Safe and Sound

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: Dabu
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Safe and Sound
4th of Solace, 122nd Year, A.o.S. (Glade 4th)

Every muscle in his body still ached when he shifted in bed, as the wooden frame groaned from his weight before he finally found comfort again. It had been hard to find comfort in this place, and only because the wolf knew it wasn't even remotely close to home. But the exhaustion did wear him out, enough to where he barely remembered his arrival here... after meeting Briathor IV no less.

There was noise within the room as voices then filled his ears, his attention alerted to activity as he soon opened his eyes with a soft groan. He'd lain on his stomach when he shifted, his face turned to the cabin that had been made into their temporary home. Given how such short notice they had to prepare it, Rickter wasn't keen to demand anything more. It was bad enough he, like his family, was essentially a refugee due to what had happened. Everyone else had already risen out of their beds apparently, the first to catch his groggy sight being Hannah as she played with the twins. Telion focused on tidying up the room with organizing things, putting what belongings they needed out as the rest were sorted and put back in the featherlight bag.

Suddenly the smell of hot bacon and ham filled his nostrils, and even though his body ached for him not to, Rickter moved to shift on his side as he propped himself up with an arm. "Look who's back in the land of the living." The rogue remarked as she pointed for the twins to look, both of them quickly cackling as they threw their hands about excitedly. Hannah chuckled at the pair as Telion couldn't help but smile, with a hand stroked through each of the boy's hair in passing as she moved toward the bed.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" The healer inquired as Rickter shifted further, sitting completely on the bed only in the nightshirt he'd worn.

"Any idea how it feels to be run over by a train?..." He quietly mused as he looked toward Patrick next, Telion emitted a short giggle before she sat down next to him. Though his mind was obviously fixated on the fact food was cooking, Rickter didn't ignore the hand that came to rest on his knee. He could see the look in Telion's eyes then, the worry she had over him after what had happened yesterday.

"As... exciting as yesterday was, how about no more crazy stunts like that for a while?" He didn't hesitate to nod in agreement to that right away, not after pushing himself so hard to run and detour all those battlemages. though... His entire life was turning into a bit of a crazy stunt now lately. Considering he was now an exile from a nation determined to go to war. Where his place was in all of this, and what he hoped to accomplish, were both concepts he hadn't the slightest idea about approaching. He'd done what he promised Elinora after all, and reached the Dawnmartyrs as they'd hoped. But now?

"Breakfast is almost done buddy! The ladies told me you liked a lot of meat with your eggs." Patrick chimed in over the sizzling of food, the wolf's mouth already watering as he looked over to the cooking spit the Atinoran stood in front of.

"Oh, and..." Telion weighed in as her hand shifted to embrace Rickter's, as he returned his gaze to pay closer attention to what she had to say. "Ishin and Erikson are both here." The statement led him to widen his eyes at her a little, as he had not expected to hear Ishin's name anytime soon. Yet he and who? It became evident the latter didn't ring a bell. "One-day?"

Suddenly his eyebrows furrowed at the mere reference. "Him!?"

"What?" Hannah weighed in as Telion looked a little apprehensive toward the wolf. "What's the story between you and him?"

"He's next of kin to Rickter," the healer elaborated as she released Rickter's hand, "only Rickter doesn't want anything to do with him."

"The bastard only came into my life once or twice, and yet, never had the gall to tell me who my real family was. Why should I care what he wants?" He quickly reasoned as he watched the mother rise from her spot, her attention on the little ones as Hannah gave him a pucker of her lips.

"...So find out what he wants, and be done with him. Where's the harm in that?" She rebutted as he looked aside with a quiet sigh through his nose.

"I told them I'd send for them when we were awake, and, when you were dressed and ready for visitors." Telion added with a bit more of a sterner tone, which led the wolf to furrow his eyebrows when he side-eyed a glance to her. Did she really? Well... Now he had to deal with that nonsense in a little bit. Even if he didn't want or wasn't ready to. "It's time to stop putting it off Rick. Now may only ever be the chance." He hated that she was right all the time, loved that about her but also hated it too... mainly for situations such as this.

"Alright fine," he agreed with a defeated sigh, "After breakfast. Then I'll see them both, though, don't expect me to have much to say to... Erikson." He assumed Telion had learned about it yesterday, while Rickter had retired to rest for the rest of the afternoon. He wasn't thrilled at all with the concept of meeting One-day again, not when they'd had plenty of other chances of speaking prior.

But it was like Telion had pointed out, now was as good of a time (if the only time) as any to get it over with.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
word count: 1113
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: Dabu
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Safe and Sound
4th of Solace, 122nd Year, A.o.S. (Glade 4th)

After he rose out of bed and everyone had their breakfast for the morning, Rickter helped with the cleanup as he and Hannah organized what little was left of their belongings. Patrick had been the one to head out for a bit, more than likely to fetch the two men Rickter wasn't too keen on seeing so soon. Well, Ishin he hadn't any quarrel with honestly, that man was more than welcome in the wolf's present company.

But it was Erikson. He was the one Rickter didn't really want to see, and Telion could tell even as Rickter helped her tend to the little ones. After they'd had their own second helpings of breakfast, it had been time to wash them up and prep them for their long day ahead. It was almost upsetting the more he thought about it though, how his family was all uprooted from Kalzasi just like that. They couldn't have ordinary lives even as mere children, which must've irked the wolf so much, that he almost didn't notice the hand on his forearm as he watched Isaac closely. His beloved must've seen his change in expression when he held the boy, as he looked over to her to see sympathy in her eyes once more.

"It'll all work out, you know. I'm sure of it." Her attempt at persuading him it would seem. The wolf gave her at least a bit of a gentle smile, if only to bury the anger he felt deeper in his heart. Finally, with the return of their newest pack member, Patrick entered the cabin with both Ishin and Erikson behind him.

"Hey! Found them for ya."

"Thank you Patrick." Telion remarked as the trio entered the place, Patrick being the first to find a seat on one of the large pillows used as seating cushions. Hannah approached the couple to relieve Rickter of his parent time, seeing as how the guests that'd arrived were here for him.

"You look well, all things considered..." Ishin remarked as he and Erikson stood near the doorway, the wolf gazing at the both of them with weary curiosity. "Tell me, what happened on your little expedition into the cold?" Rickter's expression sunk into another gloomy state, having not forgotten the fallout of what took place near the end of Frost. Yet he trusted most of the people in the room, the only ones still strangers to the group being Patrick... and Erikson. It became rather obvious which one the wolf wasn't comfortable seeing, when the Knight himself could only somberly frown in response to the wolf's sharp glare.

Nevertheless, the wolf shared his story to the best of his recollections and told Ishin about all the prep work that went into the expedition. By the time he'd reached the end of the events that took place, the Kensei had been stroking the chin hairs of his beard with considerable thought. "I see..." The man looked to the rest of his pack as well, Patrick clearly baffled by everything he'd heard, while Telion and Hannah both easily confirmed the events Rickter spoke of. "No wonder you didn't return right away. And to think..."

"You've come a long way since then." The gingered man next to Ishin remarked thoughtfully, meriting a stern glare from the wolf as he watched Erikson. "I know. There should've been answers long ago, but the truth is Rickter, I had left you alone to try and keep you safe."

"...Safe?" There was near low growl in his tone when he responded, Telion quick to grip him by the forearm once more, while the shift in attitude clearly unnerved a few of the others within the room. He was not happy. In fact, he was pissed. Enough to where he almost didn't care to hide it anymore, even within the presence of his remaining pack.

"Trust me when I say this, Rickter," Ishin cut in with a gruff but factual tone, "what this man has done far outweighs the sleights you feel against him. I would suggest hearing him out at the very least." Aggravation soured Rickter's expression as he looked aside disdainfully, his arms crossed as he considered what his mentor had to say upon the matter.

"Thank you." Erikson remarked to the older warrior, before his eyes locked on the wolf once more. "Understand Rickter, I did what I did to keep you protected. You were important to Wynona after all, and as I had vowed, I kept you safe at a distance to try and grant you an ordinary life." The wolf opened his mouth to start spouting words of venom, but Ishin's gesture of a hand suggested for him to stay his course. Already Rickter felt his heart race in his chest, enough to where his hands nearly shook in fact. "I guess I should start from the beginning then..." Erikson averted his gaze with a hint of shame in his eyes, the wolf now biting his lower lip as he kept the demands he wanted to make within for the time being.

There was so much going on now. Too much all at once that the wolf couldn't stand it, he almost didn't care to learn about his own history anymore. Yet at the same time... He wanted to know everything. To fundamentally understand why Erikson had made those choices for Rickter, and what drove the man to such lengths no less. Was he Rickter's father? Did he not want Rickter around as a child? He wanted answers! "A long time ago, our ancestors were part of the Order of the Dawnmartyrs. Their sacrifices are what allowed our family line to continue. Since then it's been..."

He knew... Rickter knew where exactly this was going. How and why? Well, given recent events and all... "It's like we're cursed... isn't it?" He lowly remarked with his eyes averted on the floor, everyone around him filled with awe at the remark he'd just made. "I think I'm starting to figure it out now."

"Throughout the Ages; what little history our family has been able to keep has never been good. It's natural for men to die to be sure but... when families die out one after another? When events continue to haunt and torment those who remain even after? There has been something plaguing our family for generations... And I feared for your part in all this once you were born."

"My part?" There was utter confusion in the wolf's features now as he looked back up to Erikson.

"You were born as a bastard even if the concept does not exist in Kalzasian culture. This only happened because my younger brother wanted to start over, a new life in the north as an effort to build his fortune over time. The loss of our eldest brother affected him hard, and, he wanted to carry on the family traditions rather than take up the mantle of a knight."

"What traditions?" The wolf inquired briefly with a curious furrow in his brow, admittedly surprising Erikson before he continued.

"Earliest records I know of suggested our families were sailors and merchants. I've yet to find where our roots trace back to... somewhere down the line though, they joined the Dawnmartyrs, as my grandparents were a part of the Order as well."

"Why did..." Patrick weighed in next and everyone looked to him curiously, the Atinoran's pause to consider Rickter's relation to Erikson. "Rick's father want to become a merchant then?"

"Otis never wanted to be a part of the Order. He... had other ambitions. When he met Wynona I never expected them to hit it off so well. Until..." The Knight spared Rickter a hinted glance when trailed off.

"Wynona..." It had been the first Rickter ever spoke of it, and now that he knew it by heart, he couldn't help but feel sad that it'd be all he'd ever know of her. "She was my birth mother. Correct?..." Erikson could tell the levity in his tone now, as could the rest of the room apparently, since Telion didn't hesitate to rub her hand along his forearm now. It brought some small comfort to the wolf at least, but not as effective as it used to.

With a nod Erikson confirmed the wolf's inquiry. "She was a member of a Rathari clan, Atinoran warriors that served one of the Clansmen. She had spirit but there was more to her, almost no small wonder her beauty charmed my younger brother."

"...I would've liked to know her better." Rickter came to admit as he felt at peace with the circumstances, knowing that his instinctive nature was born from her.

"After her death... Well, let's just say I hadn't known about you until after my arrival in Kalzasi." Erikson elaborated with a somber expression. "My brother's newest wife discovered that Otis kept Wynona a secret, and believed they were having an affair when in truth... their marriage was no more than a business contract for him. By the time I'd arrived she'd been determined to make sure you stayed in that cabaret. However, knowing what little I had on our history even at the time, I knew I had to take measures necessary to keep you safe for the time being."

"Does he even know?" Rickter inquired tactfully as he realized that Erikson never mentioned it. The question brought a glum expression to the man's features.

"Not yet." The remark brought a few sighs out of the pack, Hannah and Patrick both stumped by the deliverance of this fact. "I made it clear that I was going to take you in, provide for you on my own terms as much as I could. Such was the reason why I remained in Kalzasi, except for..." There lingered a heavy question in the air for Rickter, not quite yet connecting the dots until his beloved brought it up.

"The war." Erikson nodded to her slowly, confirming her suspicion before the knight continued.

"I spent nine years in hell, trying to fight alongside my comrades. After the fall of Ailos... well... Most who survived went underground and into hiding, so I returned back to join my brother and his family. In the meantime, you'd already grown from a boy to a young man."

"And then we met." Rickter remembered as he averted his gaze, Erikson agreeing with the fact as he recalled that day as well.

"And then we met." It was the same day that Erikson gave Rickter his Reaving powers, promising to teach him how to be a warrior even, before they both no longer had contact with one another. Yet all this time... the wolf never anticipated someone had been watching over him. Not in the way Erikson had, even as careful as the man had been in protecting him.

"We should probably continue this at a later date." Ishin weighed in after him, clearing his throat as well as he stood from his pillow. "You clearly need more rest, Rickter, and time to think on the things you've learned today."

"Thank you!" Telion quickly interjected as the wolf looked to her a little surprised. Really, he should've been the one to thank them in her stead, yet she spoke on his behalf like she normally would. Still, he looked to the pair that stood, and for once didn't give Erikson the usual glare he normally possessed.

"Yes... Thank you..." Ishin bowed his head while Erikson nodded in turn, before they headed for the door to say their farewells for the day. Once the pack had been left alone within the cabin, Rickter took to consider the things he'd learned rather deeply.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
word count: 2111
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

Name: Rickter

  • 6 Lore Points

Points: 8
Magic: These points cannot be used for magic.

Injuries: Nothing to report!
Loot: Nothing lost, nothing gained!


Welp, that's everything I'm sure! If you have any questions, or feel that something actually was missed; please do pm me so we can talk!
word count: 85
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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