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Birthday boy

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:07 pm
by Riven

13th day of Frost, 119th year of the Age of Steel

Riven sat down on the frozen ground, shirtless, trying to feel the soft touch of the wind around him, the cold crawling up his skin. He knew from experience that going into the mountains in Frost wasn't the best idea, but to be fair, he was still pretty close to Kalzasi. He just needed a quiet place; the magical feat he was about to achieve required concentration.

Riven had woken up startled; the past days with Taelian had been incredible, and he felt like he was floating on a cloud all the time. Their love was so strong, it practically washed away all of Riven's trouble when he was with the Siltori... but it also washed away real life, and he had been disconnected from his world for a while. Worth it, yes, but then he remembered Talon, who was enduring a hard recovery after the Archwraith's invasion. The Necromancer doctors he had entrusted Talon to had done an amazing job, but that did not heal the exhaustion, the overstepping or the severe bruising right away. He knew he should have been by his side, but after that battle... Riven had stayed in the Jade Garden for a while, but the moment he saw Talon again quietly sleeping on a hospital bed he knew there was something going on with himself. Too many feelings, to troubled to understand them. So he had stepped back and allowed him to rest... and he had only briefly seen Talon the next day, when he was strong enough to move back to the palace. After that, no sign of his Companion except for a strong jabbing pain via their bond. He worried, but it sort of... disappeared right away. He assumed it had been the bruising, some kind of wrong move. He wanted to assume, at least.

Thing was, the morning of Talon's birthday, Riven realized he hadn't been able to get him a proper gift. He had been awaiting his birthday for weeks, but then everything was messed up but so many factors that... he just got distracted. Taelian, Talon, the monster invasion, work... suddenly things were overwhelming again, so it was no strange that Riven found himself alone in the middle of a rock pillar, under the shade of a single tree, making Talon a last-minute gift... but still, the most significant and beautiful of the ones Riven had given him already, he thought. The idea was a meaningful stroke of genius; he was almost glad things had been like that. He would make him a lodestone; a reminiscent of the first day they met, and the first birthday party Riven attended. He smirked, thinking about it. One of the best days of his life; the fact that he had broken a wing and he still loved that memory so much was ironic. Inside the lodestone, a piece of Riven's own power: a spell to cushion a fall. He hoped Talon never needed to use that, but it was a useful spell for an Avialae to have in a tight situation. Avoid Riven's same fate seven years ago, just in case. Ultimately, the gift would be both a memento and a wish to keep him safe.

He focused; he could feel the wind around him and the rock under him, but this was the time to use his own inner potential. He tapped into the power of his rune and focused in a point in front of him, hovering over the ground. He summoned a piece of earth there, bringing it into the world out of sheer aether, and he started to make it spin, summonning more rock to push into it as the ensemble was compressed and spinned. The rock started to glow and heat; he was doing things right... but it was hard. He pressed more; he added more mass. He needed a perfect crystal. He pushed again, adding more material each time which compressed into a raw aether crystal that he would infuse later. It was a very tasking process, and one that needed a lot of focus. He kept going for a few minutes until he looked at the result; a rhombus shaped glowing transparent crystal.

He had to infuse it now; the wind gathered around him. The rune flared up and the air shot into the crystal like a wind drill, winds pushing against it in a hard blast. The crystal absorbed it seamlessly, perfectly attuned to Riven's natural energy, and started glowing as it was infused with an air blast, a cushion for a falling man that would allow him to survive it. The snow scattered with Riven's concentrated air blast and strange patterns appeared on the frozen grass's surface, but when he was exhausted... The crystal dropped to the floor, swirling patterns inside and glowing soft green. So exhausting process, but so worth it. He leaned back on the cold snow. It melted under his naked back as he stared at the gray clouds above, happy. It was a great gift.

Re: Birthday boy

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:36 pm
by Talon

“My son, will you not be taking part in the final preparations for tonight?” Talon turned his head, his grey eyes coming to rest upon the elegant form of his mother. He smiled at her but shook his head. Sahfri immediately set aside some of the decorations she was mulling over and motioned for Talon to come join her. He pushed off of where he was perched over the balcony railing overlooking the mountain and down to the expanse of the city below. Kalzasi was always a breathtakingly beautiful sight to Talon. The sight of his home from the peaks of the Astralar Mountains always brought him great comfort. On that day however, even the beauty of the Jewel of Karnor couldn’t brighten his mood. As his feet touched the cool stone floor, Talon fluffed his wings. With the setting sun on the horizon, it highlighted the silver cast to the feathers reflecting the sunlight softly.

He walked over to the sofa where his mother was seated and surrounded by examples of decorations that would fill the main ballroom. When he neared her, his mother pulled him down to be seated on the cushions on the floor in front of her.

“Would you grab a brush for me, please?” Already he could feel her undoing the leather band tied around his ponytail. With his kinetics, Talon lifted a brush from a nearby dresser and brought it to her outstretched hand. Wordlessly she began brushing his hair in long even strokes.

“It is Riven.” Sahfri did not pause in her brushing of his hair but Talon could feel the quirking of her brow behind him. “He...met someone.”

“A Siltori. His name is Taelian.” Sahfri’s voice as she spoke the elf’s name was soft but pointed. The feathers of Talon’s wings puffed up slightly. He curled his hands into fists on his thighs. He wasn’t surprised that his mother knew. Few things happened in Kalzasi that she was unaware of but it was her way to let Talon learn on his own and to let him seek her when he needed her wisdom.

“You know my feelings for him, mother. I-I did not reveal them. Now I have lost him.” Sahfri continued her calm brushing of his hair. Her steady hands as he vented the emotions that had swelled up in him over the past few days were helping him think. “Was I I not a worthy match? Am I so unfit to be a partner?”

“You could have spoken the truth of your feelings, my son. You did not.” Talon felt the sting of his mother’s words. They were not spoken unkindly but they were true. He had made the choice long ago to never approach Riven regarding the truth of his feelings for the man. As the two of them had bonded so young, Talon did not want Riven to feel as though he was compelled to be with him. The Bond was not a trap and given Riven’s background as a Kathar, the last thing Talon had wanted was for his Nightwing to feel as though he’d been robbed of a choice.

“You know why I did not.” He could feel his mother nodding.

“All the same, it is the truth.” She was right. There had been times when Talon had felt such a warmth from Riven that it nearly made him confess. Still, he had held back. Honor demanded that he let Riven decide. Talon was a Prince of Kalzasi. He was the son of the Sovereign and Riven was at a social disadvantage in their circumstance. Again, it all boiled down to Riven’s freedom to choose. Unhappy as it made him, his black winged friend had chosen.

It just hadn’t been him.

Talon felt his heart ache. It felt as though the world were crumbling around him. He winnowed down the tether that connected himself and Riven so that most of what he was feeling wouldn’t spill over onto his Companion.

“You could have your pick of suitors across all of Karnor. You still do. You have been through much turmoil these past few days and you have not had enough time to rest.” His mother set aside the brush and began braiding his hair. “Take time to focus, Talon. Think on the road ahead of you. The laws of our land still leave hope alive.”

Sahfri finished braiding his hair and Talon felt her gently rest the braid over his shoulder. She then moved to his wings. He extended one for her to easily sift her fingers through. His mother was right. The Synnekar and Kalzasi by law, left the door open for multiple partners in any household. Especially that of an Avialae. His father had several wives and Talon himself had many siblings though he was the only child from Sahfri and the firstborn male.

“Perhaps.” That was all Talon got out. Into the room walked one of his mother’s attendants. Alryn, a good friend and one of the warriors responsible for teaching Talon. He bowed low.

“My Lady, the Chamberlain requests your presence.” Talon folded his wing back into place. He shifted so that his mother could rise. She gently carded her fingers through his hair as she passed.

“Take time for yourself, my son. Free from the distractions of trying to woo Riven. Danica?” Another of his mother’s Siltori attendants stepped forward. An elegantly dressed woman with dark black hair and fair skin. She curtsied. Wordlessly, Talon watched as his mother gestured to him. Without hesitation, Danica took his mother’s former seat and resumed grooming Talon’s wings. It was not unusual. Talon knew each of the Siltori who remained by his mother’s side quite well. He’d grown up around them and had been tutored by each of them in some manner. As his mother left, Talon sighed. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rest his head upon them.

Re: Birthday boy

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:23 pm
by Riven

After some time, Riven got up and walked towards the troubled grass patch over which he had worked on. Kneeling, he grabbed the lodestone. He could feel the familiar energy inside it; his own magic, frozen inside the crystal, ready to be released whenever the user willed it. It resonated with its creator somehow, his own rune reacting to the lodestone's presence. He had pushed his magic to a new technical limit, and that was an amazing result; to say he was happy would be an understatement. He modified the shape of the crystal a bit to add a hole he could run a cord through. He gathered his stuff, secured the crystal in a closed pocket, put his shirt back on, and he took off the pillar. Less than five minutes later, he was on the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, purchasing some leather cord (half a pound of cord for 15 farthings, so not too bad) at Kyodai's. He even asked the vendor to tie a nice knot around the crystal and gave her 5 df for the inconvenience, even if she was happy to do it anyway, given that the gift was for Talon himself. He guessed Talon got his leather there most of the time, since she talked fondly about how gentle the Lord was. Getting both the gift and the rest of the cord in his pocket, he flew back to Novalys grounds; he had to get dressed, even if he didn't love the fact. Talon was a noble, and as such, his birthday party came with some expectations... and extra security measurements for the past six years.

Landing near his small hut, Riven nodded to the Siltori servants that rushed around finishing all preparations. It was already near midday and they still had some time... but still, Riven knew that Talon's family was a perfectionist one. Every detail had to be on point; regal and tasty, but not unnecessary. Some sort of austere elegance with a small touch of fun for a celebration. A strange combination... but it did work. The servants didn't even look at him though; it was strange, considering Riven knew several of them and they always offered a polite smile. He guessed they were stressed; considering how Taelian was like... maybe they weren't as nice when they didn't have court manners in mind. He shrugged and got in his hut; he put Talon's gift in a small box and tied it with some leather cord (it was a nice touch). Then, preparations of his own. He pulled out a traditional white, sleeveless warrior kimono; it wasn't the most regal thing he owned, but he wanted to be himself in Talon's celebration; a little rebellion of his own against the nobility's displays of appearance. And the kimono was an acceptable outfit: he had proven his ability as a warrior, and it was sober and elegant enough to not be criticised; everyone knew that he wasn't a noble man anyway. A quick shower, profiting elementalism to make soapy water flow through his body once and again, and same move to dry himself quickly. He actually styled his own hair that time, and in less than 30 minutes he was all ready to go. The white outfit showed his arms quite nicely, and his wings were a good contrast. Black warrior pants to go under the kimono and the normative Kalzasern boots finished the whole look. The eyes would be on his height anyway; he didn't care much about the outfit, but he looked good. He grabbed the box, checked his look one last time, and walked toward the palace.

It wasn't too long until he was close to the gates; the Novalys state was big for Kalsazern standards, but as extensive as a noble house on a plateau could get. Securing his gift in one hand (a small wooden box with a leather cord, probably the most humble packaging around) he walked towards the main door to the palace. It wasn't his imagination; several guards were staring at him; so were some servants. And standing in front of the main doors...

"Honorable Shokaze." He said, nodding to him. He wasn't the kind of man to kneel before him; they knew each other already. Some could see it as an affront, but Riven knew well Savien wasn't the kind of man to care about that exactly. "Lord Novalys, I've come to wish your son a happy birthday, as I do every year. May I come in?"

Savien Novalys did not look happy. Of course, he never did if he was staring at Riven directly, so he guessed it couldn't be that bad... but there was a distinctive dark undertone in his eyes, one that Riven hadn't seen in many years. Savien Novalys was one of the few men that could make Riven feel sort of small even standing more than a foot over him.

Re: Birthday boy

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:40 pm
by Talon

Talon tugged on his shirt. The black silk hugged his torso comfortably without being restrictive. Carefully he wound the sash around his waist before sliding on the hanfu. He then tugged his boots on and flexed his wings to make sure that everything was appropriately situated. The regalia was impressive and it suited both Talon’s complexion and the silver cast to his wings. The black cloth with silver trim made for an excellent combination. Traditionally, the members of House Novalys tended to wear white with silver trim. Talon had decided to do something different that year and had chosen this outfit both for irony and to take his mother’s advice. Normally, he would have been doing his best to avoid attention and to simply enjoy himself with his family and close friends. He rarely engaged with members of the other Houses and only ever really gave anyone else a kind acknowledgement as was required.

“Are you going to a funeral?” Talon managed a smile despite his mood. He looked over his shoulder to regard Aoren. The man was dressed in the simple but elegant attire of a military officer. Like most of the party guests, he was wearing the colors of his patron House. White pants tucked into knee high grey boots. A form fitting top with loose sleeves and a ceremonial robe that ghostly lightly over the floor. Silver embroidery lined the edges of his outer robe.

“Someone has to make a statement.” Aoren rolled his eyes as he walked up to Talon and began fussing with the outfit he was wearing.

“You never get your wings situated properly.” Talon sighed and feigned annoyance.

“I hate wearing formal clothing.” The raven winged Kathar fixed him with a stare. “Okay, perhaps I just hate wearing it on my birthday. I would much rather do something quiet. Father always insists on having a huge celebration.”

Aoren was silent for a few moments as he assisted Talon with putting on a pair of silver bracers. He then stood back and inspected the young Novalys, placing his hands upon Talon’s shoulders.

“You know why, yes?” Talon felt a knot form in his stomach. Of course he did. It had been his father’s hope for years at that point. Talon had avidly avoided it as respectfully as he could.

“He wants me to find a suitor.” Aoren nodded and the two of them shared a look. His friend looked as though he was about to say something but thought better of it. It prompted Talon to quirk one of his brows but his companion merely shook his head.

“Well, we should be going. Believe it or not, I came here to do more than make sure you dress properly.” Talon punched his friend in the shoulder lightly, earning a mock wince from Aoren.

“Really? What ever did you come for then?” The sarcasm in Talon’s voice was as thick as he could make it. His friend merely grinned in response.

“To celebrate, of course!” Aoren spread his arms wide. “I am not about to be caught sober in the presence of all these dumb nobles and you good sir, need to stop moping. Since you’re feeling well enough to stand, I figure you’re well enough to get a few drinks and play a few games with the common folk before you’re paraded about like a prized stallion.”

Talon felt that knot in his stomach loosen. His shoulders relaxed in slight relief. That sounded exactly like what he needed.

“That sounds like a good idea to me.” He gave Aoren a small smile before his friend swung an arm over his shoulder. The two of them walked out of Talon’s rooms and began making their way to the servants section of the palace.


Savien Praetus Novalys, Thirteenth Shokaze, Sovereign of all Kalzasi, Lord of the Seven Houses, First Wind of the Synnekar and Grandmaster of the Skyguard, stared coldly at the towering Half-Jastai before him. It was well known to him the state that his firstborn son had been brought in not but a few days ago. It was also well known to him events that had transpired in the days following, his beloved Sahfri had wisely counseled him to not get involved. But not that day. That day, his cold anger was too great and he would not suffer this insult any longer. It was time to put an end to the charade that he'd allowed to play out for years.

“Riven.” Savien stepped forward, his hands clasped lightly behind his back. The golden brown and white of his eagle feathered wings shone magnificently. He wore the armor of a high ranking officer of the Skyguard. The crest of the Icewing Riders on his chest, a symbol to all that the Shokaze lead by example and not from a place of entitlement.

“Come.” Savien turned on his heel and motioned for the Kathar to follow him. When they were a short distance away from the bustling activity in preparation for the gathering, Savien spoke calmly though there was an icy edge to his words.

“Your part in saving my son’s life is…” For a moment, Savien appeared almost grateful. Almost. “...appreciated. One can never fault you for being a careful and diligent steward of my son’s physical well-being.”

The Shokaze let that statement linger for a moment before he continued.

“His heart, it would seem, is another matter entirely.” There was an incisive quality to Savien’s gaze as he regarded Riven carefully. “You’ve taken a lover.”

It was not a question.

Re: Birthday boy

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:19 pm
by Riven

"Come". The fact that Savien Novalys was getting out of his way, away from all the preparations to talk to Riven... Couldn't be good. His facial expression did not help at all; Riven had more than enough experience when it came to telling apart a simple serious demeanor from seething rage. He had seen it before, many times... and what followed wasn't good. It never was. He shivered; he was starting to tremble, but he took a deep breath and reminded himself; he wasn't in Lorien, he wasn't helpless anymore... and that man had always hated him, sure, but he had never tried to kill him. At least directly, of course. There had been a couple times... but yeah, he had calmed down since. At least Riven thought so. But Riven couldn't help but wonder; he had just saved his son's life. What kind of twisted message had gotten to him? He followed Savien, unsure. In Novalys grounds, he was the full authority.

And suddenly the weigth was dropped from his shoulders; Savien knew that he had saved Talon's life. Riven allowed himself to discreetly breathe; at least he wasn't going to be absurdly blamed. He wasn't feeling amazing either, after that impossible fight that he had ended up winning, thanks to Talon's help in the worst of situations. Barely escaping death again didn't feel gratifying at all. And he was starting to get used to it, which felt... rather wrong. Actually, Savien seemed even... grateful at him? Well, Riven couldn't deny that the man did love his son even more than he hated him; that was the only reason why Riven lived where he did. But then the Kathar faced his own confusion: if Savien wasn't enraged because of his intervention there... what could it have been? What was that made him force that expression so hard? If it was any other man, he'd be straight up screaming at Riven... but Savien Novalys had never lost his temper in front of him, and yet, Riven knew how deep that man's contempt towards him was. Very clearly. He hadn't done anything wrong as of late though; his life had been, until that point, pretty average in the Novalys grounds.

"You've taken a lover". The words hit Riven like an eberrite flail. Taelian. Was Taelian the problem? Savien was staring at him, dead in the eyes, blue against blue. Riven couldn't have said which ones burned brighter at that time... and his own were actual blue fire, thanks to his alleged heritage. He'd mentioned Talon's heart. The flail hit him again. It couldn't be; Savien must had been wrong. But... he hadn't felt anything in particular from his bond with Talon in a few days... and lately, only pain and discomfort. He was pretty badly beaten, so he hadn't been surprised. "I have. A Siltori; his name is Taelian. I do love him. But, with all due respect... there's a part of my life that belongs to me still, Shokaze." He answering, staring back. "I don't understand how that can be a matter important enough for you to step away fron your own son's birthday celebration. You've never cared about me anyway." He said, stern. It was true. Both men knew it. And both were, apparently, tired of nobility's meandering discourse. For the first time, they were alone enough... and it seemed like they were going to talk.

Re: Birthday boy

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:59 pm
by Talon

“You are so blind.” Savien narrowed his eyes. He fixed Riven with a hard stare. “You Bonded to my son, my firstborn, my heir, when both of you were still young. My son, who had just completed his Warren March and who has known the weight of the Bond his whole life. While you, an outsider, are utterly ignorant of it.”

Savien stepped forward and raised a hand. He made no threat but simply pressed a finger to Riven’s broad chest.

“A bond that has grown as both of you have become men. One that he held back for fear of one thing, for want to do one thing…” Savien dropped his hand and glared at Riven. “ protect you.”

The Shokaze crossed his arms over his chest. He studied Riven from head to toe.

“And you have been blind to it all. You’ve learned nothing since you’ve been among us. All the privilege in the city afforded to you because you are under our banner and what have you done with it?” Savien’s voice was practically scathing with his barely concealed contempt. The Shokaze’s wings bristled and he shook his head. “I do not hate you, as you would like to believe, Riven. You are not worthy of my hate. To say that I hate you would mean I place value in your life. I do not. Perhaps now that you have made your choice, my son will make his. Maybe it will be the right choice this time.”

With that, the Shokaze turned on his heel and walked away. He did not bother to wait for Riven’s reply. He didn’t seem to care what the Kathar had to say or what he felt. All that mattered to Savien was the fact that his boy was hurting. His son was hurting because of a choice that Riven made, no matter whether Riven knew the consequences of that choice or not. And if there was nothing that Savien loved more in this world, it was his family and hurt to any of them made his blood boil.


“Ack! Stop!” Talon bat away Aoren’s hands as his friend yet again tried to get him to wear one of the ugly scarfs that one of the kitchen girls made. Talon knew that the girl had eyes for him and while he appreciated the gift, the gesture, and she was a lovely girl, women were not to his tastes.

“Come now, you don’t want to be rude! Wear it proudly! You are celebrating your birthday after all! You must honor your guests and their gifts!” Talon’s wings fluffed up and he snatched the scarf away from Aoren.

“You are insufferable.” Aoren just smiled at him. Talon wrapped the scarf around his neck. Talon was just about to turn when he saw his father storming away from none other than the one man who he had been hoping to avoid. Talon’s heart skipped a beat and his steps faltered. His wings tucked close to his sides and he froze where he stood. Aoren was immediately beside him.

“Talon…” He felt his friend’s hand upon his shoulder. There was a gentle squeeze and all the world seemed to stand still. Talon thought about turning and leaving. He thought about simply walking past Riven and pretending he didn’t see him. He thought about so many things but the world stood still...and Talon’s heart ached. Instead, Talon found himself walking across the space between them. He heard the crunch of gravel beneath his boots. He felt the cool air of the Frost night but it did not bother him. The air grew warmer as he drew nearer to Riven. It always did. Within the span of a few moments, Talon was standing across from the one man, the one man he did not want to see that night...and the one man he needed to.

Talon was quiet. His grey eyes studied Riven closely. Had the fire in Riven’s eyes ever burned for him the way he wanted them to? Talon sometimes thought they might. But he couldn’t move on those things. His honor, Riven’s free will, his ability to choose, depended on his silence.

“Riven?” Talon hadn’t meant to say his Companion’s name like a question but that was how it escaped his lips. What was Talon asking? He didn’t know himself. What was there to ask?

Was I not enough? Why him? What did I do wrong? Did I imagine it all? Should I have said something? Was this a pointless game? Was I fooling myself?

What am I lacking, Riven? Why didn’t you choose me?

Talon wanted to scream all of those things. But he couldn’t. His throat tightened. He couldn’t find the words. He just couldn’t. So the question drifted between them. His Companion would have to find its meaning himself.