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To See and Be Seen (Talon)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:15 pm
by Aegis

Timestamp: ????

Seer Kova, her body transparent, the edges a bit blurred, as she stepped into one of the many intersections along Tullus Urso Mercutius's heavily woven branchworks of Destiny. The man was a recent refugee in the Commonwealth and like so many that came, was burdened with much turmoil. And the Seers of Galetira sought to ease their suffering. Kova had been working with Tullus for weeks now, and was finally beginning to see some genuine progress. And so, she was venturing along his branches, to discover more that she might help the man.

And now, she found herself in a world of sunshine and sun and sand and stone. A quick glance around indicated that she was in the Solunarium capital. She watched as Tullus stood there, a middle aged man whose age was difficult for even humans to discern behind the scraggly beard and thick head of messy hair. She wondered when she was. It mattered not. She looked over her shoulder, spying a great pyramid amidst a wall, the Templum Solis Radians, its peak shining bright, blinding her temporarily, the great mountain dwarfing it in the background.

Casting her aetherial eyes back to Tullus, she saw he was running toward a building, frantic and desperate. Curious, she followed after him, running easily to keep pace. He seemed to know where he was going. His home perhaps? She knew he'd been a moderately wealthy merchant in Solunarium. And when he'd fled, he was able to get himself and his children out, but was unable to get his wife to follow. Kova assumed he was seeking her out.

But still, something was nagging her as the winds ripped through her, her aetherial form unphased by the physics of a world that might never exist. He turned a corner, coming upon an ornate, gated building, a courtyard garden locked away behind gilded iron. Tullus scrambled for a key on a chain around his neck, unlocking his home and dashing in, calling out his wife's name.

There was panic, fear in his voice.

Kova looked around and her eyes widened. There were no other people here. She strayed from Tullus and his house, hearing a pained wailing that told her what she already knew he'd find, or rather, not. She walked through the ornate homes tucked against the wall. She heard no laughter of children, no parents speaking, no merchants haggling, no one telling stories. There was no one here.

She did not understand, she'd visited Solunarium in her youthful days and empty was never a word one could use to describe it. She made her way to the wall, and stopped. There, carved hastily into the plastered stone, the words, a warning. "His judgment is swift and cold."

Her mind tugged at her, and once more, she cast her gaze to the temple, a hand to shield her eyes from the sun glancing off of it. There, she saw Him. Hovering above the peak of the temple, surrounded by, engulfed by, and exuding Light. All Seers knew of Him. Most in the Commonwealth knew of him.


Fear began to grip Kova's heart. What exactly was she seeing? What had happened here? In her robes and sandals, she ran through the Sorokyne district and never found another person. Far enough away, she saw no guards upon the wall, came across no humans, no elves, no military, no lowborne or high. There was no one around her, save for the god above the temple. Kova had a duty, one that she prayed would not get her killed before she could. She was to bear witness to whatever was happening here. She ran through the empty streets, trying to find anyone, anything, to indicate what was going on.

And back upon the spot she'd witnessed Arcas, a shadow slipped through a crack in this world-that-was-not-yet. The spot where fear had wormed its way into one of Galetira's Seers. A shadow that was growing, spreading in thin tendrils, reaching out to steal the natural shadows from the buildings and walls around it.

There might not be any people in this district, but they were certainly not alone.
 ! Message from: Aegis
Seer Kova stepped into this intersection on Ash 13, 122.

Re: To See and Be Seen (Talon)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:28 am
by Talon
The blazing heat of the desert sun burned in its purest fury all around him. The scorching fire of its indomitable power burned the sands and dirt in the air until they were molten glass. The air, the earth, the water, and the mortal flames all across the city had a subdued and quiet essence to them. The Light shone brighter and with such a stark clarity that it was enough to make the soul ache for but the chance to see a world illuminated in such brilliance. The very bones of the earth seemed prime to enact swift and terrible justice with but a mere inclination of this being’s head. Justice that would not, could not be denied. Floating above the pyramid was not a man, was not a mage, it was not even merely a demigod, not even Talon or Daemon.

It was the Son of Eikaen. The Prince of All Dragons.

Arcas stood watch over the Solar Kingdom of the Atraxian Desert. Where His light touched, nothing was hidden and His light stretched far and wide.

He paused in his vigil however. The whisper of the voice of Destiny spoke softly into his ear just as the brush of the hand of Time urged him to look upon the form of one who tred where mortals should not.

Arcas opened his platinum eyes and the Light of Dawn shone even brighter, even sharper. Where he looked, all shadows were burned away until his gaze slowly turned and settled upon the Seer who peered into the weave of his destiny. His gaze softened before snapping to the writhing shadow that now crept up from the bowels of a Fear born from revelations not understood.

Shadow. Fear. A monster from the dark rose up from the amalgamation of darkness that ascended like a tidal wave to crash over the city. Narrowing his eyes, he gripped his sword and met with a simple exhalation of breath, he moved.

With all the might and fury of a falling star, he streaked through the sky to meet the gathering darkness.

The dark would not claim this land. Not this day.

For the promise of a new Dawn was His to give and he would give it to them.

Re: To See and Be Seen (Talon)

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:15 am
by Aegis

The murky swirls of the infantile shadow of fear grew quickly, swirling and forming. And it grew larger and larger, far more rapidly than fear borne by one single mortal should. As Arcas raced towards it, tendrils lashed out, ripping every natural shadow from around the city, shadows that had not yet been illuminated by His piercing gaze.

And the shadow grew and grew, standing taller than the temple, blocking out the sun. And once that happened, it grew faster and even more rapidly, spreading out across the sky, a cloud cover of roiling darkness that would feel… familiar to Arcas. As it spread through the sky, blocking out the sunlight, its body upon the sands swelled further and wider at astonishing speeds.

And then it twisted and formed, separating from the shadow blocking out the sky, into a massive creature, a shape Arcas would have seen before. Back when he was just a boy. Back when he was shielded by his brother while his father fought against the primordials of the time. A gargantuan head swung around and with it opened a dozen reptilian eyes. The creature’s maw opened revealing row after row after row of teeth. A familiar voice, a woman’s voice, escaped its maw, “Take your brother and go!”

And another shape twisted and formed, smaller, and placed itself in Arcas’ path. Young Seon, made of darkness yet could be none other. He smiled, opening his mouth, her voice escaping once more. “Go! You have to--” Followed by the gasp of a dying woman, accompanied with the gurgling of her blood. And the shadow of fear, shaped like Arcas’ brother from long ago, just smirked as it waited.