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Studying Abroad

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:56 am
by Kayleigh
Studying Abroad
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

It had been her third day aboard the Duck as the vessel sailed, Kay's time spent learning the layout of the ship often tested by the boundaries the ship set in motion for her. As well as anyone else around her she supposed. The fact that a magical boat could practically have _all_ the assets Kay had discovered so far, this being the library, tavern, and even the surface deck so far. Her cabin was usually the closest that led to the library, somehow, and while she questioned the logic behind it Kayleigh had grudgingly started to just accept the reality for what it was.

She just hated being so fascinated that she could not wrap her mind around it. And therefore, had taken the day to brush up on some studious reading within the library. Truth be told she'd spent the past two days just getting comfortable and acquainted with those onboard, not really pushing herself to meet anyone in particular as of yet. She'd seen some of the other crew members that were present the day of their arrival, and while intrigued, she also wanted to get a better grasp of them for herself before blatantly interacting with the lot of them.

There was just... too much interesting on this journey as it were, that really Kayleigh just needed a sense of escapism from it all. And so when she'd arrived in the library after lunch at the tavern, dressed in her white blouse with a frilled flowery-designed skirt and no shoes, the scholar didn't take long to plunge into some of the articles categorized as The Northern section. Most of the tomes here varied among the Free Cities of Karnor, a good number of them even bestiaries of creatures within the WildKing's Forge. But for Kayleigh, it was honestly sentimental, as she hadn't seen nor read much on anything related to her own original homeland. Perhaps because of how far inland Zaichaer remained, but who was to say when she hardly even looked at a map to discern whether or not that were true.

Needless to say, she found an old emerald green leathery tome, and when pulled from the shelf she glanced over the title with a brief narrow in her eyes. She didn't understand the language at first, and yet, as if by magic the text slowly shifted into the written form of the Common word. Kenji Konori was what the book's title translated to, the reader's interest piqued as it garnered an opening to the first page within the book. The premise described it as the life of a Kensei within the North, and the code of honor he upheld with a wise companion that he traveled with. Kayleigh had honestly read her fair share of stories to know he was honestly probably the witty one, the side character that always provided the comic remarks to the protagonist's choices throughout the story.

But she had never quite heard of the Kensei before, only that they were Northmen who lived barbaric practices with the sword. Yet if this book was to suggest anything on the Northland culture, then perhaps she'd have a bit of a better understanding of the ones who supposedly destroyed her home. With her eyes momentarily pulled from the book to spot the table within the library, the bookworm closed the tome to hold it close to her figure securely. Kay was already seen by a couple of readers focused on their books, as the girl arrived to quietly scoot her chair just far enough back to slip down within. Kayleigh then placed the book before her to ease her transition into getting comfortable, before she leaned forward to open the tome once more and began reading straight away.

"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:42 am
by Norani

Norani was walking down one of the seemingly endless halls of the The Duck. She knew the ship was alive and changed to suit the needs of those aboard her, and hadn't made much of a fuss about any of it. She had taken Ruvaf topside earlier so that he could spread his wings and go hunting. Norani had decided to wander down to the kitchens, hungry but not in the mood for the large fish that Ruvaf was finding in abundance.

And just as had happened the first time she had ventured to the kitchens, he eyes grew wide. She'd never seen so many people cooking so many things she'd never even conceived as food. There were towers of some sort of brown crusty things called pies, one woman had a giant cauldron of something called borscht, and there were a pair of gnomes turning a rotisserie of something called a cow. Norani found herself starving.

She had a stick kebab, meat and vegetables, none of which she knew, in her mouth, her arms ladened with foods as she wandered the halls. She passed an open door, paying it no mind before stopping, stepping back and peering in. Her eyes grew wide. A library. She stepped inside. She always enjoyed seeing the stacks of books and scrolls and manuscripts. The library in her village was small, but the archives in Drathera greatly dwarfed this. Smiling around her meal, she strode in. She saw a table near a woman who was reading a green leather book. She promptly walked over and unloaded her arms of a cake, a pie, a slab of cow steak, a length of lynx sausages, and steamed head of some sort of cabbage onto the table. Then she walked over to one of the stacks of books, wondering what she might read while she ate.

Knowing The Duck was alive and seemingly helpful, she asked it a question aloud, "Do tou hav'uv ant ear'uvo akoue touio'uvrf ehae I nat i'uvad?"

A library ladder materialized from thin air right before her, reaching about two thirds of the way up the shelf. Norani climbed up it, taking it to the top, when it began to slide to her left suddenly, causing a small yelp of surprise to escape her tusked maw. The ladder drove itself six shelves down and stopped. Right before Norani's eyes was a faded brown leather book, 'A Burning Love From a Time Before'. This must be what the ship wanted her to read so she reached up and plucked it out of the shelf, climbing back down the ladder and returning to her table. She was seated diagonally from the woman with the green book, though they were facing each other, somewhat. Norani opened the cover with her left hand, while grabbing a small premade slice of the so called carrot cake with the other, and promptly crammed the cake into her mouth in one go. She mmm'd loudly at the sweetness of the cake and icing as she worked on chewing on it.

The inside cover of the book, 'My dear Guerai, I hope this book finds you millenia from now, and you remember our time fondly. -Ruxehv'

Norani took a moment to breathe after swallowing down her cake, so she could enjoy the book better as she turned the first page.

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:42 pm
by Kayleigh
Studying Abroad
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The bookworm had already started reading into the first several pages when another seemed to walk in, though Kayleigh never once lifted her eyes from the tome set before her. She was reading about the Northmen known as the Kensei and their code of honor, and how theirs was a lifestyle dedicated to the people of the northern wilds. Truthfully she felt skepticism just from what she had already glanced over, but it intrigued her all the same, not as much as the smell of food that walked in with the new arrival of the library. Kay could smell smoked meat and veggies, seasoned no less, along with the smell of baked fruit and goodies as well.

It had actually started to make her feel a bit hungry, when she finally acknowledged that it was real food her nose had traced. When she'd looked up though, it was at an Orkish girl that Kay had only seen a few times since she'd been here. "Do tou hav'uv ant ear'uvo akoue touio'uvrf ehae I nat i'uvad?" The language rolled off her tongue so naturally, and yet, if the families Kay knew back home heard it they would've easily defined it as primitive. Maybe even savage a few would say, though, the posh certainly loved to turn their noses up at foreigners. Not Kayleigh though.

No, she was fascinated already, especially when what seemed to be an inquiry aloud resulted in the manifestation of a ladder. So The Duck not only understood her passengers, but also responded to them by magically creating structures and obstacles for their benefit? This place was so weird to Kayleigh, she loved it even if the magic behind it unsettled her a bit. Regardless, between the food piled at her table, and the book her fellow reader had found an earthly brown tome to read once she had sat down.

Now Kay wasn't an expert on magical ships and the books chosen by them to read, but right away as she quietly glanced over, she realized what was going on not moments after the Orkhan girl sat in her chair. That poor tome, while treated properly, was now at the mercy of this girl's greasy hands. Not that Kayleigh was offended as the girl was privileged to read and eat on her own time, but just the thought of those pages getting all smeared with prints didn't sit well with the bookworm either.

Kay quietly cleared her throat as she straightened up in her seat, determined to present herself respectfully when she addressed the Orkhan. "I beg your pardon," she lightly remarked with a concerned glance down at her hands and the tome, "but you might at least want a napkin or something to wipe your fingers on. Before you accidentally smear on any pages you touch." She suggested contently before offering a friendly smile.

"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:42 am
by Norani

Norani peered up over the book when she heard someone speaking to her in the Common Tongue. A young human woman. She did not recognize the phrase ‘beg your pardon’ even if she knew what the individual words meant. Why was this woman begging?

Did she want some of Norani’s food?

Norani was happy to share food, she always had been and this ship seemed to have more than enough. But then the woman continued, and Norani’s eyes narrowed as the woman slung not one but two insults her way.

This was further stoked by the underlying resentment toward her own family she’d been feeling for a half season now, coupled with the distrust of the Captain. But if there was one thing that being in the Ecithian military taught her about being insulted by foreigners, it was how to handle it.

She began speaking in her native Ecitharese, not painting her face with a smile, but rather continuing to show her displeasure at the woman. Her voice was sharp, harsh, guttural from deep in her throat, a warning.

“You dare to command me to desire something that I do not want? Do you wish to shape me into your slave, with no thoughts or desires of mine own? You think I am such a simpleton as to damage a sacred text while I feast? If your eyes worked as well as your mouth, you would see food in one hand, and book in another, clean hand.”

This was followed by a smile to imitate Kayleigh’s own, but baring a lot more of her tusks. Then Norani went back to reading her text, which was opening with how a man seemingly made of light was bathing in a waterfall, while an Ork of immense strength and size was watching him, hidden in the underbrush.

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:18 pm
by Kayleigh
Studying Abroad
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

From the way the Orkhan girl spoke in return it nearly sounded as though Kayleigh had offended her, which wasn't quite the intention but clearly the damage had been done. Either way, she actually looked a bit surprised at the woman, as she hadn't the slightest clue over what anything she heard meant. Language barriers. It would seem if Kay wanted to understand foreigners, especially if there were anywhere the ship was headed, then she might need to consider learning some of their languages.

Clearly, the articulation in her words was suggestive enough, but from the few gestures that the Orkhan made, it was apparent she remained aware of her actions. And she did treat the book with care after all, handling it with just one clean hand more than anything, which had been something that the bookworm herself might've noted if she'd been more observant. Well, chalk this up to one of the times Kay's mouth got the better of her. With a bit of regard to the tone she received, the initial shock dissipated to reveal compunction within her eyes.

"I apologize..." She quietly remarked before returning her gaze down at her book, her heart admittedly beating a little quicker now that the episode had passed. Kayleigh did not wish to anger or bother the Orkhan anymore than she already had, even if she seemed to reciprocate with a modest smile at the end of her rant. Honestly, it was a bit of an intimidating smile, no thanks to the tusks that protruded from her lips.

With her attention back on the book she resumed where she left off on the Kensei, and the code of ethics they maintained when patrolling the northern wilds. It intrigued her to learn that they were capable warriors that lived and died by the sword, serving the common folk by protecting them from the troubles of the world. So in retrospect, they seemed like guardians to her, heroes meant to keep the people safe from any outside threats. That led her to wonder how their "code" applied to civilizations as well, and whether or not they were actual mediators for the people; or if they played a different role in that regard.

The smell of food, however, still tantalized her nose as she read on, and moments after she acknowledged the smells a rumble stemmed from her gut. How embarrassing! Here she was only hoping to study, and now she felt peckish all thanks to a stranger she might've insulted. Though determined to keep the focus on her book and ignore the sound of her gut, Kay couldn't help herself when she privately eyed the cake that lingered nearby on the table.

"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:27 pm
by Norani

As Norani stewed and grumbled, her pointed ears twitched hearing the woman's apology. That shattered the young Orkhan's bristly defenses. She had wished to hear her family say they were sorry, but they had simply tried to justify their abhorrent choices. Hot to anger, quick to forgive, the young woman put down her book, she looked over as the other woman returned to her own. Norani had only ever seen a few humans in her time. They looked similar to elves, though a bit.. softer instead of angular, like the artist had smudged the edges. The rounded ears were quite strange. Norani rather preferred her own pointed ears, and Yeva's as well.

And it was those pointed ears that heard the woman's stomach grumble.

A smile crept upon Norani's face, and she picked herself up from her table, moving over, sitting next to the woman, setting her book down gently. First she placed the food in front of Kayleigh, safely away from her book. Then, in her heavily accented Common, stumbling around her tusks on 'Ms, Ps, Ws' as many of her kind are oft to do, "Hello. Please, share the food with me. None should go hungry." Norani looked over at her companion, "My name is Norani, of Ecith. I apologize for being grumpier than a hippo earlier. I.. have not been myself as of late, though I am working on it."

She looked down at Kayleigh's book, "What is it you are reading?" There was genuine interest in her voice, "I asked the Duck for a tale about itself and it gave me this book. It seems to be a romantic tale of a man made of light and a large orkhan man. Haven't really found where the Duck comes into play yet." She slid her book over to Kayleigh, a random page unfolding to show an extremely detailed, graphic, and in color drawing of the two main characters of the book in the middle of coitus upon a rock that jutted out from a grand waterfall. The artwork was that of a true master of the craft, but the depiction was certainly pornographic by many northern standards, though was normal at least by Ecithian standards. The details of the stretching, the perspiration, and the veins were the work of surely the greatest artist in a generation.

Unfazed by this, "So where are you from? Are you a northerner?"

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 8:24 pm
by Kayleigh
Studying Abroad
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

She often cursed herself for the need to eat every now and then, especially when she had an entire world of books she could be immersed in right now. Yet, Kayleigh would not deny the aromatic smells that plagued her nose, and in turn, teased her to the point her belly decided to speak out. Seems that was enough of an invitation for the other lady present to rise out of her chair, and migrate both her and the food she brought closer to where the bookworm herself sat down.

Admittedly, Kayleigh did not expect the warmer reception she received once the Orkhan sat down, but it was refreshing if not also amusing to listen to the woman's dialect. Certainly, an accent she had never heard before, though, her Common wasn't entirely misunderstandable as one might've suspected. "Oh that's... Very kind of you, I appreciate your thoughtful gesture." The bookworm remarked as she glanced at the corner of her page to note the number printed at the corner. Once she did that Kayleigh then placed her book down gently to a close, and tucked it to the side of her elbow while she focused on her newfound acquaintance.

"No need to apologize, I certainly didn't help when I assumed things earlier." That Norani was not only thoughtful but chipper compared to before, left Kayleigh to wonder what sort of character the Orkhan possessed in her own personal life. She seemed certainly far more aware than most, a quality that the bookworm didn't see often from the locals back home. In terms of the food present before her, well, Kayleigh honestly had no idea what enticed her more. It was as she browsed at the selection in front of her that Norani inquired upon Kay's choice of book, the curious scholar briefly taking a moment to glance at it once more before she gave the Orkhan a soft chuckle.

"It's a bit of an autobiography on a warrior from the Northlands. There are those in Karnor who live by the way of the sword, closer toward the 'jewel of Karnor' as many have described it. I hardly knew anything about these types of warriors before, but they seem to have a way of life designed by a code that benefits the people." Kayleigh couldn't really tell if such a code were honorable or a means of exploitation, though, given how dangerous the wilderness was they certainly chose a hardy if not difficult lifestyle. Finally, the bookworm settled on her first pick of the assortment before her, curious enough to try one of the sausages resting before her.

As 'refined' of a palette her family had when it came to meals, the meaty sausage she took hold of didn't taste bad at all. If anything the flavor proved far more sumptuous in comparison, garnering a raise of her eyebrows as the smoked proteins packed a zesty flavor. Norani went on to share what the Duck had picked out for her as well, revealing a tome about two men who, evidently, were very close lovers from the picture that had been displayed. Such a portrayal of the two brought a rising flush to Kay's cheeks, as the exquisite details of both men left her a little bashful in turn. "Oh... Wow!..." She encouraged through chewing as she tried not to choke on the sausage, admittedly doing her best to avoid a chuckle after seeing such lewdness in one page.

"Actually yes, I come from the Northlands but not as far north as you would think. Though... I would assume it's still pretty far north, if you're not from the mainland at all?" The bookworm inquired respectively with curiosity in her tone, her sausage link finished as she felt her hunger somewhat sated. "You said... the Duck wanted you to read this? Do you think we'll learn more about it further in the book?" She pondered inquisitively as there was a spark in her eyes, a yearning to know more that clearly distracted her from the green tome still next to her arm.

"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 7:57 am
by Norani

"In Ecith, we are taught that the sword, and I assume the way of the sword, is a merely a tool with which to use to protect one's life, and all that which one cares about. Though it took my people thousands of years to best understand that I think, and even now it is difficult, even with Raxen teaching us directly."

She posited a question on this, "For instance, I am a soldier and citizen of Ecith, which means that I am bound by our Tenets, our cultural laws that have been developed over thousands of years under the guidance of many of our gods and heroes. Our tenets supersede all other laws in the world, regardless of where we are located, and we are supposed to accept that, and any punishment that may be given to us for following such."

A sad, softer look crossed her face, "One of the tenets is that the Imperium must be destroyed in its entirety, people, land, way of life. They invaded our land, slaughtered our people, and began the war that they could not finish. If I am to come across an Imperial citizen, I am to kill them, a continuance of that war which is not yet ended." She looked down into her lap, "I've never killed anyone before, and I don't think I could. Especially for a war I was not in, for a way of life I don't quite understand."

A sigh, "It seems to me that a way of life centered around violence, no matter the reasons, will always create more bloodshed, even in the protection of it."

At Kayleigh's blushing, Norani nodded at the image, "Do you have any lovers that do that with you?" It was not said with any lewdness or lasciviousness or gossiping intent, "My parents all loved each other often." The tips of her ears began to darken now, "I have one I love, but no lovers, not in this sense of the word."

Continuing on, "Is snow a real thing? Ice falling from the sky? Cold and dark all the time in winter? My mentor that taught my magic showed me ice once. It was so cold and pretty. I've never experienced anything like that before."

Holding up the book now, closing it, "Maybe, though I'm not sure what. I can give it to you when I have finished reading it if you'd like."

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:46 am
by Kayleigh
Studying Abroad
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The bookworm listened intently on the philosophy of the sword, having never really debated it before since Kay had never had reason to question it. However, from all that she read it was understandable, that heroes of different types were found throughout her books, and every single one of them had a motivation behind the weapon they may carry. It interested Kayleigh to hear Norani speak of her people and their differences with the concept, if only because she imagined there to be a vast set of outlooks struggling to learn it from the intended meaning.

"That does sound like a bit rash, if I might be honest about it." Kayleigh expressed thoughtfully with sympathy in her tone, after listening to Norani express the principles her people were meant to follow. It perplexed her but not to a degree she couldn't understand, war after all affected many, and were changed by it in numerous ways. After all, she'd lost her home and many of her relatives and friends left behind. Not to mention her journey aboard the Duck had removed her completely from her immediate family. If anything, she'd isolated herself completely from her past in Zaichaer, all in hopes of finding a future she might build for herself in time.

"The principles I understand. In the face of your enemies it may seem like an eye for an eye, but your people want to stand up against injustice no matter the consequences. I can see the value behind that but..." The bookworm rested her hands on the table, the nails at her fingertips drummed in a tangent to her thoughts. "If it demands you to sacrifice all that you are, your character, your beliefs; then it shouldn't govern your actions even if they compromise what you've been taught." Truthfully the woman didn't see the value in overstepping whatever other laws were in place, since going against them would only also hinder the act altogether.

"Tis true, the Imperium has done much they deserve to answer for... but, those Tenets shouldn't enforce the way you have to live. Laws are... as simple as I can narrow them down as, rules and guidelines for us to follow. It is important to carry out what we feel is justice in the wrong we find, but there is always more than one answer to solving a problem." And while she ruminated on that well enough, she couldn't really continue on with the fact she was still avoiding blushing. Having not been exposed to such raunchy things in her life prior, she could tell the Reconciliators back in Zaichaer would've had a heyday if they ever came across this tome.

Not because of the fact they would've propagated it as total heresy but surely, denounce it entirely as smutty slander upon the 'false gods' that walked the world. The thought did amuse her, but nevertheless, there were questions the poor reader needed to answer. "O-oh, that? Not really. I've had talks growing up but never indulged in such curiosities." She admitted almost bashfully before noticing Norani's subtle changes, particularly when she mentioned the sole love she had in her life. She almost wanted to ask but then more questions arose, leading the bookworm to smile heartedly with a few soft inner giggles.

"During the winter it was more common, as Frost always brought the cold further in from the North at home. I can't imagine what life up there is always like though, if they have to live with snow all the time. Some of the machines at home would sometimes lock up from freezing if it grew cold enough." She shared after remembering some of the colder seasons when Frost stilled a good number of Zaichaer's transportation services. With the offer for the book, of course, Kay's smile brightened as she reveled at the opportunity to read and study the tome later.

"I would love to read that when you're finished. I happen to enjoy studying in my spare time, some would consider it dull, but there's just a beauty to the method writers describe what they've written." The bookworm admitted with a hint of enthusiasm, her eyes with a sense of passion as she admired the tomes on the table.

"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"

Re: Studying Abroad

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 12:42 pm
by Aegis

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10, may not be used for Magic

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: Research, Etiquette

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Looking forward to seeing where Kayleigh's hunger for knowledge takes her. Can be a very dangerous path with many options for change.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points: 10, may not be used for Magic

Skills Used Eligible for Expert/Master Progression: Etiquette

Lore Development Opportunities: N/A

Comments: Norani, once again, was physically present.