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Into the Black Market (Lyra)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 2:58 am
by Rickter
Into the Black Market
(Glade 44) First Bloom 18th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The remarkably pungent smell of fish masked with perfume hung in the room, as sunlight filtered through the windows to paint the wooden floors of Lilliman's shop. Having stopped by the other day before his visit into the Grungeworks, where he'd med Lyra, Rickter had actually paid a visit here to discuss clothing with the woman who ran the store. Zafri was an eccentric woman who loved her craft it had seemed, as the wolf's first impression of her was a highly energetic young lady who was eager to ply her trade.

Having asked if she could do him a service with a bit of a custom order, Rickter had checked in on that today since it had been a couple of days. Sure enough the lady had delivered, and even so much as had him try it on to ensure her measurements from before were exact. Thus he stood in front of the dressing mirror after a change of his attire, the slacks and suspenders complimented by the velveteen shirt with the sleeves kept short. What he really enjoyed about her work was the dark trenchcoat she had dyed for him, which is probably where the pungent smell in the air came from to begin with. Needless to say, he was actually quite satisfied with the order, and about ready to proceed with the payment before the lady got excited over something.

"Holy shit, it's almost like I'm literally standing here." That familiar voice resonated in his head while Rickter stood waiting, the patience in his eyebrows now lined with a furrow in turn.

How long are you going to hang around? One blink and then the wolf could somehow see the man, in a similar attire no less, staring him down with an amused grin.

"Well, you're the one that made the call kid. Remember?" He chuckled with his arms crossed and a heavy lean into the dresser next to the mirror, even though Rickter knew the man was essentially just a figment of the imagination. His to be exact, since nobody else could see the man. That was the extent of his knowledge though, given the fact he'd hardly experimented with the Echo in the waking world.

Yeah, yeah, I remember. Something about a bell you can't unring or some bullshit, and he wasn't even trying to open any 'doorways' for anyone else. Just Lyra at that time. Regardless it had produced interesting results, to say the least, and he expected to meet with her once he'd finished his business here. "Sorry!" The wolf quickly cleared his own throat when his attention returned to Zafri, his gaze humble and attentive as he noticed a particular hat in her hands. "Had to find just the right match!" It was tophat with a trim that matched its raven colors, the accessory handed out for him to try on as he seemed to reluctantly accept it with a thought.

"Oh, like that's not going to attract much attention." Callen remarked as the wolf faced the mirror once he donned the tophat, a bit of consideration found in his expression as he rewarded the lady with a slight grin.

"Interesting choices... Thank you, my dear." He added as he moved from the stand, a pouch already in hand as he'd fished it from his pocket almost habitually.

"Oh, thank you! T'was a pleasure, Mr. ...?"

"Umber..." He looked to Callen once more in search of the last name, just as the girl accepted her due for the labor and clothes. "Umber McCenry."

Not much longer after that he was soon out the door, the late sun lazily looming over the horizon as he walked down Willowby Street. Remarkably he felt like a new man, at least, pretending to be someone new what with the new clothes he had to wear. "So we're using my name too?"

It was just a spur of the moment. Besides, you've been dead for... what, thirty-five years now? That's almost as long as Rickter has managed to live... to say the least.

"Ouch! Okay, tough guy, if you wanna play it that way. So what if I am? Can't a guy just enjoy the sights? Not like I've got a second chance to live it again." That was actually something that Rickter never thought about before, the fact that Callen used to live here in Zaichaer before the Echo passed onto Rickter. It had it's merits initially but the wolf had to wonder, what exactly was life like here during Callen's lifetime? How much of it had really changed within the last three decades?

...Is it... anything like you remember?

"Honestly stuff comes and goes. The most prominent memory is the night I took the dip in the river." Meaning the night he was killed no doubt, and to that Rickter could only emit a small groan. "So where we headed?"

Sun's going down, so any minute now, Lyra ought to be ready to meet once more. The wolf mused as he walked further down the street, patience in each step as he simply observed the locals that passed by. Zaichaeri officials marched on past as he kept his head at a tilt, before elevating it once more to stare ahead once they passed.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Speech" Thought "Callen"

Re: Placeholder: Season's End I (Lyra)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 9:57 pm
by Lyra

There was still a slight chill of frost in the air once the sun went down, enough of one that Lyra felt glad at her foresight to wear a light green cloak over her woolen dress. Her slippers were good quality, green to match the cloak and belt that was sinched around her waist, but they were just a bit too thin. She could feel every crack and pebble in the street as she walked, one arm looped through the arm of the silver-haired man who escorted her.

"There was no need for you to travel on foot, my lady." Salem said, his silver eyes glancing down at the hand at his elbow, "It is a waste for you to walk among the commoners."

A frown replaced the smile as Lyra looked up, "A carriage would be too obvious a luxury, and I do not wish to spend the coin unless necessary."

"Still, it is improper. They do not bow as they should."

Salem was always an odd one, even to Lyra who quite enjoyed the twisted and profane. Her butler was loyal to a fault, to an unsettling degree bordering fanaticism. She could not fathom what brought about such devotion in the man, but she did not correct him. Men such as he were useful in the right situation. At the moment though his words would cause more harm than good.

"Mind your tongue. Do not forget where we are." She smiled at passing guards as they shot suspicious (or rather derisive) gazes at the pair of half-elves. The sentence of the populace toward nonhumans was not new to Lyra, but to see it so openly displayed was still remarkable. What was it exactly that they thought so different between them and the other races? They all aged, they all ate, reproduced, and died. To Lyra, most races were utterly indistinguishable from each other save for a few minor aesthetics that all could be changed given time or magic.

"Do not speak ill of others within earshot, and do not call me 'my lady' in public. We are, this night, simply a couple going about their business." She saw the protest in his gaze but cut him off as they rounded a corner, "If you do not behave, I will not take you with me in the future."

That, at least, made the man close his lips and stare forward once more. Loyal if nothing else. Children were still children in any age.

Lyra saw Rickter first as he stood on the street. They approached, stopping just a few feet away while Lyra eyed the tophat with open disdain, but she said nothing. Instead, she smiled at Rickter, waving to get his attention.

"We've arrived." She said, still hugging Salem's arm, "It took some time to find this place. The city is still unfamiliar to us."

Salem eyed Rickter. He was about 5'11, with long silver hair pulled back in a ponytail to show the elongated ears of an elf, or half-elf rather. He and Lyra could almost be confused as siblings. Each with silver hair and elongated ears, but her eyes were gold while his were silver. His clothing was fine, a step above servant attire but still proper for work. When he smiled it reached his eyes, which sparkled with suggestion as he looked Rickter up and down openly and appreciatively.

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Re: Into the Black Market (Lyra)

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:34 pm
by Rickter
Into the Black Market
(Glade 44) First Bloom 18th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The wolf dipped his pockets as he waited on the streetcorner, watching as the locals continued to shuffle past him and attend to their daily lives. Zaichaer was different in so many ways, yet, even so it was ever the same when he saw how life pulsed through these streets. Kalzasi had a beat of its own that felt similar to Zaichaer's, and for all it was worth the two distinctions simply reminded him of home. A home he might never have again as it were.

Thus while he waited he exerted another small dose of aether into his wards, the signatures of his aura still nullified as he waited to see if she would come. And then not much long afterward, Lyra could be seen strolling down the street with a show fur. He didn't think it anything unlike her to do so, though, given their location he was slightly impressed by the audacity behind it. Two elves seen walking down the street together? He couldn't help but notice the ire look in a few locals already, their eyes only briefly on the pair before they went about ignoring them once more. Rickter couldn't help but wonder if that little behavior was a caveat of her Whispering powers.

She was lecturing the fellow Elf of how to address her in public, here mostly, while they tended to their little get together for the meeting ahead. Rickter had no idea what his luck would be like, once they found the place, but he hoped to become well acquainted with this Coven Market he'd heard a bit about. "Not to worry," he mused as he couldn't help but notice the glimpses Salem spared him, "I'm still learning my way around as well." Not that he wasn't prone to accept or even admire such attention from others, but Rickter did acknowledge the servant with a hint of a courteous grin with a nod.

He then eyed Lyra when she looked about him with a certain regard, before hiding it away with a casual smile in return. "Right, well, you're the one that found the lead this place. So..." Rickter turned to look further down one lane, then peered down the other before eyeing the alleyway they stood close to. It was such a complex lay of the land he hardly had any idea where to go from here, particularly when it came to looking for such an entrance into the Black Market. "Where to love?"

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Speech" Thought "Callen"

Re: Into the Black Market (Lyra)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 7:36 pm
by Chronicle
Name: Rickter

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 0 Lore Points
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Name: Lyra

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 0 Lore Points
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Kinda lost track/interest with this once things went off with a bag that summer :lol: Figured the xp would suffice since we didn't get anywhere beyond a couple posts.