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Conflict at the Trenches [Open Prompt]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:59 am
by Avamande
F O R M E Z • V O S • B A T A I L L O N S

Searing 13, 122 Age of Steel

At long last, the small-scale skirmishes that had characterized a war of maneuver had begun to heat up. Forces were amassing south of Kalzasi for a general offensive, bolstering an effort to claim a vital strategic outpost. Upon the far banks of the great rivers that demarcated the rough border lay an immense expanse of rugged country, foothills of the Astralar that connected all of Karnor's mountain ranges. The simplest and most navigable passes hugged close to the water itself, but what precious few land routes existed had been guarded by fortresses for decades. Should those be breached however, there was little preventing movement through Zaichaer's agricultural core.

If the rich soil and waters to the High City's north could be seized, the regime would immediately be put under extreme pressure even before an army could manage to range far enough south to set a siege with all the horrors that would entail. Perhaps they could even force Zaichaer to the table without ever coming in sight of the Presidium, but few believed victory would come that easily. Most in Kalzasi assumed that this would be a long and bloody struggle, for after having stolen the Prince it would be bizarre in the extreme to simply capitulate.

Before any such matters could be considered however, Zaichaer's northern outposts had to fall. Once more, the Jewel of the Northlands had sent out a call to arms, and once more her citizens had answered. By this point, Avamande was not certain if they could be considered a civilian anymore. True, they had sworn no oaths to the Sky Guard, but twice now they had promised to bear arms against Kalzasi's foes, the first a mere week prior. It said something to the need and respect for mages of their caliber that this situation was tolerated at all.

There would be no surprise in this phase of the conflict. Trenches had already been dug all along the line, and the Zaichaeri outpost was in a well fortified position. Its northern face came up to the river itself, and its walls extended towards rugged country that would be difficult to maneuver in. An Avialae general had command of the army, a hard charging son of House Novalys whose blood was up at the prospect of claiming a measure of vengeance for his stricken Shokaze and stolen Prince, men who were not merely his leaders, but his kin.

Daily fighting peppered up and down the line, skirmishes and probing attacks launched by both sides, all to little avail. An influx of reinforcements may prove just what was necessary to turn the tide in Kalzasi's favor. Or perhaps all it heralded was yet more death and struggle.

Re: Conflict at the Trenches [Open Prompt]

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:08 pm
by Charlie

Charlie was in with the fresh batch of reinforcements, walking with the group of mages come to relieve the those that had begun overstepping too dangerously. An over-exerted mage was a danger not only to themselves, but to anyone around them. Even mild side effects in the more destructive schools could compound into strategic failures if left unchecked.

On top of the physical cost of battle, the effect a stalemate had on morale was profound. Such was why Charlie was in with the far more practical Negation or Elementalist mages. It was not a plan leadership particularly enjoyed, but having a Mesmer around to ensure high spirits was a heavy-handed way of keeping spirits high during these protracted engagements. There were some that even enjoyed having Mesmers among them, though that was always undercut by people wondering if the Mesmers themselves had implanted those thoughts.

Charlie had been hoping to simply make himself look as busy as possible once they arrived so that he might avoid getting drawn towards the actual combat. Thankfully his status as a mage did mean he wasn't immediately pulled towards the frontline, but already he could tell there were plans in the making. He could this tell mostly by delving into the minds of anyone who looked like they were in charge.

It was difficult to make out in its entirety due to each person having their own perspective, but Charlie gathered that these riverside skirmishes were not going to last. The clashes could endure for as long as there were bodies to throw at one another, but attrition favored the soldiers safe inside their outpost far more than it benefitted Kalzasi.

Figuring he may as as well enjoy this short lull in action while details were ironed out, Charlie found a small gathering of soldiers and sat down to eat with them. He impressed on their emotions while he did, and before long the entire circle were in high spirits, their battlefield woes forgotten under Charlie's expert aether weaving.