, but wasn't quite. Asking around yielded little, until someone remembered a Ruslan Venasyr and the bar he used to make a sad showing at on the regular, swimming in his own piss and vomit from the sound of things. Aurin frowned. He didn't hate the man he had never met, but he wished he had done better by himself and his son, even if that meant Aurin had never met him.

Walking those streets, he half expected to feel an inexpert hand in his pocket and to turn and see those frightened, calculating golden eyes under a knit cap. He wished he had done better by Arry, but things seemed to be treating the half-elf better now. He had survived several sad excuses for men.

When he found the bar in question, he didn't quite look himself. He was dressed for the crowd, though perhaps trending toward the more prosperous of the neighborhood. His seeming trick was played to turn red hair gold, his complexion to complement, and his features blended toward Arry's. He might have been a brother or a cousin, though his ears were rounded. He wasn't Aurin Kavafis, nor Darus of Haqs, nor even Oren Cavafy.

He took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink, quiet and observant, not causing any problems. If a bartender got chatty, all the better. If not, he would try to suss out who had been here the longest and see if he couldn't ask some questions. Or hells, their memories might draw a line from his face to Arry's to Ruslan's, and the words might just come pouring out. Aurin did like to make things easy.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:36 pm
by Pharaoh


Vadim Kolyov had been tending the taps at The Grey Raven since he'd grown tall enough to reach them, but it was only recently that his father's death left him as its proprietor. It was a small, local pub- little more than a hole-in-the-wall, really, which would have looked packed to the gills if more than twenty people haunted it at once, but that was pretty rare these days. The barkeep's sister Viorica poked her head out of the tiny kitchen to inquire:

"You hungry, Vadim? I was going to make some sandwiches..."

"I could eat." He shrugged his broad shoulders, and she smiled as she disappeared behind the door as it swung shut. He wiped his hands with a rag and surveyed the clientele. The same regulars he served pretty much every day around this time. New faces were rare and when they did happen to turn up it wasn't often long before they, too, became regulars. Every now and again someone would stop showing up, and Vadim liked to believe their situations improved and they made it to a nicer part of town where bars served cocktails rather than rotgut. More likely, though, they just died. As a youth, he'd had pangs of guilt about helping people drink themselves to death, but his father disabused him of that.

"We make hard lives a little easier," He'd said, "And sometimes that means shorter." And that had stuck with him. His job wasn't to give anyone anything they weren't asking for. His eyes darted to the door as an unfamiliar face appeared.

"Alo." He greeted the blond fellow, took his order and served him his drink. "Let me know if you're hungry. Menu's simple. Pork cutlet sandwich, chicken and dumplings or goulash." His eyes lingered on the strapping fellow. There was something familiar about him, but he couldn't quite place it. The kitchen door swung open and turned his thoughts away from the mystery as Viorica handed him a plate with the aforementioned cutlet sandwich, which seemed to be topped with pickles and some sort of spread between two thick slices of herbed bread. He smiled at the sight and took the plate, pulling a stool around to the end of the bar and sitting one seat down from the blonde stranger.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:12 pm
by Aurin
Aurin nodded at the bartender, thanking him for the drink. It wasn't the rotgut, but it was certainly cheap. That was all right, though. Life in Kalzasi had finally become champagne wishes and caviar dreams, but he could remember times in his life where he would have killed for something off of this menu. Or perhaps he had; there were periods of his life he didn't like to examine too closely, preferring them as a dim blur.

"I'll have a sandwich," he added. But seeing as the man had just sat down to his own supper, he quickly followed up with, "Whenever you're done. Not starving at the moment; don't want to starve the barkeep." He smiled the commiserating smile of someone who had worked in the service industry, but didn't pester him. Aurin could play the long game, and bartenders usually knew a thing or two, or knew who had long memories.

This didn't seem to be the sort of place where he could barter with news of the brewing war in Kalzasi, though perhaps he was wrong. The demigod's sister was a dragon rider here in Antiris, or so he had heard. Blood could call blood into war, and these were the sort of people who might be conscripted. The man couldn't stay in the city for long; he would have to get back to make sure his excuses excused his employees from conscription. He didn't know if the Queen-Regent was the sort to value the good little propagandist he could be at the helm of a cultural and artistic institution, and he didn't know if she realized he was at the helm or thought it was Yserloo because of his wings and his title.

He wondered if this might have been a place Arry gravitated toward if his father hadn't died quite so early. Perhaps he would have followed his father here, then picked up a job, married the young woman in the kitchen, or even the man who had to be her brother. But his father had died early, and Arry had survived picking pockets instead. He liked to think he had given him a better life, or at least given him the opportunity to get one for himself.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 12:51 pm
by Pharaoh
"Mm." Was Vadim's muffled reply, complemented by a more clearly affirming nod, as his mouth was full. After taking a moment to chew and swallow down the bulk of his mouthful, he half rose from his seat to lean over and knock on the kitchen door. "Oi! One pig and pickle!"

"Heard!" Was the reply from the other side of the door.

"Don't you worry about me starvin', mate." Vadim cast a winning grin toward the blonde, "I eat too fast if I ain't got owt to do between bites." With that he perched back down on the stool. There was only room for one stool on the other side of the corner nearest Aurin, and that was where the barkeep was seated- So he was half facing the first-time customer. Or was he? Vadim mused as he eyed the man's features.

"Did you...?" He trailed off and paused, brown eyes darting to rounded ears. "No..." He shook his head. "No, that weren't you. Nevermind." He took another bite of his sandwich, thinking back to the little boy who used to come in and play in the corner whilst his dad got pissed at the bar. He'd be older now, but probably not quite the age of this bloke. And Vadim had heard elves aged slower anyway, so the kid was probably still a kid or close to it. And it wasn't like knife ears went all spoony on their own.

"What're you doing in town, if you don't mind me asking?" He offered a mild shrug, "Bit of banter between bites to slow me down, innit?" Though he punctuated that comment with a bite, all the same. The sandwich was really quite large.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:08 pm
by Aurin
Aurin smirked good naturedly. He appreciated good service whether it was polished or not; the best ones made a person feel welcome, not like they had better not touch anything.

"Best eat while the eating's good," he agreed. There was no attempt to ape the dialect; he just went with what was true: a bit of this, a bit of that. There might have been hints of the depths of Cathena City's river in there, but he had traveled Karnor for years. Arry used to eat like that, like it might be taken away. Mists, Aurin used to eat like that.

Ah, to the point.

"Things are bad in Kalzasi," he admitted. "Looks like war with Zaichaer. Don't know if the princess who came here to ride dragons will fly them over to help..." He shook his head. If someone had kidnapped Arry and his lover, Aurin wouldn't start a war. He would just track them down, kill everyone, and take Arry home. No need to involve anyone else. "Anyway, cousin of mine came to stay in Kalzasi a while back. Now wondering if we all ought to head back Antiris way if war's coming. No disrespect to the Avialae, but no idea if they are biting off more than they can chew in the Brass City. He said he used to live in this neighborhood, least until his father was in a bad way."

He shrugged.

"Figured I'd ought to see for myself before considering a move. Beat the wave, you see? Wars always make refugees. Don't want to wait too long and find gates barring my way."

Some true kernels, some license with that truth; he waited to see if the handsome man took the bait. The best bartenders were often chatty.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:33 pm
by Pharaoh
"The eating's always good here, mate." Vadim smiled wryly and winked. He laid the self-promotion on thick enough that it might have been facetious, but whatever it was he seemed proud of it as he took his next bite. Dark eyes darted to light at the mention of Kalzasi.

"That right?" Vadim shrugged. "Dunno much about dragon-riding princesses. Can't say any have come into me pub... Least none that I've noticed, and they sound right 'ard to miss." He squinted toward the sole window dirty enough that its transparency had dwindled to translucence. "Not much room to park a dragon 'ereabouts." Another bite, and then he placed the sandwich down on his pewter plate and grabbed a rag from behind the bar to wipe some errant flour from his hands.

"A cousin, eh?" He dabbed at his mouth a few times as his eyes scanned the face of the blond, thoughtfully. "Funny you mention that, actually..." He ran his tongue along his top teeth, roughly to free up a few bits of breading that were stuck there.

"When you walked in, I thought you looked sort of like a kid who used to come in 'ere with 'is dad. Thought you might be 'im all grown up, but he were younger'n you." He looked the man up and down, verging on suspicious. "And he were an elf." Vadim rose and walked around the bar to pour himself half a pint of dark ale that poured from the tap thick as milk after his strong arm strained against the weight of the heavy, iron lever.

"Well, if you're keen on leaving the fryin' pan in favour of the fire, this might be a good neighbourhood for ya. We ain't at war and we don't get many foreigners, but well... You've seen our streets." He sighed, a bit sadly and lowered his voice to add:

"I don't think refugees would do well here. Resources are scarce enough as it is, and the townies'll think anyone new is just takin' summat away from them and theirs." He lifted the ale to his lips and took a swig, before returning to his seat.

"Bloke like you looks like he could do better than this part of town, though... You a merchant or summat?"

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:15 am
by Aurin
"Mm." He eyed Vadim as if the thought occurred to him that the eating might be good. Aurin laughed where appropriate, but not so much as to seem unctuous. The man would have gotten a job at the Velvet Cabaret if Aurin was hiring; Mists, he would have given him a job at the bar in the theater if he applied, but this was a family establishment and there was a pride in ownership that he could respect.

"Oh, aye? Well, if it's Arry you're speaking of, he's a half-elf. On his mother's side." He shrugged. "He decidedly don't wanna come back, which..." He shrugged again. "I can understand bad memories. If I knew where his ma had gone off to, but..." He shrugged yet again, then rubbed at his face like he was exhausted. "Ah, well."

Nodding along, he spoke to the other points. "Aye, I've read Hard in Hightown. Refugees don't even get a lick of spit when they're getting fucked. People aren't desperate yet, but they're scared. And aye, bit of a merchant, I suppose. Mostly above board, but have to make money one way or another to live. Even tended bar myself, though never owned one." There was a hint of admiration in his eye and his voice. "Might could do better than this neighborhood. Might could do worse. Someplace like this, I could help, though. Had to get Arry into some kind of community so as to make Kalzasi home. Dunno if the trouble he got into here has up and left or is waiting for him like he fears."

He glanced toward the door to check on his food, but he wouldn't starve if he had to wait a minute or three. There was ale, anyway.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:20 pm
by Pharaoh
"Ar-somethin', aye." Vadim nodded, shifting his body slightly toward the blonde man. His body language broadcast a burgeoning interest in the stranger that hadn't been present prior.

"Half-elf, my arse." Vadim chuckled, "I saw him without the hat a time or two and you could cut steak with them ears of his." Despite the implicit pejorative, Vadim didn't display any overt signs of contempt for the elven races. To him it was just a superficial observation and if that kid wasn't a full Hytori, Vadim was pretty damned sure the other bit wasn't human.

"His mum's side, ey?" Now Vadim was sitting upright and his eyes were narrowed as they scanned the face of the stranger. Something here wasn't adding up. The barkeep knew things that seemed to punch holes in the premise Aurin had set up. He'd been able to ignore them, at first, but now things were getting harder to overlook.

"If your-..." The creaking of the door behind the bar interrupted Vadim before he could get his thought out, and his raven-haired, older sister emerged with a plate. Her ample bosom was highlighted by her scarlet bodice. It wouldn't be surprising if the sibling proprietors each drew their own admirers to patronise the establishment, as both were strikingly attractive.

"Pig'n'pickle." She announced with a glance to Vadim, who nodded toward Aurin. She plopped the plate down unceremoniously and said: "Ask him if you want mustard." Before disappearing back into her domain.

"Anyway." Vadim cleared his throat, and placed down the rest of his own sandwich, rising from the stool and pushing against the bar. "You must be a long way from home, if Ruslan 'Last Call' Venasyr is to be believed. What was your name, again?" He glanced up as he stowed his leftovers under the bar in case he grew peckish later.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:50 pm
by Aurin
"Arvine Venasyr," he supplied. Then he laughed and shrugged. When races mixed, what came from them was unpredictable. Arry certainly looked more like an elf than a human, but to Aurin, it was more in those beautiful golden eyes.

"Thanks," he called after the scarlet-bodiced wench, enjoying the sight of her walking away as much as the sight of her walking toward him. Mists, but Antiris bred pretty people. His eyes swung back to the male sibling, who didn't seem to be entirely sure Aurin was on the up and up. Perhaps he ought to have invested more time in a cover story, but he hadn't expected this to be quite so serious as one of his inquiries back in Kalzasi.

"Arkady," he supplied. "Share the mustard?"

There was a bit of a smirk to his smile. While he had found Ruslan's old watering hole, it seemed Arry's mother had left little trace. At least Vadim and his sister were interesting; he wondered if they would be worth the trip or whether he ought to cut his losses after his lunch and follow up on a few other possible leads. As fun as a dalliance might be, he wanted to get back to Kalzasi quickly so he could keep an eye on Arry and the rest of his people. The theater wouldn't burn down without him for a few days, but he knew everyone would feel a bit more secure if he was there to make decisions in a tumultuous time.

Re: Whatever Happened to Ruslan Venasyr? [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:29 pm
by Pharaoh
"Arvine! That were it!" Vadim smiled, rather relieved at the prompting. If it hadn't been resolved here and now, he'd probably be up at hour of the wolf puzzling over the kid's name.

"I'm glad to hear he's all right. He seemed a good lad. Quiet as a dormouse, quick as a squealmouse. He only came in once after the drink got the better of Ruslan... Just to tell us he'd passed and see about his tab. We told him it were all settled and just ate the debt rather than foist it on a grieving kid." He pondered that time. He'd heard the kid got involved with a cadre of ne'er-do-wells, and figured that life would eat him up and spit him out, but maybe things were better now. He'd made it out of his neighbourhood and that, at the very least, spoke of promise.

"Sure." He slid the mustard jar across the bar- the handle of a spoon protruding from the top.

"Arkady... Family name?" He smirked in return. Arkady paired with Arvine as well as mustard paired with gherkins.

"You know... while I have you here..." Vadim leaned his elbows on the bar and drew his face a bit closer to Arkady's. "Toward the end there, Ruslan found himself the gift of gab. He were tightlipped at first, but come the end of the night and the bottle, he told fanciful tales to me and me dad. Said he were a court tinkerer in some distant clime... Serving some golden queen before her desert throne. That he brought the kid up here to protect him from summat." Vadim arched a brow,

"Were there a lick of truth to any of that?"