The Power in My Blood Ⅲ

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ 19th of Glade, year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Dimitri & Caliburn | Thoughts: What are we dealing with | Mood: interested
It had been a day or two since encountering the man with the civilians out in the wilderness. As the morning came upon the city, Dante waited for the man he had saved the other day to awaken from his sleep. He had initially brought him back to the room he had been renting within the jeweled arches but figured it would be best to take him to one of the hospitals in the city.

There Dante found himself sitting in the man's room he waited, looking over the man as he lay there in the bed. Dimitri was on the opposite side of the room, his eyes trained on the door just in case, as he wasn't sure if those robed freaks had infiltrated the city. Dante was certain the man was exhausted and having lost that much blood during the fight he wasn't surprised the towering avialae needed rest. Dante had come to receive praise for his bravery in the situation and it was made known that his act of heroism would not go forgotten.

He wasn't so much worried about getting accolades for his actions. More so the Vampyre was concerned with what he had gotten himself into by forcing himself into this. Seeing the chance and motioning for Dimitri to guard the door, Dante moved to the side of the bed and took the large man's wrist. Bringing it up to his mouth he bit down on it just enough to pierce the skin and draw blood. He drank from the robust male and focused himself to receive the memories.

Stepping back he sat down on one of the chairs in the room, allowing the imagery to wash over him. He could see the man and another, a dratori male with a peerless pecan brown complexion and long braided crimson hair, and by the way, the two interacted with each other, it seemed they were lovers. Next came a skirmish with the robed one they encountered. And then he saw the warrens and a temple within it, and then an effigy, at least that's what it looked like, though if he wasn't mistaken, it looked like a corpse with something lodged within it.

The grip he held on the arms of the chair began to succumb to his pressure, causing it to splinter and crack. Dimitri came rushing over to ease his master's tension, trying to pull him out of his trance. Shaking his head he opened Dante opened his eyes to see that the winged male was stirring, waking up out of what could only be a cold sweat and gasping for air. Fear and confusion resonated on his face as he looked at both men, shuffling away from them both as he was still getting his bearings after such an event.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, I apologize if we woke you." Dante said with a slight smirk. The man seemed to relax a little as he now recognized Dante and Dimitri. No need to apologize, you were kind enough to let me sleep in peace. I thank you for that and for saving me and those travelers. the man thanked with a bow, turning to look out the window, his form becoming revealed as he sat up more within the bed.

His frame was robust, strong from what Dante could only imagine years of battle helped build. He liked the way he looked, he liked the way his size reminded him of the build of avialaes. Looking over to Dante Dimitri gave him a nod, a somewhat notion for his master to ask the pressing questions. With a sigh Dante looked over to the large male, standing as he strode across the room to come and sit next to the man. "I'm curious to know why you were attacked by these robed strangers?"

The avialae looked to Dante than to Dimitri before running a hand through his hair. My friend was a Dratori, a proud and valiant warrior, and those robed freaks took him, killed him for his blood. They kept spouting on about some prophecy to revive some god of old. They needed blood, lots of it in order to achieve this goal. I've been hunting them ever since, and it seems my meddling in their affairs has caught up with me. That attack on those civilians was a trap, one to lure me out and it worked.

Dante remained silent for a moment before standing and coming to stand next to the man. "You have the fortune of having someone like me on your side. I'll gladly help you rid the north of these bastards. Plus it will give me a chance to test my magical prowess." he noted, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. He looked at Dante with confused eyes. I couldn't ask you to do such a thing, it's not your burden to bare, but mine alone.

Dante laughed at his protest, but Dante persisted. "Nonsense, it became my burden the moment I decided to kill those robed monsters. Besides you only can do so much on your own." he added, Dimitri chuckling in the background. He's a stubborn one, there's no point in refusing his help. Trust me, you need us. the human cosigned, to which the avialae simply laughed, slumping back into the bed.

Dante gave him another pat on his shoulder before going to collect his things. "If that's settled then I shall take my leave and allow you to get your rest. We will have plenty of time after you are healed to strategize and destroy these vermin." with that he nodded to the man and made his way to the do. Before he could leave, however, the avialae called to him. I never got your name by the way. he claimed, the vampyre looking back with a charming smile. "Dante, Dante Vanhelsing, and the young man with is Dimitri, we will be in touch sir?" he posed the inquiry back to the man. Caliburn Hávarðr.

Dante notices the hint of admiration in the avialae's eyes. With a nod, he and Dimitri left the hospital, and after some time Dimitri finally spoke up. So what's next? Dimitri asked, looking to Dante as they walked back home. "I have a special task for you, Dimitri. I need you to gather as much information on any groups that collect blood, specifically, I'm looking for information on anything like disappearances or killings where the victims had their blood taken." Dante instructed, motioning for him to follow.

"If we leave these vermin to their own devices who knows what damage they could cause. It could be dangerous for others as well." he instructed, looking at the young male. "Besides too many bloody sacrifices could attract hunters that I don't wish to deal with." he noted, looking at Dimitri, placing a hand on his head. "I'm counting on you Dimitri, dont fail me." he added, his eyes shifting over to Dimitri seeing the fear of failure in his eyes.

Oh....oh I will, dont worry. I won't let you down sir. he assured, bowing to the vampyre as he went to leave him. For the sake of not having hunters at his heels, Dante hoped he was right. This was important to him and their new friend, He was very curious about who these robed killers were.

All in all, this was not the way he wanted to integrate himself into kalzasi society, but he would take it. It would be the best way to gain contacts, and build a report with the city folk. Dante was kind of glad he stuck his nose in this mess, especially since it could prove advantageous to him. Not to mention, so much blood could produce a blood gem of high quality for him to use. It also meant he could use them as practice dummies for Vitalis experimentation.

He still needed to perfect his other magics, but Vitalis was at the forefront.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Sat Jul 30, 2022 4:11 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1501

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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:21 pm
Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
Character Sheet:
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Vitalis: Using Psychomentry to learn certain details
Investigation: Asking about prior events
Investigation: Learning about dangerous elements of the city
Leadership: Ensuring folks get the care they need
Leadership: Issuing orders to your subordinates
Leadership: Failure is not an option

Points: 8, may be used for Vitalis

Injuries/Ailments: Nothing for Dante, at any rate!


Notes: Nice to see Dante exploring the subtle side of the vitalisi gift- that blood psychometery seems like it could a real ace up his sleeve when he decides to make a social debut. He's certainly acting the part of the vampyre in full!

Do let me know if you have anything else you're looking for from this thread. Thanks!

word count: 144
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