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With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:39 pm
by Rickter
With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year
He had never once expected that the country life would be so... quiet. Kalzasi was a bustling city all the times throughout the day, and even the Cloudhaven District maintained some small ambience of city life throughout the night. Out here within the wood though there was a different breed a life, one where animals were the backdrop noise into the late night instead.

As the twins cooed in their temporary handmade beds from baskets, the wolf stirred from the window and vanity to gaze at the mother who cared for them. Telion and Hannah, with a few of the locals of the village, were working together to tidy up the new place they were staying within. Though it wasn't their actual home, and Rickter felt a little at odds knowing that they were being provided the shelter anyway. As the mother chatted with their guests and Hannah pitched in more on cleaning, Rickter rose from his stool to move toward the doorway.

It was a small little hutch but better than being out in the wilderness, and having a roof over the heads of his pack brought some small ease to mind. Therefore, when he reached his boots the wolf knelt down to slip them on, adjusting their cuffs before he finally looked to the bunch once more. "I'm going out," he announced softly just over their conversation, "Patrick and I are meeting with Ishin today." Training. He wasn't too thrilled by the concept of it, not anymore at least, but the old man wasn't going to let him get away so easily it seems. At the very least, he would have Patrick there to enjoy the torture with; the wolf could only hope that Ishin wasn't as bad as Tarshenna.

The ladies admiring Kendric's tuft of yellow hair paused to watch him for the moment, Telion herself giving a faint smile to Rickter as she gently rocked Isaac. "Okay." The recognition led him to at least try to smile, before he slipped out the door and into the cool morning air outside. Soon as he felt the brush of chill across his skin, Rickter rubbed the white sleeves of his forearms vigorously, his body heat steadily rising a bit just so he could combat the minor cold in the air. Patrick had dressed in a green long-sleeved shirt over a pair of blue pants, his vest and other gear clearly left at the house while he'd gone out for a drink.

"Mornin' sleepyhead! You ready for today?" The Atinoran chuckled with his arms crossed as he leaned into a wooden pole, a cheeky grin in his expression as Rickter approached with a soft sigh.

"We'll see. Ishin doesn't strike me as the type who goes easy." The wolf remarked as he looked around the center of the town, wondering where the Kensei was since he hadn't shown up yet.
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:00 pm
by Pahoran


Knight of Justice

One with the
Light of Dawn,

Martyr for Hope

With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year

Pahoran slipped out of the city as soon as he was able to. He needed to return to his family and the other Knights who had gathered. The young knight still felt a sense of awe that others had joined them. Part of him had known that they would when Acras revealed himself but still after the fall there had been a sense of being alone. Pah gentle jogged a distance away from the city before pausing to take to the air. His powerful wings beat to get him on a current and then allowed himself to be carried forward towards his families new home.

Pah believed and lived the code of the Knights, but life was changing and changing quickly. Years of secrecy had been ingrained in him and to a certain extend they still needed to maintain some secrecy but not like they did before. Pah sighed, they had reached a point were it was most likely even less required as Talon’s identity had been revealed the Empire was most certainly aware that the Dawnmartyrs would gather. The young knights hope was that the Empire was arrogant about the statues of the knights. After his visit with the Inquisitor he was sure of it.

As Pah traveled he kept any eye out for the cave he had passed on his way here. It wasn’t as important as the settlement, but to Pah there wasn’t something about that location that needed to be remembered. He always choose his course towards the settlement to go over that cave. He didn’t want to forget about it and that night. To him it was sacred, and honestly still held a number of unanswered questions that he wanted to answers to. The biggest being what happened to Killian.

On this particular trip while he flew over the spot he didn’t stop and raced towards the settlement. He couldn’t help put compare this to the first night. The settlement was basically lost to the world, but the tree’s had been cleared for a distant and within the settlement itself. There were several temporary buildings around the walled complex waiting for the main structures with in to be finished, and honestly there most likely would be a settlement outside the walls as this wasn’t an outpost anymore but was becoming the headquarters of the Knights.

Pah flapped and lowered himself to the ground outside of the city walls. He took a breath as he looked around taking in what was going on. There was far more activity on this day then when they first had come. The Clan had worked hard and was actually extensive but the other groups of knights had increased the population noticeable. One of the things it had done was tip the balance so the Avialea were a smaller percent then at first. It didn’t bother Pah but it did adjust the seen before him.

It was then that he saw Ricky standing with someone else who Pah hadn’t meet. With a quick stride he came over to Ricky and said. “It is good to see you.” They hadn’t meet often but enough for Pah to be aware how Talon felt about him. “We all sorrow for Talon, but I am sorry for the personal pain you must be feeling.” If he was open for it Pah would offer a huge, otherwise he would give him a handshake. “They finally opened the city for people to leave. It will be good to have your voice in our councils.”

“Endurance is one
of the most difficult
disciplines, but it is
to the one who
endures that the
final victory comes.”

― Gautama Buddha.

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:16 am
by Rickter
With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year
The two men observed the locals going about their day here, as people went on to help with the development of the new structures being built. Then the others who were headed deeper into the walls of the interior, likely the warriors of the Dawnmartyrs that went to report in for the day. Honestly... Rickter had no concept of how things worked here at all, even if they'd already stayed for just a few days. Getting settled in had been hard enough, the wolf already felt as though he should be ready to leave at a moment's notice.

Probably because of the fact he was still exiled, and technically, this forest the Dawnmartyrs had settled within was still Kalzasi domain. Either way, they were sheltering him, which wasn't something he felt comfortable allowing really. "So, is brooding a sport in Karnor? Do they hold competitions? Hand out trophies for the best scowls?" The Atinoran inquired in a teasing tone at the wolf, warranting a raised eyebrow from Rickter as he looked to the man a little defensively.

"I'm not "brooding."" He remarked with a cross of his arms, his eyes directed forward to avoid looking at the man next to him.

"Moping, then." Rickter scoffed through his nostrils, and refrained from shifting his gaze. "You seem like you're a champion at it."

"I'm perfectly content at the moment." The wolf assured as he finally shifted his gaze, looking at the trail which led into the forest more than anything. There he noticed the figure of an Avialae coming into view, and for a moment his heart skipped a beat until he recognized the scent. He had met this man once before, and heard a little of him from Talon from time to time as well. It had been a while since they came to watch the northern lights that year, but Rickter was never forgetful of a scent when he came across it.

"Oh, so that's you smiling? Glad you clarified that. I'd never have known." Patrick added with his hands rested at his hips, as he observed the wolf taking note of the new arrival. Rickter himself stood calmly with a firm if not plain expression, his blue eyes subtly averting from Pahoran when he strode close to greet him.

"And to you as well..." He returned a little timidly, his expression somber once more when Talon was mentioned. Pahoran was a Synnekar as well, so he likely understood the Bond and the levity that came with it. Therefore, he also likely had an idea of how the wolf felt as well. As difficult as it was to resonate an affirmation with it, Rickter did manage to nod back to him before he accepted the handshake. Then the news that the lockdown had started to lift at least somewhat, allowing people to leave and enter the city finally. "Thank you... I'll... try my best to aid however I can." Though he may have lacked confidence at the moment, the wolf wasn't intent on letting his skills remain useless here.

"Awe, hang in there big guy!" Patrick prodded him on the bicep as he came around to join them, his chipper smirk only earning a stare as the wolf remained stoic in his expression. "In any case, who's your friend here, Rick?" Ah, but of course. Rickter had forgotten that the Atinoran was still new to all this, while the wolf seemed to have friends in places not even he was aware of.

"Ah, yes... This is, Pahoran, yes?" Rickter checked to make sure the name hadn't been confused with the memory, a sincere look in his eyes even as they avoided direct contact with Pah's gaze. "This man here is..." Patrick gave an expectant raise of his eyebrows, as though an imaginary drumroll played in his mind just now. "a friend. His name's Patrick Barnell."

"Thank you!" The Atinoran cheered with a hand brought up to greet the Avialae. "Pleasure to meet ya!"

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 6:37 pm
by Pahoran


Knight of Justice

One with the
Light of Dawn,

Martyr for Hope

With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year

Pah noticed that Ricketer seemed rather shy around him, but that didn’t bother him. They had only really meet the one time, though Pah had seen the bondmate of Talon around a few times, and Talon had mentioned him. Pah didn’t yet have anyone deeply bonded to him but he understood what it was like to be separated from those who you shared a bound with, and he could understand how as it became deeper it could truly hurt. The shook hands and Pah gave him and understanding look with his eyes. He smiled. “I am sure you will.” He said in complete honesty.

The attention in the conversation turned towards another young man who seemed to be focusing on teasing Ricky. Pahoran watched with his ice blue gaze, curiosity written on his face as he watched the exchange he nodded his head and put his hand to his chest in greeting as Ricketer. The man seemed very friendly with a easy smile on his lips. He noticed the brief pause before describing the man as a friend.

“It is nice to meet you Patrick.” He said shaking the other man’s hand. “Welcome to settlement.” He said waving towards the settlement around them. He looked between the two men and then said. “As I mentioned I have finally gotten out of the city but I had something happen while I was there and need to share it with the other Knights. I hope that you will come with me and join our gathering.” He looked at him honestly. “We will need your help when we gather a group and go looking for Talon.”

As they spoke a older man came towards them. The large man was clearly a Avialea, and also had white wings like Pahoran, and there were similarities in the face structure and the brow line, but unlike Pah he wasn’t blond instead he had dark hair and dark eyes. Pah didn’t see him as he was facing the wrong direction. As he drew closer he called to them. “Greeting men.” He said in a voice that could carry across a battlefield.

Pah turned and smiled at the old knight. He paused by Pahoran and spoke. “I apologies for not coming by sooner.” He looked between the two men, “I know one of you is Ricketer and the other is Patrick.” Pah then made the introductions as he indicated who was who.

Then Pah said. “Ricketer and Patrick this is Knight Marshall Taselia, my grandfather.” He looked at all of them. “We need to gather the leadership, as well as Ricketer, so I can relate some of the things that happened in the city.”

The older man grinned. “I knew I could count on you. When we saw you coming I already called a meeting, everyone should be gathered in another twenty minutes.” He said. He smiled at the two young men. “Please join us,”

“Can we have the meeting in the temple?” Pah asked.

There was a surprised moment. “Its less comfortable but we can easily meet there.” The older man said he looked at him. “I will see you there.” He turned to the two men. “We are glade to have you here. We will need all the good warriors we can in the next few seasons.”

Pah smiled and turned back to Ricketer. “How long have you been in the settlement?”

“Endurance is one
of the most difficult
disciplines, but it is
to the one who
endures that the
final victory comes.”

― Gautama Buddha.

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:17 am
by Rickter
With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year
The wolf nodded in turn to Pahoran when he remained courteous, still a little adamant to share a gaze, but receptive enough to appreciate the friendly demeanor the Synnekar possessed. For the moment Rickter wasn't sure how he felt about Pahoran, he didn't possess any scent that gave off a bad warning in his gut. Just the smell of the Astralar Mountain air all over him, perhaps with a bit of musk to it as well. From the sound of his tone he seemed confident in Rickter, which somewhat troubled the wolf given his recent circumstances.

Patrick looked appreciated, to say the least when he received introductions, the Atinoran giving Rickter a smirk as the wolf still didn't know quite how to act here. Yet when Pahoran mentioned his return from the city once more, he elaborated there being a need to share among the other knights here; and for them to attend this meeting as well. Already the wolf felt apprehensive to confirm anything, if only because he wasn't sure he belonged there. He'd only come here for refuge after all, and didn't want to meddle in affairs that weren't entirely his own either. "Sure!" The Atinoran encouraged for him, evidently, as he looked from the wolf to Pahoran with a hearty grin. "We were just waiting on someone anyway, who's to say he won't be attending this meeting either."

Now the wolf had to give him credit there... Ishin wasn't exactly part of the Dawnmartyrs, yet he was helping them out regardless anyway. Perhaps it had something to do with Raxen, or, the Arbitraer simply felt needed to help those here instead. Yet the idea, the hope, that they would go looking for Talon... Therein burned a raging fire the wolf didn't expect to feel. Was it anger? Or passion? He couldn't quite tell honestly, only that its heat swelled in his gut. Just as he thought to actually say something, however, another seemed to join them and thus he withdrew once more. This Synnekar gentleman looked kin to Pahoran from the plumage of their wings, the only varying differents in their features and color.

The way his voice carried out sent jitters across Rickter's skin, if only for a moment, as he quietly observed the approach of this man who clearly knew Pahoran. When the next set of introductions came around Patrick remained openly casual with the whole greeting, a little amazed to honestly meet an abled knight of the fabled Dawnmartyrs. Rickter on the other hand felt more the same as before, uncertain what to say therefore quietly receptive. "Pleasure to meet you!"

So they were next of kin after all, the wolf noted, remembering his meeting Talon's grandfather and their similar resemblances as well. There was the mentioning of gathering leadership as well, and the wolf couldn't help but wonder what this was all really about. Was this meeting a gathering about Talon already? What did Pahoran possibly know after being stuck within Kalzasi for as long as he was? "Oh, just Rickter or should-"

"You're coming..." The wolf quickly remarked as he wasn't gonna let the bastard off the hook that easy, even if he wasn't sure if he shouldn't be involved or not. Besides, no backing out now, not when he already got Rickter tied into this.

"Great, good, after you then!" He urged before Pahoran brought up something else, specifically, where he wanted the meeting to take place in turn.

"The temple?" Rickter looked to Patrick as they in turn looked from one another toward the structure they perceived as the temple. It certainly didn't look very big, but at least a decent-sized building that would hold a good number of people. Soon enough, after Pah's grandfather left for the others, Rickter gave a small hint of an awkward smile for the Synnekar. "Four days." He answered plainly as Patrick looked to see him interact with the knight. "I brought my pack here for shelter... So that they can be safe from our enemies."

"I had to help!" The Atinoran enthused heartily, as he followed alongside Rickter and Pahoran toward the temple. "You wouldn't believe the trouble this guy can get into. Had to get the battlemages from Kalzasi off his tail before we came here."

"Perhaps... there are some things Pah doesn't need to know?"

"What? That you're an exile? Guess what my friend, whole worlds gonna know about that when you're done with this story." The insinuation Patrick gave led Rickter to furrow his brows at the man, nearly sharpening his glare on the poor guy as Patrick shrugged his shoulders.

"Just what are you implying?" The Atinoran chuckled at him in turn.

"That this is gonna make one helluva good storybook when I'm done with it." The bartender remarked sardonically, which led the wolf to grumble under his breath in their presence.
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:48 pm
by Pahoran


Knight of Justice

One with the
Light of Dawn,

Martyr for Hope

With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year

Pahoran kept an eye on everyone around them as they talked not because he distrusted anyone but because that was they way he was taught. He watched with interest and noticed that Rickter kept withdrawing into himself. He guessed there was shyness in the response but maybe he just wasn’t comfortable being there with the Knights. Honestly Pah could understand that. There were a number of new people here who he didn’t know. It was very odd to now have so many people, but there were brothers, and they were unified under a common cause, and goal.

Pah wasn’t sure if Rickter was bound by that same goals, he hadn’t been trained as a Knight, but Pah could feel an Emblem connection with Rickter so that meant he had proved himself to Talon worthy of wearing his mark. It was something that even among the Knights only the elves who were around before the battle at the spire and a few of the younger knights had.

Pahoran watched felt a bit sorry as for the other two as his Grandfather came through. He was a presences. There was a reason why the man had risen quickly through the ranks of the knights, yes he was old though by Avialea standards not really old. Pah hide a smile as Patrick tried to avoid coming to the meeting but Rickter insisted that he come.

Pah looked at the mention of the temple and there repeat of the word, but finished with his grandfather before addressing the question. “This settlement was originally an outpost of the Dawnmartyrs which is one of the main reasons we have returned here. It already has much of what we need even if it has to be repaired, and one of those is a temple to Arcas.” Pah’s eyes grew distant as he remembered events there. “And in addition to its structural pass it is significant to us because it is where Talon revealed himself as Arcas, and because it is where we the Knights of the Dawn reveal our self to him, and recommitted to our patron.” His gaze drifted back to the here and now.

Pahoran listened as his own question to Rickter was answered. There were a number of things that kind of hit Pahoran all at the same time, and while curiosity danced across his face, he didn’t over react but just listened taking in what was going on. Rickter was in exile from the city, well that was a complication but not impossible depending on the reason for it. Pah actually had quickly noticed the paranoia going on in the city right now so there could easily be a understandable reasons. He had come her after dodging pursers, well the knights were being quiet about this place as well, though Pah wasn’t sure it wasn’t a open secret in the government. He also appeared to have brough his family, assuming that what he meant by bringing his pack.

“I hope your pack is settling in well.” He said addressing the first point, and then looked between the two of them. “I am almost afraid to ask what happened.” Something about Patrick’s humor on the subject really made Pahoran nerves. He looked between them and said. “But I suspect it might be important to planning operations around this rescue.”

“Endurance is one
of the most difficult
disciplines, but it is
to the one who
endures that the
final victory comes.”

― Gautama Buddha.

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 2:10 pm
by Rickter
With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year
The pair of men near Pah waited patiently as conversations ensued, the talk between the knight and his grandfather short but to the point in what needed to be done. When the knight filled Rickter and Patrick on the temple next, the wolf's eyes moved to pick out the structure described. So Talon revealed himself to these people as Arcas then. Deep down that irked the wolf to some extent, after having promised the entity to keep it quiet initially. He thought back to try and remember the times he felt personally responsible, but of course, the immediate haze in his thoughts left him to remember that not all those memories remained.

"Hang on..." Patrick looked utterly dumbfounded by the realization then, and gave Rickter a shocked glance as the wolf watched the reality sink in. "Talon is Arcas?!" There was no veritable need for the wolf to nod, as it was just a plain fact everyone should've known at this rate. But Patrick? Given he was still an outsider, and Rickter didn't quite grasp the relationship between him and the prince, it didn't come as such a surprise the Atinoran just now realized this. "You mean to tell me you were bodyguard to a demigod?!" As they walked toward the temple, Pahoran expressed his own sentiments on the subjects at present.

"Among other things..." The response was utterly brief and followed with a grimace, the wolf's expression near somber once more at the thought of their history. It probably didn't do any real favors for the wolf, but hearing the implication of a planned rescue piqued their interest. Were they going to attempt to save Talon now? Soon? In what shape or form could Rickter, or even Pahoran, find the means to saving their patron. For a moment Rickter felt uncomfortable again, unsure if Pah or anybody else here really needed to know about his recent transgressions. He was a fucking exile, after all, one wrong person was all it took to inform the Iron Queen...

"They're doing fine. Having a roof over our heads rather helps with that..."

At Pah's remark on being nearly afraid to ask, Patrick chuckled before looking to Rickter, before refraining to indulge in such a story on his own. Seemed that the Atinoran knew better than blatantly throwing around stories, at least, not when he hardly had the whole context of a situation. "You never did tell me what happened either, yanno." He at least gently prodded with a gentle nudge of the elbow at Rickter's forearm.

"Simply put, I am a failure to the Queen Regent. When tasked to locate Kisorika the expedition failed, and my charge taken by his enemies at the Black Wedding, exile was what awaited me on my return to Kalzasi." He would not describe the events of the expedition just yet, not when he wasn't certain where events tied in together. Not yet at least.

"Damn! Sounds harsh, man." The Atinoran remarked as the jovial tone seemed to diminish, with a more sympathetic look cast to Rickter as they walked. When they reached the front of the temple, an old man donned in a white kamishimo exited from the temple entrance. Though weathered and well-aged, the grizzled old man kept a poise in his stature that near impossible to miss. One look at the katana at his side, and Pahoran would know this warrior as a Kensei. A Northman of the Free Cities if there ever were one, and he looked to the three of them with a modest smile before poking his specs up the bridge of his nose.

"Well, if it isn't my pupil and newest pupil. And who do we have here today?" He greeted warmly with patience in his stature, Patrick quick to speak for the wolf since he tended to deviate from social queues.

"Hey old man! This is Pahoran, a knight of the Order!" Though aggravated by the 'old man' bit, Ishin looked from Patrick to the Synnekar in their company.

"I see. Ishin Sahdo, a disciple of the Draegir Raxen." He greeted with a calloused hand extended to Pah, his sharp eyes never quite leaving the knight as Ishin appraised him curiously.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 2:19 pm
by Pahoran


Knight of Justice

One with the
Light of Dawn,

Martyr for Hope

With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year

Pahoran watched the men he was walking with and got the impression something he said about Talon being Arcas disturbed Ricky. Though the fact it took Patrick completely but surprise, and frankly that surprised Pahoran. To have come this far with out that knowledge. Well Pahoran had known Talon was Acras from the beginning when the dream had come, and had revealed it to those who were closest to him. True not all of the details, but enough that there wasn’t surprise later. The knight wondered why Ricky’s ally wasn’t aware of that. He decided at that point that there was a different relationship here then he had with the knights. Pah was sure that Ricky was aware before this, he could feel the bound of the emblem they had both been given.

Ricky acknowledge the relationship and admitted to it being deeper then just a bodyguard, which was clearly the case as Pah had seen Talon in action. A body guard would make Talon more dangerous, but he was dangerous to begin with. Pah caught that this line of conversation was kind of at an end though he strongly suspected that there was more to tell. Again he found that interesting. Ricky didn’t seem to want to share with people. Pah could respect that. He would never just blurt something out to a stranger, but among his family for sure he would open up, and even to the other knights who were his brothers. Well maybe he would trust them more as time went on. Pah was sure that Ricky’s knowledge would be critical to the future missions.

He was quiet as Ricky explained what had happened to him. The knight titled his head and thought about what he heard and while it sounded on part with what he had seen it also was very illogical. If Ricky had been sent on a mission, even if it had failed, unless he had literal betrayed them, who in their reasonable mind would blame Ricky for Talon’s abduction. No one, well not without magic, could be in two places at once. It sounded to him like the Queen Regent once again stricking out in anger rather then being rational. His eyes were thoughtful as he listened to the very short explanation. He did want to know more, but felt this wasn’t the time to push for it. He also wondered if the failed mission was somehow connected to Talon’s abduction. He nodded his head in understanding. "If you can what was the mission you were on?"

Pahoran’s attention was then drawn away as another man, old and grizzled, approached. Introductions were made. Pah took the man’s hand and smiled at him firmly shaking the other’s hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you Ishin. Any disciple of Raxen is welcomed here.” Pah grinned. “We honor and follow the paths of Raxen here. When we have some more time it would be great to visit some more with you. It would be nice to learn more of his teachings.” He looked around. “What are you teaching these two?”

“Endurance is one
of the most difficult
disciplines, but it is
to the one who
endures that the
final victory comes.”

― Gautama Buddha.

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:03 am
by Rickter
With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year
Though Pahoran seemed more on the listening end of their discussions, Rickter obviously wanted to deviate back to whatever it was that brought them to the temple. Regardless, he knew all would be made clear now that they grew nearer. When asked about the mission and it's purpose though, the wolf raised an eyebrow considering he'd already claimed it's real intent. "Kisorika. She is a kin of Talon's and well... It was her ship that went down during the Frost blizzards during Glacial Dusk."

That was when Ishin greeted them and joined, with Rickter and Patrick patiently waiting to let the elder speak. "You honor me with your kind words, Sir Pahoran." The Kensei responded with a gracious bow of his head, with a slow rise to straighten back up as he listened further. "Well of course! I'm most glad to spread Raxen's teachings to those eager to learn. Hm?" The elder's eyes widened for a moment before he looked back to his students, once Pahoran inquired about their impending training. "Oh these louts?"

Patrick gave a wry if not slightly offended smile to the man, while Rickter himself hardly seemed phased at all in his firm expression. "Technically Rickter's been my pupil since before the Frost hit. I've taken him under my wing to teach him valuable swordplay once I've whipped him into shape." There was a plotful grin on Ishin when he eyed the pair, before his eyes rested on Patrick afterward. "He on the other hand... will be going through the same thing. Only because his father couldn't bother to finish teaching him."

This time Patrick did look a little offended, raising his eyebrows to Rickter who only shrugged in return. "Pa was always busy?"

"On that note, aren't you two busy? Should we postpone today's training for tomorrow?" The Kensei noted as he realized members of the Order were approaching the temple.

"Apparently," the wolf looked from his mentor to Pah calmly, "our friend here is conjuring a meeting among the knights."

"I see. In that case, you two carry on with him. I'm going to fetch Erikson and we'll catch up." Ishin instructed as he started to pass between them, a steady hand rested on Rickter's shoulder for a moment before he continued onward. The wolf and his companion watched as the Kensei walked onward back into the village, the uncertainty in his eyes returned again as he looked from Patrick to Pahoran next.

"...Lead the way." He finally murmured toward the Synnekar as he and Patrick eyed the temple behind him.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: With the Order [Pah]

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:09 pm
by Pahoran


Knight of Justice

One with the
Light of Dawn,

Martyr for Hope

With the Order
Glade 7th, 122nd Year

The knight listened as Ricky gave his short version of what the issue was. Pah could understand the point of the mission but also could see how emotion was running the temper of the Queen Regent. He didn’t say anything figuring the best thing at this point was to move on and see what happened and what more he could learn about events.

Pahoran listened as Ishin agreed to teaching Pahoran more about his patron. “When we both have more time I will seek you out.” He said acknowledging the older man’s question. Pahoran didn’t really even think about the way the man talked about the two men. He had spent his life as part of rigid training, and while he had work to do on his own skills, he also knew that one wanted to encourage others to grow. It was a fine balance, but one that had to be kept so you don’t make a student feel they are ready for more then they are.

Pah was grateful for Ricket pointing out the on coming meeting, and was pleased with the very military approach to getting things done that Ricky and Ishin took about the whole thing. Pah smiled at them and nodded. “We will see you there then.” He then smiled at both men and motioned for them to join him even as they asked him to lead on.

They took the journey through the outlying settlement that everyone said would be temporary but Pah suspected even once the settlement was finished and as the population of the Knight hood came back and expanded this would be where it grew and that one day would be more then simple huts, tents and wagons. Pah made sure he walked with the men as the entered through the gate in the walls. Despite the age it was still impressive and even more so now that the forest had been cleared away. They followed the main road that lead from the gate towards the temple at the other end. Soon they came to a temple built in the glory days of Knights. It wasn’t anywhere as large as some of temples they had built else where but it was a beautiful structure even with scares of age upon it.

Pah stopped at the entrance and took a deep breath as he looked at it. He remembered the first time he had entered this structure. It had been for a very different reasons. He had come to save his family and in these walls they were being held by the Inquisitor. He looked at the two men with him and gave a self-deprecating smile. “Sorry. This place brings up a number of emotions with me.” He looked at the men. “Let us go in.”

They entered the sacred place, and already there were many gathered in the room. Standing in the center of the room was his grandfather, the heights ranking Knight who come to the settlement. Though only the Grandmaster of the Order was higher ranked, and it was generally believed that he hadn’t survived the purge following the destruction of the Citadel. Pahoran wondered how many of the other ranking members had survived the destruction and the purge.

There weren’t any chairs in the rooms, which didn’t bother Knights, but they were gathering in orderly groups before Knight Marshal. Pah had to admit that the older man was an impressive sight. Blessed with the height of the Avialea race, and tall even for them, his white wings were partway opened catching the natural light coming into the building. His arms were raised as he greeted people arriving and motioning for them to come closer. Which included Ricky, Patrick and Pahoran.

More and more people began to arrive. Every adult came leaving some of the adolescent to watch the youngest children. Anyone who was training with the knights or married to them, or there allies came. And the room soon began to fill with the many people who had committed to serve justices, to serve the light, and above all to bring hope. Pahoran looked around feeling something deep within his chest. Yes these were part of his family, even if they weren’t blood, they were family. They had all bounded together in an effort to save the world, and that bond was important.

Pahoran looked at the two men next to him hoping that the felt the kinship. The knights had always worked with others, and one of these men was bonded via his link to Arcas. Pahoran put his hand on Ricky’s should in a brotherly action and then lowered it back to his side as the crowd began to settle down.

“Okay everyone. We have the bulk of everyone here.” Taselia called out and the crowd grew quieter so that the only thing hear was the simple fidgeting that always occurs when younger people were in a crowd. He looked around the crowd as his voice carried over them. His expression was a mixture of pride at seeing the crowd before him, love, sorrow, and hope. He only waited a couple more second before continuing on. “It is wonderful to see all of you, and I wish it was under different circumstances that we gathered together here.” He paused and looked at them again and Pahoran wondered if there was moister in the knights eyes. “It really is wonderful. To see old brother knight again and here in place that is ours.” He said and then continued. “And to see the new generations, and knowing that more are coming. Remember that brothers and sisters as we move forward. There is always hope.” He paused and cleared his throat. “We have been getting various rumors out of the Kalsazi, and the city has begun to lift its closure and have received some more information about what has happened.” He looked at Pahoran. “Knight Pahoran please tell us what you can.”

Pahoran took a deep breath and walked forward and spoke. “I am sorry to say that the Shokaze of Kalzasi was killed in a recent attack.” The rumors of that seemed to have been fairly consistent so most of the crowd wasn’t actually surprised anymore, also many of the people here hadn’t lived in the territory very long so they were more ideologically saddened but not personally sadden. Pah’s expression was sad though as he did like the man. “The attack though was centered around capturing Prince Talon.” He paused and sighed. “For anyone who was unaware Prince Talon is this generations incarnation of Arcas.”

There was some shifting in the crowd but they remained quiet as clearly there was more that Pahoran had to share. If that had been it well this meeting wouldn’t have been called. “I wasn’t at the actual ceremony.” Pah said. “But I did come to help. I was struck down and when I awoke I found myself in healing rooms of the Jade Garden.” He paused and glanced towards the heavens and looked at the crowd. “In the room was the Matriach Marhda Ahtivin. High Priestess of Ioniri. At it was Ioniri who spoke to me.” He pulled out a piece of parchment and looked around. “She said. ‘Hear me, brave Knight. Your patron is in grave danger. Now, more than ever, he needs those who would call themselves his faithful. Dark forces would seek to corrupt the Light of Dawn and strip the world of Justice and Hope once more. Be swift, lost son of the House of Healers, for time is of the essence and the longer the Morninglord is left shackled, the greater the hold Darkness shall have upon him. You must not fail, young Dawnmartyr. For if you do, Light shall become Darkness. Justice shall become Wrath. Hope...shall become Despair.’” Pahoran finished and lowered the paper and looked around.

Pahoran expression hardened as he listened to the suffling of the crowd. Their training kept the cries in check, but he could tell that it had affected the crowd. His ice blue eyes were filled with resolve as he then spoke. “This is no different then any of the other of his other lives. The darkness has always sought to end Light, Justices and Hope. We have always stood to fight with and protect our Patron.” Pah’s voice carried over the crowd. “While this message was given to me directly it is for us all. As in the centuries past we are being called by the divines to come to the worlds aid. In this case it isn’t with vast armies. We must send help to rescue Arcas Talon, but we also need to something more.” He spread his hands to included the structure around him. “We are the faithful and for to long we have hide our worship, our prayers, and our hymns of praise. At this moment we can’t break his bounds, but our worship, our faith can provided great strength to Arcas Talon. Here and now, and every day moving forward we can reach out to him, not to beg his help, but to give his our love, to give him our strength and above all to give him our hope.” Pahoran finished. He then tugged his shit off so that his emblem was clearly visible for all to see. “Some of us have received his mark either now or in ages passed. We have the most direct connection to Arcas Talon. Will all with the mark please join me. Let us lead the way. We need to continue to embody the tenants of our patron we must give him our hope.” Pah said extending his arm to call all those with the emblem up.

“Endurance is one
of the most difficult
disciplines, but it is
to the one who
endures that the
final victory comes.”

― Gautama Buddha.