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Curiosity Intrigued the Snake

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:06 am
by Kotoru
☵ 30th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

☵ The day was cold, the sound of snow crunching under footsteps as Kotoru made his way into town. His mother had given him a letter to deliver to an acquaintance of hers, an old friend of the family. The destination was one he had never heard of before, then again he had yet to explore the entirety of the city to know of its existence.

He was curious as to what place this was, and who this family friend was. His mother didnt give him details, and he was rather perturbed by it, but he figured he wouldn't let the lack of information get to him. Kotoru had been walking within the city, venturing into the northern part of Kalzasi.

Finally, he made it to his destination, looking at the building before him. It was an unassuming building of sort, but still impressive to look at. It was rather intriguing, to say the least, a truly enticing marvel to his curiosity. Before entering the building, he took a moment to take it all in.

It all screamed of magic, and he could tell mages frequented here. That and the fact the person he was to deliver the correspondence was a mage. He wondered what sort of person this correspondent was, and what kind of wizard they were.

Walking up to the massive doors he placed a hand on the aged wooden doors. " How much history have you seen, how many mages have come and gone within your halls?" he asked a silent whisper to himself, slowly crossing the threshold into the building.

Once within its walls, he was mystified by what was within. Whatever this place was, it was full of magic, magic he had never seen before. It was amazing to the young viper, eyes wide open, and taking it all in. Looking around the building his eyes fell to those in deep study, some in practice of their arcane skills, and almost everyone oozing with magical knowledge.

He plopped himself into a seat and looked around, not sure who he was to deliver the letter to, but he was far too distracted by this new place. He never knew this place even existed, but it was marvelous to the young summoner. Like a child given a new toy, he couldnt help but stare at the different mages that flocked to this place.

The excitement on his face and in his eyes was bearly containable, and his head whipped back and forth as he observed everyone. Looking, he eyed a group seeming to be having a deep debate on something. One of the wizards met his gaze and smiled. She smiled and motioned for him to come over to them, and he hesitated at first, that is till she called his name.

I beleive you have something for me child? she inquired, her voice soothing and seductive, tinged with curiosity. Kotoru shook his head in affirmation handing her the letter, though he couldn't help but look around at the various ongoings as he spoke.

"My mother asked me to deliver that to you, I apologize for being distracted. I never knew this place even existed up until now." he admitted, scratching the side of his skull nervously.
It was clear to this acquaintance and those she was conversing with that Koto was a lover of all things arcane.

Putting the letter within her robe she smiled, as one of her colleagues nodded. I see someone is rather fascinated with magic. What about magic intrigues you young Kozoku? she asked, causing the viper to finally truly look at her. She was a beauty, to say the least, though outward appearances did nothing for him.

She held this aura about her, one of confidence and grace, ambition and cunning. He smiled at her, before looking to the others that stood there as he spoke. "Magic is the best thing that could have happened to mortals. With it so much can be achieved, that isn't to say we couldnt achieve much without it. I beleive in the right hands, magic can be a driving force to achieve anything one desires. With it comes great power, and even greater responsibility, but it will be worth it in the grander scheme of things." he answered, confident in his response.

One of the men amongst the group placed a hand on the viper's shoulder and flashed a convincing smile. The group looked amongst themselves before he spoke up. That is quite the perspective to have for magic. I'm curious as to what you will do with magic? It is not something to be trifled. he began looking Kotoru in his eyes, gauging his response to the question. ☵

Re: Curiosity Intrigued the Snake

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 6:00 am
by Kotoru
☵ 30th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

"Well that's simple..." he began, looking tot group confidently. "I plan to evolve and become greater than I already am as a person. Human innovation has brought us so far, but with the gift of magic, so much more can be achieved. Me personally, I believe that one cant truly break free of the stagnation that eventually comes with reaching heights with their own skills."

He said, smiling with the greatest of confidence. The man didnt really speak after hearing his answer. He simply nodded to the minor noble, bowing to those he had been conversing with and then departed. The woman that he had delivered the letter to thanked him, urging him to join her for some tea.

So tell me my kozoku, what magic is it that practice. she purred, sizing him up with her eyes. Sipping his tea he smiled, but kept his composure around her. "What makes you think I'm a mage, I never admitted such knowledge to you." he quipped back, giving her slick smirk.

She laughed, sipping her cup as she leaned forward. Being coy doesn't suit you. You forget me and your mother are close friends. She has told me of your progress in Summoning, but I wished to hear it from your mouth first. she purred, to which Koto couldnt really deny her.

"I see, guess there's no hiding it then. I am indeed a Summoner, though I do aspire to do more than just summoning." he admitted with a chuckle. The two shared that laugh and then she decided to continue their talk. Tell me kozoku, what do you think about wizards in general? The masses have their opinions, but it's always nice to hear what a wizard thinks about those like them. she inquired, giving a look of curiosity and anticipation to his response.

"We are definitely a unique breed in the world. My mother is a truly majestic being, but I see so much strength in her being a wizard. She was the reason I wanted to become one, to become stronger than I already was ." he said standing, observing a mage practice his craft nearby.

Now that he was looking at her, he found her appearance interesting. The angular features of her face and the curvaceous frame was something he was not expecting. She did exude experience, and it was another thing that he loved about mages. They were brimming with insightful stories and experiences.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Lady......" he said, bowing to her realizing he never ask for her name. The woman smiled, standing to her feet, circling behind him, inspecting him. Then with a curious tilt of her head, she whispered into Kotoru's ear. You may call me Kurogane. she purred.

Both mages laughed at each other, before moving to leave the area. Koto was rather happy his mother sent him on this task. He got to meet some wonderful people, discover a place of magic and wonder, and even got to chat with experienced mages. He had no regrets with today, none at all. Though amidst their walk Kurogane rested a hand on his shoulder as she spoke.

When I look at you Kotoru, I see a storm. Powerful, unbridled, and raw full of potential. There is so much aspiration in you, and I feel I know a place where you can unlock that potential.

What if I told you there was an organization that records, protects, and teaches magic to the willing? What if I could open your mind to a brand new world of the arcane. I say this simply because I don't wish to see another young mind wasted. In short, I'm acquainted with a group of scholars, protectors, & historians that have been guardians over the arcane in Ransera.

Kotoru's eyes lit up with excitement and intrigue as she spoke, almost salivating at the thought of being apart of that organization. Then it donned on him, the place they were at just moments ago. Kurogane noticed his realization and chuckled a bit.

I take it you have realized it, but yes, that was indeed one of the many chapter houses that belong to that organization. If you truly are intrigued about this organization, then answer this one question. What is your motivation for seeking admittance into the "Scholia Arcana"?

With those words Lady Kurogane parted ways with Kotoru, leaving him to race home. He had many questions to ask his mother once there about this "Scholia Arcana". ☵

Re: Curiosity Intrigued the Snake

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:08 pm
by Taelian


Socialization: Always look someone in the eyes
Socialization: Its all about the First Impression
Socialization: Giving a rather honest opinion
Socialization: Meeting new people, especially mages
Socialization: Answering questions
Socialization: The art of small talk with strangers

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: I like Kurogane's dialogue a lot; she's very well-spoken and eloquent. Good thread, good dialogue - enjoy your rewards!