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Intensive Training I: Evaluation Results

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:32 pm
by Rickter
Intensive Training I: Evaluation Results
Glade 8th, 122nd Year

Ishin sat against the outer wall of the settlement patiently, a little spot cleared of the lingering snow as he had prepped a tiny brewing stand next to him. As the small Pyrolyth within the chamber of the stand radiated heat, the tea kettle soon whistled with steam as the Kensei looked from his book to the gingered Reaver. "Already hard at it are they?"

"It'll take them a moment, but they'll figure it out." Erikson commended with a hearty chuckle, the knight kneeling down next to Ishin as the Kensei poured a cup for the man. "Thank you, sir."

"Of course," the white-haired man remarked as he poured his own cup next, "so tell me what do you think their chances?"

"Well, the Barnell boy does have the spirit, but he's got a lot of ground to cover. My nephew on the other hand..." There hung a heavy silence there, the Kensei never once looking away from the forest before them.

"He is strong." The warrior assured him after a minute had passed. "It's only his resolve that holds him back."

"Excuse me?" Both of the men raised their eyebrows as they hadn't expected another voice, their heads immediately shifted to find Telion had approached without barely a sound.

"Telion? Goodness, what are you doing up this early?" Erikson remarked as he quickly shifted back onto his feet, while wary not to spill his tea as he greeted her.

"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt." She chuckled nervously but with a warm smile. "The twins woke up already, so naturally, we're up when they rise and shine. Hannah's fine with them anyways, I just... I needed a moment with the both of you?" She requested a little sheepishly, uncertain of her timing given the topic of their conversation.

"By all means, have a seat." Ishin welcomed her with a gesture to the space to his left, allowing her to sit near him as he reached into his sack for another ceramic cup. "What can we assist you with?" The Kensei inquired patiently as he poured her some tea, the healer graciously accepted it as she cupped it with both hands.

"Thank you." After brushing the skirt of her tunic a few times, Telion shifted off her knees somewhat to sit at her thighs as well. "I wanted to ask if, by chance, you considered my request as well?" Already Erikson looked sympathetic to her plight, while the old man himself smiled with a familiar recognition as he nearly chuckled.

"I understand the need for your soulmate and his friends, but honestly my dear, I fail to comprehend why you would seek us to mentor you. Your talents are more arcane than they are martial, and you already have the little ones to worry about." Telion politely smiled at him before she sipped on her tea, looking out into the forest in her own way alongside him.

"Because I have to keep up too." She pointed out flatly. "If I want help change things, then I have to be able to do more."

"More than you already have?" The Kensei remarked tactfully as though he were aware of something, his gaze toward her expectant as she started to frown. "Altering destiny is one thing, but if you really wish to keep up, then you'd break that silence of yours with him."

"I'm aware..." She quickly deflected with an aversion of her gaze, her shoulders a little tense now as she quickly responded. "I'm well aware, I just need-"

"Time." The Kensei nearly sounded venomous to the word. "That's all you young ones ever need. Unfortunately, time is never going to be there for you either." Ishin might've sounded a little stern as though he were already lecturing the poor woman, yet Telion simply listened without any considerable thought to phrase. "Honestly, dear child, if there were anyone who would've taught you better, it would've been that old hag you call a grandma." The man's voice grew a little less gruff then, his eyes more disappointed when they fell on Telion again. "Have you even made the time to inform her of your life here? Doesn't she deserve that small bit of time you so fleetingly have?"

"You're right." She admitted quietly. "I waste time clinging to a fantasy, all because I wanted to rush fate. But this man is different, master Ishin, he makes things different somehow." There were pools in her eyes yet she kept herself strong at the emotion. "And I'm done trying to fight for a future I don't know is certain anymore."

"So you will tell him?"

"I intend to. Yes." Telion confirmed with a determined look out into the forest. "Once I know I can fight confidently next to him." She felt true about herself then, confident that she wouldn't just stand at the side any longer. She might've been the healer but she was also his alpha, as he called her, and therefore she naturally needed more than magic to defend herself.

Ishin groaned quietly to himself for a moment before he quietly thought to himself for a time. "...Very well. You start at dawn, with Hannah. Tomorrow morning" She looked to him surprised for a moment, but then suddenly relieved to hear those words. "Though like Hannah, your training will be met with a different approach, young wolf." He hinted with a hopeful gaze over toward the healer, already determining where her strengths and faults were from just the conversation alone.

"You are Atinoran after all, we'll make a warrior out of you yet." Erikson encouraged with a more reassuring smile, Telion gently grinning to the both of them as she sipped on her tea. Before too long their conversations were cut to a brief before the healer had to return to tending to the young ones. And as Ishin and Erikson remained there waiting, the sun gradually rose ever higher into the sky. Morning had broken throughout the glades of the forest, as people in town started to go about doing their usual business.

"They've been out there for a while." The Reaver mentioned with a fold of his arms, the two men now standing as they were about to return within the settlement. "Got about... maybe an hour before noon?" Ishin pulled a pocket watch from the pocket of his white kamishimo, verifying the time with a firm nod before he slipped the timepiece back within.

"They probably fell within another pit or two. They're both in need of some shaping up." Erikson laughed a little at the old man's observations.

"They'll come through." He assured once more with a bit of confidence, after all, that was what old men like them were here for. To prepare the next generation for what's to come, isn't it?

Leaves started to rustle throughout the undergrowth and the both of them shifted, as Rickter staggered out of the wood toward the wall of the settlement where they were. On his back was Patrick who had apparently gotten his head knocked enough times, while the wolf himself looked just as battered and bruised all over. He was even breathing heavily, dragging out each pant as he carried his partner out of the thicket, and into the view where the two old men waited. "Ffff..Fuck those, s-stupid traps." He remarked with a hiss at the word stupid, a hand pressed into his outer right thigh as he came to a stop.

"Well now, I half expected you to arrive later." Ishin sounded a little impressed, if not surprised, to see that they had both made it back. "I suspect he fell behind? Here I thought you were the slower one, Rickter."

"Nah," the wolf quickly shrugged as Erikson helped pick the Atinoran up by the shoulder, "he actually got ahead of me. I could just smell the traps."

"He'll be alright though, just minor bruising and a small bump."

"I suspect the healer will want to treat your wounds." Ishin quickly pointed out with a thoughtful look to Patrick and then Rickter. "I'll allow it today, but as of this point on, any minor wounds you all suffer are out of the question." Particularly since she too was going to be stressing out her own being. "Good work, wolf, as tired and worn down as you look; you may all come out of this fit for war after all."

The wolf wearily but humbly nodded to the man, relieved that they had managed to pass Ishin's evaluation today.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion"

Re: Intensive Training I: Evaluation Results

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 11:42 pm
by Hikami
Intensive Training I: Evaluation Results

Points awarded:
  • 8 - Not for Magic
  • Resistance: Being Pelted By Rocks
    Running: Avoiding Traps Where You Can
    Running: Keeping Your Center of Gravity In Check
    Running: Carrying A Adult-Sized Human On Your Back
  • N/A
  • Bruised noggin on the left side, minor gash above the temple, various bruising along the ribs, shoulders, back, and thighs. Oh, and sore ankles.
    The best part is, it gets healed after anyway >.>
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!