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Like a Diamond In the Sky [Evacuees]

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:24 pm
by Anton
A D • U R B E
Searing 41, 122 Age of Steel

It was terribly late at night when the passengers and crew of the Every Waking Moment first caught sight of Gel'Grandal. Most had hailed from Zaichaer, and were no strangers to a city that still shone at night, but so bright was the Imperial capitol that some thought that it had caught fire. A false dawn rose in the west as they approached, gleaming spires and expansive roads all lit by their own internal magnificence. To the southeast rose what appeared as a pillar of flame, tarnishing the night. More experienced mariners cursed under their breaths as they tore their eyes from the ground to the sky as they realized that the stars could not be seen.

The true dawn followed in its appointed course, at its appointed hour, not long after, silhouetting the ship as she bore her desperate cargo at last to their destination. Even at this early hour, Eisenstadt was filled with traffic and a magitek radio crackled to life in their embossed wood panels to guide them onward. For foreign ships they maintained a system of lights and flags, but the Imperium recognized her own and wasted no time on such archaic things for so stately a ship. Fortunately, they had been noticed well ahead of their arrival, and Anton's grandfather had wasted no time. The Every Waking Moment was directed to its berth in short order, the flight controller informing them that a welcoming party was already assembling.

Anton rushed to the larboard rail with his siblings swift behind him as they at last came in for a landing, his mother remaining serene on center of the quarterdeck. Staring to the south, the Michaelis trio openly gawked at the immensity of the Palace of Spires, raising high as if to challenge the gods themselves. Standing behind them, the family matriarch could not help but smile at the sight, the first she had seen of it since boarding a similar airship to be wed to her husband over twenty years ago.

If all went well, Anton and his household would be safe and secure with their relative's before the day was out - along with everyone he chose to vouch for. Many of those who had come this far were strangers to him, and while he hoped for the best, he was uncertain how generous he could - or should - be. Ideally the Imperium, having heard of the calamity in Zaichaer, would welcome them as refugees, but such was uncertain.

Re: Like a Diamond In the Sky [Evacuees]

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:05 pm
by Hector
► Show Spoiler
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The journey had lasted nearly a week. Maybe exactly? Either way, Hector wasn't exactly paying attention as he hadn't been in his right mind ever since the day he left. Such a thing would be expected, one might say, after watching your home get blown to pieces and then beat nearly to death by some overgrown monstrosity that was once a normal person. Regardless, it would be a long time before the elven vampyre recovered, and even then, would he ever again be in a state of mind one would consider 'right'? Too early to say, really.

Both he and his companion had no idea what to expect. The information they'd gotten from crew and others was limited, and for the most part, people didn't speak super highly of the Imperium back home. Granted, to the two mages, most of their complaints fell on deaf ears because it's hard to convince them the nation was somehow worse than a city-state who spurned magic the way Zaichaer did.

The difference was stark right away. As the two vampyres wandered onto the larboard deck, the first thing they saw were the bright lights of Gel'Grandel. They'd never seen anything quite like it, and though the light could maybe make it hard to sleep, one couldn't deny its luminescent beauty. One thing that caught Hector's eye in particular would be the radiant pillar rising out of the south side, piercing the sky with its brilliant light. He wondered what it was, walking almost absentmindedly towards the railing.

Of course, Vergil followed him, and the two ended up standing beside a party of four. They'd seen all of these figures over the course of their stay on the airship, although they'd only really spoken to one of them. Anton was his name? Yes, that sounded right.

Hector said nothing, as if captivated like a moth to flame. His attention was easy to grasp if something looked…particularly enchanting.

Casting his gaze to the side, Vergil addressed the other group. "How long has it been since the lot of you have been back here?" His question was delivered in a tone that tried to be amiable, though his voice betrayed some of his exhaustion.

He wanted to have hope for the future, but even in moments like this, it was hard to hold on to hope. Though he would never admit it, Vergil felt genuinely defeated.
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Aidolon Speech
"Kathalan Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"

Re: Like a Diamond In the Sky [Evacuees]

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:12 pm
by Vanessa Quill

Vanessa spent the last leg of their journey making sure that her falsified documents were still in order. The Every Waking Moment was a stolen vessel, and a stolen Imperial vessel to boot. Official looking parcels and papers stacked high in her captain's quarters, and they ranged from flight logs to forged certificates of sale and registration. For the first time, Vanessa was able to actually read the documents that had been prepared for her instead of simply trusting her first mate to get the job done.

There was nothing interesting in the papers, that was the point of them after all. Their job was to be wholly mundane and raise as few eyebrows as possible. Still, she got a rush out of actually comprehending these little lies. Under these papers, the Every Waking Moment had come under her ownership as a matter of the Law of Salvage, by which a 'salvor' was entitled to compensation for any aid rendered to a vessel in need. The date of ownership was stamped as the day they'd captured the ship, and a forged captain's signature confirmed the change of ownership was due to to their rescue by 'Captain Quill and Queen Bitch's crew'.

It still stung to read that name. Her flagship was gone, and now Vanessa was cavorting around with some ketch.

Stepping out of her quarters, she returned to the wheel and barked orders to the crew to begin drawing up the sails as the port drew into view. It was still but a dot amidst the bustling city, but still she could see ships docking and departing in a far too orderly fashion for her liking. Docks were best when there was a bit of pandemonium and chaos, but the Imperium had a dearth of that, replaced instead by a tedium that was anathema to the former brigand.

"Been about ten years." Vanessa replied to Vergil. "Be ready for about a thousand questions. I'm sure these pricks still got a stick up their ass about being 'thorough'." She added, already annoyed for things yet to come. "For what it's worth, they're touchy about magic despite using it for every damned thing. I won't tell you to lie, but if you plan on lying you'd better work on your routine now." She shrugged noncommittally. The had survived in Zaichaer, surely they had a plan for the Imperium or they'd have gotten off at a different stop.

Vanessa took out her spyglass and examined the ships nearer to the dock than they. "Looks like we're the first real wave of Zaicaheri." That made some sense. Most airships in Zaichaer had been obliterated during the Doom, and those still afloat had far nearer ports of call than Gel'Grandel. Most refugees looking to make their way to the Imperium would have a far longer journey, and Vanessa was keen to use this advanced notice of the impending humanitarian crisis to grease the wheels of their own admittance into Gel'Grandel.

Re: Like a Diamond In the Sky [Evacuees]

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:14 am
by Hector


Lore: 8
Points: 10, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: None


Lore: 8
Points: 10, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: None


Lore: 8
Points: 10, no magic
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: None

technically a dropped thread so I'm giving basic 'full' rewards. graded with anton's blessing!