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The Boys Who Brunch. [Anton]

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:13 pm
by Eitan Angevin
1st of Glade, Year 122 Steel
White Knight Hall

The previous night's party had lasted well into the new year and while parts of it were blurry, he remembered distinctly promising that he would brunch with Anton Michaelis. At least he had still possessed the foresight to set it after noon—still entirely acceptable for an informal brunch. It allowed him to sleep in, so at least he would be rested when he reported to the Noble Gambit that evening. Of course, even after all that sleep, he was still a touch lethargic. Still and all, it had been a successful party, and while a part of him would have rather spent the entire day lazing about, he was glad to have a tête-à-tête with Anton. They saw each other socially, but the one-on-one time between their disparate schedules proved a challenge.

The house was largely recovered from the festivities as well. Delia had hired good help, many of them the Lysanrin refugees he had helped free from Fverard at this very place. Charity was a virtue, and the silver lining was they were extremely loyal and hard-working. And if he gave them gainful employment, they were less likely to turn to crime to make ends meet.

He also distinctly remembered having a champagne toast separately with them soon after the grandfather clock stroked midnight. Of course, he called it the Grandmother Clock because Perpetua had given it to him as a housewarming present. She would be pleased to know he had dined with Anton; she always asked after him. For all her sharp tongue and acerbic wit, she did have a soft heart for those she deemed worthy of it.

Pausing as he dressed, he remembered that he had even given a bit of champagne to Little Devil, the Bloodborn boy. Well, it had likely helped the lad sleep. He looked in the mirror and decided it was good enough. He had insisted on informal when he made the plans, though he didn't know how Anton would take that. They were both of old bloodlines, though while Eitan tried not to make a bad name for his, he recognized that they were largely an anachronism except that many of the present oligarchs came from those bloodlines. The powerful didn't want to relinquish power.

When the bell rang, he moved toward the foyer.

"I'll get it," he said, offering the servant a slow smile before arriving at the door.

"Good afternoon and a joyous New Year to you," he said, squinting a bit at the brightness of the sunlight. His head didn't hurt, but it was awfully bright out.

Re: The Boys Who Brunch. [Anton]

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 11:57 pm
by Anton
As a general rule, Anton did not 'party', and very rarely did he so much as drink - despite Vanessa's best efforts to make both a habit for him. He had made an exception for New Year's, and his skull still hated him for it. Forbidding Vanessa from attending, and in turn forcing the woman to see to her own amusements for the celebration, was almost certainly the correct decision, but he could not help but wonder if his hangover would be more or less severe if she had been present at White Knight Hall the prior night.

More, he decided, after a moment's thought. Stumbling through his daily routine, a niggling thought ate away at the back of his mind, as if he was forgetting something very important. Something he had agreed to... It bothered him all through his morning bath and rather light breakfast, his mother regarding him with a rueful smile instead of her usual severity when he showed up late to the meal.

It was certainly something that he had said or done at the party. Unfortunately, he could remember very little about that particularly affair, his memories a jumble. Had he kissed...? Well, surely if he had made waves he would find out soon enough. No doubt Eitan would be teasing him about it at- at brunch!

Rushing through his rooms in the estate, poor Anton got dressed as swiftly as he could, hopping into a carriage not long past noon. Eitan had least had had the wherewithal to have them meet late, and his junior was additionally relieved that he had insisted upon casual. Somehow, he doubted that he would have been able to get dressed in a timely fashion for anything formal.

When the door opened, Anton was squinting just as much, but his face brightened at the sight of Eitan himself welcoming him. "Good afternoon. Forgive me, but, let's get inside, yes?" he asked, perhaps a bit too blunt to be polite. Well, Eitan had said informal.

Re: The Boys Who Brunch. [Anton]

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:06 am
by Anton


Lore: 4
Points: 5, may not be used for Magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None


Lore: 4
Points: 5, may not be used for Magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: Unfortunately, events passed us by on this one.