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Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 10:58 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
"Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]"
The Night of 45th Ash, 122
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Reiner blinked, taken aback by the sudden shift in Kuno's demeanor. At first he thought it might have just been a playful tantrum, like usual. They often pretended to be cross with one another when they were satirizing the fancy fops who'd kept the working man down, or the newlywed couple they often unintentionally evoked as such swimmingly complementary roommates.. But Kuno had never seemed genuinely mad at him, apart from once. It had been early on- the time he'd misspoken and earned the then-private's ire for seeming to claim that he had it worse facing the Blitz from afar than those who'd been in the thick of it.

"Whoa, Kuno... are you all right?" But the lieutenant seemed to be rushing to get away from him. His heart sank. "Konrad! Please talk to me?" If the man had looked back, he'd have seen Reiner's expression was harrowed and haunted. Terrified he'd done irreparable harm, but having no clue what he'd done to deal it. Then the influence of the beer the lieutenant had shared, took Reiner's mind in another direction...

As Kuno continued to ignore him, and outpace him his fear turned toward anger. This wasn't fair, at all. It was... womanish! Giving him the silent treatment and running off without even cluing him in as to his wrongdoing. How could you litigate his innocence, if he didn't understand the charge? Because surely he was innocent! In just two weeks, Kuno had become his best friend in the world. Both of their worlds were so much smaller now that Zaichaer was rent by breaches. These were times when friends were all important and their bond felt so potent to Reiner. How could Kuno turn on him like this? Eventually he slowed his pace. If Kuno wanted to be a bitch, let him.

That was all well and good until he actually got back to the apartment and his hand trembled as it reached for the door. That wasn't anger. The fear was back, because maybe he'd really hurt Kuno. He'd been thoughtless before. It wasn't out of the question that he'd been thus tonight. He took a breath and he tried the handle. Kuno hadn't locked it, so that was something, he supposed. Still, he didn't say a word when he stepped inside. He just locked the door, took off his shoes, removed his coat and folded it. Pretty routine, all things considered, except for the silence that hung between them like a pall.

He took a seat at the edge of the bed, burying his face in his hands and sighing. By and by, he lifted his head to look across the room at Kuno by the stove, facing away from him. Finally, he had to break the silence, because he couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey..." His eyes darted to the floor. He wasn't sure he could face that green-eyed gaze directly, right now. "I... must've done something to really irk you, and... I won't lie and say I know what it is, but I'm real, real sorry, Kuno. You're..." He clenched his eyes shut. Fucking beer must've been making him histrionic, because his eyes were moist and stinging.

"You're my best friend, all right? If I hurt you, tell me how to fix it. I can't stand having you mad at me. It makes me want to jump off the island."

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:30 pm
by Rune
Kuno listened to the sorrow being expressed with a certain amount of satisfaction but while it was balm, he still felt burned. Turning his head abruptly he snapped,

"It didn't feel like we were friends tonight!" Before he was able to bite his tongue. He needed a reason to be angry that wouldn't get him into trouble. A dozen small slights came to mind but none was enough to excuse his current pique. Two options came to mind, the first was to insinuate that Reiner was taking up all the female attention with his cutesy little act (Sitting on the table for Mists' sake!), but that felt like jealousy and he didn't want it sitting between them and potentially marring any night they had out together so he ultimately settled on the second.

He hung his head for a moment to clear away the fog of anger and the disappointed, hurt sigh that accompanied it was not something he had to put-on.

Turning slowly he let himself see and be seen openly before unfolding his long, lean body from its crouch. Moving over to sit on the bed but turned so the two could face each other in the flickering fire light as the room slowly warmed he said,

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to upset you, I just thought..." He paused here, bit his lip, waited to be prompted before going on. When he was he met Reiner's eyes and let some of the fear, some of the hurt show through,

"Over the last weeks since we met I thought I'd found another brother-in-arms, I man I could count on to go the distance with, who would stand with me when the call to charge comes. I've lost so many, you see and... I suppose, watching you attach yourself to that girl so quickly, singling her out, touching her...

Well, if you want to be married, settle down, start a family, stay where it's safe," He shrugged, slowly and devastatingly; as though the shoulder movement was placing an irreparable barrier between them, a barrier that Kuno didn't want, that he hated, but that he would accept if his friend chose it.

"I just thought we were..." He shook his head, swallowed at another lump in his throat, folded his hands in his lap and looked away, at the floor, "No, it doesn't matter."

A smile spread over his face that was somehow so much more painful then any other expression might have been below his bright, sad eyes and his pain-furrowed brow.

"I'll be happy for you."

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:49 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
"Of course we're friends!" Reiner replied, incredulous. "I spend every waking moment with you that one of us isn't working toward the betterment of the State!" Apparently family supper at White Knight Hall fell under that umbrella to Reiner, but shouldn't it? They'd broached important things and he'd participated.

"Even today when I was super hungry, I didn't just stop and get something on the quick, I wanted to have dinner with you and talk about our days, and we did!" He knitted his brow, bemused at Kuno's train of thought. Before he had time for conjecture, which would have likely led him to the possibility of jealousy, Kuno sat beside him. He quickly turned, pulling one leg up onto the bed so he could face the other man directly- part of him wanted to reach for him physically, and his body language broadcast that, but he didn't. That would've made things weirder.

It was easier to look Kuno in the eye now that he wasn't being cold, but he seemed so vulnerable it broke Reiner's heart.

"You did! We are brothers-in-arms!" He protested, shaking his head uncomprehending as to how Kuno could feel otherwise. As he started to speak of Renata, he tilted his head, eyes widening. Where the fuck was this heading? His posture stiffened, and his fingers curled against the fabric of his sleek new slacks.

"What?" The turn Kuno took next was half relieving, half confusing, but either way- His stance relaxed significantly.

"Married? Settle down? Start a f-... Kuno, I'm twenty two years old. I've never had a girlfriend for more than a couple of months, and my duty is to Zaichaer, to our people, to... to getting things back on track, so civilians can think about stuff like kids and families. I'm nowhere near any of that, I just... I was being social, is all, and she was cute, wasn't she?" He sighed, smiling for the first time since they'd gotten back,

"I thought you sat us over there because you wanted to... Y'know, maybe get your rocks off. I know you don't get us much privacy as you used to, since I started bunking here. I thought you might be a bit, um... pent up?" That might actually explain the severity of this mood, Reiner thought, biting his lip and searching Kuno's eyes for further clarity.

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:04 am
by Rune
Kuno's smile remained in place and he nodded through the excuses while managing to look as though he thought Reiner might be deluding himself as to his own intentions.

"She's beautiful, really lovely, she gave you the attention you deserve."

He shrugged again and pulled a face at the mention that he might need to 'get his rocks off'.

"Sure, I'll take it where I can get it, but girls like that? Good, clean girls from respectable families? I'll flirt, gotta keep up moral for the civilians too, but if I need relief that isn't where I'll go."

The sadness was gone from his face but replaced by something edging toward reproach, as though Reiner suggesting he take one of the middle-class workers' daughters in a back alley was, at best, a vulgar joke, at worst, an insult to Kuno's honor.

"Pent up I may be but, mate..." He shook his head and smirked as though still hoping Reiner was making a joke.

"Just, be careful, alright? Those girls are looking for husbands and the State still needs you." The statement rung of 'I still need you' and Kuno didn't try to hide it. "I don't want you to find yourself marched to the alter at the muzzle of a daddy's rifle any time soon."

He reached out and wrap his hand around the Private's upper arm and gave him a sheepish little smile,

"I am sorry. I was just... I'm not ready to lose another friend, even if it isn't to the jaws of a damned abomination, yeah?"

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:21 am
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner's smile melted like first frost, as he finally came around to comprehension of Kuno's meaning.

"Ohhh." He tipped his head down, suddenly wishing there were more beer. "I didn't-... I wasn't thinking about any of that. I was just... having a good time. I guess I wasn't thinking much at all." He grimaced, fingers starting to fidget together over the knee of the one leg that was up on the bed with them.

"It's so small up here..." There were so few people, and so many of them were important. Not that grunts like him weren't important, but they were scientists and strategists- Leaders with training and experience far beyond Reiner's years. Kuno was right. He couldn't just toy with the hearts of their daughters.

"I wasn't... I asked her on a date, I wasn't going to just... I've always been real respectful. I'm not an asshole or... or sexual predator, Kuno, I hope you know that. I didn't mean I thought you were either, I... Like I said. Not much thinking going on. Ugh..." Now he'd run the full gamut of his least favorite emotions. Embarrassment had just come calling. He sighed heavily and just plopped down on his back, both legs now hanging over the edge of the bed and his hands covering his face.

"What the fuuuuck..." He groaned quietly into his palms. After a moment, he let his arms fall to the sides. His hazel eyes gazed weakly at the ceiling above. There was the stain of an old watermark there, and he let his eyes go blurry as he looked at it.

"You won't lose me, Kuno, unless you want to..." He rasped, "But if you want to, now I know you can powerwalk like a motherfucker and I'll have no hope of catching up." It was a joke, but somehow it didn't sound like one. There was a weary resignation in his voice. After such a good first day at work and the exciting prospect of a first date, those things felt sullied now.

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:38 am
by Rune
Kuno nodded, his own feelings cooling the heat of anger to a more gentle warmth. It took effort to pull his hand back from Reiner's arm and fold it back into his lap instead of raising it higher to cup the other man's face. There might be circumstances in which he could make such a move without provoking undue suspicion but now was not one of them.

"You should go, on the date I mean. No reason to insult the girl, but keep it light and bright, yeah? Maybe talk about how shit our apartment is."

His affectionate grin was just beginning to peek back out from where it had been shrouded in darker expressions. He tilted his head, and gave it a little shake at the protestations of honorable behavior, clearly projecting that he hadn't thought for a second that Reiner would lower himself.

"Of course you have, I never thought otherwise, but that was the problem, you see. I thought you were making her an honorable offer and," Here his eyes widened and he flattened out his mouth to show his sincerity and regret, "I'm sure she did too, if you catch my meaning."

When the profession of faithfulness to their brotherhood came, Kuno couldn't help it, his hand came to rest on the only part of Reiner he could easily reach that wasn't his crotch; his thigh. He gave it a soothing squeeze and then ran his hand up and down a few times as though trying to get warmth back into the flesh before giving in a final enthusiastic pat.

"That's why I'm here, to make sure you're adjusting, right? Now come on, let's forget this mess and get packed for the morning. Off to save the world again, eh? The Noble Gambit? Do you know the ship? One of the best in the fleet, any ZADC man would give an arm for a posting on her decks! You'll love it."

He paused, gave the other man an appraising, teasing look and said, "You aren't afraid of heights, are you? Is that why you joined the ZDC?"

His tone made the army sound like a punishment posting compared to the loftier ZADC.

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:57 am
by Reiner Dornkirk
"Heh..." Reiner considered, "Yeah. Maybe I will. Who knows what'll come of it? Most people aren't compatible just because they're attracted to each other. More likely than not that'll be true of us and it'll just... take care of itself without me needing to make excuses." He sighed,

"Yeah. I get it Kuno. I... wish we could've just talked about it on the walk back, instead of you storming off that way. If you'd given me a chance and just talked through it with me, I don't think you'd have taken it so personal... It's like... Obviously both of us'll get married someday, but my cousin and Eitan are married and they're still really close. They live in the same house and everything!" He glanced at their present surroundings, "Though admittedly it's a lot bigger than this shithole." He noted with a weak chuckle. "No offense." He bit his lip.

"Sure." Reiner took in a deep breath and sat himself up, "Besides I want to get out of this fancy new uniform before I wrinkle it any more." He unbuttoned the slacks, as he rose to his feet holding the waist and stepping out without letting them tumble to the floor as he usually might. These trousers were being treated like the national flag- As if it would be an offense against Zaichaer to let them graze the ground. He removed the button-down shirt, but left the tank-top undershirt, so he was down to that, his briefs and socks.

He would neatly fold the uniform up, and put it with his others, before pulling on a pair of simple, pajama pants to cover his legs which were still a bit cool, despite Kuno's efforts to warm the one. He took the duffel bag he'd arrived with out of the closet, and knelt to sift through what was already inside it, before deciding what needed to be added.

"I've heard of the Noble Gambit, yeah... But I've only been on transport ships until recently. There was a fleet that escorted us to the Northern Front, though, so I got to see the flagship... I'd kill to take a ride on that big ole battleaxe..." Reiner wrinkled his nose.

"Ugh, no!" He mock whined, "I joined the ZDC because the ZADC rejected me. As did the Riverland Corps. I never told you that?" That wasn't so difficult to believe. It wasn't a point of pride, by any means, and they'd only known each other two weeks. It just felt like so much longer.

"Yeah, I was dying to join the ZADC in hopes of being assigned to one of the ships my uncle built, but I guess I make for better cannon fodder, huh? Oh well..."

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 10:53 am
by Rune
Kuno simply nodded to the commentary about fate ending Reiner's budding relationship. The part of him that had been angry had not been allowed to express itself and it still simmered, but in all honesty he was tired and he didn't like being at conflict with his friend regardless of how deserved his ire was.

Watching the other man rise and undress was soothing, a ritual that had come to be what he expected before they fell to sleep together. It was not the herald of rest this night, not yet at any rate. He groaned as he stood and began carefully removing his uniform along side the private.

"I should have talked to you but it seemed so obvious. I forget that you're younger, that you don't know these sorts of things." As he said this he turned, bare but for his under things and stood so he was looking down into Reiner's eyes. His expression was soft, apologetic but also weary in a way that made the three year gap between them seem greater than it was. Again he wanted to reach out and stroke his knuckles down the sharp cheek bones of the face below, but he did not. "You're so mature and steady, I forget. Forgive me?"

The idea that they might continue to share a living space after they were both married was rich-man's bullocks, of course. Whatever namby-pamby behavior the haves got up to, the have-nots did not participate, or, if they did, they suffered for it. Kuno had no intention of suffering such a fate and, interestingly, he realized he had no intention of letting Reiner suffer one either.

When he stepped back he thought that they were alright with each other again, more than that would have to wait. Possibly forever. Within a few minutes he had retrieved his own duffel and packed it with an efficiency that came when one was graced with a combination of being used to leaving a place in a hurry and owning very few possessions.

One of his new uniforms went in, plus one of his old ones in case he had to do some dirty work and one set of civilian clothes just in case. His mess kit, grooming kit, and the one to clean his weapons rounded out the sum total of his packing. His kits were always ready to go unless they were currently being used so they were a matter of tossing them atop his clothes. He zipped up and made sure the same uniform he'd worn that night was hung properly so as not to wrinkle before having a glass of water and bringing one to Reiner.

"Drink up, soldier, can't have you dehydrated on duty tomorrow." The man stood and waited while Reiner drank the glass and then took it from him, perhaps playing mother again, perhaps the lieutenant checking on his subordinate. When that was done he made sure the stove was all set to burn through the night and then crawled into their bed.

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:14 am
by Reiner Dornkirk
“Mm.” Reiner pursed his lips. He was a little miffed at the infantilization that Kuno employed to excuse his ignorance, but not offended enough to make mention of it. The last thing he wanted to do was curry further conflict, after having just resolved their issue. It was good enough that Kuno seemed assuaged and Reiner had said his piece about what he seemed to be an overreaction on the part of the lieutenant.

He glanced to the side, finding himself face to crotch with Kuno. Slowly his gaze rose and found the older soldier’s eyes looking softly upon him, faintly smiling lips imparting an apology and a compliment that balmed his prior umbrage.

“I forgive you.” He offered softly, then cleared his throat and turned his attentions back to the task of packing his duffel.

He went from kneeling to sitting, a few times pausing to meditate and make certain he hadn’t forgotten anything. He wasn’t quite as fastidious as Kuno in that regard, and he was anxious about forgetting something important. Ultimately he decided it was good enough, and he’d quintuple check things in the morning.

“Oh.” He accepted the water with a slight smile, taking a sip at Kuno’s urging. “Thanks…” It was thoughtful, he supposed, if a little strange. Sometimes it really did feel like Kuno thought he was a little kid who’d wither away if he wasn’t taken care of. It wasn’t like they’d had so much to drink that he’d be especially wanting for water. He wondered if maybe Kuno felt bad about their disagreement, and took to nurturing as some sort of penance.

Still a bit jostled by the turn of the evening and still a bit cold, he wore his pants and tank top to bed, though he did peel off and discard the socks.

“Night…” He offered as he slid under the covers and turned his back on the lieutenant, as he drew the bedding up to his neck.

Re: Let Me Be Your Tourniquet [Part II]

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:36 am
by Rune
Kuno was a little disappointed when his bed mate did not press back against them as had become common between them. Despite his weariness he lay for a few minutes staring at the back of his friend's head (the only part visible above the covers). Without realizing it he slipped into a doze like that, frowning and uncomfortable.

It might have been the friction of the argument, or the discomfort of the position he fell asleep in, or it might have been as random as any other part of life seemed to be, but, soon after drifting his mind caught hold of him and began to drag him through the terror moments of his life. It started out simple enough with a memory, real or a combination of several with added bits to emphasize, of being on the streets during Frost as a young boy. The dream self was probably seven or eight, had no coat, no socks under his too-large shoes. All the places that were warm enough to huddle safely were occupied or else his imagination filled them with other obstacles. He was so tired and so hungry that, eventually he just curled up on the street to wait to die.

When his dream-form opened its eyes he was still laying on the streets of Zaichaer, but he was an adult, and in the West End. Gun shot was sounding all around him, screams and other, less pleasant sounds that he couldn't put a name to. He'd been thrown across the street by a creature that had once been a person. It had too many arms now and they weren't fully formed, hands in the wrong places and slick with something not unlike amniotic fluid, but it was plenty strong enough to toss soldiers like toys.

His head rang from its impact with the paving and his vision swam with black specks as though it were snowing ash. Another man, one he would have called 'friend' if he'd been asked, had been right beside him when the arm caught him. Looking around his eyes found the other soldier, the parts that were left of him, spattered in large chunks where the claws had caught him instead of Kuno. Shaking his head trying to unsee the mess that could be made of a man he tried to push himself to his feet but found he could not. All he could do was lay there and see and scream.

In the bed his body shivered and shook, making no sound, through the first half of the nightmate; being silent as a child had been a mode of survival. The second half had him shaking more violently, and, at the end, thrashing and, if not fully screaming, a muted version of the same.