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A Day of Gifting (Florian)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:59 am
by Franky

Searing 1, 122

The first day of a new season was always a favorite for Franky, and this one was not an exception. The day prior, Franky had conducted his own internal audit and inventory, as he did on the last day of every season, and everything checked out perfectly. Because of course it did, Franky didn't tolerate anything less. So today began with that fresh, new chapter of a book feeling.

He was sipping on some coffee with just a hint of hazelnut liquor in it. Just a dash for flavor. It wasn't bad. Franky was leaning against the bar, watching his staff go about their usual duties during the breakfast hours. Clockwork perfection. Today was single egg omelets on the menu, from these giant chicken like creatures in the wild. One cracked egg filled an entire skillet, and his kitchen was scrambling over each other trying to find room for all the eggs before they were used.

The swearing and yelling and thrown knives were slightly above average today. Franky shrugged, he wasn't going to mess with their process, it worked and it worked well. The front door of the Gobbler swung open slowly, and a human man in travel clothes hefted a crate into the tavern. Franky raised an eyebrow but didn't move. The man made his way over to Franky, "Delivery for you, Mister Franky." Franky wasn't expecting any deliveries, so this was an interesting surprise. He saw the customs tag on it. From Ecith, Sangen, and finally Zaichaer. He smiled.


Franky reached behind the bar, fishing about for a bit, pulling up a heavy pouch of coins. The man raised a hand to stop him, "Sir, this has already been paid for." Franky smiled and nodded, grabbing more coins to put in the pouch, "I know, this is your tip for getting it here speedily, I assume, and safely. And for your honesty. Thank you."

Franky handed the Zaichaeri based courier the largest tip of his life and sent the lad on his way. Franky was in a pleased and generous mood. Yeva sent him gifts. He didn't care that he paid for it, that was beyond immaterial to him. It was the thought behind it. He went in the back, grabbing a crowbar, and pried open the lid, a few of the regulars peering over in curiosity.

On top was a letter addressed to him, nestled underneath was the heavily packed straw to keep things from jostling and protect the contents from humidity. Franky grabbed the letter first, opening it. And he began to read.

Immediately he could see that Yeva was changing, for the better it seemed. Early on in the letter she seemed to be addressing her own doubts and difficulties, something a couple seasons ago would've been of great challenge to her. Franky did smile broadly as she read. He would love to visit Drathera. He suspected there were probably many similarities in their culture as there were in the village he came from, though certainly not the rest of the Imperium. But he knew he couldn't. He'd be killed on sight, as all Imperials were.

When she wrote about the culture shock, he smiled devilishly. Yes, he knew. Dalma had shared so many stories about her own pilgrimage. He hadn't known about the greeting party, but it didn't surprise him. That was very on brand for his wife. They'd have a good laugh about it later over drinks. He audibly chuckled, causing the curious stares of the regulars to grow stronger.

When she thought he might think her ungrateful, he shook his head. He most certainly did not. He was happy, truly happy at every word in this letter. Yeva was growing and coming into her own, on her terms, in her way. Dalma knows best. The pilgrimage sounded like the best possible thing that could've happened to Yeva right now. Escape the stifled suffering of Zaichaer, and the war brewing on its front. Yes, the timing was ideal.

Franky set the letter down carefully. He'd tuck it away in his office, a special memento. He reached in and pulled out a beautiful redwood with crushed shell inlay, amazing craftsmanship. He undid the clip, hearing the hiss of a perfectly sealed box, raising an eyebrow at the level of detail and skill. Inside, resting on a cushion of what appeared to be silk of some sort, ebony in color, was a chorus line of cigar. They were exquisite looking, small bands of vines holding them together. Their scent, rich and earthy, carrying the humidity of the jungle wafted up and Franky couldn't help but take a deep inhale. Perfection. Absolute perfection. His mind knew that these would sell for thousands of gold in the Imperium, as they were forbidden in the Imperium being from Ecith, but the richest and most powerful had their methods. But his mind didn't care about that. His heart cared about how Yeva knew exactly what he enjoyed.

He picked one up gently, feeling it perfectly balanced, running it under his nose, feeling it both excite his senses and relax his body. He set it back down. He'd be lighting one up before too long. Next came the chocolates. Again, an equally ornate and well crafted box, and inside, chocolates. His eyes grew big in childlike wonder. Ecith was the only place that had chocolate, and usually by the time it was shipped anywhere, it had been exposed to so much air and humidity that it was often a bit bitter and lost some flavor. These, clearly, had not had that problem. Franky couldn't resist. He immediately grabbed one and popped into his mouth where it melted into a cascade of well balanced and flowing flavors. At first it was smooth, rich, a lazy river. Then it transitioned to hints of nuts and fruits, before finishing in a depth of sweetness balanced by the mild bitter. He'd never had chocolate that delicious before. Divine.

Next came the black whiskey, and he whistled lightly at the beauty of the bottle and how the contents moved inside. It was gorgeous. A night sky without a single star in it. He knew he would enjoy that later today too. Then he saw the gold coin for the Goblin King and smiled. She truly was a Seer to be. Dalma was the only other person in his life who put so much thought into gifts, while remembering traditions. Franky removed the bit of silk, and flipped the coin up to the ceiling with his thumb, dedicating it to the Goblin King.

It never came back down.

At the bottom was a smaller crate, and Franky hefted it out, immediately knowing roughly what it was, by the weight and sound. After all, he'd hefted his fair share of wine crates. Cracking it open, and reading the note, he smiled. Gifts for the staff too. Franky's heart, a bit turbulent these days as he was hesitant to enact the full measure of his plans, was relieved. He knew that one thing that he'd done, caring for and providing some level of guidance and support for Yeva was paying off. Not for himself, Yeva was not an investment. But it was truly helping her to become who she wished to be.

Chuckling, today would be a good day. He was in an excellent mood, cradling the whiskey bottle now, admiring the beautiful bottle. If he had a reason, he would close down the tavern today, have a celebration. It felt appropriate, and he was tempted to do it anyway, without a reason. Franky had many children with Dalma, and they all made him proud, and he couldn't help but feel that same type of pride for how Yeva was growing too.

Re: A Day of Gifting (Florian)

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:51 pm
by Florian
Florian chose not to work on his birthday this year. It was not a choice to celebrate, particularly, but a decision made out of an abundance of grief. For his first birthday without his mother was exceedingly difficult, and after everything he had gone through and everything he had done, he was not ready to see it without her. There was no choice in the matter, however, and so Florian did the second-best thing he could see; take the day off of work, and slip away into the Knob to drink at the Hobbled Gobbler. Franky's tavern had been a comforting place before, and Franky always seemed to know exactly how much he needed to drink to pretend nothing was wrong.

Florian expressly forbade his bodyguards from following him. They were okay people, humans, who he had not really bothered to get to know. It wasn't that he disliked them, but he hated the concept that he needed them, and chose to pretend they didn't exist as much as he could. He also opted for public transit instead of a carriage, and walked through the Knob, almost as blisteringly anonymous as he had been before. It was refreshing, because no one paid attention to what the politicians in the Presidium did until it directly affected their lives. For better or worse, they were usually ignored.

He pushed the door into the tavern and walked in, his face impassive but his eyes grey with grief, but his voice did not give it away. "Franky!" He called as he walked in and saw the man, "It's my birthday today. Can I—" He paused, looking at the crate and the objects arrayed around it. It seems Franky received a gift of his own. Curiosity distracted him from his own dour mood, and he too peered at them like a few of the regulars inside.

"Oh, you're busy. What's the occasion?"

Re: A Day of Gifting (Florian)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:04 am
by Rickter
A Day of Gifting
1st of Sundered Rise, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

At this rate the Hobbled Gobbler felt about the only safe place for him to relax at, having already spent two months hiding in plain sight among the Zaichaeri officials. Dante and his family were charitable well enough, allowing Rickter a place to lay low while he helped Lyra in his time here. Though, meeting one Coven had been utterly difficult as it were, almost impossible for him if he'd ever attempted it alone really. He'd spent a good amount of his time here often thinking of the family he'd left behind, hopeful that they were still safely tucked away in the remote woods near Kalzasi's outskirts.

Yet while he often thought of the ones he wanted safe, his mind never once rested from the endeavor of saving the two that were missing. The Imperium would be his next stop somehow, whether he had to hijack a damn airship or not to get there he would. But that was looking far to ahead, when he still needed to figure out other things first. The amount of thinking he'd done had left him alone at a table in the tavern, goblins and other non-human races jovially enjoying the energy in the lobby. Many smells had crossed the path of the half-breed's nose, and granted most of the patrons came from where they'd been working; Rickter could verify that not even this place could mask the ugliest of smells.

The wolf could see Franky being busy as ever, keeping the place running as he seemed a little lighthearted today. And with a plate of omelet almost entirely eaten, which he surprisingly couldn't finish for once, he felt it easier to just sit and remain where he was. Brooding perhaps. Watching as the many citizens within this place celebrated their own personal victories. It left him to wonder... where was their victory? When he'd gone into that ice storm expecting to return, nothing had been the same as it used to since. Talon and Aoren were just gone. His feelings for them there but... not quite like he remembered anymore. The broken Bond between them had to be the reason why, even if the wolf dreaded the idea of time numbing his old wounds.

Seeing others enjoying their lives though, their freedoms, in this gods forsaken city that dictated what such a thing was. It wasn't right. People shouldn't have to be forced to live in segregation, all because the non-humans were seen as lesser beings to the actual humans. The wolf quickly doused his inner anger by thinking of something else entirely, putting aside the quiet rage that had been building ever since he'd set off on this damned path. For whatever reason the thought of magic, in principle, helped out with this by allowing him to ponder the extent of his powers. Not that he could think to test them here, but he had to think of something do to while he was stuck in Zaichaer.

It was when the modest thud of a box pulled his attention again, the wolf's eyes curiously drifted on Franky as he seemed to tip the courier for the service. He treats his customers and the working folk fairly well. I wonder what's his story... He mused as he watched the Hobgoblin crack open the box, before an entire aroma of new smells wafted into the room. Even at this distance, Rickter could smell the air of its contents, the most noticeable one a cross between trees and the humidity before a rainstorm. Clearly, the barkeep had friends in distant places as well, as Rickter didn't overlook the slight chuckle that Franky made toward the note.

It'd be impossible to tell if this one could be convinced. He noted as he averted his gaze once more, and eyed the plate in front of him as he leaned into the back of his chair. Unless I figure out what his angle is. What would a Hobgoblin like him want anyway? A tossup of a golden coin before it just vanished without a trace, the wolf's gaze focused again as he tried to grasp where the thing had gone. What sort of party trick was that? He hadn't heard it hit the floor or the counter space at all. Not a moment after that the door to the tavern opened, as a lanky Lysanrin walked in with his head somewhat down as he entered. Wait...

He knew this Lysanrin. Rickter wasn't sure how but the moment he laid eyes upon the horned individual, the golden ring on one of them somehow jogged his memory... or perhaps spurred a reaction? Within his head a sharp ringing pierced the veil of his thoughts, and for a moment the wolf tensed as he realized what had started to happen. The Echo had responded to Florian's presence. Cradling the temple of his head into several of his fingers, Rickter winced as he kept his gaze averted once more. He remembered who Florian was now, or rather who Ellie was deep down, as the dream of a mother whose death took place right before Florian. "We want what's best for Florian," or so that armored entity chimed when it happened, before the Trials continued and... And...

When he opened his eyes small frost had accumulated on his other hand, as well as on the surface of the table it had rested on. Rather than uncover that spot, however, Rickter subtly leaned forward to rest his arms over the location. Did he really almost slip up just now? Though he felt confident nobody saw the tiny specks of ice, he still observed the lobby once more to make sure no eyes were on him. Thankfully, it looked as though the package Franky got kept everyone interested. Good. Rickter was nothing more than just a lowly wolf here, a half-bred mutt with nothing better to do than work and drink the rest of his day away. If he kept up that mentality, then sooner or later the facade should feel real, and he wouldn't have to put in so much effort to at least seem normal. Gods how ironic that sounded to him now, when it was all he wanted to be before...

Suffice it to say, the wolf didn't expect to find any sense of normalcy. Not anytime soon.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit"

Re: A Day of Gifting (Florian)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:49 pm
by Franky

Franky heard his name called and looked up. He saw Florian there and his smile grew broader, "Florian!"

Then he heard the lad mention it was his birthday and he wondered if Yeva had timed this arrival so fortuitously. Maybe she was already blessed by Galetira. Maybe it was just Fated. Either way, Franky wasn't about to question it and certainly not ignore it. Franky hefted the smaller crate of wines out of the large shipping crate, clattering them loudly upon the surface of the bar.

"The occasion is your birthday, lad."

Franky waved over Weston. The tired, metal armed man wandered over. He was not a morning person, a bit of a grunt of a questioning tone to which Franky responded, "Tell the staff that they can go home if they wish, full pay plus twenty percent to make up for lost tips. We're celebrating, so it is optional to stay. Put up a sign on the door letting customers know that today is a party and thus service is not to be expected."

Weston nodded, yawning and stretching as he disappeared through the door into the cacophony that was the kitchen, ducking as a knife embedded itself in the wood. Franky turned to Florian, "So how old are you now?" He grabbed the beautiful wooden box, opening it once more, letting out that deep, rich scent once more. He plucked out one of the Ecithian cigars, offering it to the young man. "Hold it in your lips, try not to make the tip wet."

Franky struck a match off the callouses of his palm, and raised it up toward the cigar, "You'll need to breath in through the cigar. Four to five breaths to ignite it properly. Don't inhale the cigar smoke, taste it only." Franky lit the cigar for the lad, before turning to strike up his own. Soon the kitchen staff was coming out, Chestnut leading the charge. She spotted Franky with Florian and their cigars and was quick to make the connection. The small Fae with the obscenely large hair bounced over to Florian, looking up at him with bright, cheerful eyes. "What would you like to eat! We will make you anything!" Evzark sneered from behind her and was about to raise the point that they didn't keep every food in existence stocked in the kitchen but Chestnut turned and shot him the most vicious of glares, something she never did. Then she was back facing Florian with her typical sweet, kind face. "Anything at all!"

Franky was sucking on the cigar, savoring that deep flavor. It was sweet, sticky, tasted of the jungles despite Franky having never been. There was a hint of spice on the back end. An absolute delicacy. Perfection. Weston came back out from the kitchen, and Franky leaned back against the bar, "Yeva sent these Ecithian wines here for the staff. Make sure everyone gets theirs please." At that Weston was awake and smiling. "Always thought she was a good lass."

Franky broke the wax seal on the bottle of black whiskey, and yanked the cork out. The heavy scent of cinnamon, sharp spice, a hint of black licorice, and sweetness, in a slow, lingering humid cloud of flavor. Weston was already putting two of Franky's favorite whiskey glasses down, and the Hobgoblin poured the pitch black whiskey into it. It poured like molten gold, slow and beautiful, not creating a single splash. Two fingers per glass and he corked it back up. Weston leaned forward, "Everyone's staying."

Franky's smile broadened, "Offer a shot of whiskey to everyone here, something top shelf."

Weston relayed the orders to the serving staff and bar staff and they set to work. Franky offered Florian the glass, "Happy birthday, lad."

Re: A Day of Gifting (Florian)

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:27 pm
by Florian
With attention suddenly aflutter towards him, Florian was taken aback at the circumstances. Franky did not know it was his birthday, so it seemed the stars aligned. He looked surprised, and took the cigar just as Franky instructed, though he was not a smoker and was thrust into a coughing fit after the first breath creeped its way into his lungs. Third time's the charm, though, and he managed to stop harming his lungs long enough to thank the hobgoblin with tears in his eyes from his coughing. His eyes always looked a little watery, anyway.

Chestnut bounded over, and Florian was too surprised at her enthusiasm. "I... well, I don't really... I'm not very hungry." He stated, his voice getting quieter as Chestnut's sweet expression grew more intense. Some few seconds of silent intimidation passed before Florian said, "I like sandwiches, maybe some cake, too?" He was simple to please.

The flurry of activity passed around him, and he sat himself at the bar near Franky. It was his first birthday without his mother, but despite Franky knowing very little details, he seemed intent on making it a good one regardless. Florian took the glass that was offered and took a sip. He was not one to savor the taste of alcohol, and he could hardly tell one from another, but it looked fancy as hell. It felt like it'd be rude to drink it as fast as possible.

"Thanks, Franky. Used to be I'd go to my mom's house for it. She'd make me a chocolate cake and we'd eat those early-searing strawberries and whatever else she'd want to improvise for dinner." Florian paused, realizing he could've told this to Chestnut if he hadn't been thrown off-guard. "We didn't do much in the way of presents. For either of us."

His glance didn't even pass towards Rickter, tucked away in the main room. Too much else was going on.

Re: A Day of Gifting (Florian)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 9:56 pm
by Chronicle
Name: Franky

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 8
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Name: Florian

Points: 8
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 4
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Name: Rickter

Points: 8
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.
Knowledge: 4
Injuries: N/A
Loot: N/A

Sorry this one fell off my radar! I went ahead and docked a couple points of Florian and Rickter since we didn't get the full 1.5k words in.