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"Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:41 pm
by Arvælyn

"Of Skies, Seas & Sands"
15 Searing, 122 Steel
It felt to Arvalyn as though this journey was a matter of fate- Or fatum, as they called it in the civilisation toward which they were heading. At least that was the nominative conjugation for the noun, but that, as Arry was learning, was one of the peculiarities of the language to pointed ears more accustomed to Common and, to a lesser extent, Mythrasi. He had been studying up on the language casually ever since portraying the role of Aværys Eternal in the eponymous epic play at Kalzasi's Golden Peacock Theatre. His obsession with the piece and, indeed, with excelling in his first leading role had led him down many a research rabbit hole- Some of which only led to places where Common feared to tread. He'd taken a more formal approach to his studies once Finn and he had begun to seriously discuss the possibility of visiting the ancient realm that seemed to be part of Arry's background in ways still undefined. The recent congruence of events that began with Talon's ill-fated wedding and the horrors they'd witnessed there and subsequent premature closing of his play, followed by Aurin's research in Antiris that connected Arry to Solunarium and finally their performance for the so-called 'Emissary of Light and Shadow', all felt like the weavings of... Well, fatum.

In some ways Arry felt overrehearsed for this trip, but in other ways he found himself entirely unprepared- The most salient instance of the latter that was recent on the half-elf's mind was how moved he was at parting from Aurin before embarking on the airship that would take them on the first leg of their journey. He knew it wouldn't be the last time he saw his saviour, and yet who could ever be certain of such things in a world where Gods could bleed on their wedding days when all They expected was Their happily ever afters... So the tears rained from his golden eyes, and Arry forgot the awkwardness of being in the presence of both his present lover and his predecessor at once. It was a scenario he'd dutifully avoided in most cases, but Aurin had been right to insist upon seeing them off, he realised, as he melted into the man before being passed off to Finn for the voyage.

Solunarium had only just opened diplomatic relations with Kalzasi in the aftermath of the presumed Zaichaeri attack, so obviously there were no direct flights to the distant kingdom. Even if such a journey was normal, it was a vasty voyage and stops would need to be made. In their case, this first airship would terminate (after a few stops) at Aur'arnis, before making its return trip to Kalzasi. Arry didn't know whether the route was normal or whether it had changed due to the recent tensions in the North, but whatever the case they had a full day layover in Auris before their next airship would depart for Cathena City.

Here was another area in which Arry found himself underprepared for their journey- He'd forgotten, having spent so much time in the eclectic (some might say chaotic) environs of Kalzasi that he wasn't very well travelled at all. Sure, he'd traipsed all over the globe on stage and enjoyed delicacies from the most distant of climes, met people from all over, but it was a different thing to be a tourist in a foreign land. He knew little of these Southron states, having devoted all of his energies to preparing for their final destination. Still, he was able to enjoy himself taking in the sights and carousing with the locals with feigned accents and fake names and backgrounds just for the fun of it.

After their lengthy layover in Cathena City, they would trade the skies for the seas and lose many of the luxuries they'd enjoyed aboard the two airships that had conducted them this far. The ships that sailed from The Republic of Cathena to the Kingdom of Solunarium were primarily trade ships. They took on what passengers paid their way, but they were designed for transporting cargo rather than people, so the accommodations were spartan at best and the food was more nourishing than it was flavourful.

But Arry had Finn, and Finn had Arry and both had their prospects to distract them, as well as their studies. Both were working at their facility with the Vastian tongue and, whilst Finn toiled at Traversion Arry manipulated his recent Rune of Masquerade. There were more indulgent means of passing the time, but privacy was rare in their bunk and so their intimate diversions were fewer than either of them would have preferred.

It was early one morning when Arry woke with a start, and sat up- pulling unconsciously from the strong arms that enveloped him every night. He wasn't sure why he'd woken so suddenly. He couldn't recall the dream he'd just inhabited, but the question was answered when the source of his wakefulness repeated itself- A deafening bellow that rattled the very boards of the ship.

"What the fuck?" He looked to Finn, to see the human was stirring from the clangour as well but the minstrel was as bleary-eyed and out of his depth as Arry himself. "I'm going up to the deck." He said, rushing to pull a robe over his form as the others who shared bunks in their cabin were roused by the sound. Arry darted up to the deck, his bare feet thudding up the wooden steps toward the blinding sunlight above. Just as he took his first breath of salty air and squinted at the blazing sun above, the light was obscured by a massive silhouette.

"Holy f-..." His expletive was drown out by the same sound that had woken him, but now it was louder- closer and he could see the source. "Is that a fucking dragon?!" He cried out as Finn joined him above decks.

"Zalkyriax." The captain clarified, drawing up to the two foreign passengers as he gazed up- seemingly almost as astonished as Arry was. "The Crownwyrm." He clucked his tongue and shook his head. "Now, that's a rare sight."

"Fatum." Arry smiled,

"Aye," Agreed the captain, grimly, "For good or ill."

But Arry didn't lose his grin as his gaze followed the dragon as it soared directly in between a pair of gigantic statues flanking the entry into a bustling harbour, which he quickly realised must be: "The Colossi at Tertium! Finn!" He reached for his lover's hand and gripped it as tightly as he had the day they fled the assault on the wedding reception. "We've arrived."

Once more the dragon bellowed as it soared West over the Port City of Tertium and into the greater Atraxian Expanse.

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:49 am
by Finn
The preparations had been overwhelming, but in the end, all he had to do to leave his world behind was step from the quay to the airship that would take him to Auris. They had visited his family first, and his parents had been fond enough of Arry since meeting him in Kalzasi. Assuring Finn that they would be fine, nevertheless, he asked Torin and even Arry's benefactor to look after them in their absence. Indeed, the redhead was going to ensure nothing dire happened to their home while they journeyed. If that suited Arry, then it suited him fine.

They whiled away the time on the airship with studies and training. They made music, the worked magic, and Finn sparred with whomever would oblige him. He was slowly developing a style all his own that involved strategic blinks to more fortuitous positions, but he only really used that in private practice, not wanting to cheat those who were helping him hone his more mundane skills. From city to city, nation to nation, they took in sights and sounds, foods and songs. They were on an adventure. Like a clever adventurer, he made a map of everywhere he went, at least of the slipspace. He might not be able to vault back to Kalzasi yet, but he memorized escape routes in each new place, and was often to be found on the decks of airships and sea ships, eyes lost as he got a taste of the slipspace between civilizations.

He dreamed about it now, angles and parabolas, an energetic geometry he understood intuitively with time.

And then he was awoken by noise and his lover stiffening in his arms. Soon enough, he was up on deck gawking at the great wyrm. Barefoot and barechested in the southron heat, he paid no heed to propriety.

Words flowed around and through him: Zalkyriax. Crownwyrm. Fatum. They were in another world, an undiscovered country, at least by them.

Arry took his hand, turned his attention to the great statues, the city, and the great sandy expanse beyond. He laughed with equal jubilation, catching the slender elf up in his arms. The world would be their oyster.

"Hey, baby, take a look
We have it all!

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:33 am
by Arvælyn
As Zalkyriax glided over the harbour beyond the statues, something large, but indiscernible at this distance, tumbled from the dragon's maw to splash into the choppy waters below.

"What was that?" Arry furrowed his brow. The captain, still standing by pursed his lips.

"The rest of the whale." He wasn't a prolix man, and to his mind that seemed information enough to satisfy the tourist at his side. "Ignosce." He said with a tip of his hat, before stepping back toward the helm to prepare for their entry into the port proper.

The harbour was situated in a way that forced all incoming and outgoing vessels to pass between the colossi. Awed by the scope of what lay before them, Arry craned his neck to look up at the founders blocking out the firmament. To the right stood Aværys Imperator. If the towering depiction was made of solid gold, as it appeared to be, it was more of the precious metal than Arry would have thought existed in the world. To the left on their approach loomed Varvara, similarly sized in apparent silver- though the resplendent sun above made both statues glint with blinding refractions that made them difficult to look upon for long. Perhaps, a poetical though crossed Arry's mind, that was what it was like to regard the gods themselves.

Once they'd passed beyond the still, silent sentinels, the harbour felt more familiar. The architecture was strange to Arry's eyes and, though it sat on the coast, seemed to evoke the desert with sandy hued structures that blended with the promontories upon which they stood. Ships and boats of diverse make were anchored and docked throughout the bustling port, and as they drew closer to their berth Arry could hear longshoremen barking out demands and warnings in sundry tongues.

Arry took in the sights- scanning the skies for further evidence of draconic activity, until they drew close enough that the other passengers began to emerge with their belongings.

"We should collect our things..." He noted, drawing Finn back belowdecks to properly dress and gather up their necessaries. At the bottom of the gangplank they were met by a dusky-skinned human dressed in a black uniform trimmed with silver studs and medals. He seemed to recognise them.

"Of Kalzasi?" Even in so few words, his accent was stark.

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:38 pm
by Finn
"Fuck me," he whispered indelicately at the realization that the wyrm had broken its fast on one of the largest creatures of the sea.

"Ignosce," he murmured after the captain had quit their presence, shaping the word carefully with his mouth so whenever he did speak in the Vastian tongue, it might sound less foreign on his lips.

They watched for some time at the taffrail, and he put his arm around Arry's shoulders. They were strangers in a strange land and that was never more apparent to him than in that moment, but he was more excited than anything. This was an adventure and Arry's past was a mystery they would unravel together. Arry's suggestion came just as he was noticing how hot the equatorial sun was making his shoulders. It was summer and this was a desert port; he was going to have to shelter his skin.

"You're not nearly tall enough to compare with your role," he said seriously, jerking his head toward the golden statue as they made their way toward the door. Phocion had left an impression on him; he wasn't going to disrespect their gods in plain terms. Kalzasern religion was more informal and forgiving, but they were no longer in Kalzasi.

Having lived together and now traveled together, they were practiced at the dance of dressing and packing around each other without getting in the other's way.

Finn was startled to be stopped, but he nodded. The had an invitation from the Sentinel, but he didn't think they would be stopped immediately.

"I am of Kalzasi," he said, and placed a hand on Arry's shoulder. He didn't know if his lover planned to play the Silfanore story or not.

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:21 am
by Arvælyn
Arry wondered momentarily whether Finn's observation about the height disparity between himself and the monument was in jest. He'd only ever met the one deity and, while Talon was statuesque, he was not, like these, colossal. After a moment's further thought, he realised it must have been a joke and shuddered slightly.

"Indeed." He said, offering a slightly- distracted chuckle.

Arry just nodded in response to the Sentinel's question, as Finn replied verbally.

"Master Arvælyn." The man inclined his head to Arry with some reverence. He regarded Finn next with a comparable deficit of deference, "And Master Finn." He returned his dark gaze to the elf as he continued,

"I have, by Sentinel Phocion, been sent." He declared sternly. "You have been designated Magnati." He paused, before clarifying in Common- "Important ones." He gestured to the sprawling city behind him,

"Did you wish to spend any span of time exploring Tertium before heading to the capital? I was not, with an itinerary, provided." He said with apparent annoyance.

"Oh..." Arry furrowed his brow, "We'd planned to spend a night or two here at a tav-... At a taberna." He amended, adopting the local terminology. He might have tried a bit more Vastian, but he was taken aback and, being nervous, feared the embarrassment of misspeaking before a native speaker.

"I can arrange superior accommodation. You may be lodged at Sentinel Phocion's family villa, if you wish not to..." He paused, trying to recall the common idiom... "...slum it." He smiled faintly, perhaps pleased with himself for recalling the term or perhaps amused by it.

"We... did not anticipate this, um... amenity." Arry noted, casting a quizzical sidelong glance to Finn.

"Sentinel Phocion did not wish for you to undergo the many pitfalls faced by foreigners in Solunarium. May I collect your things?"

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:53 am
by Finn
Finn nodded at his name. Of course, he recognized the change in demeanor toward him, and on some level he didn't mind. Arry was there for him in the important moments, so he didn't mind playing second fiddle to him in Solunarium. They were here mostly to discover more about his past. Second fiddle, first lute—it didn't matter. He knew he was important to Arry and that was what mattered most.

He smiled.

Magnati, he thought. It was actually a word he didn't need translated, but he nodded all the same. It was interesting that they might both have the same designation, but Arry would still receive better treatment. In any case...

Finn stepped forward, speaking almost conspiratorially to the man.

"Master Guardsman... Lord Arvælyn was only given a verbal invitation from Sentinel Phocion. We haven't an itinerary either. Perhaps we could put ourselves in your capable hands? If there is anything worth seeing in Tertium, I'm sure Lord Arvælyn would appreciate seeing it, and if you have been put in charge of his security, we would happily stay wherever you suggest. Then we could continue on to the Holy Capital with all due haste and I can commend you to the Sentinel for your diligent efforts on his behalf."

He wasn't quite so powerful a Mesmer as Arry, but he was no slouch. He didn't use it to manipulate, though, only to listen to the man's symphony as he tried to suss out his objective in this conversation and find a win-win solution.

The minstrel reached for Arry's luggage, taking it and ready to pass it along, whether to the guardsman or someone else. He didn't mind accepting that Arry was of a higher caste; he just didn't know whether his own designation as Magnatus placed him above Phocion's guardsman. Language was a key to culture, but he didn't understand either entirely yet.

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:56 am
by Arvælyn
Finn's deference to his Elven companion and to the sentinel himself seemed to put him at ease. The man had met few foreigners- fewer still from as far afield as Kalzasi, and the tales he'd heard were altogether aberrant to his mind. But, if this young human was manservant or even concubine to the ostensible Elf of Aurum, as it seemed might be the case, then the arrangement fit the sense of order he perceived in the world. Whether or not it was noticed, Finn's use of Mesmer seemed to instill a physical sense of relief in the olive-skinned man- like he was soothed by the melody of an old, familiar song.

"I am Vigil Esclepius." He noted, before responding in earnest. "In my estimation, you have what is worth seeing in Tertium already seen. More than most, if you caught sight of Zalkyriax on the hunt..." The man cast his eyes to the skies, searching again for wyrmsign but coming up empty. "But you passed through the greatest and oldest monument in Tertium on your way into harbour: The Colossi." Even at this distance they were formidable.

"This city has been twice destroyed and rebuilt, but the Colossi have never fallen..." He explained with some degree of pride. "The rest of the city is... young and, to my taste, chaotic." It didn't look to be either to Arry's eyes. The architecture had a uniformity that was pleasing to the eye. It didn't look to be a layout with much symmetry, but he'd seen far more chaotic cities in terms of architecture. And even in this port area, things weren't as hectic as one often saw in such districts. It was noisy, it was bustling, but it wasn't what he could consider anything approaching chaos.

"Well..." Arry began, pausing to consider. "Why don't we get settled into our lodgings and figure it out from there?" He checked in with Finn, but Esclepius was already gesturing for two collared, liveried humans who'd been standing by, to collect their belongings.

"Ad Villam Phaedrae." The man instructed sharply, before returning his attentions to the Magnati. "By foot or by litter go we?"

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 4:26 pm
by Finn
"Gratias," he said on both their behalf. Finn smiled, but not in an overly familiar fashion. He had spent enough time in the Kalzasern court now in a similarly hard to quantify role. A commoner, but a guest of the Shinsei. An employee, but a friend. It felt important to set the man at ease so his job wasn't a burden on their account, but also to ensure that he and Arry got to see what they wanted to see.

"The Colossi and the Crownwyrm are indeed impressive. Before we even set foot upon Solunarian soil, it has shown us wonders." It wasn't flattery if it was sincere.

When Arry made the decision, Finn just nodded. The sight of the slaves surprised him, but he didn't let it show. Not his monkeys; not his circus. As a guest of Solunarium, he wasn't going to make a fuss about their customs. He merely handed his luggage over, his eyes staying on his lute case longest. If it truly was a gift from Syren, he didn't think Phocion could replace it if it were lost. But he would trust to the Sentinel's hospitality.

When Arry deferred to him about their mode of transportation, he said, "Lord Val'Cithaeron has been cooped upon on a ship for too long. Perhaps stretching our legs would be the better course."

The minstrel locked his arm in Arry's as they followed their guide through the foreign streets. It was hot, but cool breezes from the sea caressed their skin, and any time they walked into shade, it was much more comfortable. They would have to get used to it, he supposed, and he also supposed there would be rich bathing facilities wherever they were headed, and he wondered whether Arry would be in the mood to play. They had to be a bit more circumspect while traveling than when they were in their own home in Adira's Promenade. And after all their time together, it still didn't take much more than a glance from Arry to inspire quite the fire of lust in his loins.

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:48 pm
by Arvælyn
Esclepius' expression softened to the point that he actually adopted a warm smile at Finn's reply.

"It was not always thus, for in antiquity's heart were dragons common seen in Atraxian skies, but today is it regarded auspicious. Particularly so far from Sorokyn." He turned his attention to the Elf of the pair and inclined his head, "And may this mark your visit blessed."

"Thank you..." Arry smiled, a bit overwhelmed. To his surprise he found himself relieved at Finn's suggestion that they travel on foot. The half-elf may have borne a haughty streak half a mile long, but a litter was a bit much even for him. Perhaps there would come a time when he'd seek to be a spectacle in this strange land, but for now he had a sense that it might be wiser to blend in.

"Val'Cithæron?" The Sentinel blanched slightly, his dark eyes widening as he regarded the golden elf with with newfound nerves. He shook it off after a moment and turned to the slaves:

"Ocius!" He barked, and the collared men set themselves to jogging up ahead. Arry accepted Finn's arm, and fell into step behind the Vigil. Esclepius took a more leisurely pace than he demanded of the servants. It was for the comfort of the guests and in case they had questions about anything along the route. The journey was uphill, but the incline wasn't a steep one. And the higher they climbed, the better their view of the greater city. He'd seen bigger, more cosmopolitan places to be sure, but there was an artfulness to the way the architecture was set into the cliffs and crags of the coastal landscape. The lapping ocean was a beautiful shade of blue- lighter than the seas they crossed en route. It might have looked like a painting if it weren't in motion. Perhaps an enchanted one, then.

The journey was not a long, nor an arduous one, and it was nice to have a stroll after the constraints of their sea voyage and preceding airship rides. Such travel by air and sea had been a first for Arry, at least. He'd traveled all the way from Antiris to Kalzasi on foot, so a little hike up a paved path was hardly an inconvenience.

The Phaedryn Villa was set high upon a cliff overlooking greater Tertium to its North with the sea far below to the East. The building was palatial with large, open windows visible. It was constructed of pale stone, lighter than its sandy surroundings. One couldn't tell at a distance, but perhaps it was marble.

"How beautiful..." Arry muttered in a voice as light as the breeze wafting off the waves below.

Re: "Of Seas, Skies & Sands" [Finn]

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 8:26 pm
by Finn
Finn noted the tone when their Vigil named Arry's supposed family, but didn't question it at first. He did, however, pay keen attention to the man's symphony as they walked. He tried to ask thoughtful questions, and thankfully didn't have to feign his wonder at Tertium. And he liked the man well enough that his attempts to ingratiate himself were sincere.

The Phaedryn Villa was built to impress and Finn was suitably impressed. One had to wonder what sort of music this place would inspire in him and in Arry. One had to wonder what the view would be like from their room and whether it would be a suitable backdrop for his nude lover and the faces of ecstasy he would show Finn.

A little smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, but something else tugged at his mind. Once the Vigil had them moving again, Finn spoke his trouble.

"Honored Vigil... Will there be problems because of my lord's name? A thousand pardons if I speak out of turn. I do not know Solunarian etiquette well. But I ask frankly so I can better care for him and his reputation here."

His concern was honest. If they were going to have to play the role of Magnati, he would do his best. But knowing how the safety of even the Palace of the First Wind was as fragile as a soap bubble on the breeze, he had been mapping the slipspace even as he marveled at the sights. If he had to get them out of here quickly, he would. He couldn't yet take Arry with him through the slipspace, but he was practicing and soon he would be able to keep the half-elf safe.

Blue eyes met the Solunarian's, curious and affable.