A Summer Holiday [Vanessa]

High City of the Northlands

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Title: Ransera's Only Pacifist Twink
Location: Zaichaer
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F E S T I N A • L E N T E
Searing 33, 122 Age of Steel
Three o' clock in the afternoon
Twenty hours before the Doom of Zaichaer

It was a quiet Wraedas, Anton had already finished his classes for the day and the lab had closed early due to inexplicable supply shortages. Evidently half of the warehouses in the city had been bought out by some magnate making moves that were still inexplicable to the city's businessmen. Regardless, not wanting to waste a half day and with his social calendar still quite empty in the wake of Kane's fall - one couldn't be too careful after all - the lord had elected to simply return to the manor.

His father and uncle were out in the depths of the Wild-King's Forge, along with the bulk of the army, as part of the dance of maneuver and counter-maneuver between the forces of Zaichaer and Kalzasi that the war had devolved into. With both Franz and Josef in the field, that nominally made the young Anton the acting patriarch of the Michaelis.

In practice it meant his grandmother, mother, and aunt had colluded to have him watch over both his siblings and his cousins, a task that future Duke took to with more spirit than one might expect. With the women of the family leaving them be, the children were left to fend for themselves. Well. Themselves, and Anton's constant companion. Whatever reservations his family had held about Vanessa had cooled over the past months, in no small part because she had managed to keep him alive, out of sight, and little mentioned in the wake of Kelgarde's coup.

But frankly, the majority of it was because it was recognized that whether she liked it or not, Anton was forging her into someone almost respectable. Which at that moment meant continuing her education in her letters - a task that the older woman was forced to share along with the children. He did like to keep things interesting however, and after the initial children's stories had moved on to newspapers.

His favorite, by far, was the Knob Free Press. Written for workmen coming off of a long shift at the Grungeworks, the newly literate working class of Zaichaer having been taught the skill in order to read the measures and gauges of their machines only to later realize it could be used for leisure, the writing was simple and direct - even if it at times it trended to the absurd. Really, how could one possibly believe the drivel they printed about the so-called Black Wedding? Skimming the lead article before reading it aloud to the makeshift class, Anton's heart fell in his chest. The song that the ink sung was one of danger and death, a sinister air that demanded attention.

"Vanessa," he said shakily, trying to keep his composure. "I think the heat is becoming a bit too much, don't you? A vacation to the estate sounds nice. A spontaneous getaway, yes, just the thing."
Last edited by Anton on Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 559
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Vanessa Quill
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Vanessa did not mind practicing her letters with Anton's siblings. After being corrected over half a dozen times in the past by Amelia, the bodyguard had gotten over the initial frustrations that came with not being immediately good at something. She still struggled at times, but was skilled enough now that she could read Anton the news, and of course describe the comics to him. The only reason she wasn't reading aloud to him now was because his siblings were present, and he was a far better instructor than she. While Vanessa could inspire a crew or drive them to obedience, the same couldn't be said for how well she managed children.

Oh they liked her well enough, that had never been the issue. No, Vanessa was far more similar to a wealthy aunt in how she treated them, sneaking them candy or letting them float around the house with her magically imbued jacket draped around them like a cape. She would never have been a flawless influence for Amelia or Karl, but she had done better than anyone could have expected, and even had a few useful life skills to pass down.

Her ears perked up when she caught Anton's tone, putting her immediately on high alert. He rarely sounded like that. She could remember the last time she had heard him so shaken, and it was after she had gunned down a man in front of him when he'd been just a boy. There was something she was missing here, something big. The article was dire, sure, but no more than some of the other sensationalized rhetoric spewed by some less-than-reputable rags.

Still, it was an excuse to get the hell out of the city, something she'd been trying to do ever since she'd docked her airship. "I think that sounds like a d-" She paused and took a moment to reset. "A fine idea. Let me help you get packed and we'll see to 'em." She nodded her head towards his siblings. Of course this was just an excuse to get Anton alone so she could figure out what had gotten him so spooked.

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"Amelia," Anton said softly, looking down at his younger sister. "I need you to take Karl and your cousins and tell mama we're going to the country house, okay? If she has any questions just send her to me." His sister was old enough, and clever enough, to realize something was amiss - but had so rarely seen her brother in such a state and obeyed him after a slight nod.

"Come on, Anton and Vanessa are going to plan our vacation," the girl said, corralling the others with the natural authority that only an elder family member could exercise upon the younger regardless of how low that age actually was. The gaggle of children swiftly retreated, leaving lord and knight on their own, but he raised his hand to forestall an immediate explanation to her. His mother would be along shortly, and he was in no mood to repeat himself.

True to his expectations, Maria Theresa appeared almost as soon as possibly could've, the Gelerian woman wearing a severe gown despite it being the height of Searing. "What do you know that I don't, my son?" she asked, cocking her head as she took in the scene before her, her gaze falling upon the issue of the Knob Free Press. There was no judgement in her voice, but neither was there fear. Instead she spoke more as a proctor at an exam, expecting Anton to provide the correct answer to justify his actions.

"The paper claims that Kalzasi is due to attack the city, tomorrow. Regardless of what you feel about it, I consider the story to be truthful in that danger will be on the streets tomorrow, regardless of the factual nature of the report. The censors would almost never permit such a story to go to press, meaning one of two things. Either the press believed it important enough to publish despite the certainty of retaliation, or the State wished it for it to be published but only in the paper of laborers and workmen."

Switching his gaze from his mother to Vanessa, in truth to escape the former's withering gaze but feigning to see if the latter was following, he pressed on. "There are two scenarios that seem probable, knowing what we know. An attack will occur tomorrow, or the State wishes for the commoners to believe there will be an attack tomorrow. In the latter case, it could be an attempt to provide cover for yet another purge. Either way, I do not believe it prudent for us to remain within the city. In case I am wrong however, the worst we suffer is an unplanned vacation."

Anton switched back to gazing towards his mother as he finished, awaiting her reply with tension wound up in his gut. "Your grandfather would be pleased," she said with a slight smile. "Very well. We will pack as quickly as we may. I suppose you have a plan for that too?" This, too, was a test. He had the instincts to survive being made collateral damage by an Imperial investigation, but the question now was if he could actually plot out beyond the initial moment of danger.

Relieved, Anton visibly slumped as he gave his mother a nod. "Bring everything. Everyone. The entire staff, pack the carriages with as much as we can carry, overstuff them even. The first few miles will be uncomfortable, but," and here he turned once more to Vanessa, "as soon as we're out of sight of the city, Vanessa can pick us up in her airship and we can fly to the estate to spend the night. The baggage should arrive tomorrow morning."

Maria Theresa slowly tapped her painted lips with one perfectly manicured finger, her gaze not once leaving her son. "How do you rate my son's plan, Miss Quill?"
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Vanessa Quill
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Vanessa followed Anton's plan well enough, and Vanessa wouldn't be doing her job properly if she didn't harbor at least a healthy amount of paranoia. Anton's life and limb depended both on her own intuition as well as trusting him to make decisions that were in his own best interest, and he had not let her down on that front so far. She even found herself agreeing with his logic when she had once been undecided. Violence in the Knob and Grungeworks wasn't anything new, so the fact that there were warnings being made was a foul portent indeed. Vanessa wondered if the newspapers had warned against venturing into Gateway in the lead-up to their slaughter of their own people all those years ago.

She did not think on it too long, snapped back to the task at hand when Maria Theresa addressed her. Well that was certainly unusual. Anton's mother rarely spoke to her, though the same could be said of Vanessa. They were two willful women set on their own paths, only ever intersecting when their goals aligned.

"Better plan n' most I've heard." Vanessa said, backing Anton up. "It gets us on our way quick and puts everyone in a big enough group they'll be safe from bandits. If something happens tomorrow, they'll be targeting stragglers for sure, no sense putting effort into trying to bring down a bunch of carriages loaded with folk that might know how to swing a sword." Vanessa may not have had any experience in highway robbery, but knew it must apply the same principles as piracy where isolation of ill-equipped targets were key to success.

"I'll head to the docks and get the ol' girl ready, pick up my uncle on the way there and get him sorted with a place to stay once you're all settled." She wasn't about to invite her own family to the Michaelis estate, even if she was sure Anton wouldn't have objected too harshly given the circumstances. If nothing else, it would be a good vacation for the old man, and a good excuse to get him back aboard an airship like he was always harping on about.

"Shouldn't be hard to spot you if I fly low, but we should have a meetin' spot just in case." It was now her turn to add to the plan. "You remember that clearing we went shootin' in? Have Walter lead all the carriages out that way. He'll drop you all off at the clearing, then circle back to join back up with the rest of the carriages waitin' on the road." At least that way the staff would have an extra, now unoccupied carriage to stuff themselves or their luggage into. She didn't envy their journey, but that Anton had considered them at all was yet more proof that he actually earned the title of noble.
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"With the army deployed to the north, there are few forces within the city aside from the Order - and they've been winnowed already after the purge. As soon as we're clear of the city walls, I think we're safe," Anton said with a nod to Vanessa's judgement of his plan. "There's an Orkhan woman named Alodi who's usually at the tea house near the university around this time, extend an invitation to her as well. I have been meaning to discuss certain plans with her, but there never seemed to be enough time. I would hate to have those dashed by losing track of her."

Anton elected to not mention that she was gifted with the Emblem of Foresight by Galetira, and half the reason he wanted Vanessa to seek her out was to determine if or when it would be safe for the family to return to Zaichaer in case this news really was prologue to another round of disappearances and liquidation by the Grand Marshal. Turning his attention back towards his mother, he spoke to Vanessa again almost absentmindedly, certain that any attempt to make the offer into a production would have her immediately turn it down. "Your uncle can join us as well, by the by."

"Anton," Maria Theresa said, looking over her son with her typical severe lack-of-expression. "It is time you begin to learn how to flee an estate in good time. Luckily, we should have warning enough to bring the documents and gems instead of burn and bury them. Come, my son, we have work to do. The servants will see to the luggage."

As she turned to leave, the Gelerian noblewoman paused briefly, and gave Vanessa the slightest hint of a curtsy. "Blutritter."
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Vanessa Quill
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"Orkhan woman, tea house, Alodi. Got it." Vanessa tapped her temple. Whatever information this woman had, it must have been important for Anton to redirect Vanessa from the docks. She knew of the tea house at least, having passed by it enough whenever she attended classes with Anton. While it wasn't one of the first things she'd managed to read without Anton's assistance, she had still taken a great deal of pride in herself when she could finally make out the letters over the door.

When Anton extended his offer, a part of Vanessa still wanted to turn him down. She could look after her own, just as Anton could. She pushed that instinct aside, hard as it was. She could rely on Anton and House Michaelis as a whole, and had to unlearn her tendency towards rugged self-sufficiency. "Mighty kind of you. Just as well, he's been dyin' to meet you."

When her dismissal came, Vanessa was momentarily left with a furrowed brow and quizzical look on her face. "Eh?" She vocalized, putting the pieces together in her mind "Oh, you too." She said to Anton's mother before hastily remembering to bow her head in at least some show of respect even if it wasn't the right one. While Vanessa didn't understand exactly what Maria Theresa had meant, it was clear enough to her that it meant 'move your ass' with a bit of extra effort thrown in. Vanessa started towards the door, inspecting first her cutlass than each of the pistols tucked into the brace over her chest. Her flat expression gave away that she didn't truly intend on using them, but Anton's alarm bells had set off her own in impressive fashion.

Vanessa hailed a passing carriage, leaving all of Michaelis's own to be used for the staff and Anton's family. She paid the driver double the going rate and made clear that time was of the essence. The clueless driver wasn't one to look extra silver in the mouth and gladly cantered through the streets, weaving in and out of foot traffic without so much as a glance backward.

The carriage rattled to a stop at the tea house, and Vanessa lurched out, tossing the coins up to the carriage driver "Wait here. Won't be a minute. Need one more trip." The driver didn't have a problem with that, sitting up straight and folding his hands neatly in his lap after nodding silently to her.

Vanessa handled the interaction with Alodi about as well as could be expected. Without specific details about what was going to happen to Zaichaer, the bodyguard relied largely on being loud and insistent. Luckily after she mentioned she was Anton's shield, Alodi was far more willing to indulge Vanessa's spirited invitation. Why hadn't she opened with that?

They both loaded into the carriage, and the driver's whip launched them forward across the cobblestones and down towards the skydocks where she knew her uncle would be spending his days watching the ships dock and depart while making small talk with any crew that would let him get a word in. If nothing else, Uncle Arthur was a very predictable man. A very curious trait for someone who had made a living as a smuggler, but maybe that was why he'd never been caught.

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Title: Ransera's Only Pacifist Twink
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Five o' clock in the afternoon
Eighteen hours before the Doom of Zaichaer

Anton and Maria Theresa scoured the hidden places of the manor with a manic energy, the boy following after his mother as if afraid she would leave him behind. All manner of documents - deeds, titles, wills, contracts, debts, genealogies, and more - were treated with the same level of sanctity as her gems and jewelry. Paintings and sculptures deemed irreplaceable - or worse, treasonous - were marked for the servants to box up as they flew through the halls. Ancient battle standards and old glories were foregone, the Gelerian woman snipping that if worse came to worst, they would simply have to win new ones. They had a time table to meet, and failure to adhere to it would meaning losing far more than the worthless baubles of bygone eras.

From the study to Franz's private apartments they tore through everything without regard for propriety or care, the pair seeking out only what would aid them in the most dire of scenarios. Should such dire straits not occur, they would always be able to return for them. And if they did, any delay may yet prove fatal.

During a lull in the constant rushing hither and tither, while sorting through old receipts to see if there were any outstanding obligations owed them they might call up, Anton finally asked a question that had been eating at him for hours. "Mother. Why are you so... comfortable?"

"Oh, Anton. There comes a time in every young woman's life when she must make herself look entirely innocent," she said with a mischievous smile. "Zaichaer's Reconciliators are... passably competent, but compared to home... Well, I shall simply say that I have known more dogged accountants. You learn certain skills living in such a country."

"I... see."

Across the city, Alodi was more than happy to follow Vanessa as soon as Anton's name was mentioned. The Orkhan woman muttered something about a premonition regarding her, but was otherwise happy to remain quiet as they carried on towards the docks.
Last edited by Anton on Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 369
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Vanessa Quill
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The carriage came to a skidding stop once they reached the foot of the airship docks. Even now there were many airships anchored all across the airfield, swaying in the breeze and occassionally pulling tight against the monstrous anchors that kept them bound. Vanessa pointed to the *Every Waking Moment* sat lonely at the far end of the airstrip. it was one of the few that wasn't powered by a gasbag, and as such was also the focus of no small amount of scrutiny from the guards. While Aethertank airships weren't outright illegal, Zaichaer had made that concession some time ago to allow imports from resource rich nations, that didn't mean that they had to like them. the Every Waking Moment looked like a floating maritime sloop, with masts, rigging, and a raised quarterdeck. It was unusual and that meant it wasn't to be trusted.

"You can get settled in there. Pick one of the nice bunks n' all that. Somewhere in the middle is best if'n you get sick easy." Airships were usually smoother rides than their more mundane maritime sisters, but a squall could change that remarkably quickly. "

Alodi nodded, still managing to look composed and prepared despite Vanessa's breakneck pace to get here. The Orkhan woman walked with purpose off towards the vessel, throngs of dock workers and crewmen alike parting for her almost by instinct.

With her sorted, Vanessa scanned the crowd and spotted a familiar face sitting in with a group of old salts trading stories in the shade. For those whose time in the sky and seas ran its course, the next best thing was to reminisce.

"Uncle Art," Vanessa brought her hand down on the man's shoulder, and he jolted from surprise, twisting in his stool to look at her.

"Nessa!" Her uncle said bringing his arms out to either side and snatching her up in a hug before she could get another word out. "So good to see you." He said warmly, finally letting her go after what must have been over a minute. "I see you've brought the ol' girl in!" He gestured with his right hand, a split hook prosthetic, towards the Every Waking Moment.

Her uncle was a squat man with a polished bald head, heavy brow and a long, but will kept blond beard. He had gotten larger in the middle over the years, but his arms were still thick with muscle.

"Yeah. That's actually why I swung by." Vanessa began, the words coming quickly. She had rehearsed dozens of times by now the best way to get her uncle to safety. "I know it sounds crazy, but the lad I work for says something bad is about to happen. Couldn't tell me his source, but he's hightailing it out of here. I need you to come with me." She turned her head back towards her ship. "I don't know what's gotten into him, but I ain't takin' any risks."

She waited for the barrage of questions, the incredulousness, the refusal. He had known about her life of piracy after all, he would have been right to walk away.

Arthur scratched his cheek with his prosthetic, and twirled some of his beard hairs with his other hand. He looked her over, eyes hard, and she was sure he was searching for any ounce of dishonesty.

"Well, Nessa..." Her uncle said finally, grin splitting his face. "I'd be honored!" he laughed, and it was clear then where Vanessa had gotten hers from. " Been meanin' to fly again. Wish it were better circumstances o' course, but ain't it always with the Quills?"

Pressure slid off of Vanessa's chest almost instantly, and already she held herself higher. Thank the gods. "Get yourself aboard. We've got no time to lose."

A short time later Vanessa and Arthur were working in tandem to get the sails down and coaxing the engine to life. All the while the men her uncle had been sitting with each took news back to their own crews to prepare for a swift departure when they were done unloading. Sailors were a superstitious lot, and if Vanessa's claim was enough to convince Arthur, no one else with voyages under their belt was going to risk it.

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Eight o' clock in the evening
Fifteen hours before the Doom of Zaichaer

The children had come along easier than Anton had feared. Perhaps it was the fact that their grandmother Elizabeth had plied them with candies and stories. Perhaps it was because they had longed to see the expansive country estate that Anton was whisking them away to. Or, perhaps it was because precocious Amelia had sneaked back to listen in on the adults plan and had heard that they would get to ride in an airship.

At the moment however, the young heiress of House Michaelis was beginning to wonder if she had somehow been tricked. The servants had packed her favorite, and somehow also her least favorite, outfits along with her toys and jewelry and a collection of her books - everything, mother insisted, she would need on a holiday. That sounded strange to the six - almost seven, she would fiercely interject - year old, but she had never seen her mother or aunt or grandmother so serious before and refused to ask questions. Having been stuck in a carriage for over two hours though, and with no respite in sight, the child's control was beginning to wear thin.

Such feelings were common throughout the makeshift caravan, and the gate guards leaving Zaichaer had eyed the lot of them as they left. Even with the longer days of Ash, it was guaranteed that the sun would set by the time they arrived anywhere worth going to considering how long the train was. Quietly, a political appointee selected for loyalty to the Kelgarde regime marked the Michaelis for further investigation. When the time came, he would wonder how the family had known.

With the disk of the sun slowly beginning to slide beneath the horizon, Anton's eyes scanned the skies, ignoring the confusion and distress around him. The rendezvous with Vanessa was soon.
Last edited by Anton on Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 336
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Vanessa Quill
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Getting the vessel prepped for a voyage was so much less painful with two people. While Vanessa made sure the food barrels were at least partway full in case of an emergency, her uncle begun to bring the sails down. For a man of his age and size, he was remarkably nimble on the ratlines and untied even snagged knots easily with he help of the twin hooks that adorned one of his wrists. He of course believed Vanessa, but Arthur had been a smuggler. He knew that nobles were prone to exaggerating their own needs whenever they wanted something. He didn't tell her that of course. Both because he found it unhelpful to prod her over pointless disagreements, and also because he might be wrong.

When Vanessa returned from a nearby stall with supply crates of food, Arthur had the entire main deck ready, topsail and main just waiting to be turned to the wind. For the moment they flapped limply as the breeze went in the opposite direction.

"You really were missin' this, huh?" Vanessa said after putting the food away. She inspected his work as any captain would, but couldn't even find something minor to rib him about. All the cords were wound tight, the rigging properly secured accessible but out of the way.

"What can I say, kid? You learned from the best." They shared a smile and then Vanessa ascended to the quarter deck. She took the wheel, and Arthur unwound the final lines securing the vessel to the dock. A guard started towards them from the far end of the docks, waving a clipboard and shouting something about not having been granted permission to debark. Vanessa simply gave him a two finger salute and sent the wheel spinning in a full circle until it locked in place. The Every Waking Moment pitched into a sharp turn, peeling away from the docks and ascending into the sky.

She caught a favorable wind towards the rendezvous point, and as she grew nearer she could see the long train of carriages. She trailed them, only managing to close the distance once they were already waiting by the road. She had wanted to be early, but she would settle for on-time.

She trimmed the sails and brought the vessel near to the tallest trees. The hum of the aether engine was quiet at first, but grew in intensity until she was over the clearing, coasting to a stop a hundred feet above them and then descending until the vessel hovered just a few feet from the ground.

Vanessa and Arthur quickly set up the gangplank, and after her last encounter with them had made sure to include railings on this one.

Back on the ground, Arthur beamed a wide smile at the assembled nobles, and Vanessa brought her arm around his shoulders. "Quick introduction since I know we're busy. This is my uncle, Arthur Quill."

The bald man bowed expertly in a manner befitting a servant or even a lesser noble. "It is an honor to meet anyone from House Michaelis! Vanessa has said nothing but good things." He spoke with appropriate respect, but also undeniable kindness. "Would you like help with your luggage?"

word count: 554
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