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The Stars of a Forgotten Year

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:09 pm
by Taelian
59th of Ash, Year 119


We finally made it.

Those were his first thoughts as his eyes came upon the full majesty of the white-spired city, so grand before him from atop the hill he viewed it from. It was incredible to him; that it could still look the way it did. That the walls still stood high, the buildings of old still peaked far above their surrounding confinement, and that the energy of the ancient Ald'norai structures still appeared to radiate within the dwelling as if it were blood pumping through the veins of the land.

And in that city... he quickly had a number of experiences that changed his view of the world. Rather than becoming a forlorn memory, Elven culture still -- in some ways -- thrived, with half-Siltori children playing on the streets and decorating thistle wreaths with the imagery of the Eldhan Weald. As much as the Daravain hated them.

He met with a few of his peers. One, a full-blooded Siltori like him, named Miran. Then Timothie, Valerie and Michele. All half-bloods, save for the final, who was a pure-blooded human. Taelian became the source of commotion among them, for a while; they could not seem to forget his origins, so drawn to where he had emerged from. The legendary if dreaded Sil-Elaine, filled with stories of grim things and atrocities that invoked bitter tears. Yes -- his origins were dark, he confessed, though not as dark as he had originally thought. The rest of the world... seemed to really be in pain, too.

The five of them ventured to the hills to the west of Arlain, with a warm summery breeze blowing through despite the season and with green and golden hues surrounding them. And, so many more things; the beauty of cypress and poplar trees lining the edges of the earthly mounds; vineyards with gardens adjacent to them of olives and other alien things. There were farming villas, marvelous estates, all manner of wonders both natural and man-made. Daravin was as beautiful a land as he could have ever imagined, and he constantly reminded himself of that fact.

He felt strange acknowledging the human architecture surrounding him as beautiful, but it was. The villas were charming, simple yet delightful, and only complimented the warmth of the sun that so often stared down on them. Taelian realized he could have stayed here for a lifetime. And he wanted to.

Eventually, they all arrived upon the peak of the hill they committed to finding, known to the locals as Velasheila. Taelian, informing all of them that he was to leave on this night for Amoren, was offered the chance to see one more beautiful thing before he left. To spend one more night with people who felt that he mattered to them, even if his appreciation was limited in return. However much he could from his Famished heart, he valued the people he had met in the last two weeks in Arlain. They showed him the beauty of the city, the heritage he had come from, and the future they were working to build.

Even Michele, a human, was a part of that. It made him hopeful that things really could change.

Re: The Stars of a Forgotten Year

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:33 pm
by Taelian

"Will you remember us, Taelian?" Valerie asked.

"Maybe," the Elf abruptly replied. Everyone immediately began to look at him, half-dumbfounded, before beginning to softly or more rowdily laugh. The Siltori profusely blushed. "What?" he asked.

"You -- you're just so blunt. You never hold anything back. You always tell the truth." Timothie clapped Taelian's back and smiled softly, before taking a seat upon the solid edge of the hill. It was, perhaps, five and a half hours past noon and the sun would soon begin to set. They arrived at just the perfect moment. "Come, Taelian. Sit with us."

Nodding, the Ebon Knight followed his lead, and took a seat upon the golden grass that clung to Velasheila's expanse. "I will remember you guys," he noted quietly, as if to himself. Taelian was clearly pondering, reflecting on what he had been asked. He... really needed to think about it -- what sort of significance this all had to him. "You're... perhaps the first friends I made, without being forced to. Since I became Famished, at least. I don't really know any of you very well, and the feeling for me is surely mutual, but..."

Michele laid a land on his shoulder, the human woman flashing him a warm expression. She rubbed the muscle gently. "You don't need to know the individual brush strokes to enjoy the tapestry. You, my dear, are a perfect painting; a story on your own of overcoming pain, of surviving and thriving in a brutal and battering world. We don't know every detail of your life, Taelian, but we love you. We do."

"We love you, Taelian," Miran agreed, nodding his head. Timothie followed after, and then Valerie. Those words brought him a strange sense of grief, alongside the joy. It hurt to know that he would never, he thought, be able to feel for them all the same.

"You should come back to us, one day," Valerie said. "Perhaps by then this country will be a different place. The mages our age -- we're not all the same. Not all trying to join the Valran and oppress the common man. And of course, none of us want to continue to support the structure that oppresses our kind. Even Michele. Real connections have been forming -- real breakthroughs will soon come. I even see it in the North. Perhaps the Entente are tired."

"Tired of killing?" Timothie interjected. "No, they could never be. But we don't need the Entente to endorse our change -- it will come whether they wish for it to, or not. An Empire can't be built on crushing all opposition forever. Look at what became of Silor, and the Clockwork Empire that followed. Daravin's heading down that path, too. It will, at this rate."

Miran nodded. "Yeah," he said quietly. Michele nodded too, in agreement.

"Hey, let's talk about something else," Miran whispered. "Why don't we talk about Taelian's amorous tales with Renfier? Certainly there must be more to what you have said," the younger Siltori laughed.

"No," the Ebon Knight replied. "I have never been intimate before. And I don't want to be."

Re: The Stars of a Forgotten Year

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:20 pm
by Taelian

Of course, a moment of teasing followed, and a whole round of jests and laughs. Taelian rolled his eyes -- or simply stared -- through most of it, disregarding the crude behavior of his friends as something all people seemed to be keen to. There was no more universally loved joke than a supposedly lewd one, it appeared.

They suddenly stopped talking. Most of their faces peered into the bonfire they had formed, as the sun began to set and the twinkling of distant stars became... somewhat visible. The moons would be there, soon.

"Why do we have to dress like this?" Valerie suddenly asked, gesturing to herself. Her... concealment; the long dress, every piece of skin covered save for her hands, which could not be touched by another in a public space. Lest the shame come. "We should dress like Taelian -- a traveler. Doesn't care if anyone judges him. Wears... whatever the fuck he wants," the woman smiled, faintly. Taelian's brow quirked before settling back towards the ridge of his brow.

"Hey, you make me sound uncultured," the Elf responded with feigned offense. Valerie shoved him aside, laughing as she did. "Rude!" he exclaimed.

"What do you think is going to happen, with this rivalry between Treveyn Valent and Brilan Ald?" Timothie inquired, poking a metal rod into the fire with meat skewered on the end. "They'll be at war soon, it seems. I worry that the Treveyn will start rounding up the Elves in his domain -- a lot of them are fierce supporters of Lady Ash."

"It's possible," said Michele. "Don't forget how vulnerable you all are. Remember when Lieril and Montese Lusignan were at war? The same thing. People stop trusting the Elves they neighbor the moment they're at war with one externally; mostly because they never trusted them in the first place. The things I hear..." she stopped, shaking her head.

"I don't think I want to know," replied Miran. He took a bite of the skewered pork. "It's difficult, never knowing when the people around you are going to turn on you. You Halflings... you at least have a chance. A lot of you look just like humans, but with sharp ears. With me... there's no way."

Taelian sighed. The topic of conversation began to grate on him, but not for the reasons anyone else might have thought. Not for his powerlessness, or his anxiety at the prospect of being an Elf in their suspicious and hate-filled world. It grated on him because this was the story they would all have to tell: for generations, their only songs would be of oppression and grief. Every love story, every addendum to the historical flow, all of these things would only speak of their kind with the pretext of an oppressed class.

This was not the norm he wanted to accept. This, had to be fought against.

"Why don't you kill the Entente as you say you will?" Taelian questioned, his ivory eyes reflecting the light of the fire. "But not all of them. Remember men like Montese Lusignan...? Who allowed or even encouraged the murder of all Siltori within his realm? Yes -- kill men like him. But the ones like us, or the ones with sympathy or the good will to protect us in our time of need, leave them alive. To that... I say we should commit ourselves. Their suspicions of us will never go away. If we want to have power, then we must take it."

The conversation they all had became more benign for the remainder of the night. They told stories, laughed at ridiculous gags, and played games with all manner of pretense and tension. Taelian recused himself from all of those things.

The stars were out. The night was still young, for all of it, but it would grow tiring before long. When the shade of the sky above them became a black opaque, Taelian decided he would allow himself to rest -- commotion or not -- and when he awoke, the others would likely find him to be long gone.

Re: The Stars of a Forgotten Year

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:11 pm
by Paragon

XP: 5/5
Magic? No.

Climbing: Climbing A Hill
Bodybuilding: Climbing Exercises
Politics: Elven Discrimination
Politics: Race In Daravin
Politics: The Elven Entente
Leadership: Empowering Statements

Location: Arlain
Location: Velasheila

Comments: YOU DID IT!!!