Sleeping Beauty

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
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Plot Notes:

♅ Sleeping Beauty ♅
14th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel
"Common Speech""Silvain Speech"Thoughts

♅ The next morning Constantine waited for the woman he had saved yesterday to come wake from her sleep. He had initially brought her back to his room at the brothel he was employed with. He had been standing by the window overlooking the snow covered city, being as modest as possible as he waited for her to awaken.

She had to be exhausted from her ordeal the other day, as that was a lot to handle, and surely traumatizing, to say the least. He didnt blame her if she wanted to sleep in, hell he would have if he was in her shoes. The sound of a knock on his room door caused a brow to rise on his face as he was certain he wasn't taking any clients today.

Opening the door he was surprised to see a familiar face. "Vehlaine?! I wasn't expecting you today. You normally come on the weekends. What brings you here today?" he asked surprised. The elven male chuckled, planting a kiss on Constantine's cheek.

"Word in the grapevine is that you had a run-in with a group of people trying to kidnap a siltori girl. I wanted to thank you for your bravery....." he began smirking a bit. " as well as inspect her personally, to ensure no harm had come to her." he admitted, flashing a polite smile. Constantine knew very well why he wanted to look at the girl, to ensure it was not one of his own lovers among his harem of siltori women.

Shaking his head he opened the door as the woman was already awake, sitting on the bed as she ran her fingers through her hair. A smile was on her face as she looked to both men, moving toward the window of the room. Vehlaine let out a sigh of relief seeing as she was not a member of his harem.

"Good morning, I apologize if we woke you." he said with a bow. The woman chuckled as she turned to him and Vehlaine. No need to apologize, you were kind enough to allow me to sleep in peace. For that, along with saving me yesterday, I thank you. the elven woman thanked with a polite bow.

Constantine was surprised to hear her speak in common, but it was a relief to him as Silvain could be a bit of a strain for him to speak eloquently. Now that he was looking at her, she wasn't the same damsel in distress he saved the day before as if she had shed that skin after some much-deserved rest.

For the next few moments, it was rather quiet within the room until the elven woman came to sit on the bed once more. I wish to apologize to you as well. I do believe I've gone and roped you into my business the other day. To be rather honest I wasn't expecting anyone to come to my rescue, and it was imperative I kept my cover from being blown at the time. she explained, bowing forward a bit.

Curious, Vehlaine closed the door and leaned against it to keep anyone from just barging in on the conversation that was about to begin. "Care to share with us what business this is?" the bald elf inquired, a look of curiosity on his face as well as Constantine's. "I'm very curious as to the trouble I've seem to have stumbled into myself." the halfbreed added.

It just so happens that I was undercover, after hearing about a group kidnapping Siltori teenagers. Children are rare for our people, as I'm sure you are aware of. I was trying to ascertain the strength of the kidnappers and what they were capable of by becoming a captive myself. she started, her disposition was polite and respectful.

Neither male seemed to sense deceit within her words so they remained silent as she continued. I never intended to involve others in my endeavors, but if there is any ounce of kindness in your hearts, I ask for your assistance in this matter. Even with my skills, I fear I wouldn't be able to save these young live on my own.

Both men looked between each other after hearing her plea. For Constantine, it wasn't that hard of a decision to make. Kneeling down in front of her he took her hand in his. "Of course I'll help you.....I don't think I ever caught your name?" the elven woman gasped at this realization. Moving some stray hair from in front of her face she politely bowed to him.

Please forgive my rudeness, my name is Aerendyl El'Vashla. It a pleasure to make both of your acquaintances. As well I thank you for your assistance with this matter. You have no idea how grateful I am for your help. With a nod from both men, the tension in the woman eased a bit.

Vehlaine moved to sit in one of the chairs within the room, resting his arms across his chest as he observed both Aerendyl & Constantine. "In order to best access our chances of victory, we must know first what each other is capable of. I for one am a master Kinetic, as well to be very skilled in Negation magic as well. My way with a spear is impressive as well. There are other talents I have to bring to the table, but those are my most impressive ones." he notes with a tone of pride and confidence.

Constantine couldnt help but sigh and shake his at the display of his friend and patron. His gaze turned to Aerendyl as she giggled at Vehlaine. "Well, I see you are quite the capable man sir Vehlaine. I too am a rather capable mage, as well as a capable warrior as well." she began looking between both men. "I have also fought a dangerous beast and hunted deadly mortals. I have learned over the years many strategies to take down enemies."

As she went on to detail her skill set, Constantine had a realization. Compared to the two of them, he was useless. He was still learning his magic, let alone was getting used to his new weapon. It was rather disheartening for him to hear just how out of his league he was when coupled next to them. He didnt know what to say or do since he was the odd man out.

His eyes tightened as he began to beat himself up not realizing that the others had noticed. Aerendyl stood next to him, placing a comforting hand upon his shoulder, which snapped him out of his self-doubting sorrow. "Don't worry, we'll train you up as quickly as possible. The camp I escaped from was crippled before I fled before you found me. I happen to take a map from them as well and stashed it in a safe place. Once we are strong enough we can hit our first camp together." she assured him, taking his hand into her own.

Her words indeed comforted him, but it only made him feel like a child needing to be raised. It didn't help that he felt helpless to help as he wanted, to bring more to the table than what he barely had. He felt ashamed as he wanted to be of more use instead of a burden, especially now. Vehlaine placed a hand on his other shoulder, giving a nod in agreement. "Indeed my burly protege, we shall whip you into shape that way we don't have to worry about you getting yourself killed."

His friendly jab made the blonde male chuckle along with Aerendyl as well. "We will need to begin as soon as possible that's for sure. I say more so rudimentary stuff first, then come next season, the heavy stuff will come into play. If that sounds good to you then I am more than willing to assist in your training." she pondered, making a list of things that would have to be done in order to get him ready for what was to come next.

Even still, he couldnt help but feel somewhat inadequate next to two greater people. No matter how many times they would cheer him up it didnt help the pain in his chest. The fact that in hindsight, Aerendyl really didnt need saving, the fact that he was merely a pawn in her plan at the moment hit home for him. No matter how much he tried to spin in his favor he could only feel inadequate still.

Aerendyl & Vehlaine were both capable elves.....just like his father. He didnt want to let them down, he couldnt take that if it were to happen. So he made another vow to himself, that no matter what lay ahead, no one would die under his watch. He would make sure no one lose their lives. This vow he wouldn't break, not if he got stronger, smarter, better in all aspects of his life. He could fail, he had too much riding on this. ♅
Last edited by Etro on Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1606
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Posts: 1365
Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:29 pm
Title: Chief Author of Ransera


XP: 5/5
Magic? No.


Caregiving: Allowing one to sleep from a traumatic experience
Socialization: Introductions are key
Socialization: Getting to know a stranger
Etiquette: Asking for someone's name
Logistics: Taking in an account of everyone's skills

Notes: Please reach out to me if you have any comments, questions or concerns.
word count: 63

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