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The Chase Scene

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:19 am
by Rickter
The Chase Scene
6th of First Bloom, 122nd Year, A.o.S. (Glade 36th)

He felt it nearly impossible to commit to such a pathetic idea, feeling burdened by the fear of what uncertainty would await his beloved and their pack. Together, they were a unit. Over the past few days he had done everything in his power to keep his intentions hidden away, if only for the sake of making his sudden abandonment quick and easy to deal with.

He knew that here, among the Dawnmartyrs, they would at least be kept safe for a while. Plus with Erikson and Ishin here as well, he knew his pack was in the safest of hands. Therefore if he could merely thrust himself headfirst into enemy territory, then maybe (just maybe) he would actually turn the war. None of his friends would have to fight for long, not if he could ensure their safety and hopeful success in the months to come. To think, his family is at risk in all this chaos... It nearly sickened him worse than the freedom stripped out of his life. No... He'd learned everything he'd needed to in his time here, and now he was prepared to go onward alone.

He had others after all that would carry this burden with him, others that played a role in the brewing storm to come. He knew where he needed to go from here, at least, the hardest part was slipping out of the house quietly. Traversion helped with that when he managed to Blink away, with a clench in his jaw as he fought against the rift that shook his insides. Minor gut wrench aside, he'd Blinked out of the house and at just the town gate. Determined to put as much distance between him and this place as possible, before anyone else here might've caught on about his intentions.

Yet it was too late.

Barely even a kilometer south of the settlement, the scent of a familiar companion filled his nostrils from downwind. There came an ache in his heart that made him feel a sense of déjà vu, as Rickter's stern gaze settled on the rogue that stood ten feet ahead of him. "Rickter. Do you mind telling me, what the fuck you're up to all of a sudden?" She stood with a wide-eyed glare at him as her fists shook, causing the wolf to stop in his tracks as he narrowed his gaze on her. He'd come this far already, in his Skyforge Raiment gear no less, under the cover of a clouded night within the wood.

How she managed to pick up on where he traveled impressed Rickter, and though the other had yet to make his grand entrance, the wolf had already sleuthed Patrick's scent somewhere in the undergrowth behind him. "Because it looks to me like you're trying to leave."

"You can come out now..." The wolf waited as he didn't look away from the rogue, as the Atinoran soon came out into plain view of Rickter's outer flank. "...So, you figured it out."

"Oh, come on, Rickter!" Hannah remarked sardonically. "Having your shit packed before bed didn't seem suspicious to you?" Damn. He'd done that several days ago just to make it look as though he organized. If she'd caught on that early then, it was no small wonder she'd been suspicious of him then.

"Look we know what you're thinking, Rickter. Believe me, I want to go out there and help save Talon too." Patrick expressed with a sympathetic look toward the wolf, his hand empty but clearly ready to brandish a weapon if prompted. They were both here to stop him.

"You can't go dicking it out yourself, because that's how you get killed, Rickter!" The rogue weighed in harshly as she started to draw closer, until her first two steps resulted in Rickter stepping forward once. "Do you have any idea how badly that would hurt us all? How-"

"You don't think I don't feel the same!?" The wolf barked in anger as the emblem on his forearm glowed. "I want nothing more than to be there with all of you... But I can't risk you for the war. I can not!" He quickly expressed as he looked past his shoulder to the Barnell, as Patrick himself stood in awe at what he'd felt within the air. "If I can't help it then I'd rather keep all of you safe. All of you, literally, are all I've got left now! So how can I focus on one impossible task when my comrades are at risk?!" He glared to Hannah and then shifted to where he stretched his arms out to each of his pack mates.

Hannah and Patrick were laced with a silver light as chains of aether formed around their forearms and ankles. Tethered to the ground where they stood, the pair were easily immobilized by the Negation spell. "Rickter! Gods dammit, why are you doing this?!" The rogue demanded as she struggled against her restraints, the links at her cuffs mere sizzling from the friction between aether. Their anchors were tethered to the ground, which given his practice of Negation, they would certainly not be easy to break away. It would buy him enough time, therefore, Rickter straightened into his original stature.

These two were never a threat from the start, and he never wanted to ever feel that change. Not after everything he'd already lost. What made him feel even sadder, as he clutched the scarf wrapped around the base of his neck, was the ever lingering sensation of déjà vu he still felt. Had this happened once before? Part of him wanted to give in and go back with Hannah, remembering the safety and security that awaited him there. But no... He couldn't allow it. Not anymore. Not while his comrades suffered at the hands of their enemies...

"Only what I've promised to do." The wolf responded as he focused his vision further southwest. It was a couple of days trek on foot, but if he were to Spatial Map his way there now; then Rickter could've easily lost these two at Shemashk.

"And what could you possibly do?!" Hannah snapped back scornfully as she continued rattling her chains, Patrick straining to pull against his as the ground simply didn't budge.

"Whatever it takes!" The wolf nearly snarled as his features near started to change, the reaction spurring shock within the rogue as he quickly recomposed himself. "I'm prepared to accept the consequences of my actions. I don't want any of you sharing this burden with me."

"No, Rick, don't-"

The wolf's next step forward resulted in his body whisking away, practically vanishing into the air as he Vaulted away from the both of them. Hannah cried out angrily as she continued to shake the restraints on her wrists. After a minute Hannah and Patrick both were released from their traps, the aether fading out into silver particles around them as they stood.

"We can catch up to him, come on, let's go!" Patrick urged as he rushed past Hannah, the rogue quick to catch him by the inner forearm before he continued on. "What?"

The brunette looked to him somberly, clearly stricken by Rickter's choice in going alone. "...No." There came a gentle shake of her head, as the rogue looked out into the space where the wolf once stood. "He made his choice. We go after him now... we only antagonize him further."

The Atinoran near spat in disgust from the reality of the situation, reluctant to just let it go given the circumstances. And to think... they were going to have to break it to Telion... "Look, I'm not saying we don't go after him." Hannah seethed with rage when she expressed this. "But butting heads with Rickter isn't in any of our best interests. We report to the Kensei and Knight about what happened, and then discuss how we break it to Telion after."

"You don't think he'll take it that far though, do you?" Patrick checked with her warily, his hazel eyes gauged southwest as he tried to grasp where the wolf had Vaulted. "Is he serious?"

"Lemme put it this way, furball's got a way of running in headfirst without a thought. You don't wanna know what he does after that." The rogue admitted with a minor hint of dread, having not forgotten the time Rickter hunted a nobleman over a dear friend.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"

Re: The Chase Scene

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 2:11 am
by Hikami
The Chase Scene

Points awarded:
  • 8 {Yes Magic}
  • Traversion: Slipping Through Slipspace to Vault Silently
    Logic: Planning Ahead Doesn't Always Cover Possible Outcomes
    Persuasion: Convincing Those You Love To Consider
    Tactics: Keeping What Matters Most Safe From All Threats
    Negation: Using Aetherial Chains To Subdue An Entity
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!