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Dear Franky [Letters From Ecith]

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 9:39 pm
by Yeva
Arrives Early Searing 122

[A large package arrives by private courier, directly to the Hobbled Gobbler].

I think you put far too much faith in me, Franky.

For one, had I any skill as a mystic, I should have gathered clues about Ecith. Maybe it is just my inexperience with the world showing once more. I asked the cards at this land and I received suggestions of new beginnings, differing perspectives, creative opportunities, charm. After the reading for you-know-whoM, I thought myself guided to this place. By you, by your wife, by Galetira. How was I supposed to interpret any of those signs as negatives when I was so blinded by my own naivety?

Franky, the city is.... indescribable. I do not hate it here like I first believed, but I wish you could see it, to understand these words. Had I had grown use to the scorn of Zaichaer, the dismissal and disdain of every human that crossed my path? What was once an obstacle in l my life may have very well turned into a luxury I can no longer afford. Not financially, of course - You have cared for me very well in that regard, and for that, I am endlessly thankful - but in essence. The challenges I face here are not ones that can be solved with the support of allies, but by own hand. And here, I am my own worst enemy.

In my insecurity, I could always pull back, to hide. Have time to think. Here... there is little time for my own reflection; I feel like I have been thrown into a new world and they see me. How I struggle to complete the accomplishments of children, how my skin burns in the hot sun, how I do not have the social understanding to navigate daily life. Each day I sweat and each hour, I come to realize how unbalanced I am. How apologetic and awkward. I am... learning, or trying to. The Orkan of this region have a lifestyle I never thought possible.

I have not decided if I like it. I... like parts of it, but I do not know if I can ever accept it entirely. Time will tell.

I am sure you would find my culture shock amusing. I certainly would, if I wasn't the one experiencing it first hand. You and your wife must have a wicked sense of humor! Did you know Dalma had organized my acceptance at the city gates long before I arrived? Imagine my face when I walked off the boat, barely a step off the dock when two Orc women, largest I've ever seen (although not all that uncommon to me now), approached stark naked with barely a bit of wispy fabric between them to stop me. They said the sunshine was a good omen, and then one practically floated away, as if weightless as a feather!

Oh, you must be laughing now.

This place continues to be full of surprises. In the span of my first day, I saw more nudity than I had in my entire life. I had some of my belongings stolen by the wildlife. I started to climb the world's cruelest staircase. Just when I could barely stand, I crawled into a local tavern, only to wake up amidst a bed of strangers, nearly smothered to death by bare skin. Have you seen a oblivious child hug a cat that so desperately tried to claw its way from their clutches? That might be the best visual that I can provide you of that morning. I know I am complaining a lot in this correspondence but I hope you don't think me ungrateful. There is good to my visit too. Everywhere I go, the locals try to feed me. To fatten me, or to strengthen me, I cannot quite guess. The orcs are quick to strike up conversation, and I think I may be making a friend. Her name is Norani; she's a bit younger than I am, but she's from outside the city, from a village that rides these incredible raptors. She helping me acclimate and is always so optimistic. We will be visiting her village soon.

Although, I should probably ask a few more questions beforehand. Given my experiences thus far, I would not be surprised if I flew back with her, only to find out that by doing so, we were life mates or some such. It certainty wouldn't be surprising for all the uncomfortable situations I've found myself into as of late due to cultural variation. Thank the fates, Norani doesn't strike me as someone to do such a thing. She's kind and painfully honest.

I've taught her how to use chopsticks, and she's helping with my Ecitharese. We went shopping, and that's when I got your gift. I'm sorry I have not written sooner, but I do hope you enjoy it. How has business been? I have included something for the employees at the tavern... I don't know; it feels weird to have earned a title and left before I really got enjoy it. Time's passing quickly and I won't be "queen" forever. Please tell everyone I miss them dearly.

Praying for good fortune,

[Included in the first package labelled 'To Franky', along with this letter, is a case of luxury cigars, a box of specialty chocolates, a bottle of black Ecithean whiskey, and a single gold piece wrapped in silk with a card that reads, 'For your king.' In a second wrapping is a small crate with five bottles of Ecithean wine with bows about their neck. The note reads, "For your men (& women)."]