The Power In My Blood Ⅰ

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


♅ 17th of Glade, year 122, A.o.S ♅
Company: Dimitri | Thoughts: Did I hurt you? | Mood: Mentally Drained
The cool kiss of the Glade air danced across his skin as he practiced. The sound of trees sizzling, the crackling of his blood as it became acidic singing before going out after a few moments. It seemed to him that at this level the acidity of the blood didn't persist but for so long after being spawned.

Even in the lingering cold of the season, it could not stop his thirst to perfect the one thing that would allow him to achieve his goal. This day was no different and the forest was his sanctuary to learn. It seemed to him right now, he was limited in the amount of blood he could create or how long it lasted. He wanted to become better, for the sake of the many mages unaware that there was more than the servitude they were accustomed to, so he had to become better.

He was becoming quite comfortable with the toxic blood, being able to see how my own blood could become a turning point of a conflict. He was currently using an ability that allowed him to manipulate his blood, causing it to become acidic, the blood being willed into the form of a scarlet mist. He was curious as to how he could manipulate it in other forms. With a mere thought, the crimson fog dissipated into nothing.

Taking a sharp rock he cut his wrist, channeling his Vitale as the crimson liquid spilled onto the forest floor. His eyes turned a faint shade of red, his irises turning glowing amber. The blood began to churn and pool in front of him, a circular puddle forming. He changed the ph balance of the blood to make it acidic again. With a look to the tree he was using as a practice dummy, he sent the wave of blood forward.

The vicus form of it clung to the bark of the tree, the organic fiber hissing as it was melting away, though this time he focused more on keeping it from dissipating. The more he focused, the louder the hissing became. It seemed that concentrating on it at this point would allow it to linger for much longer on a target. He could see the many applications he could employ it with, mostly torture and interrogation.

He was glad to see it only took the willpower in order to manipulate in order for the blood to corrode whatever it touched. It brought a smile to his face, to say the least, and he wanted to get better at manipulating it, as the technique was strenuous at first. His thoughtful planning was interrupted by Dimitri's sneeze, as the poor guy accompanied him out today into the forest to watch his back so to speak, but I enjoyed his company nonetheless.

"Are you not cold sir?" he asked, looking around as he tried to keep himself warm. "Not as much as you would think, but I still feel the cold a bit." he spoke, conjuring another pool of blood to fling at the defenseless tree.

He was not impressed by what he had come to the conclusion with what I had been practicing so far, now creating a spear of blood. Launching it at the tree he watched it splash against the semi-corroded tree, the acidic liquid finally eating its way through the drunk of the tree and causing it to collapse, falling in Dimitri's direction. With a pulse of kinetic force, the young man was spared being crushed. After inspecting the results, he took a break for a moment, a cooling breeze coming to cool the warmth of his body.

Sitting against an unharmed tree, he lifted his head up to the sky, eyes closed as he even his breath and rested for a moment. Dimitri came to stand in front of him, causing a shadow to cast over him as he blocked the sunlight that was hiding behind the canopy of the forest. "Here, I take it you are tired, you should replenish your strength." he inquired, extending his wrist to the vampyre, cutting the flesh with a knife and allowing the blood to build and pool.

Dante had yet to feed off of the young man, and he wasn't sure if doing so was a good idea. "Are you certain? You don't have to do this if you don't want to." he replied, pushing the bleeding flesh away from him, but the human insisted. "You need to keep your vitale reserves full, I can spare a pint or two." Dante could see that Dimitri wouldn't take no for an answer and with a sigh, he took the young man's wrist.

For a moment he stared at the scarlet liquid as it poured from the flesh, and with one large lick, the taste of it sent a shock through his system, causing Dante to latch on with an aggressive hold. He couldn't quite explain the feeling, as it feel good, like a drug, pleasurable to his senses. If he was being completely honest with himself, it was euphorically orgasmic to dine one such young flesh. He was starting to lose himself to the feeling and quickly pressed the boy away from him, a shuddering sigh escaping his lips.

It would have been dangerous if he had continued to feast on him. "My apologies Dimitri, I didn't mean to hurt you." he spattered, pulling himself together as he looked to where Dimitri was, the young man in a daze of his own. Both men couldn't help but chuckle as they got to their feet, Dante helping the young man up as he fell into the vampyre's chest. A blush came over the human's cheeks, and he quickly pushed himself off of him, trying to hide his embarrassment, causing Dante to chuckle.

Once Dante was rested, he decided to try something else in the arsenal of Vitalis. Looking to where Dimitri was sitting, he saw the blade the young man had, and looking at his hand, he held his free hand over it. Channeling vitale into his hands, he formed finger blades on his nails, fashioning sharp talons on that hand, and then with the other. As he did so, memories began to fill his mind, the vampyre forgetting that psychometry took effect whenever he fed. What glimpses he saw was not what he expected to see about the young man who was working under him.

His gaze turned to the human as he could see two loving parents, then the death of Dimitri's mother, the abuse of his father afterwords. The moment he murdered said father after being abused for the final time. He could see the unspeakable things the young human had to do in order to survive. It truly brought a tear to the vampyre's eyes. With the memories faded as quickly as they came, he could only look at the young man, Dimitri having a feeling of what his master had seen. With a stifling of tears, Dante wiped his eyes dry and focused.

With his fleshy blades drawn, he leaped through the glade air into the sea of trees. With his budding talent in close-quarter combat as it was, he delivered cuts and gashes through the trees as he ran across a straight path. The legion of trees soon looked like a rabid beast who went on a rampage, knowing this was one of the abilities he would find to be a staple in a pinch, one he was starting to like using. Finding himself in the mists of targets his mind began to play tricks on him. The inanimate trees began to morph and look like Dimitri's abusive father.

He knew this was nothing but a stressed induced illusion of his mind from probably pushing himself too hard, causing him to panic for a split second. With a deep breath to calm his nerves, he sprinted forward again, diving into the trees head-on. With a lunge, he rotated his body weight in order to cause himself to spin. With claws hands poised to rip into the flesh of the tree, he became a whirling mass of bladed flesh, carving across the bark of any tree caught like wet paper, finding that this form of organic manipulation allowed things to be sliced with ease.

Repeating the process he charged head-on into the ocean of trees, slicing and hacking at them as he saw fit, trying to make each slash precise and carefully executed as he could. During all of this, he found his mental state was becoming......chaotic. The frustration and anger coupled with these stressed-induced hallucinations had him in a maelstrom of emotion. To add to this, the visage of the abusive father shifted now forming into the form of himself, of his old self Dreyfus.

He was doing his best to ignore the visage and focused on the task at hand of his practicing. He came barreling through the sea the trees slicing each one that he came across. Smirking, he was content, but his smile faded into shock when the illusions persisted. The trees mutated into distorted figures of dead Monteliyet, but something about this copy was different, almost demonic. This sent him over the mental edge, unfortunately, causing him to go bursting into a rage.

For Dimitri who was trailing behind the vampyre, it was like watching a rabid beast tear through a flock of sheep. Dante's movements and elegance of the slashes became barbaric and all over the place. He couldnt help it, all the vampyre could see is the demonic image of the man he once was. Drowning in the frenzy of emotions he collapsed from exhaustion. His mental reserves were spent.

"Sir are you alright!?" Dimitri asked, rushing to Dante's side. He was panting, shaking from the mania of what he was experiencing. He knew his mental state could get problematic, but this was too much. He couldnt believe he lost control like he did, unable to hear Dimitri's inquiries about his condition.

His eyes erratically looked around, the pounding of his heart within his chest, Dante was going into a panic. He found himself spiraling for a moment, finally coming to face the reality that maybe, just maybe he was not cut out for this life. But then again, he willingly asked for this power.

Dimitri's voice finally reached him, and he snapped himself out of the torrent of his own psyche. "Y.....yes Dimitri I.....I am fine, thank you." he responded, finally finding the strength to speak. With his help, Dimitri ushered the vampyre back to the clearing they had started in. Dante could help but feel somewhat ashamed to have lost control in front of his subordinate like that.

"We should return back to the city sir, I think you have trained long enough." he suggested, to which I agreed. Perhaps he was right, as I was pushing myself very hard in my magical training, which I'm sure invited overstepping. "I agree, we should return......also." he began, gripping Dimitri by the shoulder as he went to stand.

"I want to apologize for my behavior, that was not very becoming of me, so I wish to apologize." he said with a sorrowful tone, to which the young human smirked, patting my back. "No need to apologize, sir" It was reassuring to hear that he didn't judge Dante, as the vampyre was in need of that.

It was within that moment the two men heard a commotion, the sound of trees falling nearby. Tapping into his rune, Dante used Veracity to heightened his sense, hoping to hear the source of the disturbance. What he found however was the thick smell of blood.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 2092

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Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

Name: Dante

  • Psychology: Mental Hallucinations caused by magic
  • Vitalis: Vicissitude
  • Vitalis: Thaumaturgy
  • Vitalis: Changing the PH balance of blood to make it acidic
  • Vitalis: Testing the capabilities of Thaumaturgy
  • Vitalis: Using Vicissitude to form natural weapons

Points: 8
Magic: These points can be used for Vitalis.

Injuries: Mental hurt indeed
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!

Comment: A good read, the dynamic between Dante and Dimitri is interesting

Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!
word count: 167
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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