Intensive Training I: Physical Assessment

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: Dabu
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Intensive Training I: Physical Assessment
Glade 8th, 122nd Year

It was very early. Erikson and Ishin made it clear that Rickter and Patrick were starting their training beneath the Kensei, and it would be done how the old man wanted to train them. So, before the stars had completely faded out of the sky, and before the morning sun even gave a hint of rising, Erikson brought the two men out in nothing but their casual wear. Together they jogged toward the starting point of their training, the wolf picking up on a few scents throughout the woods as they grew closer toward their destination.

Within the distance crystal spires looked to rise over the foilage of the trees above, suggesting that they were well within range of the settlement found there, while the sun finally broke over the horizon. "Alright, this is where you'll start." Erikson pointed out as he stopped to turn the two, his ginger hair brightening in the few rays of sunlight filtering through. "Rickter, Patrick. Ishin gave me this instruction for the start of your training. You're both to find your way back to the settlement from here, on your own, with no use of magic whatsoever. Understand?"

"So... we literally just run back to the settlement with no use of magic?" Patrick remarked a little surprised, as if he expected more out of this training gig. "Well, should be fun then. I'll even race you, Ricky!"

"You have until noon," Erikson weighed in as Rickter and Patrick looked to him curiously, "otherwise you will fail this part of training." The wolf's eyes narrowed to him then, Erikson giving the wolf a knowing smile as he rested his hands at the small of his back. "Good luck you two. Show Ishin what you can do." Erikson marched off to leave the both of them alone, the reaver disappearing around a thicket of bushes as both of the men looked out among the wood before them.

"Don't worry buddy, I've really good instincts when it comes to navigating. We'll get back there in no time!"

"I already know how to get back there on my own." The wolf assured him with a plain look. "My sense of smell already grants me that much." He'd already remembered Ishin's scent as well as Erikson's, and the Dawnmartyr's little villa wasn't so far off that he couldn't detect it either. But he couldn't help notice earlier, how Ishin and Erikson both had their scent... all throughout the wood as well. Was this a diversionary tactic, or did they have other reasons for having been out here prior to his arrival?

"Well, what are we waiting for?" The Atinoran remarked as he took initiative in bolting, the wolf's eyebrows raising as he watched Patrick attempt a head start. "Last one there has to buy the drinks later!"

"Patrick, wait!" The wolf reached out to him but he had been too slow, and Patrick to quick to realize something was off about this. Lo and behold the southerner's boot caught something, jerking a rope along the toe of the leather as he about tripped from the recoil it made. There was no time for him to react then, as soon as Patrick caught himself with his other foot to affirm his landing, something shot out from the thicket of bushes within the area; slamming into the forehead of the man hard as he staggered back into a recoil. "Shit!"

Right away, Patrick teetered onto his back hard, hitting the grass with a thump as he reached for the spot on his forehead. "Son of a-" The wolf moved to try and assess how badly the poor bastard might've been injured, only to hear the grass beneath his foot shift with a sudden groan underneath.

"FUCK!!" Was all the wolf could shout as he had no time to react, the trap beneath his boot gave way to allow the wolf to fall within the pit dug underneath it. He hit the bottom and wheezed, the wind knocked out of him as he lay there in a state of shock. Though only minor, the pain from his landing radiated throughout his entire back afterward. Well... He figured as he slowly turned over with a soft groan. Now we know why we have til noon...

"H-Hey, Ricky?" Patrick called out just over the rim of the pit, having crawled toward it to look down at the wolf within. "You good?" The wolf's eyes opened to see him looking from above, already with a huge red welt centered on his forehead. What the fuck hit him?

"...I've suddenly resolved to die in peace down here..." The wolf remarked as he finally shifted, a turn over made with a few grunts as the Atinoran started to get on his feet also.

"Here." The Atinoran offered a hand to help the wolf out, and after a moment of reluctance Rickter accepted the lift up. Once they were both on their feet again, the pair took a moment to assess the situation at hand.

"They've rigged the woods with traps." He pointed out flatly with minimal amusement, the Atinoran next to him tsked sardonically with a fold of his arms.

"He could'a warned us first..."

"It's a test..." RIckter figured with a look past him, his blue eyes scouring the rest of the wood surrounding them. "They've brought us to a part of the wood rigged with traps. They disallowed the use of magic, and, gave us a time limit to be back by. Its likely that we fail if we do use magic to get through here."

"Aaawe man, what kind of training is this?"

"I'd like to know that myself..." The wolf agreed with sharp eyes fixed on their environment, his nostrils already flaring as he tried to get an ideal on the scents throughout the area.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"
word count: 1041
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: Dabu
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Intensive Training I: Physical Assessment
Glade 8th, 122nd Year

Patrick reluctantly took a step toward where he saw the first trap he activated, minding the line's location as he tried to avoid stepping across it once more. "Do you really think it wise to risk it? You don't know where all the traps are." The wolf checked with a stoic expression toward his partner, Patrick pausing his pace only to look back and give him a confident smirk.

"Shit, I'll gamble it. That rock hurt like hell, but that was the only one to hit me, thankfully." The Atinoran faced forward with a slight bend to his knees, as though he were readying himself for a takeoff. "Wherever these traps spring up, we'll just have to avoid them. Right?" It was right as he stepped down that he felt another wire tug under the heel of his boot. "Oh, crap!"

"Patrick!" The wolf rushed after him to reach as he felt the tripwire against his ankle, the stone-throwing trap activated once again as he pulled Patrick back over toward their starting point. A swinging log hung by rope would then pendulum where the Atinoran once stood, as the stones cast their way pelted Rickter on the shoulder and rib; and Patrick on his left rib cage. Quickly tumbling back into their safe zone, the wolf huffed aloud before standing tall once more. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. So that's another type of trap to avoid... I have a feeling this is gonna get complicated." Patrick remarked as he too gradually regained his footing, a little more serious about the obstacles in front of him now.

"Listen..." Rickter started lowly as he fixed his gaze on the course ahead, the Atinoran tilting his head over to the wolf as he waited. "I'm not exactly the reliable sort against this sort of thing." He pointed out immediately. "I could do a hundred drills from Tarshenna, and they wouldn't compare to this amount of dedication. I can already tell you my athleticism might fail me more than several times in this..."

"Okay, I get it!" The man before him remarked as he focused on the path once more. "Look don't beat yourself up about it, okay? Just keep moving forward," the wolf looked over to him in wonder of this man's mentality, "and yeah it's gonna suck for a while. But if we work together, we can beat these traps before lunchtime!" The wolf could almost admire this man's optimism somehow, his gaze drifted back on toward the trees before them. He just needed to concentrate then.

With a steady inhale through his nostrils Rickter breathed in the forest air, overlooking the obvious tones of moss and tree bark, and looking for the particular scents that stood out to him. He noticed Ishin's scent, and Erikson's too, throughout the forest floor in sparse areas. I can do this... He commended himself for once, shifting into a position like Patrick's as he slowed his breathing down. There came a moment of silence between the two of them, before the wolf bolted first with Patrick darting after him a second after. The wolf stepped into a point where he hopped completely over the first trap, and sprung into a sprint right over the second trap immediately upon landing.

Once the pair dipped around the swaying log, it was into unknown territory from there, the wolf's only discernable factor being where traps might possibly be. The smells were scattered about after all, and yet, right as they came close to such a checkpoint, he felt his boot tug at another wire. "Shit!" Another log came swinging from the side just nearly missing Patrick as they ran, and as the Atinoran nearly teetered out of his sprint. "Just keep going!"

Rickter didn't look back as he didn't have time, he saw the next trap almost right away thankfully, yet apparently, Patrick had tripped another as another whoosh followed with the groan of rope. The pair temporarily missed springing another trap, until yet another rope activated a wooden panel, which Rickter nearly slammed his way through. Luckily he had a chance to keep himself in the race, by pulling aside the obstacle as another dropped log came swinging in front of them. The wolf dunked and his partner followed in tandem, dipping beneath the arc of the log's swing as they managed to skip another couple traps.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"
word count: 795
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Intensive Training I: Physical Assessment

Points awarded:
  • 8 - Not for Magic
  • Tracking: Using Your Sense of Smell to Navigate
    Tracking: Identifying Scents Within Your Environment
    Acrobatics: Avoiding Pitfall Traps
    Acrobatics: Dodging Swinging Logs
    Running: Staying Ahead of Activated Traps
    Running: Sprinting Through A Trap Infested Area
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 114
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