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Intensive Training II: The Art of Reaving

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 12:02 am
by Rickter
Intensive Training II: The Art of Reaving I
Glade 10th, 122nd Year

Rickter looked from the weapon he held to his partner, the Atinoran already looking around to see what he could find in their environment. Clearly, wood and vegetation were mainly what decorated the area, making it a bit difficult to find other 'elements' within the area to experiment with. He didn't seem intent to give up though, as Patrick had found a couple fallen sticks from branches overhead. "Ever heard of the hero who used the wooden sword?" He mused before propping one of the sticks up in a suggestive manner, gesturing an incoming throw for the wolf to respond to when the stick was then idly tossed his way. "Catch!"

"A wooden weapon doesn't sound very useful to me." The wolf admitted with the flourish of a hand, the stick caught in one simple swipe within the air. He looked to Erikson then as the knight had his arms crossed, along with a mildly amused look on his face as he listened to the two. "Would that not have some drawbacks? What if we're faced with an opponent using fire, would our swords not be burned away if they were just wood?"

"Depends," Erik responded, "Sure fire would consume wood any given day, but the weapon is still a branch of your soul, if you will." Patrick chuckled at the play of words there, and grinned a little to the wolf when he shared his insight.

"Reaver's don't really feel pain until the backlash hits anyways right? So just douse the weapon in water, that's what your arche element is, innit?"

"Hmm..." Rickter groaned sotly to himself as he inspected the branch alongside his weapon. If all it took to change the composition of his weapon was just an outside element to Transmute with... then who's to say the wood wouldn't have _some_ possible magic properties to it? The Atinoran wasted no time in bringing his own stick close to weapon in his possession, his expression riddled with curiosity as he pressed the wood over the blade. Yet nothing. No noticeable reactions took place between the component and his weapon, leading Patrick to eye Erikson dumbfoundedly as a result.

"To incorporate the wood into your weapon, you have to focus on the aetheric composition of that component first." As he elaborated on it Rickter looked back down at his weapon, and then once more at the stick he held in his other hand. Aetheric composition. Transmutation. It almost sounded like something that belonged to alchemy, even if Rickter had never committed to learning the practice. Still, when he breathed in deeply, the wolf focused on the stick as he held it close to his weapon, and then quietly on the sword itself as nothing took place. To Transmute one needed to incorporate the composition into their weapon, so maybe, the trick was to have the weapon break down that composition and absorb it?

The wolf's thoughts went deeper into exploring that bridge between him and his weapon, the bond that a Reaver shared with their Pact weapon, before he could sense that piece of his soul resonate in his hand. There was no denying that a familiar warmth called to him, but Rickter didn't wish to focus on that; much less how he felt about it. The connection though was there, and, Rickter could feel the weapon responding to his thoughts in turn... Was this the sentience that Erikson had described just moments ago? Curiosity beckoned for him to consider and so, the wolf mentally prompted for the weapon to consider the branch held near its blade. Strange. There was an unusual feeling that he could relate to suddenly, a sense of hunger that welled within the core of his Pact weapon as the silver metal began to glimmer with a resonance.

Slowly but steadily from the tip that touched the weapon, the stick gradually began to disintegrate away, the residual pieces swirling into the blade as Way to Dawn absorbed it within its blade. "Whoa! How'd you get it to do that!?" Patrick exclaimed in total enthusiasm as Way to Dawn began changing, the entirety of the weapon turned to wood as Rickter felt its weight lighten by half.

"It's... through the link between you and the weapon. You have to work with that to activate powers like Transmute." The wolf noted as their mentor seemed to agreeably nod with a proud grin, Rickter still observed the weapon itself as he contemplated the abilities further. If an outer element is all that's required for Transmute to create different types of weaponry... Then that means when a Reaver utilizes Morphosis, their weapons become more than just lethal tools of war. They'll have further applications for other odds and ends, depending on how the Reaver uses them.

He then looked from his weapon to Patrick, who still struggled to create any sort of reaction with his weapon. "Awe, come on dammit..."

"You may have simply require practice." Erikson remarked with a thoughtful gaze to the Atinoran. "The bond between you and your weapon may also need more time, if you're still anywhere near new to the practice."

"Ah, well, shit figures." He responded in turn before looking back to the wolf. "Hey, Ricky, you know I just thought of?" Though a mild case of dread filled his thoughts, Rickter unamusedly gave him a look as though he expected a jib. To be honest it wasn't above Patrick's typical behavior, after all, he and Hannah both quite enjoyed giving him a hard time it seemed. "You and your Traversion Sickness."

"...Okay, so I still struggle with it. So what?" He waited since there had to be a point to this topic.

"Well, see, I dunno if it ever feels like this to you... but when I used to get it, it'd be this funny feeling that doesn't usually happen." Erikson and Rickter both narrowed their eyes on him, with varying levels of curiosity and suspicion on where this was leading. "You ever uh... ridden a cart or wagon when it's going downhill? Or! Like when a train makes that right kind of turn that just... Yanno... tingles?" Erikson's eyebrows rose while Rickter hardly changed from his stoicism, only able to guess at where this man was elaborating since clearly the wolf never had either of these experiences. "Ignore that, anyway, my brothers had similar problems as well! Burton was absolutely terrible with it, but he came to find a way to overcome that feeling."

At last, the fucking point the wolf had waited on, which didn't half as bad as the conversation prior to it. Erikson on the other hand clearly looked amused by this, and couldn't help but chuckle a little as he crossed his arms once more. "And how so?"

"He taught me, before I became a Reaver, that Projection not only allowed him to see through his weapon; but it made the Blink and Vault trick work easier too." Patrick elaborated as the wolf finally raised his eyebrows, a little surprised to learn from what he'd heard in the process.

"Projection allowed him to do either of those without feeling queasy after?"

"Yeah, simply put he'd throw his weapon exactly where he wanted to Traverse to. Taught me how to throw mine as well when I started, it's a pretty nifty trick lemme tell ya!" As he said this Patrick dropped the stick he held and looked for the nearest tree, his sword arm brought over the shoulder as Rickter and Erikson quickly gave him some space. Neither one of them wanted to be near the Atinoran, in the event he might've botched the attempt to show his demonstration. Yet he didn't. Patrick flung his weapon forward as it launched into an arc, the blade soon rotating into a straight trajectory toward the lower branches of a tree.

With a loud thwack the blade pierced into the wood hard, embedding it into the tree a little as the Atinoran soon flashed into existence atop the blade. He literally stood on the broadsword as if it were a mere stepping stone, the blade somehow held under the weight of his figure as he leaned confidently into the main branch he'd practically climbed on. "See?" The wolf hardly even had that moment to witness, let alone process the act that was done. Yet he believed he understood the concept in theory... By throwing the weapon where one wanted to Traverse, then one could simply skip the initial attempt at Spatial Mapping, and just simply Blink to that location when they Projected their awareness through the weapon.

It wasn't a bad idea actually... And if it mitigated the effects of Traversion Sickness, the wolf might've found a way to incorporate the spellwork into his Reaving skills as well. That also begged the question of distance, however, as one could only throw their weapon so far. Plus it didn't help if it was at a range where the weapon itself would dematerialize. "I would also like to mention," Erikson weighed in as Patrick soon warped back, the air around him charged with aether once he and his weapon were near the other two men. "While not particularly useful with Traversion, the application of Sanctuary is something to consider as well. The longer your battle is drawn out, the longer the dematerialization process will need to be, if you wish to dull the aches of backlash accordingly."

"Dematerialization has its own levels though, does it not?" Rickter pondered curiously as Patrick eyed the both of them thoughtfully.

"It does indeed, think of Varnishing when you incorporate a magic element into the weapon. Part of that involves a partial dematerialization, in order to incorporate the effects you desire to imbue the weapon with." At Erik's explanation the wolf realized something out of the lecture. Materialization and Dematerialization both were an integral part of one another, and so, if one could had varying levels of application then... couldn't the other do so as well? "You look as though you've just reached an idea."

"Actually.... Yeah, I think I did." Rickter admitted as he looked down to his blade, inspecting the transition of composition as the wood gradually turned into that silvery steel quality once more.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"

Re: Intensive Training II: The Art of Reaving

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 1:19 am
by Hikami
Intensive Training II: The Art of Reaving

Points awarded:
  • 8 {3 can be used for magic}
  • Reaving: Overcoming 'Traversion Sickness' With Projection
    Reaving: Dematerialization Has Various Levels
    Reaving: Lessening The Backlash of Dematerialization
    Reaving: Sanctuary Is Dependent On The Length Of Your Previous Battle
    Reaving: Hurling Your Weapon At A Range It Can Return From
    Reaving: The Versatility of Morphosis
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!