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Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 7:09 am
by Faelora

An unhinged creature


Age 25
Sex Female
Race Siltori
Height/Weight 5'8" tall, 124lbs
Birth date Ash 9, 97
BirthplaceAuris, Ailizane
Tall, slender, and with moon-pale hair to her hips; Faelora had the potential to appear a vision of ethereal beauty. However; in addition to the scars and tattoos that mar her skin, she adorns herself with pouches, talismans and charms, mostly made with leather, wood or bone.

Reserved and observant, Faelora is often perceived as either meek and submissive, or judgmental and aloof. In truth, the witch is a bit of both; a calculating, non-confrontational being with a limited use for meaningless debate. That's not to say she's entirely without fun. A creature of the wilds, she will happily engage in play with animals she meets.


"Do you remember it?"

I pursed my lips, a frown creeping across my face as my fingers curled in my lap. As I nodded, the charms and talismans in my hair jangled quietly. How could I not remember it? It's burned permanently into me.

"I'd like to start from the beginning. Why were you there?"

Looking away, I did my best to hide the grimace before turning back to the man. With my gaze fixed firmly upon the little beetle crawling slowly up his shoulder, I let out a breath,

"My mother - Ishi - and I had joined up with the caravan," I mumbled, feeling my stomach churn as the memories flashed in my mind, "It was the last leg of our migration north, away from the desert. We had already come so far... we figured the worst of the dangers were probably behind us."

Silence fell between us as I trailed off. After a moment, the man raised an eyebrow curiously.

"And you were with that caravan for three days before the attack, right?" He paused long enough for me to confirm with a nod, "tell me about it."

This time, I made no intention to hide the deep scowl that erupted from within me. He was gentle enough, but annoyingly persistent. My knuckles turned white as they clenched tighter in front of me, tresses of hair tumbling down over my shoulder as I lowered my gaze to the ground. The memories came first, the words tumbling out of my mouth in their wake.

"It was mid-afternoon. They came from the trees; six of them. Our caravan outnumbered them so I... don't know how they got the upper hand. The ambush was so quick, they just... put them all down."

"Apart from you and your mother."

"They... had other ideas." I cringed, my fingers uncurling as they idly moved to touch my belly. Beneath the clothes I felt the long, jagged line scrawled between my hips. The man waited patiently, but intently, for me to gather myself and continue, so I did,

"Afterwards, the one I think... I think was their leader, he came to make sure we'd... bleed out I guess."

"Do you remember anything about him specifically?"

I glanced up, meeting his eyes for the first time. The question threw me off-guard.

"I..." I grimaced, squinting as I fought to retrieve the memory. But as I concentrated, my entire body ran cold with the realisation. "I don't."

The man made a face I didn't recognise, but only for a split-second before he shifted and moved on,

"How did you survive?"

Grateful to move on, I released a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding,

"A hunter was drawn to the smoke from the ruins of our caravan. He saved us..." A soft chuckle interrupted my words, "and he was so taken by my mother's sheer will that once she was back on her feet, he married her. Poor man."

"Thank you for sharing a little of yourself with me." The man spoke, "I hope that one day you find your peace."

I sighed, so do I.


SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Divination 50/100 Journeyman
Affliction 30/100 Apprentice
Animus 30/100 Apprentice
Persuasion 20/100 Novice
Negotiation 15/100 Novice
Intimidation 15/100 Novice
One-Handed: Blades 15/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Experience+100-100100
Approval Bonus+15-15115
Ransera Anniversary+30 (+30 CNXP)-30145
A Blade and a Fire, First Verse+10-10155
A Blade and a Fire, Second Verse+10-10165
In the Dark of the Night+10-10175
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Migrant variant equipment
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Starting Package + 500 gp 500 gp
Quaterstaff - 1 gp 499 gp
Sickle - 6 gp 493gp
Common Expenses (Searing 122) - 175 gp 318gp
Ransera Anniversary (2022) + 3000 gp 3318 gp

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