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The Road Less Traveled

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:02 am
by Laveriel

The Road Less Traveled
2nd of Searing, Year 122 of the Age of Steel

After more than a whole year, Iselya had finally yielded to Valron’s request. He had pressured her more and more with each day passing. Three days ago, she finally broke, and here they were making their way through the wilderness, reaching the hill of which a settlement called Illuminacras had been built.

The Siltori’s silvery eyes gazed up at the white walls that surrounded the town and something in her heart stirred. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, yet she couldn’t deny the apprehension growing. She had avoided this decision for quite a while.

When Valron had first heard through his contacts that there was a settlement of Dawnmartyrs being built just outside Kalzasi, he had asked her if they could go and look. Perhaps they could find some allies, ask whether they had also received the mysterious vision of Arcas. She didn’t have the heart to stop him, but she had refused to go herself. While their fellow Dawnmartyrs had flocked to the town, Iselya simply did not.

The reasoning she would give him was that as a former higher-ranking member of the order, she didn’t want to risk attracting attention to the settlement. For over twenty years, the Inquisition had somehow tracked her down over and over again. Her magic was easily recognizable to those who had heard of it. That was the weak excuse she had given Valron, which he graciously accepted for a long while.

But deep inside, Iselya knew what it was she truly wanted to avoid: hope.

The woman knew that if she had seen what they built, to see her people gathering together… It would be difficult not to start imagining they perhaps could finally have a peaceful home. She knew it was far too cynical of her, but how long would they last before the Inquisition find out? There was no doubt in her mind that they wouldn’t let the chance for her Order to grow once more.

She focused on the man in front of her to stop herself from overthinking. Valron was clad in his usual leather armor, energetically leading her through the discreet path. There was no actual road and the way wouldn’t be obvious to those who had never been there. A reasonable precaution. Still, the Pathfinder made his way without any hesitation. He had probably traveled to and fro a hundred times over the year.

Valron had even helped them build the settlement in its early days and was already acquainted with most of its inhabitants. From the moment they had left Kalzasi until now, he had told her excitedly everything about Illuminacras. He assured her that everyone there was lovely and would welcome her with open arms. It was impossible not to be affected by his enthusiasm

“But, please tell me that you didn’t tell them who I am,” Iselya teased once she had an opening between his stories.

Her companion scoffed, mock horror glowing playfully in his eyes. “Did you think I am a novice? Your deep dark secret is safe.” She could see the gears turning in his head as he ran his fingers through his hair and added, “Promise me that we will tell them the truth as soon as possible. As soon as you feel safe.”

Iselya had no plans to lie forever. Perhaps a season or two, then she would tell them that she was a surviving captain who had managed to escape the siege. “I promise.”

They walked in silence for a while after that, deep in their own thoughts.

For the dozenth time, she swept her dark hair back and tried to ignore the sun beating down on their heads. All she wanted was to put her hair up and feel the cool wind, but they were getting closer and closer to the town. She didn’t want to risk anyone spotting the Affliction rune on the back of her neck. The fabric of her travel clothes certainly didn’t help stave off the heat. “We better get there fast or I think I am going to melt right here,” the Siltori joked.

Instead of having a smart comment in reply per usual, Valron suddenly stopped in his track and turned his entire body to face her. “Veriel, you know that I wouldn’t have dragged you all the way here if I didn’t think that this was worth it right? That this can truly be a place where we can be safe.”

Iselya smiled wanly at the sound of her true name. He did know her a bit too well. “I trust you. That’s the only reason why I am climbing this hill right now.”

Once they got close enough, Valron waved at the person patrolling the walls and the guard greeted him back. He disappeared, probably climbing down the wall to let them in. Her heart began pounding against her chest and she could feel her body humming with nervous energy. Without thinking, she reached for Valron’s arm for reassurance. His hand rested over hers, squeezing it gently.

As the gates opened in front of them, Valron gave her a radiant smile, his golden eyes glinting in the sun. She couldn’t remember the last time he looked this pleased. “Welcome home.”

Re: The Road Less Traveled

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:32 am
by Laveriel

Iselya released the breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding when they finally walked past the gate. She looked up to Valron and gave him an apologetic smile as she released his arm, noticing the faint marks where she had dug her fingers into his skin. “Home…” she mused softly. The Imperium had chased her away from dozens of places she had called home ever since she left Ecith.

The settlement looked like it had mostly finished its rebuilding, a new civilization built from the foundations of an ancient one. A great hall stood in the center of everything, accompanied by a tavern next to it. People had built makeshift stalls selling everything from steamed buns to handcrafted arrowheads. And then there was the white tower that stood tall and proud behind them. It painfully reminded her of the Citadel of Light. She prayed that this place would be spared from the same fate.

Her eyes also searched for any familiar faces, any of her comrades that had escaped Ailos with them in those early days. Most of the knights that had fought with her twenty years ago would be elders now. She knew she should be relieved that no one would identify her this way, but she could not stop the disappointment. Iselya hoped they had survived this long, just like her, and to see them again one day. Perhaps they simply hadn’t found this place. Once they did, there would be no more hiding her identity. The newer generation of Dawnmartyrs would not recognize her, but those from Ailos had no doubt would recognize the Dread Witch.

A man with copper hair, the one that had greeted Valron, approached them. His gait was easy and there was a warm grin on his face. “Welcome to Illuminacras. I do hope your journey here isn’t too hard on you. Although I doubt it. From my experience, Rivalron is quite the terrible traveling companion.” He gave her a dramatic bow. “You can call me Cyrros. May I have the honor of knowing your name, dear lady?”

The Siltori’s laugh rang lightly through the air as she replied with a curtsy. “Iselya, at your service.”

Cyrros nodded approvingly. “A pretty name for a pretty lady.”

Rolling his eyes, Valron shoved the human with his elbow playfully. She couldn’t help but feel warmed by the sight. Her companion had always struggled with isolation a lot more than her. While Iselya enjoyed being alone, Valron craved to be surrounded by others - something they could not always afford. “If you’re going to keep saying nonsense, I’ll just show her around myself.”

“You just want an excuse to keep her for yourself,” the red-haired man shot back before swinging his arm in an open gesture. “Shall we get started?”

Cyrros proved to be a very entertaining guide. He had a tendency to ramble about the backstory of every building they passed which made their progress significantly slow. Still, Iselya didn’t mind it. There was a comfort in listening to how these people had worked so hard to build this small town, their own little nook in the world. He showed her the barracks, mostly empty for the recruits and knights were sparring in the field outside. Then the armory where a grey-haired blacksmith yelled at them to not bother him.

Once they were back in front of the great hall, his mannerism turned more serious. “We all have our stories. Is it alright if I ask about yours?”

“I don’t mind.” It was a question she expected and she already had an answer for. Sometimes it worried her how lying could come so naturally to her. It was a basic story. Her father used to be a knight and their family managed to escape from Ailos. She told him how they moved around and evaded capture many times - this part was mostly the truth. Though, Iselya did add in that her parents perished along the way and how she had mostly kept to herself before finally meeting Valron.

“You don’t have to be alone anymore now,” Cyrros assured her, motioning at the men and women training in the field. “Now that Arcas has returned, more and more of us have gathered every day. We will find him and our Order can bring light to the world once more.”

Iselya smiled softly as she watched a couple of children run past them, screaming and laughing as they swung around wooden swords. “I hope so. I really hope so.”

Re: The Road Less Traveled

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 5:20 pm
by Imogen


Six lores, chosen appropriately by the whispers of the divine Arcas echoing within your soul.

Points: 8, may not be used for magic.

Injuries/Ailments: None to report.

Loot: A place to live without fear of the Imperium and its Inquisition... perhaps?

Notes: Very well-written, extremely cool to see Iselya confront the trauma of the past twenty years and how it has separated her from one of the key tenants of her faith. Doubtless she will overcome these travails, but it might take a few cathartic swordfights.