Bad Man

The barren wastelands of Daravin, ruled by mad raiders and bandit Kings.

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32nd of Ash, Year 118

His holster crackled with the sizzling burn of a crystalline flame.

The man had gored another upon the floor. His long blade raked through the raider's mutated chest, his intestines spilled out onto the burning sand.

Taelian stood quietly and watched. He wore goggles over his eyes. The top of his head was covered in messy curls of white-gold hair, while the back was brought into a small ponytail. He was covered head-to-toe in thick attire, meant to protect him from exposure to the Badlands' abundance of Sunder-Dust.

"You!" the Halamire called out to him. The killer. He was covered in a thick, black suit of armor, with a finely bred horse beside him. It had come to his side upon his command, clearly well behaved. Taelian knew what the Halamire were, he'd heard of them in the broken towns of the Badlands. Daravin's military. This one, judging by his armor and Runic-enhanced gun, was a Valran. The enforcers of the will of the Entente.

Or in this case -- perhaps the Pontifex. He wasn't sure if he was far enough yet to be considered as within the borders of Arlain.

"What were you doing with this Raider-scum? You are not one of them, I can tell." Taelian was glad that he could. He hadn't raised a hand to defend him when the Halamire-Knight descended from his horse, nor when he shot at him, nor when he tore him asunder with black steel.

The soldier's accent was thick. It was more Daravin than he thought Daravin could be -- the lowness and cynicism practically seeped into every word he uttered.

"Knife-Ears?" he questioned, rhetorically. Taelian couldn't see his face, but the Knight must've only just gotten a good look at his own profile. "Ah, you're one of the Elfies fleeing into our Empire. From Sil-Elaine, I take it?" he asked. This one wasn't rhetorical.

"Yes," Taelian replied. He still wasn't used to speaking primarily in Common, and his own accent was strange by Daravinic standards . . . but he noted he didn't sound too different to the people in Carine. Sil-Elaine used to be a central part of the Clockwork Empire, after all. The dialect between Silfanore and Eastern Daravin wasn't as far apart as one might guess, though he had difficulty with the slang and the uneducated manner in which most people spoke. Even if they were shit-mired, impoverished Elves, it appeared eloquence was more natural to their words.

This man, though... he spoke well enough. He was a Valran, after all. He was among the Empire's upper echelon.

"Fortunately for you," he started, "I happen to be under the patronage of Montese Lieril Lorraine of Ciseperant. She's one of you dodgy bastards, and she's ordered that I not bring harm to any of you found crossing our border."

"...Lieril?" Taelian questioned. A Siltori name. A Siltori Lord, in a foreign land. Odd, that they were even allowed to rule over the Daravain. The Siltori's eyes narrowed. "I'm glad," he said softly. "I am very thirsty. Did she also ask you to help keep us alive? If so... I would very much like something to drink."
Last edited by Taelian on Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 581
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"Taelian," Elindra whispered softly to him. "Thank you for taking me to Arlain, like I wanted to go."

"...No issue, Elindra," he spoke back to her, though in a way only enabled by Searing. He spoke to her spectral body through his thoughts, and she understood. He had learned to do so only a little while ago, as the wraith continued to follow him across the Badlands, keeping him company. Keeping a watchful eye.

The flame of Searing sat still within his palm.

"I know I'm dead," she said. The woman's form - though visible to him - had grown more and more gaunt as they crossed the desert. Her preserved physical projection had begun to deteriorate, and her mind had grown muddled. But she was still there, with him, and he realized that in her dying moments she wanted to help guide him to safety. This was more about bringing him to Arlain than her. As for her reason? She didn't say why, but he knew. It was because she died with thoughts of cowardice, wanting to leave the Black Remedy to pursue a life of freedom, and by extension, abandonment of her kin.

She wouldn't abandon him, though. For as long as she could stay together -- though that didn't seem all too long a time. The two of them both knew that soon, she would need to be recalled to where she belonged. Perhaps to the side of Wraedan, or perhaps to the old Elven Gods. No one in their society, so detached from religiosity by the oppressive order of the Dranoch's heels, carried any particularly strong inkling towards religion. It was something they swore to learn of once they died.

"...I know I'm dead, but I'm going to need to leave you soon. Again. Some of the other dead I've met since... becoming like this, and even before when I was an Ebon Knight, they'd lingered for so long. Hundreds of years, even. I'd met ghosts who were killed by the Sundering. Vendrael even told me he had met some who died in the mass relocation to Sil-Elaine, the first genocide of our kind. Can you imagine? So many years of hatred..."

The specter shook her head. "But I'm not like that. My heart is not filled with hate. Though I wanted to bring you to our ancestral home, I died a warrior, killing a Dranoch and saving that train. I am content, and my soul wishes to move on."

He nodded. The Famished man's eyes narrowed and lowered towards the sand. He continued to trail after the Halamire, who had offered to guide him to the central settlement of Ciseperant, where he could hire an entourage to guide him to Arlain. They weren't far -- maybe a... day's journey now. Maybe two, if his legs gave out like he thought they were going to.

"I can only offer you some last advice, Taelian. From survivor to survivor. Ebon Knight to Ebon Knight," she smiled, and pointed her slender fingertips to the back of the black-cladded soldier. "Kill him, Taelian. You do not know his intentions; too many of our kind have fallen prey to the lies of the oval-eared scum."
Last edited by Taelian on Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 557
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"I can't," he told her.

"He has money, Taelian. A gun. A better weapon. Food. Supplies; a horse. You name it. You're behind him, and you're an Ebon Knight. Trained to deal with the reflexes of the Dranoch. You could kill him before he ever knew how to respond. I don't care that he's Halamire; they don't know what we endure. He is no Cardinal, Taelian. I assure you."

The Siltori frowned. "He's been kind to me," he said. "He gave me water. He didn't hurt me when he felled the Raider. He didn't have to stop and guide me like he's doing now -- I can't, Elindra. I can't."

"He is a human, Taelian."

He began to shake his head, almost violently.

"That is enough."

To be human was enough to be killed -- for being kind? No . . . he did not understand. That was the way the Dranoch saw them; worthless, livestock, tools only to be exploited to their advantage or whim. That wasn't how he wanted to live.

"You alright, Elf?" the Halamire-Knight asked.

Taelian's eyes immediately shot up at him -- he looked guilty. It was evident.

"...Ser, what's your name?"
"Valran Renfier de Neime. Yours?"
"Taelian Ela'Rannoch. Do you know what an Ebon Knight is?"
"Sigilic Pyromancy?"
"No, I can't say that I do. Your reason for asking?"
"I want you to back away from me, Renfier. We have the ability to see and hunt wraiths -- things that won't move on after death. There's one that... that I need to take care of. I don't want you to think I'm trying to attack you, so--"
"I understand."

The Halamire-Knight backed away, and dug his blade into the sand. He waited, observing Taelian, who drew his claymore from his back.

"Taelian, no!" Elindra screamed. It was like a banshee's wail; loud, mind-wracking, sorrowful. "Why, Taelian?! I'm trying to lead you home!"

She stood, petrified, her arms outstretched on each side, fingers clutching forward like gnarled talons. But she did not intend to try to defend herself, not by any means. "You need to go to rest, Elindra. You're becoming like the ones we see wandering across Silfanore in the night; filled with despondence, with... with spite. I have to make sure you go properly, before I lose you and you're forced to wander. Come, Elindra."

"No!" she cried out. "I want to see Arlain before I fully die!"

The specter began to run. Taelian followed her, sprinting, holding his blade at his side so it did not cut him. It was heavy, and the desert did not have still winds.

It didn't take long for him to catch her. It had always been difficult for wraiths to elude Ebon Knights, who were practically designed to cull them. The prospect of death, he was told, encumbered them... but he did not know.

Taelian grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her into his chest. She sobbed. "You don't need to kill him, Taelian. I'm sorry -- perhaps I am becoming lost. I deserve to see, though; the white spires. The pride of our nation of old. The origin of Silor. Please, Taelian, please..."

"I'm sorry, Elindra," he frowned. "You'll still get to see. In another life, or beneath the purview of the Gods, or in some other way. We don't know the vast workings of this world -- you may still have a chance yet. To live, not just see, but live within those white walls with a man that you love... with a future you can aspire to. You... know that there's hope."

"I do," she whispered back. "But I'm not willing to let go."

He knew it. She did not want to die.

"I'm so young, Taelian. I didn't even get to leave Sil-Elaine before I died -- I was killed on the train out, of all things. Right when I thought my journey had only just begun..."
"I know," he whispered. "I know. Life is cruel like that, isn't it?"
"It is," she said. "So unbelievably cruel."
"It is. So leave it behind, Elindra. Let me help you move on."
"Okay," she laughed, lightly. He did not know what was so humorous, but she did. And he was glad.

Taelian killed her, then. For good. Interestingly, as she died, some of her residual energy appeared to flow into him from the edge of his blade, revitalizing his aether to some marginal extent. He did not realized it worked that way, but it did. In some way, however minute, she did manage to help him again before the end. He knew she would have been glad.

"...Okay, Mister Halamire," he called out to the black-cladded Knight. "We can keep going forward, now. Are you ready?"

"Are you?" the Knight responded back.

"I am," said Taelian. "To see Arlain. To let my eyes never fail to remember it."
word count: 855
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


XP: 5/5
Magic? Yes, for Sigilic Pyromancy.

Sigilic Pyromancy: Telepathically communicating to specters
Sigilic Pyromancy: Specters and how they work
Sigilic Pyromancy: Specters can easily be killed
Sigilic Pyromancy: Specters release aether to you when killed
Bodybuilding: Continuous physical exertion builds firmer muscles
Running: Chasing through a desert

Elindra: I killed her Wraith
Elindra: Wanted to see Arlain
Daravin: The Halamire
Daravin: The Valran
Daravin: The Imperial Badlands
Daravin: Lady Lieril Lorraine

Comments: Please reach out to me if you have questions or concerns.
word count: 94

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