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The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 4:14 pm
by Eya
Searing 4th. Current year.



“Eya! Get up!” The world was suddenly filled with light as a groggy Eya was dragged into consciousness by Marala. Rubbing sleep out of their eyes the groggy apprentice mutely watched their friend busily prepare themselves for the day. It always felt like Marala moved through time faster than Eya could, seemingly blurring through their responsibilities while Eya stumble half-awake through their routine. Making their way to the wide basin Eya washed the sleep from their face rubbing their eyes and grimacing at the baleful face that gazed at them from their mirror. Dark bags seemed to plague their eyes no matter the form or face they wore. Marala for her part was already humming some offbeat tune seemingly more unreasonably energetic than they already. “you know what today is right?” Shaking their head to the contrary Eya mutely watched their bubbly companion fake shock at their ignorance fully knowing that Marala knew Eya rarely bothered to track the days or seasons. “Honestly, you’d know if you ever spent any time outside, ya know, having fun, you’d have seen all the preparations in town” Still uninterested Eya played along pulling a colorful poncho over their head as their form of dress in the sweltering morning. “I have enough fun with my work” “You don’t know what fun is now that you work, that what it is” Marala chimed back at him. She had never been a fan of their apprenticeship with Marwoi and as Eya had started spending less and less time at homes they’d become increasingly vocal about it.

Ignoring their friends griping Eya relented to ask the question Marala wanted to hear. “So what is today?” “It’s the coming of the bees, if you’d been awake at all yesterday you would have seen that they’ve already made the corridor for the bees, so you’ll have to use the back door. Now peering our the fron of their house Eya did briefly wonder how they’d missed something of this scale even for their hermit inclinations. Whenever the bees returned to nest in Drathera, many would pass through Wawari Bobul, So every year the villagers would bring as many flowers as they could into their village and line a path through the center of the village for the bees to follow. While few people in Wawari Bobul cultivate or farm in any manner, it is said that this tradition always guarantees more fertility in the village if the bees chose to go through the town rather than around it. In years where the villages main path was not covered in flowers for the bees that the towns flora would wilt and the fish would move upstream for a time.

With that in mind the people of Wawari Bobul went all out in decorating their main street for the bees. Many a puppet was posed in the street holding elegant bouquets and other flowery arrangements as they waited on their buzzing guests. Already to the keen of ear their was a faint buzzing on the wind. Stepping into the street with Marala Eya scrunched their face as they entered the bright world, for a day forced to interact with the village rather than whole up in the smokey chiefs hut with Marwoi learning the arcane.

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:43 pm
by Norani

The sun was shining bright and warm on this calm Searing day. Norani was riding upon the back of Ruvaf, Yeva sitting in front of her. The warm air produced significant updrafts, so the entire traveling contingent was soaring, coasting easily, gliding along and conserving energy. This allowed the riders to sit comfortably on the backs of their flying companions, not having to work their thighs and abdomens to easy the strain of the Ci'uvan.

The contingent was flying through a corridor between sections of jungle, a corridor that the stories said was a great scar caused by the Sundering. But looking down at the ground now, Norani saw the tall grasses that grew all around Drathera. She wondered if all the grasslands were jungles before being damaged by the unleashing of the Aethereum. But Ecith was healing. On either side of the corridor they flew through, a few hundred yards to their left and right, the vast jungles stood tall. They did not break into the clouds like the jungles of Central Ecith, but they were nearing them.

The contingent was taking this path in order to drop off a few other wealthier, foreign merchants at some of the other villages. It added a couple days to their trip, but Chieftain Boraba was content with that choice. More time to spend training the new recruits. Up ahead, at the front of the V-formation, Boraba raised a horn to her lips and blew, sending out a loud trumpeting boom. They were coming up on the village Wawari Bobul, and were announcing their arrival to the village. A scree was sent out by Boraba's Ci'uvan companion and all the rest of the flock followed suit.

The easy soaring on the high updrafts was over. Norani leaned forward a bit, pressing into the back of Yeva. They would need to lean forward now, raise up to balance on their thighs, and rock in unison with Ruvaf, and each other. The flock began slow dive, the wind sweeping all around them, triggering Norani's scales on her face to pop out, better shielding her eyes from debris. Yeva had been previously provided a leather visor to serve the same purpose, and provide some protection from the sun.

The village could be seen up ahead, a small collection of huts and buildings nestled into the side of the open corridor, right on the edge of the jungle. The flock dipped below the tree line. The sun was directly overhead, so they were not in the shade of the canopy, but looking through the dense growth of the tropical jungle, one could see a wide variety of the more curious and brave jungle creatures. Various monkeys and lemurs, many birds, capybaras and wild pigs on the forest floor, all calling out their various sounds, louder now in the corridor. A tenseness moved among the flock. They all knew that dipping below the trees was the most dangerous part of the journey, opportunistic predators seeking any easy kill.

But they flew in without incident, gliding over the grasses that stood some fifteen feet tall or more, arriving in the empty clearing next to the village, a space most villages provided specifically for the arrival of the fliers. Chieftain Boraba dismounted first, as some of the village's guards came forward. She spoke casually with them, all of them smiling and laughing, a jovial exchange. Boraba had come by here many times over her years as chieftain. After the conversation, Boraba turned to the contingent, in the native tongue, "Come. We've been invited to join in Wawari Bobul's celebration for the Coming of the Bees. We will stay the night here and leave at sunrise. Rest, make merry."

Then in Common, for the foreigners, as it was not necessary for her to say to the natives, "And be respectful of the village."

With that, Norani tapped Ruvaf's side, and he lowered down, and she slid off the side. Then she stuck her arms up to offer help for Yeva to dismount. She was sure that her friend would be quite sore from the journey. Norani herself was sore, and she was more used to the weariness of flying than Yeva. Norani looked over, seeing more of the villages coming into the clearing to see the most recent arrivals. The rest of the contingent was dismounting, removing the travel sacks and the merchants that were staying were already moving forward, asking if there were rooms for rent.

Norani had never been to this village and was very excited to experience it, and experience it with her dear friend. Eyes wide and smiling, "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:52 pm
by Yeva
Searing 4th

They soared over the jungle, Yeva peering beyond Ruvaf's neck to spot the scenery below. She held on saddle, tucked safely in front of Norani, who guided them downward. The descent was faster than she expected and Yeva's stomach fluttered in response, pulling a grin that soothed like the breeze sweeping over their flock. The trees grew larger, branches nearly kissed their feet. The canopy parted and Ruvaf dipped low into the covering of shade, the grasses taller now as they sought rain and sun, a cacophony of wildlife calling out around them. Creatures darted from branch to branch, something skittered into the bushes. The Ci'van moved deftly, silent now and they glided between the trunks and then-

They emerged into the clearing and crushed patches of grass, one by one landing after Chieftain Boraba. She dismounted first, her steps powerful but her posture at ease. Yeva watched her greet and prepare their arrival, the sound of the woman's deep laughter audible from their landing. Boraba addressed the others, voice carrying across the clearing. Yeva's understanding was delayed and seemed to only catch the end of the announcement.

...Stay the night here and leave at sunrise. Rest, make merry.

And then, very clearly, "And be respectful of the village."

Yeva leaned forward and looked over her shoulder, feeling Norani's skin peel from her own as she swung her legs over and dismounted. With more space behind her, she scooted back, gasping at the ache in her legs, looking over at the hand extended to her. She exhaled in silent thanks, Norani knowing even without her having to explain. Obliging eagerly, Yeva clung to the orc woman while she grit her teeth and followed suit, feeling like a baby foal, legs wobbling as her bare feet touched the soil. A sound of pain slipped from her lips, but the sensation of sore muscles was no longer foreign to her like it once had been. Bending over, she massaged her thighs and pulled her visor away, untangling any stray curl that had knotted itself around the covering. She patted her hair, what still remained in its bun, knowing it must have been a real sight, and then began to pull the tie from her hair, which released in a great bloom, red, wild, and big.

She straightened with a word of thanks, feeling the excitement from her friend. Norani was soaking up the village around her, grinning as her eyes darted around.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Hm, thirsty, yes," she twisted, still pushing aside a wave of her hair to try and follow Norani's gaze. It was certainly different than Drathea, but it was clearly not where her friend was from. She tried to recall what Boraba had said, inquiring, "What we celebrate here?" Then, "Where are we?"

She stepped aside, allowing room for Norani to do any tending to Ruvaf, helping where needed, "I have to... uh..." she frowned, a creeping expression of distress entered her body language, "Um, I be right back," she said, her familiar blush returning as she stepped back and looked towards the tree line. The poor elf had to pee, and while she was sure some Orcs cared very little about such things, Yeva still preferred to do so away from the eyes of a masses. Best to do so before they started exploring in full, "We see many things after, yes?" Go, go," she tried to reassure she would be fine, although a small voice in the back of her head warned her of danger should she wander too far. Yeva reached for their pack, pulling out a small bag of toiletries and giving it a small wave. Perhaps that would relay her meaning.

"Be right back," she repeated.

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 8:43 am
by Eya
► Show Spoiler
Even as the distant wine of the great bees of the jungle steadily grew louder, it was shadowed by a heavier and closer noise that steadily approached. Already Eya could feel Marala’s hand tightening around their wrist as they were pulled by their ever curious friend towards the clearing that most of the villagers were now gravitating towards.

As people began to point Eya joined them in gazing up at the sky as several Ci’Uvan came into view, their great wings vibrant with color as the sun shown through them. The heavy thuds of air slowing and growing heavier as they circled and landed. Already several of the villages hunters and warriors had taken positions interposing themselves between the villagers. However what little defensiveness had manifested melted away as familiar faces met. Tapping the left side of their heads The villagers of Wawari Bobul all gave a slight bow to them before greeting them. The gesture implying that their guests were being sealed to memory, hopefully for better than worse.

Standing shyly to the side as Marala peered over the other villagers to get a better look at the newcomers Eya observed from the sidelines. That was until a strong hand with long fingers wrapped around their shoulder. Looking up Eya found themselves now within the shadow of Marwoi, who had come forth from his hut to greet the newcomers as the Chief of Wawari Bobul. Smiling down through a face worn by innumerable ages Eya instantly felt at ease in the Cheifs presence. “good morning study bug” He said in his swarthy voice half laughing at the nickname he’d given his apprentice. “Mmm” “G’mornin Marwoi” Marala chirped in Eya’s place. “Marala take these, and Eya these, Come with me we’ve guests to welcome, it won’t do to have the chiefs apprentice watching like a spider on the wall” Handing Marala several deep wooden cups and Eya the pitcher he gestured for them to follow him. The familiar scent of Abjuju juice wafted up from the pitcher, looking down Eye noticed that Marwoi had scrivened runes into the interior of the pitcher. Unfamiliar with any such item in Marwoi’s possession tell now Eya scanned what runes they could make out above the liquid sloshing in the pitcher. At a glance the runes Eya could see all seemed to be geared towards absorbing warmth and holding cold. Irked at the thought that the chief was holding onto something so pleasant and saving it just for guests Eya resolved to pester the old man about it later.

Too late now to do anything Eya found themselves at the front of the pack trailing Marwoi and Marala them. Marwoi again repeating the customary greeting of bowing and tapping the side of his head twice with two fingers. “I look forward to remembering this day, Welcome to Wawari Bobul.” Looking then to the familiar face of Boraba Marwoi’s smile lines deepened more than Eya had ever seen, the man looked like a squash well past its time when he smiled. Still the ease his presence brought to the situation was palpable. “Come now you must be parched, Eya come let us wet the mouths of our travelers so that they might speak with us” Gently pushing Eya forward Eya and Marala began distributing cups and pours of the chilled tart juice the Wawari so enjoyed. Once the drinks were poured Eya again found Marwoi’s strong hand on their shoulder dragging them to the front. “Boroba, this will be our next chief if the cast bones are to be believed.” A squeeze on their shoulder informed them that this was the part where Eya was to introduce themselves. Struggling to force sound past their lips in the gaze of strangers Eya quailed before speaking. “I am Eya, it is… a pleasure to welcome you to our village” Seemingly satisfied Marwoi released his grip on Eya and tuned on his heel. “Come come, we’ve a little time still before the bees arrive. Come tell us of your journeys and rest in our dining lodge.” With that the man turned and led the guests into the village, the streets all lined with flowers and and well dressed skeletons posed with bouquets and garlands. Every family had dressed their honored dead and brought them out, one of the few days of the year where this happened. Rarer still, were the few animated ancestors in the village, dressed as well as their enert counterparts the animated milled about distributing flowers and having one sided talks with their inert companions.

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:44 pm
by Norani

Norani was gentle with helping Yeva reach the ground, smiling all the while. Her eye were on the redhead as she began to work her hair, setting it loose, backdropped by the sun cutting through a hole in the canopy. Seeing that Yeva was able to stand and move comfortably enough, Norani set about to her immediate duties. She first loosened all of the straps on Ruvaf's travel sack, before unbuckling it entirely. She hefted the heavy pack over her own shoulders, redoing up the straps once more. It was an ingenious design, built by the leatherworkers of her village, able to be easily transferable from Ci'uvan to Dragoon, assuming the Dragoon was strong enough.

Norani grunted under the strain, her thighs flexing heavily, but she held herself upright and proper regardless. Ruvaf was shaking out his wings and stretching, happy to have that foreign leather away from his skin. She clicked in her throat and he bent down. She clasped his face gently between her hands, looking him in the eyes smiling. In her native tongue, "You did so well. I'm so proud of you, and you should be too." She then kissed him upon the top of his beak.

The Matriarch squawked. She was going hunting and all of the Ci'uvan were to join her. Norani pat Ruvaf on the shoulder, "Have fun and stay safe." He cooed slightly before turning. The entire flock flapped their wings, following after the giant mother. Norani unfastened the water skin from her pack, offering it to Yeva first. In Ecitharese, "You're taking to flying so well! Drink as much as you need. Do not let the jungles fool you, the humidity in the air will steal water from you."

Looking toward the village with the procession of curious villagers, making sure to speak slower and more clearly for Yeva's aid, "This is Wawari Bobul. They are celebrating the Coming of the Bees. A hive of bees the size of..." She tried to think of something of comparable size. "Nose to stinger, long as I stand tall. Chubby and fuzzy." She laughed, "The hive travels through this village and onward to the farms of Drathera to settle a new hive underground."

Then Yeva's telltale blush occurred and Norani smiled and nodded as the elf excused herself. Norani didn't mind, many an orc preferred to relieve themselves in private, others less so. Norani wasn't particular. But Norani didn't turn, instead keeping an eye in the direction of Yeva. It was always dangerous here and she wasn't about to lose a friend due to her own carelessness.

The buzzing of the bees was now audible on this side of the village and it sent shivers up Norani's spine. It was so loud and so constant, the flight of thousands of beautiful creatures. She let out a loose tendril of aether, tapping into the air around her and she connected with it. This let the vibrations carry through her. She enjoyed that deep, tickling feeling, it resonated in her bones, made her feel alive. She closed her eyes and let it take over her.

The first of the villagers arrived and Norani opened her eyes. They bowed their heads and Norani smiled, following suit. Chieftain Borabi smiled, "Thank you for the warm welcome, Marwoi. We have brought merchants who wish to trade wares, if you'll allow. I've brought the newest Dragoons to join the flock."

Norani's chieftain looked at Eya as they were introduced, casting a knowing side eye on Marwoi. It was something that was never discussed, but the chieftains that held any relationship at all with Wawari Bobul knew one truth, Marwoi came before them all and it didn't seem likely they would be joining in the reincarnation cycle anytime soon. But it was left at that.

"It is our pleasure to meet you Eya. This is Norani, Garvol, Haru..." She listed all of the dragoons, guests, and traveling merchants. "We greatly appreciate your offer of sustenance."

Norani took the cup that was offered to her, smiling bright at the eerily beautiful Eya. She sipped, finding the drink to be cold and refreshing. Norani spoke, "This is my first time to Wawari Bobul! It is so beautiful here. I can't wait to share stories with you!"

Some of the other dragoons rolled their eyes but Boraba only smirked and glanced down at the excitable young lass. As the group started into the village, Norani lingered, making sure Yeva wasn't left alone or lost. She saw the flowers all through the street ahead and the many decorations. This was going to be a special day.

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:09 pm
by Yeva
Yeva vanished into the tree line and found a place to relieve and clean herself. She could still hear the others and began to make her way back, hissing in pain when her sandaled foot snagged on a cluster of brambles and she went stumbling into the dirt. Her knees smacked into the earth and she winced, more embarrassed than hurt, and searched for the source of her fall. Hooked at her heel was a thorny vine, its woody stem black with speckles of white. Yeva inspected her shallow wound on her foot and then her palms which had been embedded with a layer of dirt and skinned raw in places. She expected the brambles to be in clusters, but instead they had a strange reaching pattern, circling smaller trees and choking the life around them. A sense of foreboding lingered on the back of her mind and she moved to stand, catching sight of something that made her hair stand on end.

Tree claw marks were carved into the tree before her, large and yet low to the ground. Yeva did not know all the creatures of the region, or even what might have made the rivets, but the sap had bled and dried, reminding her of blood. Something about the imagery unsettled her. She identified the feeling.


An omen from nature! She had to warn the others. She jumped to her feet and stopped.

What if she she mistaken? Was it just the promise of a something new? What was the symbolism of threes again? Yeva racked her brain but came up empty. She had not seen any other sign of threat, but she hadn't read the cards in days. If she got this wrong and somehow created discord between these groups, what would happen to her?

To Norani?

Yeva emerged back into the clearing with her toiletry bag tucked under her arm and rinsed her hands clean. The group that had gathered, weaving past the riders while the promised buzzing electrified the air. Yeva stepped quickly, hesitating a ways back as Norani struck conversation with the other locals and shared her enthusiasm. She held back and stayed silent as a drink was passed between them. There was an elder figure, hunched over from age, and another smaller one, younger with a red band stretched across their eyes. They were certainly quite striking, but her friend was unbothered, embracing life and the possibility of experience without apprehension.

"This is my first time to Wawari Bobul! It is so beautiful here. I can't wait to share stories with you!"

Other dragoons rolled their eyes and Yeva chewed her lip, anxiously glancing around in search of another omen. The buzzing was louder now and their group was being led into the village proper. Norani turned in search of her and the redheaded woman shuffled forward with a sense of uneasiness and tried to dry her hands off on her skirts. Her ankle stung where the thorns had cut her but she ignored it.

There is nothing to be afraid of
, she told herself. We will see the bees and we will be happy.

The scent of flowers carried on the warm wind. Her friend was smiling. The sun was bright. Yeva took a slow breath and stepped in line with the others, "Eya?" she tested in Ecitharese, hoping she had heard Norani correctly when introductions were being made, "It's nice to meet y-"

Hazel eyes stared up the path, words fading on full lips. Yeva, who had managed a bit of composure upon returning, fully stared at the emerging village structures and their decorations. Flowers adorned the settlement, the pathway decorated with petals. Baskets were filled with more blooms, and carrying them...


Moving, decorated corpses.

Most of the dead was skeletal, but there were a few exceptions. Yeva reached out and gripped Norani's arm as an icy fear slithered down her spine and stole her breath. They moved towards them as the group progressed, offering their baskets. Yeva's chest rose and fell in quick succession as her heart rate picked up and she darted behind her friend, no longer interested in bees or sunshine. She had never seen necromancy before and clung to Norani like a scared cat, eyes darting. No one within the village seemed bothered; it was clearly a cultural acceptance. Stay calm. Don't show weakness. Remember what Franky said.

Easier said than done.

Yeva tried to find her voice, although it was weak and wavered still, "Who... Who are they?"

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:41 am
by Eya
doing their best not to be cowed by the presence of so many strangers in the village Eya awkwardly returned Norani’s smile pondering the sincerity of the newcomers proclamation. Eya was not particularly interesting in their own estimations. They could however count on Marala’s exuberant nature to more than likely fill any silences Eya’s aloofness created. Another newcomer that Eya had yet seen chose to emerge from the tree line wild eyed and ruffled. Still the woman composed hersef and stepped forward to introduce herself. It was immediately obvious however that something else had her attention. Looking to where the woman with fiery hair was gazing Eya couldn’t help but be surprised that someone had come to the village not knowing it’s reputation.

“They are family” Eya said softly, “ancient but wise.” Marala who’d kept mostly quiet tell this point squeezed Eya’s hand harder than Eya felt was necessary before clearing her throat. “What Eya should be telling you, is that All of the citizens of Wawari Bobul are part of the Greaya mawoid,” Chewing her words berifly Marala searched for the proper common translation, “It means family soul, all our souls are tethered to the great family soul, and through it we have learned to make our souls strong enough to persist long after our flesh gives up.” Pointing to a taller skeleton with bones lacquered in a dark resin. Great maroon horns sprouted from his bony brow, decorative armor and robes adorned him as did a bright pink garland on his head somewhat taming his otherwise intimidating appearance. He held in his had a large basket filled with petals that he began to toss over the newcomers in the village. “That’s Eya’s grandfather” Marala’s pointing seemingly caught the elder skeletons attention as he began to navigate to them all the while sprinkling the newcomers with fragrant flowers. “Welcome welcome” he intones in a brassy voice that reverberated in his throat, not unlike a lifelong chain-smoker who’d swallowed the brass section of a band. “I see you are finally taking to your duties young Eya,” he said before ruffling the Latter’s hair with a handful of petals. “turning to the guests the Skeleton looked them over with faintly glowing eyes, not unlike two windblown candles searching them for something. “Welcome againg I say to Wawari Bobul, you’ve come on a fortuitous day to help us welcome even more friends from far away, so let not your hearts be gray, Nay, let our buzzing guests make thine hearts Gay” With that the old skeleton upturned the rest of the basket of petals he had filling the air briefly with a perfumed kaleidoscope. Before he could be heard retreating down an alley followed by the pleasant click clack only a skeleton can produce.

Eya now reduced to sneezing silently cringed at the old man’s antics as Marala apologized for the floral assault to the senses. “Our apologies, most of our honored dead have twice the decorum of Ombrau, Come now let us get you some refreshments before the bee’s arrive.” Pulling Eya along the dutiful rather guided there guests to a long thatched hut with a large chimney at one end. The building smelled of fruit and smoking fish and pungent odor that those of Wawari couldn’t help but flock to. Thankfully it seemed that Marwoi was entertaining the Bulk of the guests and their chief. So the hut was still relatively empty as most were preoccupied with listening to the two chiefs catch up with each other. Pointing to a long table cut from stone surrounded by short chairs with large cushions Marala nudged Eya. “seat our guests I’ll go get everyone something to eat” With that the goblinoid rathari left for the kitchen leaving Eya alone with the two. “Forgive her if shes presumptions about your needs, she’s a… very serious… host?” searching for the right words Eya trailed off. “please if you would join us for a moment and tell us of yourselves” Gaaining confidence as they recycled the chiefs lines time and time again Eya managed to talk to their guests without choking on indecision. Pulling two chairs out at the table for their guests Eya smiled thinly trying to think of ways to seem interesting.

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:55 am
by Norani

Norani turned, seeing Yeva now, smiling brightly at her friend, seeing her a bit disheveled, something off in her eyes. A bit.. wild, maybe? Yeva went to make her introduction and she saw the color fade from Yeva's normally rosy cheeks, her eyes focused on something past Norani. Yeva gripped onto Norani's arms, as Norani looked to see what was unsettling Yeva so. Flowers, decorations, effigies of their fallen loved ones, baskets. Norani didn't understand.

But she knew her friend was afraid. And that's all that mattered in this moment. The villagers came closer, and Norani moved in closer to Yeva. She did not remove Yeva's hand from her arm, rather, she placed her other hand over top of Yeva's, squeezing it firmly. Yeva's eyes truly were wild, but Norani would have her know that she was here with her.

With Yeva's voice, small and weak, Norani went strong and clear. Be the strength Yeva needed right now, simple as that. "They are Orkhan who have fallen but are not lost."

Norani hadn't considered that this would be something unsettling to a foreigner. Necromancy was not a taboo in Ecith, and the Ecitharese had a different relationship with death and bodies than others did. Her own village did not practice in effigies, but the neighboring village did. They built tools from the fallen Orkhan as a way to remember them and use their strength. Eya spoke and Norani nodded in agreement.

Marala spoke now. Norani was quiet out of respect and was prepared to translate any nuance for Yeva if needed. Norani did not know the finer details of Wawari Bobul's religion, but it was not something that was strange to her. It made perfect sense to the young Orkhan. She had only dabbled in Necromancy at her aunt's village, so seeing these walking, talking, beautiful effigies was awe inspiring for Norani. Truly works of art, especially with the bright pink garland on the brow.

Norani continued to squeeze Yeva's hand, not leaving it until Yeva desired it, nodding at Marala's indicating Eya's relation. As he wandered over, Norani smiled, "It is nice to meet you. I am Norani of Ounokt Nora and this is Yeva Bleu of Sol'valen. We are friends." She listened to what she thought was pride as he spoke to Eva and ruffled their hair. "I thank you for hospitality on this special day." She gave Yeva an extra bit of a squeeze. And with that, he wandered off to do whatever it was skeletal grandfathers did on festival days.

Marala was offering them refreshment now, and Norani looked over at Yeva now, seeing if she was willing to join, or not. Regardless of what Yeva chose to do, Norani would stay with her. Norani leaned over, whispering in Yeva's ear, "It will not be impolite if you do not wish to go. We can do whatever you wish." She leaned back, offering her friend a small, sincere smile.

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 11:15 pm
by Yeva

"Family?" Yeva repeated, listening as Eya offered patient explanation. The other continued, describing the phenomena as a result of communal strength. A tethering of souls that kept them moving long after their flesh died. Greaya mawoid. She followed the pointed finger to a skeleton with horns, clutching a basket of petals with a garland around its brow. It moved towards them.

"That is Eya's grandfather."

Grandfather? She looked between the two. Even if the man had been living, she doubted her ability to spot a resemblance, but the horns surprised her. She had never given much thought to the remains of those that sported them and she was reminded of a certain bartender in Zaichaer. The skeleton was before them now and she stiffened, "Ah," Yeva took Norani's arm in both of her hands, stiff as a board while the interaction progressed. It was talking. Rhyming. She tried to force a smile, but it was clearly a grimace. Eventually the undead continued on after a toss of petals clung to her curls, but Yeva's fear remained with her.

“Our apologies, most of our honored dead have twice the decorum of Ombrau, Come now let us get you some refreshments before the bee’s arrive.”

She tried to advert her gaze, to consider these as honored members of the tribe, but each step she took was stiff and stumbling. Her legs were stubborn, resistant and it was Norani who spoke softly into her ear, "It will not be impolite if you do not wish to go. We can do whatever you wish."

"It would be," she whispered back, looking up to see the orc's reassuring smile. To be invited and pointedly turn away? She swallowed, appreciative but unable to take the offer. Doing so felt selfish, "I... I can't say no. I..." Yeva sidestepped, allowing another orc from their group to move past while she struggled with indecision, whispering low so that only the warrior would hear her, "We are safe, yes?"

Nervous energy from the redhead was something Norani would recognize in her friend, but this was not the underlying excitement of new experience like when she first rode Ruvaf. Yeva's eyes darted and she shifted in small ways, never quite still. She was skittish, her eyes avoiding others, her smile never quite reaching her eyes. The Hytori didn't want to ruin the special event, wanting to enjoy it but the omens she had seen. Then again, omens weren't promises, merely warnings... "I be okay," she said, more to herself now, combing her fingers through her hair, glancing up to where refreshments were being offered, "Maybe I just... Maybe I am just sleepy strange from flight. Maybe..."


Yeva didn't want to worry her friend. She exhaled, "Do not hold back for me," she looked up at Norani, "I want you to have fun time,"

It was time to move closer to the group, to Eya. The young woman let go and shuffled forward. Two chairs remained empty, pulled out for them, and Yeva slipped into one, watching as people introduced themselves around the table. Before she knew it, it was her turn. She stopped chewing on her bottom lip and had to cup her glass to keep from picking at her hands. She tried to to think of an interesting fact, or something that could make her seem less awkward. It could be something to distract her from her worries, "M-my name is Yeva," she started, speaking before she could start second guessing her Ecitharese. Norani had already given her name but it seemed a proper place to start, "I am Hytori. I," she plucked a rogue petal nested in her hair and swept it away, "come to Ecith for pilgrimage and to learn. I have no tattoos," she included that, as it was so important to the local culture. If they hadn't taken notice of her unmarked skin, they would sooner or later. It was best to address quickly to save herself from embarrassing questions, "But soon when I think of choice... Um, I have some pierce though. Twelve," she meant piercings, not quite having mastered the word. To demonstrate, Yeva opened her mouth, pointing to the one on her tongue and then lifting up her hair to show her pointed ears decorated with metal. Her face was tilted to the side, exposing a bit of her neck.

Once her ears were shown, Yeva dropped the curls back in place, unsure what to say next, "I am mystic...." Her mind blanked and she fumbled for a moment before giving a nervous waving of her hand. She reached to touch the back of Norani's chair. Yeva had flown here with others, but her shy nature kept her more reserved than the group she came with. It was the first time she had spoken so directly about herself and the feeling of so much attention made her eager to have them look elsewhere. Her face was dusted with pink and it was clear she was making a great effort, "More later. You're turn."

Re: The Bees are coming! the Bees are coming! (Open)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:12 am
by Aegis


Lores: 8 Lores of your Choice

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, not for magic

Comments: Turning in early after having attempted to contact Eya multiple times.

Lores: 8 Lores of your Choice

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, not for magic

Comments: Turning in early after having attempted to contact Eya multiple times.

Lores: 8 Lores of your Choice

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, not for magic

Comments: Turning in early after having attempted to contact Eya multiple times.