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Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:55 am
by Lyra
4th of Searing, 122 AS

Location: Black Scales Jewelry

It was late morning, the sun had not yet reached its peak but the heat of the day was still enough that passersby waved fans or dabbed at their foreheads as they walked through Willoby Street. On the door of the little shop was a sign which marked it "OPEN", but as of yet, no one had come in to inspect the wares. This wasn't unexpected of course, as the shop windows had yet to be populated with any items to draw in potential buyers. The time would come, and in the lull of opening day Lyra took the opportunity to meticulously arrange everything as she desired.

"Have you finished with the insets for the pendants?" Lyra asked the short-haired woman as she walked by with a handful of items for display.

"I have finished with the engravings, but I have not inserted the gems yet." Cana replied. She placed the items on top of one of the glass cases near the left wall, a series of rings and necklaces pinned to thin boards, and pulled out a small cloth and a bottle of clear liquid. Using a small brush she applied a thin layer of the liquid to one of the rings and began to polish the metal band that held the green gem in place.

"When you do tell me your thoughts on the size and cut. I can prepare something more suitable to the frame if you think it needs it." Lyra said without looking at Cana. She knew the girl's expertise was greater than her own when it came to the jewelry itself, so she did not press Cana for more. Instead, Lyra turned her attention to an empty case near the door.

"Do we have enough of the necklaces to fill the cases at the front?"

Cana looked up from her work and shook her head, "We have enough to fill up one. I have the materials to finish the pieces for the other, but I have yet to do so."

Lyra nodded and looked around the rest of the shop. Most of the cases were still empty, but that was alright. The Black Scales was not meant to always have fully stocked wares, and part of their draw was the scarcity that came with such fine hand-crafted items. In a way, their antimagic properties of them were simply added benefits thanks to the skill Cana had in jewelry making. Each one of the pieces was well worth the price tag for their design alone. In time she would have every case full of items for sale, but for now, this was fine.

A soft jingle announced someone's entrance into the shop, and Lyra turned with a smile.

"Welcome to the Black Scales. How can I assist you today?" As she spoke the black snake around her neck lifted its head, flicking its tongue at the potential customer as if interested in what they would say.

Re: Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:16 pm
by Franky

It had been three days since the man of shadows had come to visit Franky. Franky was finalizing his plans for his initial trip back to the Imperium. His finances were of no concern, he had more than enough for this piece of the plan to put into action. He was working backwards, for he was still needing to gather information, find some help. But he was confident he could manage it.


He did not like leaving the Gobbler so unprotected like this. It was a known entity attached to him. If things got worse, for they always did and would, someone would come for him there. And would put all of his people in harms way. He could not just fire them for their safety, he needed to continue keeping up his cover of tavern owner. He'd actually begun isolating himself in his office more and more for the cover of being less hands on. So that his disappearance wouldn't be as obvious or noted.

But today was another step to making things right. He'd heard through his contacts at the business licensure board that a new shop was opening on Willowby. A shop specializing in antimagic jewelry. And for Franky, that was very interesting. His experience with antimagic was extremely limited, only a few half mentions in his time in the military.

Perhaps it was time to learn.

Franky stopped by Lilliman's first, picking up his new suit and changing into it there. Black pinstripe jacket, white linen shirt, black slacks and a pair of perfectly shiny black leather shoes. Zafri tut-tuted over him, putting a pink handkerchief in his jacket pocket and setting up the chain to Franky's pocketwatch to the hook inside the lower pocket. It was an expensive outfit, fit Franky perfectly, and showed off his wealth without being ostentatious. A true business suit. Once she was happy, Franky made his way down the street.

He stopped outside of the shop, examining the storefront of the Black Scales. The window display cases were not filled yet, but it was opening day, Franky understood what that entailed all too well. It took his tavern five days to receive its first curious customer, just over a year ago. Franky smirked, it was nice to see something new on Willowby, it wasn't long ago that he was assuming this road would not change, and eventually stagnate and die. Franky was pleased to be proven wrong, at least in a singular instance.

A head nod and Franky pushed open the door, setting off the bell. Franky stepped inside, welcomed by the woman in black and gold robes, adorned by an actual snake. Franky's smile grew. This was an aesthetic he certainly appreciated. "Hello. Your shop is quite lovely."

Franky did not hover, rather, he began walking toward Lyra directly. "My name is Franky. Do you offer private consultations and viewings? I would prefer we not be.." A slight smirk on his lips, "Disturbed."

Re: Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:12 pm
by Lyra

An orc... No, a hobgoblin walked in dressed in a fine tailored suit. His face left something to be desired, but the smile he gave Lyra was genial warm. Several seconds passed as Franky approached, and as he came to a stop in front of her Lyra suddenly realized where she had seen the man before.

The bartender? she thought, curious to see the man who served Naila drinks a season passed dressed so well and in her shop today. Did he often come this far from the Knob? Lyra wasn't sure, and Naila had not mentioned him since their last meeting in Glade. Perhaps he had heard of her shop and decided to visit on a whim? Thoughts spun in circles, but with a mental shrug, Lyra set them aside. There was little she could use to speculate the man's intentions, and it was likely just a coincidence anyway.

"You are too kind." Lyra said with a laugh, waving at the mostly empty shop, "Unfortunately most of our wares have not made it onto the floor just yet. Each item is handcrafted by Cana and myself, so it might take some time to fill all the displays."

"You may call me Lyra. I am one of the owners of this establishment." She said, extending a hand to Franky.

"We do offer consultation and custom works to customers who have the need and the currency." Lyra replied, catching Franky's smirk and winking, "Come, we have a room in the back. Cana, can you watch the shop while I speak with Franky?"

"I have things in hand here." Cana said, looking up and smiling at Franky too.

With that Lyra motioned for Franky to follow her, leading him through a door behind a curtain in the back which opened into a short hallway with two doors, one on either side. Lyra opened the one on the left which revealed a small office that had a desk, a chair, and a single stool that sat before it. Boxes lined the back wall, some opened to reveal stacks of paper and parchment of different types and qualities. The desk itself was strewn with half-finished works of scrivening and bottles of ink in different colors with labels written in an odd language. Shelves next to the door were filled with rolled-up scrolls with black ribbons tied around them.

"Do not mind the mess. We are still moving in supplies and the new set of chairs has yet to arrive." Lyra picked her way carefully across the room, stepping over more boxes that held quills and styluses of different makes and etchings along their length. When she finally made it to the desk and sat Lyra motioned at the stool with an apologetic smile, "I was not expecting a consultation on the first day, so I do not mean any disrespect. If would like my chair I would offer it to you."

When the finally settled Lyra was lean forward, golden eyes gleaming in anticipation, "So tell me, what is it you desire?"

Re: Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 6:10 pm
by Franky

A firm grip given, "A pleasure to meet you, Lyra."

She knew how to treat a new customer, Franky truly did appreciate that. He'd refused business with others for how they treated him before they knew him. "I certainly have the need," a sly grin, "And Zaichaer has been quite good to me. Everyone likes a tavern."

He smiled and nodded at Cana as he followed after Lyra. He followed her to an office, reminded when his own at the Gobbler was full of crates of cheap whiskey because the basement wasn't finished yet. Those early days were fun, but Franky certainly preferred the growth and having his employees around him now.

The mess was interesting, as this was not a world that Franky was familiar with. The Imperial Army had special officers for knowing when and how to apply things like antimagic. It was not something Franky was specialized in. Franky smiled, nodding appreciatively at the offer of the stool, "A bartender never shies from an offered stool."

He sat upon it comfortably, watching as she began her sales. He had no desire to involve himself in her business, so this performance was a bit of entertainment for him. Her aesthetic was strong, desire with just the absolute slightest hint of danger. And desire, such a wonderful word for the enticement.

"Such a difficult question for a retired soldier such as myself." Franky the storyteller never passed a chance to share, "I desire a smoky bourbon, a hint of ice, clinking against that fine Sol'valen crystal. I desire to taste the smoked fish from my village once more. I desire to grow old and fat in my retirement, surrounded by family and friends."

A twinkle in his eyes, "But I am not here out of desire. I come out of necessity." Franky looked around her office in curious amusement, "Desire is far more enticing than necessity. I've known men to move mountains to see the curve of a beautiful woman's neck, and if seen the same men forget to eat before a long march."

Franky looked over at Lyra directly now, "But I do not forget about the necessities. And it seems that finally, someone in this city, has filled a role to provide that which has been sorely lacking. I am in need of protection, for myself and my employees."

Franky looked out the window, "If one pays attention, you can hear the whispers on the wind. Change is coming for Zaichaer, and change is always a violent and messy affair."

Eyes back on Lyra, "Despite running a tavern, I still have troubles with mages who cannot seem to muster any form of self-discipline or control. I've been lucky so far, but luck always runs out."

"What can you provide that will provide lasting protection for myself and each of my employees from magic? I do not wish for that which you will sell to the casual customer that comes in, even if they might be of high quality."

A chuckling grin, "I myself am woefully ignorant of the world of magic and antimagic. Leave such things to the specialists and the politicians to meddle with. What can you provide me that will keep my people safe? I will pay extra for consultation, and I am not interested in trade secrets. But if I know more, I can better choose my purchases. Now, and in the future."

Re: Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:37 pm
by Lyra

A soldier? Renewed interest showed itself at the admission and Lyra studied the man in front of her with a new eye. Beneath the fine clothing she could see the curve of muscle, perhaps shrunken with age but still present. A fine ring of diamond sat on thick hands that were rough with old callouses that a bartender ought not to have. His deformities now took on a different light, and Lyra wondered just what this man had been through to appear as he was now. Even his desires seemed to fit with the image of an old soldier, simple yet fulfilling despite the tasteless favor for Sol'valen glassware.

From his words, Lyra gathered he was looking for something or someone for a particular reason. Opening herself up she could hear his symphonies expanding outward with the steady thrum of base notes that overlaid a rhythmic thumping of large drums. Self-assured, confident. If Commander Dornkirk entranced her with his conflicted nature, Franky did so with his firmness of self. He felt like a rock in a mighty stream, and subconsciously Lyrielle purred in delight. She wondered what it was he wanted, and how far he would go to get it.

"Your speech is quite elegant, far different from what I have come to expect from this city and its people." Lyra said the words unashamedly, "It is refreshing to find a man of culture. I am curious to know more about you, but perhaps we can set aside another time for such intimate discussions."

Artur flicked his tongue at Franky, and Lyra stroked his head affectionately before continuing, "You hide quite the knife beneath those flattering words, but I will not deny you. What we sell on the floor are mere trinkets. I can provide items of far greater quality and effect."

She paused to reach into one of the drawers of the desk, bringing out an oval black stone with golden veins no bigger than her thumb. She placed it on the table in front of Franky, motioning for him to examine its inscribed surface.

"I have already begun making arrangements to outfit several businesses in West End with these Core Stones. With them, an entire building can become a place where magic is unusable, or functions poorly."

Sitting back Lyra smiled, "I can offer you a demonstration if you like."

Re: Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:47 pm
by Franky

"Curiosities of all sorts can be sated at the Gobbler, at the tip of the Bulge, high on the Knob." Franky aired that out, the slightest tug of a grin at the corner of his lips. He listened as she told him what he believed. There was more to her, and her shop, than she let show at the door.

He watched as she brought out a stone, ebony and gold, small. Franky leaned forward, pulling out a small pair of reading glasses to help with his eyesight, not quite as good as it was before his final campaign. He could see incredibly fine markings there. The level of detail alone was an artform itself, let along however it worked in regards to magic.

Franky could not help the most immediate of questions that arose in his mind. "Do their power function in a sphere around them or does it latch onto the shape of the building they are in? Can they be moved within the struc--"

He cleared his throat, excusing himself.

"Yes, I would appreciate a demonstration. Apologies for my enthusiastic interruption. Please, continue." The quick deference to authority, the continuance, as he'd said, a former soldier.

Re: Black Scales Opening (Franky)

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:22 am
by Lyra

With a smile at Franky's reaction and questions Lyra motioned for the stone and set it back on the desk. From another drawer, she pulled out another leaf of paper, this one a slightly brownish hue, and a bottle of reddish-brown ink. With a new quill, she dipped and began a simple design on the paper, a series of 3 rings, lines connecting to the center, and a curving image of a flame at one corner connected to everything else. Placing her hand on the paper Lyra closed her eyes, focusing on Artur who stilled as she did. Through the whisper which controlled his movements, she touched the Pyrolyth Shard inside and drew its power through her and into the page. There was no outward sign of this save for a slight glow of the ink as the glyph was awakened to aether and the entire thing complete.

"Magic at its core is fundamentally simple." Lyra said, removing her hand before gently touching the picture of a flame on the paper. The glyph shimmered before a small flame no bigger than a candle's at the center of the circles. She eyed Franky's reaction before continuing, "This world and everything within it is composed of aether in different states. Magic is manipulating and controlling those aetheric states through runes or pictographs to achieve a particular purpose. Runes of magic do this directly on a person's aether, while the scripts, pictographs like these, do so on external aether sources."

Lyra picked up the stone and brought it closer to the flame. When it came within a foot the flame flickered, and when it was just an inch or two away the glyph faded and the flame went out.

"Aether in all of its states possess a sound, like the string on a lute which vibrates when plucked. Antimagic does not suppress the sound, but rather disrupts it with an opposing or simply chaotic one which interrupts the effects."

Next, Lyra took a new piece of paper, this one with a drawing already on it. The diagram was simple: a ring with lines extending outward in a spiraling pattern from the center. She once more lit the magical flame, but as soon as the black stone was placed inside the new circle the flame winked out and the glyph deactivated.

"The scripts allow one to manipulate magic with a fine level of precision. With it, the effects can be expanded, altered, or changed entirely. This leaves a great deal of room for customization to whatever a customer's needs are." Sitting back Lyra motioned at the finished works, "Do you have any questions?"