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Bloody Ending?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 5:57 am
by Kotoru
☵ 29th of Frost, Year 199, Age of Steel ☵
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
☵ The greatest pleasures are only narrowly separated from disgust...... at least that's what they say anyway. Life is not without its own pleasures, and Koto knows this all too well. He was, what many viewed as a hedonist at times, but he simply loved to enjoy himself, be it by the pleasure of battle, the flesh, or even learning new things. What he couldnt stand however was when it as forced.

Pleasure should come naturally, not from fear of destitution and poverty. Tonight was much different for him as he strolled the streets of Kalzasi, vibrant with the hustle and bustle of the local nightlife. Bordellos alluring in prospective customers, bars and eateries advertising how good their booze and food were, how much better one would enjoy themselves in their establishment.

But none of it could phase Koto as he was determined to see this request through. It was the least he could do for the girls that have been harmed by this swine and his ilk. It had come to Koto's attention by a local bordello owner that a client and his friends liked to rough up the girls. At first, it was a few bruises and scrapes, but then things escalated and one of the girls ended up with a broken arm because she refused the man's request.

Well, something like that could be left alone, and the owner didnt know what else to do. She didnt want the attention if she were to call on the Skyguard to handle it, as it could be bad for business. So instead she decided to outsource the solution. Offering his next 3 visits free, with any of the men or women of his choosing, Koto was asked to "handle" the situation.

The owner, Madame Liang, didnt care how it was handled as long as it meant her employees were safe. Koto was more than willing to answer her call as it was his favorite bordello to visit, and he needed to take care of them as much as they took care of him. It was the least he could do for all the good times he had there, many memorable nights being spent within those walls.

Discerning eyes of the young lord peered into the open night sky as he waited for his target to approach. He arrived a few moments ahead of him, Madame Liang giving the time the target normally came by to Koto. As he waited, his father approached from behind him. "It's quite the fine night don't you think Kotoru?" he inquired, looking to the sky as well with his son ☵

"It's a fine night indeed, a night to kill men who don't know how to treat a woman." he added, turning his gaze to the bordello. " I will not stop you from keeping your word, I ask only that you don't go crazy with how you dispatch these vermin. Any man who raises his hand to harm a woman is not worthy of breathing the same air as us. Put these vermin down like the rabid animals they portray my son." he finished, placing something against Koto's chest.

Taking it he saw it was a sword, a Kalzasian longsword by the looks of it. "Thank you for the gift father, I needed a new weapon after loosing Orochi during the bandit extermination." he thanked unsheathing the blade to inspect it, running a finger along the flat edge of the sword. It was beautiful, sleek in design and easy on his eyes.

His father chuckled as he began to walk away. " It's not a gift my boy, I expect the amount for that sword in the morning. Don't overdo it Kotoru, You just recovered from your first true battle today." he noted, vanishing amidst the crowd of citizens and lights. Chuckling he turned his attention back onto the establishment. Moments later he could see his target coming, his entourage in tow behind him.

It was clear by the body language they had been drinking, which would make this an easy job. He would wait 20 or so more moments and then strolled into the building himself. Seating himself in the foyer, he made eye contact with Madame Liang and with a smile, gave a confirming nod that he was here to deal with her issue. Bowing she began to usher patrons from their rooms, Madame Liang saying they were closing early tonight.

Once the building was clear, she approached Kotoru with a bow. Im glad you came to our aid my Lord, They are on the third floor, my lord. Please be quick. she pleaded, and Koto bowed and pulled the hood of Naga Skin over his head.

Re: Bloody Ending?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 4:19 am
by Kotoru
☵ 29th of Frost, Year 199, Age of Steel ☵
☵Theme: Speed to Masatsu
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
☵ The sound of drunken laughter and slurred words drowned the sound of Koto's footsteps as he made his way up the stairs. The top floor was reserved for V.I.Ps but tonight it would play host to a bloodbath. Once at the top of the stairs he was met by a drunken male, one that didnt belong to the group he was sent to "dispatch".

Placing a finger over the man's lips a "shhhhh" sound came from Koto, and a single head tilt telling him to go was given. The man looked to the sword in Koto's hand and he quickly sobered up. Bowing, he quietly thanked Koto for sparring him a fate he did not deserve the poor straggler.

With an innocent gone he turned his focus to the beast he had been asked to slay. Taking a deep breath he readied himself for what was to come. He was using a new weapon, but he was certain even against rabble he would be fine. Stepping up against the fabric door of the room he could see the shadows of the inhabitants, their drunken merriment echoing within the room.

Without much hesitation, his sword found itself buried into the abdomen of the first fool to stand in front of the door. A quick silence fell on the room. Many trying to figure out what just happened. Pulling the blade free, Koto took the door down with two slashes in the shape of an "X".

He gazed upon the startled and shocked faces of the men filling with fear. The woman serving them bowing before fleeing themselves. He looked to them as they were all unarmed, and easy to slaughter, and that's exactly what he did. Lunging forward he went straight for the nearest man, slicing hazardly across the man's neck. There was no need for grace or precision with them, no he would killing them brutally like the animals they were.

The atmosphere shifted drastically as everyone in the room stood backing away from their dying comrade, all eyes trained on the viper, blade in hand and dripping blood. In the silence of their shock, Koto smirked undoing part of Naga Skin and tying it around his waist to flex his muscles a bit. "One....two....three..." he began to count, his eyes moving to each figure that was in the room.

"" he finished, looking at the leader of the group. He was terrified, screaming for the others to attack. His mind quickly turned, entering kill mode, slicing the first to close the distance to him in the face with his longsword. A fist came from his left and the viper ducked, watching it soar over him.

A scream of pain rang out as Koto had sent the blade up stabbed the man in the forearm all the way through, disabling him for the moment, using that momentum to roll across the floor as two more were coming his way. Coming out of the roll Koto's face felt cool as blood sprayed across his face from slashing both men across the neck.

But now another was closing in on him. Standing he dodged the man's attack as it came in to strike him, rolling out of harm's way and getting his barrings again. Standing he charged and impaled the ruffian in the gut with his weapon, kicking the body from it.

The entire scene was bloody but it all came to a head with the head ruffian stepping in. Coming out of Koto's blind spot, the ruffian swung a tray at an angle that broke over the viper's head. The impact sent Koto to the floor, disoriented by it for a moment, blinking heavily as he clinched his sword as his gut found a foot impacting it.

Rolling away from another kick, Kotoru found himself standing, blade at the ready as he ran at the man, who grabbed his friend and used him as a shield. Unfortunately for them both, Koto's blade ran through them both. The sound of flesh and mortal meat against a blade filled the viper's ears as he twisted the blade a few times.

Pushing them into the wall, he watched as the life faded from both of them. Pulling his sword from both corpses, his bloody gaze fell to the remaining ruffian alive. He had been quivering in the corner during all of this, the fear quipping him from running. Walking over to him, Koto's blade dug into the face of the one who's arm he stabbed, killing him.

Kneeling, Koto gripped the coward by the shoulder, plunging his sword into the chest of the man, watching as the man's face contorted in the anguish of death. For a while, after the final ruffian was killed, silence filled the room. The madame of the brothel came to check on Kotoru, only to find him standing amidst the bloody massacre of the room.

Walking past her he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder before making his way down the stairs. Sitting down he was met by the workers of the brothel, as they began to clean him up. The Madame shortly came down and bowed before him. "I apologize for the mess. I should have used a bit more restraint." he apologized, moving in whatever direction the brothel attendants moved him in order to clean the blood from his face.

"No need to apologize at all my liege, we will take care of the mess. You have our greatest gratitude for helping us this night." she assured, bowing to him. Walking away he could hear her giving orders to the men of the brothel to clean up the mess in the VIP room upstairs. Koto relaxed now that his part of the deal was over, looking over at one of the male workers, giving him a smile and wink. ☵

Re: Bloody Ending?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:44 am
by Paragon

XP: 5/5
Magic? No.

Blades{Tachi}: One-handed swings
Blades{Tachi}: Cutting down mortal men
Blades{Tachi}: Basic Attack Swing
Blades{Tachi}: Leaning/ducking to avoid attacks
Blades{Tachi}: Slicing with a long sword
Blades{Tachi}: Trusting when unable to slash

Loot: Kalzasian Longsword {Tachi} {1,500 DF}

Comments: Reach out to me if you have questions or concerns.