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Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:50 pm
by Masagh

Plot Notes
Table of Contents

PersonalityLanguage Dev.Developed Fauna/Flora

Re: Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:03 pm
by Masagh
Personality Notes

Masagh mannerisms as Undead:
Frustration: snaps teeth together sharply, making a clicking sound
Anxiety: rolls head, cracking spine
Pondering/Brooding: cracks knuckles systematically
Angry/Agitated: grinds jaw to the side

Re: Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:17 pm
by Masagh
Language of the Undead Empire
Uvverece (uvveˈreʧe) & Nio Uvverece (neo uvveˈreʧe)

Image Uvverece (Those of the Grave) : Rare, bastardized spoken version of the ancient language of the Undead Empire

Image Nio Uvverece (High Uvverece) : Extremely rare, proper language of the Undead Empire, written script, runes used for powerful ancient arcane rituals (rune forging/alchemy/necromancy/scrivening/yada yada etc.)

Re: Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:27 am
by Masagh
Flora & Fauna & Monster Creations

Name:Pterincus, Flying Anvilbeak
Habitat: Southern arboreal regions
Rarity: Common
Threat: Mild
Status: Approved

Re: Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:02 pm
by Masagh
Future Ideas


Re: Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:39 pm
by Masagh

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Duchy: Gelerand
Population Estimate: ~3000
Consul: Tullus Mobreul

Description: Founded in the 5th Year of the Age of Steel by a guild of entrepreneurial lumber merchants, Carales was at first a simple lumber yard and outpost on the inland banks of the Grey River about seven days from Gel’Grandal. While the tall pines and Gelerand Reds provided ideal lumber to ferry down the river to Gel’Grandal, the forests nearby also housed dangers. Not long after it’s founding the population was nearly decimated by an infestation of dire bears. The threat and the promise of profit drew the bold first members of what would become a Carales staple in time, the Guild of Carales Cleavers. The Cleavers were a mercenary group of monster hunters who have been contracted to protect the lumber labors in their forays into the woods. In addition, as the town had grown, a Consulate has been established with a small garrison of legionnaires as well as a substantial office of the Inquisition to monitor traffic down the river.

Imports: Cloth, metals, livestock, craft goods
Exports: Pine, Gelerand Red Pine, Rare herbs, pelts

Notable Locations:
Consulate: The Office of the Consul who is the Imperial Authority in Carales
The Lumberyard & Guildhall: Where the lumber is processed and the lumber merchants run their business.
Inquisition Offices: The local field office of the Inquisition, usually reserved for officers out of favor in Gel’Grandal
Market: A humble cluster of merchant shops and local vendors
Ferry & Docks: The West docks are private and used for moving lumber by the Lumber Guild, the East docks are public and there is a ferry that will take a traveler to Gel’Grandal.
Guildhall of the Carales Cleavers: A Longhall outside the town on the Northroad where the mercenary recruits out of and takes jobs.
The Far Leaf: The local inn and tavern where all manner of traveler and local relax at the end of a hard day, owner and operated by the tough Roya Brehot.
The Sinope Forest: The wild forest that surrounds Carales.

Notable NPCs:
Tullus Mobreul: Consul of Carales, Tullus Mobreul is a human and is the lesser son of a minor noble from Gel'Grandal. He nonetheless approaches his posting in this backwater with a strong sense of duty despite his jaded bitterness. A scholar of the Imperial Academy of Arcane Science, Tullus has a passable grasp on both of his magics, and is not above using them to meet his own ends here in Carales.

Damian Riector: Leader of the Cleavers, a broad Orkhan who is clearly at home on the fringes of society. Riector is a tough and keen minded hunter with a penchant for brute force and trickery. Though he has a dark reputation in town, he takes care of his own.

Darcy Hene: Guildmaster of the Lumber Guild, this Siltori runs the most profitable enterprise in the region, and she does it with ease. The silver haired and silver tongued Guildmaster is just as at home in the quiet of the wilderness as in her bustling guildhall. Never taking the bad end of a deal or losing her cool, Darcy is one of the most powerful individuals in town.

Roya Brehot: Inn Keeper, Roya is a half-Orkhan woman who runs a clean and orderly tavern, despite the rough and tumble types that patronize her watering hole. Any fights are promptly ended after furniture breaks of blood gets on the rugs. She maintains a limited but tasty menu of venison stew, steak, and various potato dishes.

Emez Gariath: As Lead Inquisitor, Emez Gariath spends more time consumed with his own personal grudges than he does monitoring suspicious river smuggling. Perhaps that's why he has been stationed here for so long? Either way, everyone in town knows to steer clear of this self-absorbed and conniving Inquisitor.

Beau Pavain: Knight-Captain of the Consulate Garrison, Beau is a Bull Rathari who by all indicators should be rising fast in the Legion. Rumor has it that some horrible mistake in his past has doomed him to remain a captain and remain here in Carales. Nonetheless, he commands his humble garrison with the dedication of the ideal Imperial officer.

Tod Pellence: Ferryman, perhaps human, though some suspect he's some sort of goblin. Tod keeps to himself and rarely talks when ferrying people down river. He squats on his ferry and fishes off the side with a net when not actively working. He also sleeps on his deck rather than in town. Almost never seen without his wide brimmed thatch hat, people suspect he might be involved in the smuggling Inquisitor Gariath is definitely not seeing.

Notable Factions:
Lumber Guild
Carales Cleavers

Dire Sinope Bears - Grey and red furred bears of massive size and above average intelligence, can work in packs.
Silver Elk - A silver colored Elk whose pelt is of great value and whose antlers are sought after by enchanters.
Jumbo Salmon - four foot long salmon traverse the Grey River in Spring

Gelerand Red Pine - a light but very strong and durable wood that is difficult to harvest but highly sought after.
Kraken Vine - A predatory vine that numbs and paralyzes it's victims with poisonous thorns, then traps them to decompose and enrich the soil beneath.

Re: Masagh Plot Notes

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:59 pm
by Masagh

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Duchy: Gelerand
Population Estimate: ~4500
Consul: Craenka Munilia

Description: Soliver is named after the first owner of the Soliver Mine, Argen Soliver. Two hundred years ago Soliver brought a group of laborers to the far northern reaches of Gelerand and began to dig in the hills there. Now, centuries later, a bustling town of grim opportunists toil in those same tunnels. With high profit comes high risk, though. The tunnels often lead to dangerous caverns and attract vile monsters. While the town itself remains relatively safe and is for most a pleasant enough place to live, the surrounding hills and the dark depths of the mines are quite a different story...

Imports: trade goods, furs, leather, lumber, oil
Exports: rare metals, rare gems, dragon shards

Notable Locations:
Consulate: The Office of the Consul who is the Imperial Authority in Soliver
The Soliver Mine: A perilous but lucrative precious metal and gem mine north of Soliver and the reason the town exists.
The Tired Tankard: A seedy tavern that caters to the local miners, simple food and simple ale.
Ye Olde Pony: A ramshackle tavern and inn that often hosts the merchants and adventurers who come to town for business.
Knot Market: The Knot market is a place to buy all manner of everyday goods and mining supplies. There are also a set of five huge oak trees around the quarter affectionately called 'The Knots' which give the quarter its name as well.
The Knots: Massive Oak trees that seem to remain green with leaves and acorns all year round, despite the changing seasons.
Inquisition Offices: An ominous building just outside the consulate.
Pick & Barrel Guild: The offices of the very rich owners of the Soliver Mine.
The Barred Tunnels: A set of tunnels deep within the Soliver Mine that have been blocked off because something vile and dangerous lurks within.

Notable NPCs:
Craenka Munilia: The Consul of Soliver, this Siltori woman cares deeply about the inhabitants of the town of Soliver and it shows in her approach to attempting to improve the place. Caught between the tensions of the miners and the wealthy and powerful mine owners, she is constantly navigating a razor's edge of political maneuvering. She is tall and lean, with ashen skin and a friendly yet tired face.

Roderen Navannus: The Head Inquisitor, a Siltori man, is predominantly concerned with ensuring the steady flow of rare gems and in particular dragonshards from the Mine to the Imperium in Gel'Grandal, with a bit set aside for himself from either the Miners or the Owners. He is quick to smile, but it never reaches his eyes.

Shovok Stoneside: The Knight Captain, this Orc man has a the look of a warrior gone slightly to seed. While his attentions are more in keeping the miners and the owners' thugs from destroying the town in their conflicts, he's also an able commander of the local garrison. He has olive skin and a grey braid down his back.

Marryn Yesren: A mine owner, this Elk-Rathari woman is tall and graceful. She has a part ownership of the mine and is loath to let anyone forget it. She has a choke hold on all rare gem profits out of Soliver and can often be found hosting various merchants and haggling with them, over shipment contracts.

Lesrith Qincaryn: Another mine owner, this Dratori woman is the counterpart to Yesren. She is more often seen squabbling with the miners and their union representatives, or else handling some logistical need of the mine. Her facial tattoos reach down her neck and onto both shoulders. She still carries a pick everywhere she goes.

Spiwyse Shortboots: Proprietor of Ye Olde Pony, Spiwyse (spy-wise) is a friendly and capable young gnomish woman. She is bubbly and outgoing, always concocting new cocktails for her guests from a wide and wild assortment of ingredients. Her raucous inn is the liveliest place in town.

Claymore: This huge Awoken serves as the muscle for Ye Olde Pony. It rarely shows emotion except when speaking to its often proclaimed best friend and boss, Spiwyse Shortboots, but is ready enough to toss a too-rowdy patron out on their arse.

Vilath Nulakathai: Proprietor of The Tired Tankard, a large Moratallen man of indistinct lineage, Vilath is a morose former miner. He operates his tavern with the slow and steady routine all those who frequent have come to depend on. After losing a hand in the mines he was forced to find other work. Instead of leaving Soliver, the huge man opened the Tankard and it quickly became the watering hole for those who toiled in the mines.

Notable Factions:
Miners Collective:
Mine Owners:


