Viridian and Scarlet (Yeva)

Norani and Yeva find The Door

The many small villages of the Ecithian Commonwealth.

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The second half of Searing had been hard for Norani. Her entire world had been turned upside down by a few simple words. During her initiation into Summoning, she'd heard a voice she'd forgotten, telling her words that she thought only she knew. A proof of truth. Her name was Juno. She had been Norani's childhood friend from the time they both could walk. Juno was from Ouno'uve, and Norani from Ounokt Nora, neighboring villages that shared the same lake. They had been the closest of friends, chasing frogs, hunting wild chickens, raising their partners, Ruvaf and Rafi, playing games and sitting under the stars. They were happy and there were none closer. The two villages were small so often groups of children of the same age were also small.

And Juno had been taken by the Unknown five years ago.

Prior to that night of her initiation, Norani had no idea that Juno existed. The Unknown had stolen that from her. There was no memory, not a single one. There wasn't even a void for the emotions. She was simply gone, as though she'd never existed. And Norani had not shed a single tear, didn't grieve for a moment, because she never know the girl called Juno.

But now.

Now she knew of her. And she knew that her family, her chieftain all knew about Juno. They had records. While Norani screamed and yelled at them, they showed her paintings of the two of them playing in the reeds. They shared poetry that Juno had written and signed, about how one day they would all fly to the moon on the back of Ruvaf. They shared journal entries where each parent had written about watching over Juno and Norani, comments on their closeness, seeing a dear friendship beginning to develop into a young love.

And Norani had broken down sobbing, lashing out at any of her family who tried to console her. All of the grief that she should've been allowed to have hit her all at once, tainted by the fact that her family had kept this from her, at the word of her Chieftain. She had said that being so young, to not have yet had her skin marked in honor of their bond, it would be best for Norani to move on without those pained memories. And she had ordered it so.

Norani's chest felt as though it would be cleaved in half from the betrayal.

Since that night, she had not shared a single meal with any of her family. She did not sleep in the familial hut. She had taken up residence in her own hut, one that had been occasionally by Yeva, when the elf needed her space. And Norani threw herself recklessly into her training, into her role as part of the local Shield. She awoke every morning before sunset, to be the first at the village pot, to eat without having to see her parents. The cook always looked on sadly, bad news traveling fast in a small town such as theirs.

Norani tried to push herself to exhaustion each and every day, but the Cook refused to feed her on days that she needed to rest, unless Norani agreed to take it easy. She and the Cook fought on this point often, but Norani always relented. The Cook hadn't betrayed her. Once Norani told the cook about the voice she'd heard, and the woman cried as she embraced Norani.

"I'm sorry, love. None that the Unknown has taken have ever spoken to us still here. It must've been a demon tricking you."

Norani decided to not tell anyone else what she'd heard after that. Orks just couldn't believe her. She'd already told Yeva everything. Her dear friend, no longer her only friend, was the only person she truly trusted now. She was there the nights when Norani would come home and just bawl her eyes out, slumped in the corner. She was an Ork without a family right now. And she would've been alone if not for Yeva and Ruvaf.

The smiling, curious, laughing Norani was now cautious, quiet, and withdrawn with anyone other than the fortuneteller. Now when she spoke with Yeva, it was in private away from anyone else, and she tried to share how she felt. How she didn't feel safe with those who would lie, even if by omission, in such a way. How she felt hopeless that there was no way to get back the friend who was still alive, whose voice she had heard. No one in all of Ecith's vast history had ever manage to learn even one singular detail about the Unknown or its victims.

And what if it was simply a demon that tricked her?

This morning, Norani was sitting on the edge of the mattress, soft hide stuffed with the fluff from the reeds at the lake staring at the wall, her sheet laying softly over her thighs, her muscular back lit by the moonlight through her window. Yeva was still sleeping, curled up against the wall of the hut, as Norani looked upon the wood grains that had become all too familiar a sight lately. She needed to leave. She was trapped and stifled here. And if they could lie to her about that, what else had they lied about? What if they lied to Yeva?

What if she decided she would lie?

Norani didn't want that. She closed her eyes. She could take her Och'uvnai. She was the right age for it, and none would question it. None could question it, it was a rite of passage allowed to all Ecithians, no matter when or how they choose to claim it. She looked over her shoulder at the freckle covered back that was peeked out from the thin sheet. Would Yeva wish to travel with her? Would she rather stay? Go home? Travel without her?

She cast her eyes once more on her most attended spot on the wall, only to see that the grains were different. She blinked a couple of times, but it didn't change. She pulled back her vision, when she realized that there was now a door there, leading into the great tree.

Whispering softly, "Yeva." Norani had never once intentionally awoken Yeva, always letting the woman sleep as much as she needed. A few times her tears had woken her, but Yeva refused Norani's attempts to cry quieter to not disturb her. Norani reached back, a gentle hand on Yeva's upper arm, "Yeva, wake up, please. A door has found us, I think."
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She stood in a bog, water snakes coiling at her feet.

It was cold and damp, her breath visible as it rolled past her lips, and yet the fortune teller did not shiver. She stared into the swirling mists, stepping further into the water. Sticky mud sucked at her feet. The serpents scattered. The smell of autumn rot tickled her nose.

"Yeva," a woman's voice echoed from the trees. Treetops rustled. The reeds swayed in the wind. She glanced back, recognizing the sound. The water was at her waist now. Shadows danced across the water, but the mystic kept walking deeper, through the tangled water lilies and the murky unknown. Something was beneath the water, waiting for her. But she kept her eyes fixated forward.

A figure stood in the center of the water, facing towards the opposite shore, where the sun was setting.

They were within arm's reach now.

Yeva reached outward, as they began to turn. Fading wisps of sunlight caught the stranger's cheeks, nose.

The wind was restless now, rumbling in a continuous flurry, nearly drowning out the same voice that pulled her back, like a stringed tied around her wrist, "Yeva, wake up, please."

Hazel eyes shot open, blinking in quick succession to comprehend tangible reality. Norani loomed over her, there was a warm pressure on her arm. A hand. Her friend spoke gently, but she still felt disoriented, already losing memories of the dream.

"A door has found us, I think."

Yeva closed her eyes, remembering sunlight. The smell of moss and water. Someone?

It was gone. She sighed, twisting to prop herself up, "What?"

A door? "That's-" she nearly dismissed the idea but her mind began to sharpen, "Oh. Um..."

The elf sighed, slumping back on the pillows. There wasn't any sense of danger in Norani's voice and from where she laid, she tilted her head, trying to follow the orc's interest. Rubbing at her eyes, and the sleepy crystals still tucked in their corners, she yawned. Was it her door? The mystic knew the only way she would find out is to get out of bed, but she needed to brush her teeth, her hair. Could they not even have a small cup of tea first?

She met Norani's gaze with her own, recognizing the look in her eye. Her friend had been troubled lately, so much so that she had even tried to soothe her tears. This was a proper distraction, a novelty to draw her away from the conflict of her day to day. After all, a door had appeared to her in a time of need. Perhaps this was the same for her friend. She smiled, "Alright. We'll give it a look."

Yeva rolled forward, groaning softly as she stood and stretched, reaching towards the sky and bending forward, touching her toes. Her muscles in her back and shoulders warmed and then her legs. She wiggled her toes and straightened again, the sweet extension pulling another yawn from her chest. She padded towards her belongings and began to rustle through her clothes. She withdrew a change of clothes and began to hurriedly slip from one set of attire to another, a blue wrap skirt and midriff top embroidered with wildflowers. She slipped on her bangles and a long necklace of prayer beads, barefoot as she padded around the room, brushing her teeth and washing her face. Her hair was still double its size, but she moved quickly, pausing to add details, like her belt, which held a pouch for tea leaves and tarot cards.

She eyed the door which Norani had pointed out, "I've seen a door like this before," this one was different. More curiously, it appeared they could both see it. Yeva's only revealed itself if she willed it for the invitation of others. Maybe it was for Norani and because she wanted her to see it, it was visible? Finger combing oil through her curls, she stepped closer to the entryway, and pondered its safety.

Yeva paused in her self grooming to give a knock on the wood. She glanced at the orc and smile, a rush of curious nerves sweeping up common sense as she pushed the door open and peeked inside.

The interior was not one she recognized. It was simple, not filled with incense and floor pillows, or rich tapestries or drying herbs. It was simple, wooden with a hint of salt. Yeva hesitated, not seeing much inside, "Hello?" she called, feeling a warmth inside. It didn't feel threatening, but she didn't want to lead Norani into danger. Never quite sure why these doors appeared, it felt strange to enter so brazenly, "May we come in?"

It was more closet than anything, but she stepped forward, followed closely by the interested Norani. Yeva looked back, hearing the door close and jumped at the voice that followed.

"Welcome to The Duck."

She gave an elven curse of surprise, having smacked into Norani. She had asked for permission, but had not expected anyone else to actually be present. Part of her expected to find an empty safe house, one her friend could fill with things like she had. This one, however, appeared to already be occupied.

A man sat, smiling at a wooden table that she had not noticed before. Who are you?

He answered without her needing to ask, "I am Kynne. Thank you for coming." Her greeted them both, at ease in this domain, "Please, what is your name?"

His grin grew, and Yeva wasn't so sure he couldn't tell through some sort of telepathy. Was he magic? She looked around the room. No doubt Norani would take the lead now, as she did in most social situations. While the orc introduced them, Yeva wondered what the Duck could be. A ship?

"And if you would be so kind, surprise me."

She was watching the elf, still unsure. What was his lineage? Was this some game of boredom? He was dressed casually, tattoos on his arms. Apparently she was the only one present who had yet to ink her skin, and now felt an idea forming. If ever she was tired, she was fully awake now. She crept closer, keeping to the edge of the walls for a moment longer, "Ah, well met," with a bit of resolve, she slid forward to offer a hand. Even if he was a suspicious character, more reason not to offend, "Maybe we could start with a tour?" she suggested, glancing between the two, before adding, "I'd suggest matching tattoos or marriage, but maybe that's a bit forward, even for a test?" Reaching into her pouch, she pulled free a coin and tossed it upwards with a flick of her thumb, hoping for a bit of luck in this unexpected situation. It flipped upwards and vanished.

Bold suggestions always surprised her, after all. The redhead stepped back, closer to Norani once more, patting her own belt. Yeva was a cautious woman still in many things, but she was clever and observant. She could smell the sea. Ducks were water loving creatures. Maybe it was time to cast a few nets and see what they drew in, "The best I can do is offer a bit of insight now and again. Sailors are rather superstitious, are they not?"
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Norani smiled softly, watching as her friend worked through the minor confusion of having been awoken by such a strange happening. There was no fear in Yeva's sleepy-laden eyes, instead there appeared to be a bit of recognition. Comfort maybe. This helped to give rise to Norani's own curiosity, one that had been stifled as of late. And as Yeva smiled, accepting the premise of this door easily, that dormant curiosity bloomed once more.

And Norani smiled too, a genuine one.

She was still quiet, but she was truly grateful that Yeva was taking the lead in this. As Yeva got out of bed and began to ready herself, Norani did the same. She pulled the sheet from her nude form, depositing it messily upon the bed, and she moved over to the beaded curtain of the hut, stepping out into the humid, night time air. There, on his deck, Ruvaf was rousing from his sleep at her arrival. She knelt down by him, reaching out and caressing his beak. She leaned forward, whispering into his ear, "Go back to sleep, Ruvaf. Yeva and I are exploring a special door. I love you." He pressed his head firmly into her chest and she wrapped her arms tight around him, before he laid back down, curling up in his nest of reeds.

Stepping back into the hut, she grabbed a simple, sheer Ecithian dress from a hook. This was her normal cover up on days she wasn't going into the wilds. It was white, draped closely over her torso, gently touched in at her waist and flared out over her muscular hips. Breezy, comfortable. She pulled her long hair over her shoulder, running a brush through it quickly, before wrapping up the end of it all tightly in a cloth. She tossed it back over her shoulder, fluffing up the hair around her head a bit, tucking a couple strays behind her pointed ears. She scrubbed her teeth with one of the cleaning roots her people used and washed her face as well.

At Yeva's mentioning of having come across a door such as this, Norani's eyes widened in wonder, grinning more than she had in the entire half of the season. Her friend was always full of such amazing surprises. Yeva knocked upon the wood, and Norani found herself peering in over her shoulder. An empty room, wooden, simple. Could have easily just been found anywhere here in the village. But the scent of salt was different. It smelled more like Drathera than Ounokt Nora. Coastal. That was... curious.

Whispering behind Yeva, "It smells like the sea." There was just a hint of excitement in her voice. Fascination. As Yeva entered, Norani followed behind closely, pulling the door shut behind her. Yeva jumped turning toward her, but Norani's eyes had been cast forward the entire time. And one instant the room was empty, and without any sort of transition, an elvan man was there. As though he had always been there and she simply somehow manage to not notice him.

Yeva cursed and Norani tensed. Norani was already trying to move past Yeva, hands starting to come up in defensive posturing. But she immediately dropped them and stood down. Her eyes were a bit suspicious, but she stepped a half step back from Yeva, not trying to stifle her friend. Ever since learning of Juno, Norani did find herself being a bit more protective of Yeva, though she was realizing, in this moment at least, it was unnecessary.

Guilt was starting to creep in, and insecurity was following.

Timidly, in Common, "Hello. I am Norani." She did not include that she was of Ounokt Nora as she normally would have. Norani subtle reached out with her Elementalism, touching the air surrounding them, asking it where it came from. But it answered not. She could feel it there, but it was as though it was muffled. Restrained.


Her eyes returned back to suspicious, almost glaring at the man. Norani continued to reach around the air with her aether, poking and prodding, trying to find a way to communicate, watching as Yeva made a coin disappear entirely. She'd not seen that trick before, and had it been any other circumstance, might've gasped in amazement, clapping her hands and laughing, but she was focused right now.

Captain Kynne smirked at the pair, eyes sidling to find Yeva's, "A tour could be in the cards, if they are played right." His eyes slid coolly over to Norani's, reminiscent of a predator finding a mark, "Being forward can be dangerous for some. Exposing oneself."

As Norani prodded again with her Aether, something prodded back. It dashed through her aether, shattering it, casting it wildly into the ambient. Kynne's smile only grew as Norani tensed up more, crouching defensively, now boldly putting herself between Yeva and the man.

He smiled sweetly, "I've not met a sailor free of suspicion. Myself included." He looked over at Norani, "Apologies, the Duck can be suspicious of magics. She's very protective of me. The air comes from the western oceans."

He leaned back in his chair, looking at Norani, "You are both perfectly safe here. You can leave at any time you wish through that door behind you. Neither of you will be harmed. The Duck has invited you here to hear my offer on her behalf." A twinkle in his eye, a slight upward pull at the corner of his mouth, "It's not often she presents herself to pairings."

Looking over at Yeva, "You've both already surprised me," he chuckled, "Which is surprising in and of itself. But I am curious about something."

He leaned forward, eyes still on Yeva, "What happened to your friend? I've not met an Ecithian in such turmoil in all my travels."

Norani's raised hands immediately fell. Her defensive posturing fell. Her eyes fell off of him, casting down upon the floor. That pit that had been in her stomach all season grew heavier. Since learning of Juno and her family's betrayal, she felt separate from Ecith and their ideals. Cast aside and lost.

"I think I can help her to help herself, if you will hear me out on my offer."

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He acknowledged her request but did not take her hand, sliding his eyes from Yeva to Norani, settling with a uneasy interest, "Being forward can be dangerous for some. Exposing oneself."

Her skin prickled. Was that... a warning? Yeva tilted her chin to look up at Norani whose own gaze was guarded and unyielding, the two staring each other down with a tension that felt palpable, "Uh, right," her fingers curled one by one and she pulled her hand back to press against her stomach. Her eyes widened when Norani stepped in front of her, crouching like a street dog baring teeth. Things felt like they were escalating quickly and she tried to reach for her friend, palm hovering above Norani's shoulder while the stranger smiled.

He seemed completely unbothered by the bristled orc, a sight that would unnerve most. Short of showing her scales, Norani's distrust was quick and clear. Such a reaction was still strange to the elf, who still remembered her friend as eager and naïve. The reason for such a shift was soon revealed.

Norani had used magic, and had experienced something that displeased her. The man at the table apologized, offering loose explanation. Apparently they were free to leave, but this ship - if that's what it really was - was a living thing that could protect this man, and in return, he did its bidding? Yeva was turning over the snippets of information when she felt his attention return to her. He was watching her, smiling.

"You've both already surprised me," Perhaps that was not the kind of test she should have wanted to pass. She stayed very still, listening.

"Which is surprising in and of itself. But I am curious about something."

He was building up to something.

"What happened to your friend? I've not met an Ecithian in such turmoil in all my travels."

At once, Norani deflated. A wilting flower, a fading star. Her shoulder's slumped and she withdrew into herself, her expression distant as the betrayal she had endured was brought to the forefront of her memory. So easily was the shield shattered. Yeva touched her now, feeling her pain as she shifted with the orc, watching helplessly as Norani's passion was shot. Her burdens so heavy, she seemed to sink. This was the friend that felt so alone, that sobbed herself to sleep, that would not allow herself forgiveness. He had seen this weakness, this exposure, and raised the stakes, "Hey, it's alright..." she whispered, running a hand across the orc's back.

Physically safe, emotionally damaged? Yeva's concerned expression sharpened when she looked back to Kynne. She stood up, "You can stay curious," she decided, switching to Elven tongue, "Plenty of Ecithians are in turmoil. They just don't know it."

A man who twists the knife with one hand and sells bandages with the other.

Yeva's anger burned away her nerves. She thought of Franky and his business, how each deal was a give and take, and some were just opportunities for expansion. Even if they were nothing to this stranger, they had been the ones approached, "Norani," she said, "Doors do not appear without reason. Whatever he offers, remember this - You are not alone."

She was a Mystic. Guidance was her path. Navigating the unknown. Easing the pain of others. She withdrew her cards from her pouch and fanned them with a fluidity that would have felt impossible seasons ago, "He might be able to help you, but so can I."

She tried to smile, but felt very much as if she were competing in a way. As if Norani had to choose between them, and Yeva couldn't quite pinpoint why. He was like a salesman, finding what someone wanted and suggesting it. It all felt a little too convenient, didn't it? Apparently Yeva was capable of feeling rather protective herself.

The redhead observed Kynne, "What did you mean, the Duck doesn't present herself to pairings? Odds, then? "

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A hand on her back. Safety. Comforting words whispered, friendship. Norani leaned into the touch, nodding softly to her friend. She heard Yeva speak in her Elvish tongue, and while she did not know the language, she could see the warning in Yeva's body language. A barb, protective. Of her.

Yeva reaffirmed that Norani was not alone, never alone. The Ork smiled, and she stood up a bit more straight. Her eyes were wary on this man, aware that he was dangerous, in tongue and mind. But he'd not actually done anything aggressive yet. It was a strange situation, she'd never met anyone who acted like he did.

A bare whisper in their shared Ecitharese, "You already have. So much."

At Yeva's question, Kynne smiled brightly, "Well, she normally reaches out to individuals with her invitation. We've been building this crew for years, and she has her patterns and preferences just as we all do. Sure, some of those we recruit bring friends, family, lovers, what have you. But you two, she waited. She waited to open the Door for both of you. It's curious."

Norani's eyes narrowed, growling, "Speak your offer, plainly. Do not lie. Do not hide the truth. Do not speak with swords."

An upturn in the corner of his mouth, his eyes twinkling, "There's the Ecithian pride."

He spread his hands out before him, "Very well. The Duck and I are recruiting a crew. The goal is simple in concept, difficult in execution. The Duck wishes to go home, she's been gone for many years and it is a terribly difficult journey. I've been building a crew specialized to handle this and we're almost done. This will be our final round of recruitment if it goes well."

He leaned back in his chair, "I've had my mild amusement, I do apologize. I have a tendency to tease and poke and prod, it's part of my method of testing people before getting to know them. One of my own many flaws." He took a deep breath, "It's simple. I'll be escorting those agree to join us in this to an unknown land and dropping them off for a year, with myself. They will have to survive there for a year. But more than that, they must grow. Meanwhile, the Duck and the rest of the crew will be tested in their own right, operating without myself or direction other than listening to the Duck herself. At the end of the year, those wishing to will continue on with the Duck to take her home."

He shrugged, "It will be dangerous, we all could die. There's no promise of reward, even if we succeed. That's it."

He leaned on his forearms, watching and waiting.

Norani turned to Yeva, having taken it all in. She gently grasped Yevas's hands that were holding her fanned out cards, looking into her eyes. In Ecitharese, softly, a nervous smile, "I wish to leave Ecith. It pains my heart right now. I can claim my right of Och'uvnai. Travel and see more of the world." She stepped a half step closer, raising their joined hands further up between them. "I need you."

She glanced briefly at the man, then back to Yeva, "I care not for this man's offer. I do not trust him. But I trust you. And I wish to stay with you for as long as you'll allow me to do so." A soft smile, a touch of darker green on her cheekbones, "Will you come with me on this Och'uvnai? We can go with this ship, we can go to the deserts of Solunarium or to the northern continent. I care not where we go."

A soft whisper, but eyes locked in honest determination to be open, "As long as it's with you."

She reached down, never taking her eyes off Yeva, plucking a card from the proffered fan, holding it up. The Three of Cups.

"What do the Fates say?"

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This man was so strange.

The entire offer, even more so.

He spoke of the Duck as a living thing, like a person. Away from home, protective, wary of magic. If this was indeed a ship, and he had painted it as such,

"Hold on, Norani," Yeva's face, which has twisted through a number of emotions in the duration of Kynne's answer and then Norani's intense admission, struggled to settle on a single line of questioning.

Kynne didn't know them, but was conducting a recruitment for a specialized crew on a difficult journey, just because a ship decided so? Yeva had closed her eyes, brows furrowed slightly as if calculating a series of equations. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes jumped between the card the orc had pulled and Kynne. She shook her head, "That... that doesn't make sense."

If this was so important who would recruit perfect strangers?

In her hand, the three of cups waited, three celebrants cheering and dancing. There were three people in this room. Yeva recognized the card well. It was tied to community, a chance to to forget the worries of your daily life and spend quality time with family and friends. The same worries that could be plaguing her friend now, so desperate to escape her hometown. In general, the card spoke about enjoying time with the people you cherished in your life. The warmth of Norani's hand made her pause in her confusion on the expedition and she stilled, smiling sadly. Norani's confession held a intense seriousness that made her hesitate, only slightly, "It... it is a good omen. It is time well spent with those close to you," Group work, collaboration. It signifies a group of people coming together with open hearts and minds to celebrate to build strong bonds. The element of water..." She stared at the card and grew silent as she saw clear ties to this strange situation. Were the fates saying that if they stayed together, success or good times were possible, or that whether or not they agreed, working together would bring positivity? Yeva could not tell, studying the card closer.

Two figures faced the viewer, their goblets full, laughing and drinking beneath the stars. The third had their back to her, gender unknown, and her brow furrowed again.

She withdrew her hand from Norani's, bringing the picture closer. Yeva focused. She held it up, plagued by an itching of her mind, "I... I had a dream," she whispered, unblinking. A shift was coming over the redhead, "When the Duck came, I was dreaming."

The figure with their back to her stood out and she ran her thumb along their robes. Why did that feel so familiar?

She turned slightly, comparing Kynne to the card, searching for answers, "Snakes in the water," her voice was still soft and she winced, pushing a finger to her temple. Could it do with Norani's distrust in him? Her own doubt? Something else?

What was it? What was it? What had she seen? What had she felt?

"There was... something,"
Yeva chewed her lip and tucked the card Norani had drawn back into the deck, stepping back from them both to pace just slightly. One step to the left, two to the right, "Something... something..." she returned the other cards she had to her pouch, hands hovering at her waist as if she could feel the cool ripples of her dreams. Her fingers swayed, "Something beneath the water. I don't know," she felt her heart sink when nothing more showed itself to her, try as she might. The more she focused, the more details seemed to fade.

The only thing she could sense now was the salty tinge of the room and her shoulders slumped as she crossed her arms. Let it go for now.

Yeva felt no closer to determining what the fates wished. The cards showed positive outcomes, but her dream felt less clear. From what little she remembered, there was a sense of murkiness she couldn't quite shake, "We can travel together if you wish, Norani," this she said to her friend, but to Kynne, her expression sharpened, "But this feels like one big gamble. It's feels... vague, right?" Yeva felt a slight heat to her cheeks as she called this man out, "You are collecting strangers to go to Duck's home. You're whisking them away for a year... What is this place even called, and why now after all these years?"

She waited long enough for him to answer.

"This is the final round of recruitment," she laughed in disbelief. That meant others had actually agreed, enough for this expedition to near finishing its preparations, "I'm not a sailor. I'm certainly not a warrior. Do you even know what my - our - purpose would be on this trip? Survival and growth notwithstanding."
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Yeva directed Norani to hold on, and the Orkhan woman did so. She trusted Yeva dearly, and knew that Yeva was both wiser in the ways of the world beyond Ecith and was a Sky Reader. But more than that, she was Norani's dear friend and Norani had full faith and confidence in Yeva. Norani straightened up more, shoulders back as she looked toward the man, turning, putting a shoulder a bit behind Yeva.

Norani listened, but she watched the man closely, intently. She was not one that was adept at reading people, but she had to watch him. To ensure he was not lying to them. Norani heard Yeva trying to snatch at a dream, a memory lost and she could feel her friend's shoulders slumping, defeated. One of Norani's lips bared up, revealing a bit of her teeth, her jaw clenching. Norani placed a hand on Yeva's slumped shoulder, soft and comforting, a reminder that they were in this together.

At the question of vagueness, Norani nodded.

Captain Kynne had been silent but his eyes were on Yeva's now. The cold eyes of a viper, coiled up, waiting to strike. Norani already could see in her mind's eye what she'd do if he made to attack. A firm grip on Yeva's shoulder, pulling her back, Norani diving forward to meet his attack. She was ready. And Kynne was no longer smiling, not even attempting to be jovial. And he was silent until Yeva was finished speaking in her entirety.

The room was growing noticeably colder now, the flames on the candles starting to dim. And for the first time in her life, Norani saw her breath form little clouds as the temperature plunged. And she shivered violently. The candles were flickering and sputtering now, a hint of darkness, a bit of light. One showed Kynne's face, severe and harsh, eyes leveled on Yeva. But as the light faded, so did the skin and flesh of Kynne's face. It grew gaunt and pale, appearing similar to the ancestors they had met in Wawari Bobul. But instead of masterworks of craft, it was decay without design, eyes hollow, one cheek missing revealing rotted teeth. But as the light passed over, it was back to his elven face of youth and vigor.

Norani's body stiffened, and she gripped Yeva's shoulder a bit tighter than she intended, before realizing and letting go.

"Because the Duck was cursed by the storms that ravaged the world on Searing thirty-fourth. As are all of us that were aboard her when the mists came. Ecith got off luckier than many other countries. Far luckier. The place we are going has no name any longer, not one that any would know."

He leaned forward now, dipping into the shadows to truly show his cursed, dead face, "And now because the Duck is dying."

He leaned back into the light, "I do not know what the purpose for either of you would be. The Duck has selected you all for reasons beyond my understanding, and she won't share with me why. But she knows she's dying and she knows what she needs."

He crossed his arms, sighing, "We're going to the Duck's home directly. There is no guidance for when we get there. The Duck has picked her crew to help with this, and where they need to go. The Duck has no true captain, requires no such thing. I serve her, just as everyone else here does."

Norani swallowed hard, unsettled by this man's twisted visage, but she had to be strong. For Yeva. For herself.

Her eyes fierce, still showing her fear, but trying to return it in kind, "You speak in lies. Let the Duck speak directly. I do not follow those who soil the winds with their venom."

And immediately, Yeva and Norani's minds were struck with a shared vision. A tattered, twisted ship, cutting through the waters in the moonlight. A flash of light and a beach, tucked into a crescent shaped bay, with high cliffs on either side, just as the sun was coming up over the ridges. Another flash, and there was a tree stump, surrounded by tropical jungle, humidity heavy, the call of wild animals abound, impossible large, seemingly almost as wide as Drathera's mountain was thick. And despite being a stump, it vibrated with life. True life.

And suddenly the visions were gone.

Captain Kynne shrugged, "She doesn't quite speak as you and I do. But you've seen what she needs."

Kynne had his eyes locked on Yeva's now, "Leave if you wish, protect yourself if you wish. It is probably the smart thing to do. You'll be safer where you came from, I'm sure. But the Duck has asked for your help, for herself, and for all of us in her crew. That's all there is to it."

He leaned back, waiting and watching.

Norani turned, facing Yeva from the side, not speaking, her eyes seeking guidance from her friend. She reached out, taking one of Yeva's hand between both of her own. It was a lot to take in. Norani still did not trust this man, and she was sure Yeva knew how she felt. She squeezed Yeva's hand gently, letting her know that she had full trust and confidence in the fortuneteller. Whispering, "I'm with you." An implied, 'no matter what.' If Yeva thought it best to help them, Norani would do so. If she thought it best to leave, Norani would do that too.

Another squeeze of the hand.

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The light flickered, as did Yeva's resolve. Her anger was swallowed by shock.

Shadows swayed and stretched, yawning across Kynne's face and stealing with it the illusions of youth. The red haired woman stiffened, sucking in a sharp breath. Norani's hands clutched her shoulders like talons, and Yeva curled her toes in an effort to keep from pushing away from the man at the table. He watched her, eyes hardened and cold. Cold like the icy grip that held her, like the winters of the North. Her chest ightened and her heart began to beat faster. Her exhale was a wispy cloud of frost, stealing the heat of her lungs and stinging her throat.

She listened.

Because the Duck was cursed...

...As are all of us that were aboard her when the mists came...

Kynne, after speaking for a moment, leaned forward. Yeva, standing on the other side of the table, watched as the rest of his skin seemed to fade away, revealing rotten teeth, sunken eyes, slivers of greyed flesh clinging in strips to yellow bone, unbleached by sun. Her stomach turned and then a wash of guilt followed, settling like a stone in the pit of her core. She struggled to move in composure, opting to not move at all, now more than ever trying to resist her fear.

Ecith got off luckier... The duck is dying...

He explained the Duck's choosing, his blindness in the matter, and settled back.

Kynne crossed his arms, Yeva waiting for his anger to sharpen to danger.

In response, Norani bit back with a quick retort, demanding clear answers, "You speak in lies. Let the Duck speak directly. I do not follow those who soil the winds with their venom."

She tried to soothe her friend before it was too late.

The Duck spoke first.

Flashes of images and sensation overtook her mind, the mystics eyes fluttering briefly. It was instantaneous and yet overflowing. A curse. The yearning for freedom, for hope. For home.

"Leave if you wish, protect yourself if you wish. It is probably the smart thing to do. You'll be safer where you came from, I'm sure. But the Duck has asked for your help, for herself, and for all of us in her crew. That's all there is to it."

The orc stepped close, urging comfort in the strength of their bond, "I'm with you." The Captain stared at her. Yeva did not look away, even as Norani grabbed her hands again, squeezing.

Yeva went on her pilgrimage not just to find her faith, but to find herself. If she could see - feel - this suffering and turned away now, after everything she'd experienced up to this point, the only thing she would ever be in this life is disappointing.

The mystic finally looked away from the dark-skinned man to Norani, who needed her in equal measure. She regarded her next play, for both of them, "I know," she whispered. She squeezed back, lifting her other hand to pat her friend's closed palm. She could feel the echoes of the vision in her bones. Kynne promised no reward, the duck and the crew needing whatever this expedition was. Could this be a trap? A trick of the light? She could reason a million ways to avoid going, to stay safe and comfortable.

Yeva closed her eyes and took three even breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Just like at Nora.

Steady now.

Yeva was bold. She was beautiful. She embraced life, compassionate and open. She was a mystic, who helped those in need. She believed in fate, and fate had brought her here. Fear may keep us alive... But it also keeps us from living. After a long silence, Yeva nodded.

Now was the to act, to seize her role as advisor and seer, not as one who shied away, waiting for others to tell her what to do. Knowing the risks, the unknowns, knowing what could be at stake. Understanding that they may never return home either. It was time, "We will join you. When do we depart?"
word count: 695
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Norani watched as Yeva closed her eyes and composed herself. Three breaths. Norani smiled, a real, genuine. She remembered that day on the shores of Nora, where Yeva was so unsure of herself, wishing to be bolder. Norani's dear friend had come so far, and Norani was happy for her. Truly happy.

And worried for herself.

She didn't feel bold or brave or strong or anything that she had once thought herself. She felt small, the little girl that couldn't keep up with the older kids in their games, the girl that cried when she lost her doll at the edge of the tall grass and didn't dare to go in to grab it.

But she had made a promise to Yeva, and she would never break it. If she couldn't be strong for herself, she could be strong for Yeva. And when Yeva agreed to help the Duck and her crew, Norani gave her hand one last squeeze. Support, love, strength.

Captain Kynne nodded solemnly, "Thank you." A wave of relief appeared to go through the captain as he continued, "A Door will open to you on Ash the first, bringing you back here. Take the time to prepare, to say your goodbyes, what have you. Once we depart, there's no going back unless you wish to leave by your own means."

Norani nodded curtly, trying to put on a determined visage for herself. They would do this. They would help the Duck and her crew, and Norani would keep Yeva safe. She had to. She had to grow stronger in so many ways, so that she could find her way to Juno while also protecting Yeva. She would not let another friend be taken from her.

Not now.

Not ever.

Norani turned toward the door, her mind already making a decision for her. In Ecitharese, she spoke to Yeva quietly, "Let us go. We must go to Ouno'uve before we depart." Norani rarely ever spoke with words such as must, but the tone of her voice carried the weight of importance of this to her.

word count: 354
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Lores: 8 Lores of your choice

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, not magic



Lores: 10 Lores of your choice

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10 Exp, not magic


word count: 79
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