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Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:41 am
by Carina
Searing 91 122

Gel'Grandal was still a city mysterious to her. She was only lucky that she had reconnected with people from her past who had fled the destruction of Zaichaer, but... she was struggling to put everything back together. Vanessa was busy, and her usual partner in crime was somewhere, and hopefully alive while she was at it. Zaichaer was where they would find each other, and now it was nowhere to be. Ransera was a big place. She wasn't sure if she'd find Imogen again.

As it was, Carina carried almost everything she owned in a conveniently acquired featherlight bag. It helped as she flit from home to bed to sofa to floor, too paranoid to trust someone long enough for permanent housing. She had neither time nor opportunity to dance or stretch, and it was grating on her. Now that searing was winding down, she found herself in a brain fog, struggling to articulate what her goals were, what she needed, even to herself.

She had hardly noticed the door. It stood in the center of an alleyway she had not seen, but it was a foot in front of the stone wall. No one was in this alleyway besides rats, and the fire escapes that crowded the buildings upwards were empty. There was not even a glance out of the window as Carina approached the wooden door.

Her magic revealed nothing unusual, though it did reveal that it was unlocked. It revealed no shape nor form besides the door itself. Rather unceremoniously, Carina pulled open the door, expecting it to swing and reveal the wall of the alleyway behind it. When it revealed a room instead, she had no choice but to step inside and inspect it. It smelled of salt, of the sea, something she had fully experienced now that she was in Gel'Grandal. She was not too far from the docks, and it was not an unexpected smell when the wind was strong. Semblance only told of the room — until a light breeze slammed the door closed behind her. She turned to see a man sitting in the chair, and her vision of the aura expanded to encompass the whole complex. She stared at Kynne for a few minutes in silence as her mind wandered, filling in some of the details of the ship they were on. She didn't understand enough to question it — in a world of magic, it was not particularly insane that a door in a street could lead to a ship. She could turn herself into a portal, after all. But the aura was not just of a ship — it had the complexity of a person, and it was looking for something.

After the few minutes in silence, Carina focused on Kynne, the words he had said earlier finally processing. "Anna Carina Caron." She rarely used her full name. She ignored the request to surprise him. "The Duck? What is it looking for?"

Re: verisimilitude

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:03 pm
by Aegis

A mischievous grin grew across Captain Kynne's face, "Welcome Anna Carina Caron."

Straight to the point, this one was sharp. "Home. She is looking to go home. It's why she reached out to you, and others. It's why I'm building the crew here. To take her home." He nodded upward, a gesture toward the Duck herself. And she opened up her aura even more to Carina if she cared to look.

The beauty and complexity of the aura that Carina had previously seen now showed a dark, twisting taint. An infection, black, purple, spreading within the aura. Tendrils could be seen latching on, burrowing in, spreading, a cancer throughout the Duck, and throughout Kynne himself. And it was moving, growing, independent of the rest of the aura.

Captain Kynne's normal elven visage was now replaced by one of bone, rotting teeth, sunken eyes, yellowing, clinging skin. There were still organs functioning within him, but they were struggling, threatening to fail, threatening to twist and change. And he continued to speak, as though nothing at all had changed, "We ran into a bit of trouble during those chaos storms a while back." He chuckled, "Hell, the whole world did. Though I heard it wasn't so bad there in Gel'Grandal." A mischievous grin that was not nearly as pleasant for a lack of lips.

"I'll cut to the chase. The Duck believes that going home can lift this curse on her and the crew. How she picks who to open the Door for is beyond me. But she picked you to ask for your help." He shrugged, "I don't really know what it all means. She doesn't quite communicate with me in the same way we do. But she remembers the way home. We're already heading that way now. But the rest of the crew can't leave the ship. Lecis tried and found himself right back on her deck. So she needs outside help."

He leaned back in his chair, "Can't promise much in the way of reward if we can get this curse lifted. It's likely going to be pretty dangerous, and there's really no plan beyond getting there. Could be interesting though. Wanna help us out?"

Re: verisimilitude

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:09 pm
by Carina
Carina watched as what she saw changed, and the taint, the curse, revealed itself not just on The Duck but on Kynne, too. ”No, Gel’Grandal had defense measures that made the mists trivial...” She said, ”But my home did not survive.

As Kynne dropped the reason, so far as he knew it, for why the ship had decided to collect them into this room, Carina nodded along. His new appearance, the disgusting, skeletal visage, did not phase her so much as she found it revolting. But she could not blame the man for his curse.

Carina nodded again, her hand to her chin as she felt the ship. ”I see.” She was not much of a survivalist, in that she did not know the wilderness at all, and she wasn’t even particularly skilled in her magic, or her rifle. She was also a bit selfish, but she had little else going on in her life and she felt like she should help. Kynne seemed to be downplaying the danger, with his turn of phrase.

Carina supposed the worst thing that could happen was that she would die, and she wasn’t too worried about that. But the man was telling the truth, so far as he believed it, and that reassured her. Somewhat.

”Can’t leave the ship, eh? Just grabbing people curious enough to walk through the doors?” She shrugged. ”I’ve got nothing else to do. Nowhere else to go.” Carina didn’t match his smile, entangled in the auras that stole most of her attention now.

She had spent a great deal of time learning how to be slippery, and though she was worried about needing to use those skills, she had evaded Reconciliators long enough.

Re: verisimilitude

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:23 pm
by Aegis

"I know what it is to lose one's home too." A deep, mournful look in his eyes, a soft sight, "And all those that made it special." He placed a loving hand against the Duck's wood. "Curiosity is an incredibly powerful phenomena. The curious have always shifted the odds in the world, turned the tables against the oppressor, and have never found themselves completely out of luck." A smirk, "They say fortune favors the bold, but I think it chases those who are curious."

A laugh at her exclamation of nothing to do, nowhere to go, "Are you afflicted by the curse as well? Surely you have much to do and to see. There's a whole world out there to see. Cities beneath the oceans, volcanic sacrifices to the gods, jungles of unending darkness, wastelands of creations built ages ago, so many things to see." A sly smirk growing on his face, "Especially when holding hands with another."

He stood up, "Do you want a tour or would you rather find your own way about? The Duck holds many secrets but she will share them with a friend. You can leave at any time, to go home, to prepare as you see fit, just be asking her for the Door. Another will appear at season's change to bring you back, to become part of this accursed crew and join us on this impossible mission."

A door appeared behind him, "We've got a wonderful tavern down below, you'll get your own bunk, might even get lucky and have it located next to someone tall, dark, and green. Library, kitchens, gardens, baths, all the usual things upon a ship, if such things interest you."