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Florian's Plotnotes

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:46 pm
by Florian
Table of Contents

Soren Alderliesten
Marcel Enns & Adrian Haas

Florian's Plotnotes - Soren Alderliesten

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:47 pm
by Florian


Race: Human
Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Weight: 168 lbs

Occupation: Mage-assassin in the Myshalarai Coven
Relation to PC: Old friend returning
NPC Type: Personal
Influence: 3

Description: Florian and Soren first met after getting into a fight - and for a brief handful of seasons afterwards, they remained friends. Then, Soren was a new initiate to the Myshalarai, only dabbling in the magic of Masquerade. Needing someone to practice his magic with, he introduced Florian to the Lysanrin concept of Aether Siphoning after he learned about it within the Coven circles. Florian first practiced siphoning on Soren's illusions, but they eventually drifted apart as he sought a more normal life and not one spent as a witch in Zaichaer. Florian never learned of his connections to the Covens, or even really what the Covens were, but he also never spilled Soren's secret.

Soren spent their time apart honing his skills as both mage and assassin, and perfecting his use of Mirage. He can be friendly, but he is more often snarky and proud, though rarely does he brag. He is comfortable and well-traveled in the upper echelons of Zaichaeri society, and has grown out of his phase of sneaking out into the poor parts of town to cause trouble. Life is tread on a sword's edge, however, as he must keep his Coven ties a deeply buried secret.

With Florian arriving into the public eye, he has sought to rekindle their friendship, though Florian is unaware of to what end.

Masquerade - Expert
Instruments (Piano) - Expert
Stealth - Expert
Blades (Daggers) - Expert
Etiquette - Expert
Mesmer - Journeyman
Kinetics - Journeyman
Seduction - Journeyman
Deception - Journeyman
Unarmed (Brawling) - Journeyman
Disguise - Apprentice
Politics - Apprentice

Re: Florian's Plotnotes

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:57 pm
by Florian

Race: Kathar Avialae
Age: 26
Height: 7'6
Weight: 320 lbs

Occupation: Formerly Kathar Knight
Relation to PC: Accidental Kidnapping
NPC Type: Personal

Born and raised into the elite forces of the Kathar Legion in the Gelerian Imperium, Marcel had the aptitude to excel -- and he did. His life did not differ from most of the other Kathar, and as his power grew, so did the intensity of the control they held over him. He had never known freedom until the fateful day in Searing when he was unwittingly released from his collar by Florian, and teleported across the continent to Kalzasi through archmagic invoked by Talon. Unmoored and disoriented, Marcel has taken a sink or swim approach to his new lot in life, though he is finding that his new power of making decisions for himself is more troublesome than it is worth. He is still unsure whether or not he should thank or condemn the gods that did this to him, though he sticks close to Aoren and Adrian for the sake of familiarity.

Kinetics - Master
Semblance - Master
Melee: Blades - Master
Unarmed (Kathar Style) - Expert
Reaving - Expert
Other appropriate skills for a Kathar Knight.



Race: Kathar Avialae
Age: 27
Height: 7'4
Weight: 300lbs

Occupation: Formerly Kathar Knight
Relation to PC: Accidental Kidnapping
NPC Type: Personal

Like all Kathar, Adrian was carefully born and raised into the Kathar Legion. His entire life was prescripted, and like Marcel, it rarely deviated from the norm. Now that he has been released from his servitude by Florian, and transported to Kalzasi in the same moment, he has taken to overcompensating this freedom. Though he never knew what he was missing, he is far more gregarious than the reserved Marcel. He sees his release as a blessing, but has yet to understand the consequences that come with the power to make impactful choices.

Reaving - Master
Negation - Master
Melee: Blades - Master
Gunslinging - Expert
Elementalism - Expert

Other appropriate skills for a Kathar Knight.