[NPC] Aido Kafghi of Ounokt Nora

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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:32 pm

Aido Kafghi

Race: Orkhan
DoB: Searing 78, 80
Height: 8'8"
Weight: Whatever is appropriate for his build at his height

Occupation: Fisherman

Description: Aido Kafghi is a fisherman of Nora, the lake whose shores Ounokt Nora resides upon. He spends his mornings every single day fishing the lake. He does not use a boat, but rather prefers to swim and capture the fish by spear and net in hand. He has tried the reel and tackle common to northerners, but he simply prefers to be in the waters of his home. After he finishes his fishing, he spends his time surrounding himself with his family and friends as much as he can. Excluding when he goes fishing, he will never be found alone. This is intentional both as an effort of his own part and the community of Ounokt Nora, as he has lost several partners, friends, and children to the Unknown. He carries the deep sadness of this with him always, and he is constantly checking in on others who have lost people to the Unknown as well.


Fishing: Master
Bodybuilding: Expert
Swimming: Expert
Shortspear: Expert
Writing - Stories: Journeyman
Singing: Journeyman

word count: 218

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