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Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:06 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
45th, Ash 122,

It was getting harder to keep his distance from the people he loved.

Delia's hand reached for him often, and while he would not deny her his escort into dinner or where else it was proper that he should lend his arm to his wife, the small touches were beginning to wear at his resolve.

How weak was he a man, that such small things could etch into the walls he'd put up to keep safe the woman he'd sworn to protect?

This did not even mention Eitan, whose eyes followed him with as much confusion and worry as his half-sister's. Stefan had been forced to move away whenever his brother in law came close to him on even the most innocent of pretext. Their fingers brushing as the man handed him a drink was enough to strangle his heart in his chest. After all they had been through the ache of his need for the comfort of his family was like a living thing inside him, constantly in the throws of dying but never allowed to perish and be still.

He could only make excuses, of work, of being needed, of one emergency following the last.

When Delia had asked him, after their little family dinner party, to help her put their daughter to bed he had barely managed to choke out,

"I can't." Turning away before he could steady his voice and give her a polite smile with his explanation of being needed elsewhere.

When he'd decided that he had to pull back into his proper place he'd known that he would have to be cold for a while, return to the aloofness he'd shown to the world before he'd discovered what happiness could feel like. It would hurt them all, even Luca, he suspected, but a temporary pain was better than the betrayal of endangering them with himself.

And he knew, by the razor sharp edges pressing into his mind whenever he tried to remember what he felt like to be held that this was now his hell to live in. There was something wrong with how his thoughts pathed now, he could feel it, but what it was he did now know and distance was the safer road. For them.

It had been ten days since the dinner for Reiner and he'd been able to keep himself from coming home for more than a few hours at a time since then. He slept on the couches in the sitting room adjacent to his office, pressing his face in deep and wrapping himself in the blanket he refused to let Deinerin take to wash for the lingering scent of his brother. The one that he hadn't yet failed. Only almost. So very nearly. And if sometimes it felt like he was sobbing when he shook so hard he could not catch his breath, no tears ever fell. It would pass, he told himself, when he could not make it stop. It would pass, and sleep would come, and tomorrow he'd be stronger.

He'd gotten a note that morning asking him to come discuss the results of the census and survey of what trained work people were available to them that did not fall under his purview in the Windworks. It was important, and it was work, and he had to do it. He sent back a note that he would arrive just before dinner time. They family could share a meal if Eitan was available, or just Stefan and the ladies if not. Then he could say he had spent time with them.

When he arrived it had been more difficult to step over the threshold he'd once bounded over in his eagerness to see those who waited for him. Steeling himself he made his way to the sitting room, moving quickly behind his desk before his wife could be informed of his presence and sitting. He rose when she entered, of course, and she did not try to get to him, though she did pause as though waiting an invitation to do so. When he gestured to the comfortable chair he'd set across from him and sat himself, she followed.

His greeting was pleasant and they spoke while passing papers between them, it was exactly the sort of equal partnership in marriage he'd always hoped for, even if it no longer felt that way. He praised her, honestly, for her efforts, for the speed with which she had managed to organize the people and begin relocating them to more appropriate housing than the basements of the Windworks.

They were just finished and it looked like his wife was about to speak to him of something less business oriented when the bell rang for dinner. Standing he smiled his bland, even smile and offered her his arm. She clung to it as they walked and was reluctant to release it when they entered the dining room to find Eitan and Luca taking their own seats. He greeted them both as pleasantly as he could manage and then sat. The meal passed quietly, without much conversation, and Luca kept peering at him as though something was wrong with his clothing or she disapproved of his choice of tie, or a foul odor surrounded him. When he stood and said he thought he might go to the library to have a drink and see if he could find a book he'd been wanting both women looked at Eitan, for some reason, the one pleading, the other intent.

Stefan went, whatever that was about, poured himself a double of whiskey and stood by one of the beautiful windows looking out at the darkened lawn. The glass was likely some of the only from the capital that still survived. The wards having kept them intact. This thought sent his mind reaching for Eitan and, as though somehow the idea had summoned him, the man appeared. Stefan felt him, caught his scent, but did not turn. Unprepared for the encounter he could only swallow, then take a larger swallow of the alcohol and hope to be left alone.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:47 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"Well, if you don't, I will..." His wife's encouragement haunted him on the walk from the dining room to the library. He knew she would, and he knew she would use blunt force trauma to get her way when more delicate negotiation ought to be used. But she didn't like how his coldness was affecting her friend, nor her husband, and her patience was wearing thin.

Eitan made no attempt to sneak. It might have been his imagination, but it seemed as though Stefan stiffened at his approach. In any case, he didn't acknowledge him, and he could only think of academy days when Brenner had so snubbed him. And then his presence made Stefan need to drink more.

He found himself closing the distance between them. He found himself dropping his forehead to the nape of Stefan's neck. He found himself whispering apologetically.

"I don't know what I did," he managed, "but I apologize. I know you're busy... I don't want to make demands... I need my brother, though. Please forgive me. Please don't shut me out, Stef..."

Eitan didn't know why Stefan was shutting out his wife as well, but he didn't want to speak for Delia. Things were going well with Lucrece, but there were worries he had that he wanted to share with Stefan, who was also recently a father, even if he wasn't actively parenting the infant girl.

"Just tell me what I have to do to make things right between us. Just tell me what I have to fix so you are happy to come home at night..."

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:29 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
Stefan flinched his lover drew near, but kept his body stiff and still. Weakness must not show. The warmth against the back of his neck, even through his high dinner dress collar burned like a brand. Eyes blue and hard like ice closed to feel it anyway. He was branded already, seared to the bone by what he wanted and could not have. Every muscle fought to turn, to take Eitan's face in his own large hands and kiss him as though the only air in the room was stored in the half-elf's lungs.

Taking a slow breath that he was ashamed to know the other man would have felt shaking, Stefan took enough of a step away that he could turn without knocking into him and said in a low voice that wouldn't carry beyond the two of them,

"You've done nothing, brother. I'm not displeased with you." He tried to let the smallest part of what he was feeling slip out into the words so that Eitan would know they were true. They were, and while he must now keep himself apart that did not mean the people he loved should feel abandoned. That he should not, could not allow himself the simplicity of becoming entangled and warped by happiness any longer was not something he could explain. He didn't think he would be understood, and even if he were, he would be argued with he was sure. The power both Angevin's had over him was greater than his own will could contend with, he'd learned that when it had caused him to break from everything he'd lived his life for. It was not their fault that he hadn't held to his convictions, damned-gods knew it wasn't their fault. Brenner had warned him, tried to bring him back onto the path, but the offered fruits had been too much for his weak will and he had succumbed. Brenner had always, always been the stronger willed, by the time he could sit on his own he'd exerted the fortitude of his personhood.

Setting his own tumbler down on the windowsill so it would be known he intended to come back he walked over to the drinks cart and mixed something he knew Eitan particularly enjoyed before returning to standing quite close. Handing the offering over he said,

"I'm here. Drink with me. What is it that I may do for you?" The desire to serve in his voice was an inflection he imagined his remaining brother knew well.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:55 pm
by Eitan Angevin
The mixed messages from Stefan did nothing to alleviate his worry. There was physical distancing, but a flicker of warmth. A drink prepared as it had been on countless evenings while discussing matters of import to the nation—such as it was—and the family, now that Angevin and Dornkirk were as good as one. An earnest desire to help, but pretending nothing was wrong. Though he had already had more wine with supper than he ought to have had—liquid courage—he took the tumbler with mumbled thanks, his fingers brushing Stefan's as it was passed over. His hand came up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Sometimes it felt as though he were going mad, even with his sister and his wife corroborating his observations and sharing his responses.

"If I haven't done anything and Delia hasn't done anything, then is aught the matter with you?" He took a bracing sip of alcohol before meeting Stefan's guarded gaze. "I know all of us are kept quite busy by circumstance and we have been through a great deal over the last season, but you eschew your wife's bed, you haven't truly held your daughter, and while we all work well as a political unit... you are like a ghost. It's reminiscent of you hiding at your parents' home to keep Delia safe. It doesn't work, Stef. We all have enough to deal with that everything might fall apart, but if your heart isn't in it... it surely will."

His free hand was up, upturned, asking that he be understood. Stefan was even cagier than Brenner had been in his own way, but Eitan didn't call him brother only because they were brothers-in-law. There had been a time where they were the closest of friends and confidants.


Once more, he drank, a larger gulp than he ought to have taken, though it merely made his eyes water and he grunted to clear his throat of the burn.

"I don't know how to help if you don't tell me what you need. But you aren't a good enough actor to pretend everything is all right. Not with me. Not with your family."

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 4:18 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
He shook his head a little at the notion that Delia might have done anything wrong, showing that it was far outside the realm of what he felt as he turned to pick up his own glass again. The assertion that something might be wrong with Stefan hurt, enough to draw his mouth into a flat line that was as close as he got to expressing pain when he was in public.

Was that how he felt now, that Eitan was public? Someone he needed to be guarded against? The answer did not come, and he took a slow swallow of the burning liquid even though he knew it would not be found in the bottom. When the conversation became one concerning his marriage bed he turned back to the window, staring out at the stars and trying not to be angry that, of all of it, Eitan didn't understand that choice.

"I almost killed her, Eitan. Childbirth almost killed your sister and you wonder why I no longer burden her with my conjugal rights? Would you do it to Luca were you in my place? For Mists' sakes, man, I'm not a monster. She's barely even recovered fully and what would become of our daughter if her mother..."

He took another swallow to cover his voice breaking.

"As for the baby, what use has she for me now? I know nothing of how to care for an infant. She has all she needs, that is my job to ensure. Perhaps when she is older I can be useful, teach her things. She is a Dornkirk, she might even be interested in my work."

The tiny hope was a pleasant one, even if still very distant. Teaching his child useful skills wasn't something he should have to forgo, so long as he was careful.

Turning back to his brother he gave a smile that was shattered glass turned inward. His voice was slow and deep, and quiet still,

"But, maybe you're right. Maybe I am a ghost. Perhaps all the Dornkirks died that day." It was melodramatic and he cursed himself for it, but it didn't feel wrong, as he said it. "I will keep my heart in it. I'll keep everything together and our family safe. I promise."

He wanted to reach out a hand and rest it on Eitan's shoulder, both as reassurance for the other man and comfort for himself, but he just wrapped both his hands around his tumbler and swallowed the sentiment. Even more quietly, so it came out as little more than a whisper he said,

"Of course everything isn't alright. Of course it isn't." Tears were beginning to threaten so he kept his eyes down, as though examining the amber liquid between his hands. "I took oaths, to protect, to serve. I failed. I can't do that again. You have to see that. I have to be stronger than I was. Brenner was right. I let myself get distracted and it cost... He'd dead, Eitan. My brother is dead. My parents. The city, worse than dead. I have to protect what's left. If I let myself slip again, forget my duty to indulge in my desires..."

The pause was long, and pregnant with memories of the times they had indulged their desires together, of moments he'd spent with Delia, even Luca teasing him and acting out to get her own way. It was all bright and beautiful, perfect, in his mind's eye, but he had to close that eye and keep focus.

"You must understand." It wasn't phrased as a question but it was one, however distant he needed to be, the approval of what was left of his family was still his paramount in the discharge of his duty.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:29 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"We aren't children, Stef," he snapped. Catching himself, he downed his drink and set his glass aside with a heavy clink lest he throw it. "Life involves risk. Life leaves scars. We all simultaneously failed and succeeded on that day. You aren't responsible for what happened... you're responsible for saving those who could be saved. You're responsible for quick thought and organization. You've created a man-made miracle." His hands were up, in part supplicating, in another part indicating everything around them.

"Delia chose you. She chose to bear your children. It's dangerous, but she survived despite the city being under attack. She wants her conjugal rights. She wants to be your partner in all things just as you promised at your nuptials.

"As for Luca... the midwives say she is coming along well. There will be risk. She knows that. She still wants children, and if childbirth proves too dangerous to repeat, we will discuss that together. Mists, there are enough orphans in Zaichaer now that we would be obliged to adopt a few. But I'm not going to withdraw from her because I'm scared. When we are scared, we need to pull closer to each other, not push each other away. Isolating yourself isn't ennobling. It's hurting the ones you love. You're being selfish with yourself."

Now he wasn't gesticulating, but he had advanced upon Stefan and now his hands caught him hard by the face.

"I like Minister Dornkirk at the negotiation table. I like Mister Dornkirk in the Windworks. When I'm home, I want my fucking friend. I want my brother to be a part of my fucking family. Do you understand me?"

He looked so human, but there was a rage within him that was not. It didn't occur to him that pent up emotion might lead to an eruption of black-tinged vision, but perhaps he was closer to that than he realized.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:55 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
For a moment, when Eitan raised his hands, Stefan thought he was doing to hit him, and, for that moment, he wanted him to.

The desire was quick as a burn, searing through him with a hot, sick need that made him choke on nothing audibly as the fingers of hands that had loved him curled around his jaw to hold him fast. The idea, however vague and brief, of some sort of relief, even as confused as it made him, was enough to make him feel like he might fall, or like he was already falling.

Pulling himself back from that feeling as his brother-in-law shouted at him was difficult enough that he had to become angry in return to manage it.

"He's gone, Eitan!" He had no idea why these were the words that came out of his mouth, they were not associated with any of the points Eitan had made. As he was trying to catch up to his own thought process, more came out,

"There isn't anyone there anymore, where he stood, what he did I..." He closed his eyes tight for a moment and took a deep breathe but the anger was, if anything, stronger when he opened them. "Brenner kept me from becoming distracted, he corrected me when I listed away."

It had mostly been done with shame, and guilt, but those had been effective tools and he could not blame his brother for using what would work, particularly not when the shame was well earned by Stefan.

"Brenner was the reason I've become anything I have. When I stopped listening to him it started the path that led to... to all of this. I can't ever stop what happened from having happened, but if I hadn't been so indulgent as to forget my duty, so afraid of returning the favor when Brenner was caught on the hooks of that witch!" He stopped again, nostrils flaring,

"It is my fault. And I won't see anymore destruction because I'm too afraid of losing what I want. So I won't want like that, not anymore."

He couldn't look at Eitan and say he didn't want him, so he pulled away, wrenching his face from the grip hard enough that he might have to explain smudges of bruise in the morning.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:46 pm
by Eitan Angevin
"You don't think I know he's gone?" he asked, just on the safe side of shouting. Manners had been beaten into him. His face was flushed; his eyes were bright with an unholy fire. "You don't think I miss him everyday? You don't think I blame myself for his death?"

Eitan stood there shaking. Even when he took Stefan in his hands, the man pulled away.

There was the mystery of the adamantine skeleton that Brenner had left behind. In his heart, he hoped that between Stefan and Agata, they could figure out some way to bring him back. Perhaps he was the worst sort of optimist, but he had hope. In the meantime, they had each other and the clear and present danger of extinction if they did not focus on the tasks at hand, but those tasks and any future inquiry into the strangeness of Brenner's death would be for naught if they couldn't remain a family.

Stefan was stronger than him. He didn't care. He had lost Brenner; he wasn't going to lose Stefan. Eitan launched himself at Stefan, wiry strong arms closing about him as he attempted to kiss his brother-in-law. Nothing would work without Stefan, and a shell of Stefan wasn't good enough.

Eitan had worked too hard for this. Despite the destruction of Zaichaer, he had his wife, he had his beloved sister, and he had a brother in Stefan. He would never have Leir Angevin's approval or love, but he was keeping the dream of the High City alive.

"We can... own our mistakes..." he managed through the struggle. "But we... can't punish each... each other..."

Finally, he managed to lock lips with the unwilling man, sure he was going to end up with a black eye or a broken tailbone, but he didn't care anymore.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:08 pm
by Stefan Dornkirk
The actual attack, when it came, was not at all what he had been expecting, and, he could admit, hoping for. The force of it caused him to stumble back more than actually attempt to evade the press of Eitan's mouth to his own. The stumbling steps did not disentangle the brothers-in-law, it just took them both back until Stefan's back was pressed against the wall just to one side of the wide fireplace that warmed the room. Their combined weight made him 'oof' as he collided with the solid surface but it didn't knock the wind out of him.

He struggled more out of instinct than any intention, unsure, at first what was even happening. Then they did kiss, it was hot more than warm, angry more than sweet, and it melted Stefan's insides like a lead soldier held over the fire. Not all of him, just the part that he'd wrapped in ice to protect other people from him.

The words landed in his brain just as he managed to shove Eitan back a few hard steps, his lungs filled with air and all pretense of calm or rationality was gone,

"Then who will!?" Not content to let Eitan remain out of arm's reach, despite having pushed him there himself, he took the steps between them by storm. "Who is going to now that Brenner is gone?!"

He was shouting, but he didn't notice, arms thrown up in helpless despair being expressed as anger. When their faces were again inches apart, he lowered his volume but his tone was the same as he growled through clenched teeth,

"Who is going to punish me now?!"

It had never been a sex thing, almost never even a physical thing. The fact was Stefan simply was not as good as Brenner, not as good a man, but that had always been okay because they were a team, a pair; brothers. Brenner corrected him, and however painful, unpleasant or uncomfortable it was for Stefan, he needed the correction. It had been such a fundamental part of their relationship, and so subtle that, had someone tried to discuss it with him before the 34th, he would have been baffled. But he'd had a lot of time to think of late and he'd finally seen the nature of his connection with his brother, at least, this part of it. Right now it felt like, on the same day the foundation of his life had been pulled out from under him, the sky had also been ripped off, leaving him floating without the ability to self correct. If no one was there to pull him back when he went to far, to correct him when he went in the wrong directions, every error was optionally catastrophic. No mistakes could be tolerated, so no indulgence, no feelings, no distractions could be either.

Re: Out to Sea [Eitan]

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:08 pm
by Eitan Angevin
For a moment, Eitan thought he had reached the man. Then he was stumbling back, catching himself on the back of a settee, but not before knocking a vase off the side table, which shattered on the floor. He cursed under his breath and pushed himself back to his feet. His face went stony, and his eyes flashed with dark anger.

Stefan was shouting, and then he was in Eitan's face, no longer shouting but gesticulating still.

"Fine." He backhanded Stefan, relying upon the element of surprise to land it.

"You blame yourself for everything that has gone wrong? Vanity, Stefan. You aren't so important as that. There are uncountable variables involved in life. You don't get to play the Kalzasern martyr on me. You're important to the people of Zaichaer who remain. To your wife, your daughter, to me, to your family. You are going to love Delia in all the ways you promised. You're going to do the same for me. And if you need to be punished... if you need your course corrected... then I will punish you. I will correct your course. Captain fucking Angevin of the ZADC Stefan Dornkirk."

All the while, he was unbuttoning his coat, then he sloughed it off onto the same settee that had broken his fall. He undid his suspenders, then gathered them like a short whip or crop, and slapped them against his palm hard enough that he would have winced if he wasn't in a contest of wills.

"You are behaving like a fucking child, so I'll punish you like one." He pointed to the settee. "Bend over and we'll expiate your guilt so you can treat your family with the respect and love that we deserve."