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[Iselya] Call to Action

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:02 am
by Chronicle
Searing 37th, 122nd Year A.o.S.

It had been reputably known as the last call for their chance to save their stolen Patron, having pooled the resources necessary to make this journey to the Imperium worth it. Knews had spread within the Dawnmartyr of a rescue effort to save the Dawnking, and so, when the arrival of a Kalzasan airship harbored the foreshadowing of hope; the agents that would soon carry such hope on their shoulders were soon determined. Four agents were going to be sent to Gel'Grandal, under the cover of the merchant Cloudship moored on the outskirts of the forest surrounding the settlement.

Iselya d’Svaris who was a Warforged, and her companion Laelithar Sol’Ilthuryn a Pathfinder. They were both requested by the Grandmaster to join this expedition, knowing they would be an asset to the other Warforged and his Spellforged companion. The mission was crucial and time had been of the essence, therefore, the crew had been made to prep early on the morning of the thirty-seventh. The sun now rose into the sky as the golden rays brought a gentle warmth to the north, with the colorful Dread Mists scattered about the outer wilds of Karnor.

Upon their approach to the ship, Iselya and her companion would see that the cargo hold was still open, as the last of the crated supplies were stashed within by several crewmen. "The two agents?" A young man with blue eyes and short brown hair inquired, his muscular form decorated in travel garb from Atinaw. Another somewhat older man looked from the crate he'd stacked within the row, as the first reached out with an open hand and a kind smile. "Dominik Barnell. A pleasure to meet you."

After the offer of introduction he looked past his shoulder to the ladder at the end of the hold, before gazing back on the two elves with an inquistive glance. "Would you, like a tour of the place? Or did you want to meet the other Knights?" Dominik asked patiently with a plain if not curious expression, while the other man that watched him crossed his arms with a widely amused grin.

"Speech" "Telion" "Patrick"

Re: [Iselya] Call to Action

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 11:39 am
by Laveriel
When Iselya first heard that they would be selecting knights to send to the Imperium, she knew she had to go. In order to secure a spot, the Siltori decided to take a risk. She was a newcomer in the settlement and had tried to be as unassuming as possible. It was very unlikely for her to be chosen. So she had to do something differently.

While Iselya still didn’t want to reveal her identity, she figured revealing her skills should be safe enough. From then on she made a point to spar with every knight in the settlement and did not hold back. She still took the time to erode the jinxes that would usually mark her blades, but other than that she fought like used to. More than a century’s worth of experience did pay off and she found herself defeating anyone who challenged her, easily taking on knights that were more senior than her. It didn’t take long for word to reach the Grandmaster.

Hopefully, they simply came to the conclusion that she was just an exceptionally talented young swordsman.

The risk was worth it though. Here she was standing in front of the airship with Valron, marveling at the vehicle. Ryo had told her about these machines before, but she didn’t imagine that they would be so big and loud. They were still loading crates and supplies into the ship and she wondered how it would be able to fly while carrying so many things.

“The two agents?” the blue-eyed man asked as they came closer. Valron nodded in answer.

The younger elf was clad in his usual leather armor, but Iselya had opted for something more comfortable. She figured a simple white tunic and leather pants were suitable enough as traveling clothes. As a precaution, Iselya already had summoned Iratallin, the blade sheathed and strapped to her waist.

She returned Dominik’s smile and shook his hand. “I’m Iselya and the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for taking us.”

“Rivalron,” her companion quickly followed. He was even more interested in the airship than she was, golden eyes glinting with curiosity. “But you can just call me Valron.”

Iselya considered for a brief moment. “I think it would wiser to get to know the people we’ll be traveling with, don’t you think?” she remarked playfully. She turned to the younger man who haven’t introduced himself. “And you are?”

Re: [Iselya] Call to Action

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:55 pm
by Chronicle
At the sight of their arrival Dominik remained warmly positive, and he even kept his grip gentle when he shared the handshakes between their introduction. "They're lucky to have you, from what I heard." The Barnell remarked as he took in their names, while the other man's grin widened just a bit more. Their companions wanted to meet everyone on board, which Dominik took into consideration as the other man accepted his queue to join in.

"Burton Barnell, the oldest brother present." With his introduction Burton seemed to give a strong look of appreciation for the two ladies present, his Atinoran garb consisting of a brown woven shirt and dark leather pants. Though he didn't quite make any advances in terms of social grace, instead, the man opted to lean against the stack of crates he finished loading with his arms folded over one another. "I'll bet you two ladies have seen your share of the world."

"Burton and I are only here to accompany our father, I believe he's the other Dawnmartyr you're going to meet. I'd be happy to show you to the deck where he and the others are likely waiting." Dominik weighed in with a look to the ladder at the end of the hull, the last of the crewmates finally loaded into the bay before someone shouted "All clear" within the background. Throughout the sides of the cargo hold belts and pulleys cranked into gear, before the massive door Iselya and Valron came through slowly rose with a whine throughout the wood. The structure was pulled up by chains from the pulley systems that one of the members engaged, as the Barnell's started to lead for the two ladies to follow.

Once everybody had ascended up the ladder they had entered the vessel of the airship itself, the corridor that Dominik helped pulled them into stretching into a long hall with doors and windows. "Even for a Cloudjumper she's an impressive ship," the second brother mentioned as the older walked onward, "I don't know much about them honestly, but the captain of her says she'll get us to the Imperium with ease."

The two brothers led Iselya down the long hall, with some of the doors they passed open as they walked by. Each room they passed looked to be a cabin for either the crew or passenger, and from the porthole windows on the wall to their right, they could see the forest and even Kalzasi way off in the distance. "So where do you both hail from? You two don't look like any of the locals we've seen here." Dominik inquired curiously with a glance back toward them, still leading the way as they reached the end of the corridor, and soon walked up a flight of metallic stairs curving into a leftward spiral.

"Speech" "Telion" "Patrick"

Re: [Iselya] Call to Action

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:50 am
by Laveriel
At Dominik’s generous comment, Iselya gave him a wan smile. “I certainly hope so.” She also hoped that their presence here wouldn’t affect the mission. It should be fine, considering that it had been five years since they saw any sign that suggested the Imperium was still looking for them. She had a suspicion that they might have thought that she was dead after that day in the Northern Wild.

“Pleasure to meet you, Burton,” she said with a nod toward the older male. At his comment, Iselya simply shrugged and laughed softly. “Well, this life does call for a lot of traveling. I suppose we’ve seen our fair share.”

The raven-haired woman nodded at their explanation, following eagerly once the cargo doors shut. So both Dominik and Burton were not Dawnmartyrs. If their father was the Dawnmartyr… she wondered if he was in Ailos before the city fell.

Iselya didn’t hide her awe as she climbed up the ladder only to be greeted by a long hallway. Everything about this place was new to her. Her silvery eyes glowed as she took in every detail greedily.

“A Cloudjumper…” the elf mused as they walked past the cabins. Unable to stop herself, Iselya tried to take a quick glimpse of every room that was opened. Most them seemed like bedrooms. “I still have a difficult time imagining this thing would be able to fly.”

“So where do you both hail from? You two don't look like any of the locals we've seen here.”

Iselya looked out the window, pretending to be distracted by the sight outside as Valron started answering Dominik. He had always been more natural at telling their stories. “That’s probably because neither of us is. I’m originally from Sol’Valen while Iselya came from Ailos. We met a couple of years ago after she lost her parents near Kathiid and decided we might as well try to hide in Kalzasi. Who would’ve thought that its prince is the incarnation of Arcas?”

“Well, I can’t really claim that I’m from Ailos,” Iselya finally chimed in, already well-rehearsed in this particular deception. “I barely remembered anything about it. I was an infant when my parents managed to escape soon after the Imperium first attacked.” At least the bitterness in her voice wasn’t false. They had lost the most people during those early days, when no one had expected the attack.

Hoping that they wouldn’t ask anything about their past, Iselya slipped a strand of hair behind her ear as she changed the subject. “You two aren’t from around here either.” The way that they were dressed looked mildly familiar, but she couldn’t quite guess where it came from. Valron no doubt had figured it out in his head. “Did your family travel all the way here simply for the mission?”

Re: [Iselya] Call to Action

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:08 pm
by Chronicle
Iselya Laveriel

Points: 15 XP
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Comments: Sorry this fell off my radar, it was actually fun writing this and actually prompted me to consider Kalzasian technology with the airships. I hope to have the chance to mod more things for you in the future <3