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Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:14 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
Relieved that his pass phrase had been accepted, the slightest sigh escaped his lips, but he willed his shoulders not to relax, lest he come off overfamiliar or unprofessional. He maintained his 'at ease' stance, while the commander perused the letter. Kuno had prepared him well for a diatribe out of this man, and he braced himself to response just as they'd planned and even to some extent rehearsed. But instead to Reiner's surprise, Lang went off script.

Rather than growling like the old bear he evoked and delivering a verbal mauling, he asked pointed, pertinent questions. Logos, rather than pathos had prevailed in him for some reason. Perhaps it was the momentous nature of the recent shifts. The harrowing nature of the news in the letter he held. Whatever the case, he would need to shift his strategy to accommodate. Or rather, he would drop it entirely. If Lang was to be direct, so too would Reiner be.

"The Minister was able to outfit several plots of land that survived the initial blitz to the capital for flight, including Dornkirk Windworks. Many lives were saved thanks to his ingenuity and Captain Seeker Angevin's brave sacrifices. At present, these floating islands serve as the capital ship of an aerial flotilla that also includes much of the surviving fleet that was in and around the Zaichaer proper at the time of the blitz, as well as various civilian vessels." He pursed his lips as he paused for a beat.

"If I may say, sir..." And he would pause for assent before continuing, "I know we're a long way off from any semblance of normalcy, but I know the Minister is committed to resurrecting the Zaichaer we all swore oaths to protect. I know your support would go a long way toward getting us there. Please forgive me if that was impertinent to say." He pursed his lips, knitted his brow and stared ahead.

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:53 pm
by Rune
Lang's expression changed in small ways throughout the frank report he was given. That the Windworks had survived what seemed likely to have been an intentional attack from Kalzasi was unexpected. That the Minister of Science had found a way to lift it off the ground to protect the State's ability to build more ships was less so. The eldest Dornkirk boy had been coming up with clever ways to aid his homeland since he'd been barely out of training. This news made the Commander wonder if any of the miraculous stealth ships he'd been briefed on shortly before the 34th had been completed, and if not, if they could still be.

Who 'Captain Seeker Angevin' might be eluded him for a few sentences. Admiral Angevin was well known to him, personally and professionally, that his two eldest daughters had achieved the rank of Captain was also a known fact, but neither of them was associated with the order. Finally he realized; Leir's bastard elf boy must have been promoted, and promoted again. This caused an additional revelation. Magic had been what had saved what could be saved. Disappointing, but at least it was the regulated magic of the State.

When the report appeared finished there was a moments paused that he intended to use to gather words for a response but he found this interrupted by this even younger Dornkirk boy. How were they related? Did Melchior follow in his friend's footsteps and father a late-life bastard? He gave an impatient nod of assent so the rest would come out.

What followed was all correct, strictly speaking, but the implication that this snot-nosed brat was explain to him his job, his duty, made him sit up straighter, breath coming out in a low, dangerous growl. The apology at the end and remembering that the words were almost certainly a product of the zeal recruits were spoon fed until it was constantly being regurgitated calmed him enough that he sat back and considered before blowing his smoke stack.

Finally his glaring frown softened into a pointed but not sharp expression and he nodded more decidedly. A sigh followed and suddenly he looked more like a bear in need of a long Frost hibernation than one about to go rabid.

"I will meet with the Minister when he arrives, hear what he has to say, at least." At this concession one of the higher ranking clerks working on one of the chalk board broke ranks enough to glance over his shoulder with a look on his face that wondered if the Commander was suffering from some sort of stroke. The man snapped his face back towards his work and began writing with renewed vigor the moment the Commander sat back up fully.

"If what you say is true..." Lang's jaw set and his eyes wandered down to the ledger he'd been working on when Reiner and Kuno had arrive. For anyone with the eyes to see it seemed like he was steeling himself for a fight he hadn't been looking for but now knew was coming, "It's going to be a long, hard Frost."

Returning his penetrating gaze to the private he growled,

"Off with you. Tell the Minister I'll make time for him when he arrives. Dismissed!"

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:12 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
The silence that followed Reiner's addendum was deafening and he wondered whether he'd overstepped. Emboldened a bit by Commander Lang's earlier responses, he might have gotten too big for his britches and stuck his foot in his mouth. His neck tensed as he poised himself, once more, for a mauling. Instead, the old warhorse let out a sigh like the venting valves of some old dreadnought overdue for a refit.

His relief at being spared the wrath of the old bear was significant, but not so great as the relief that their mission has been accomplished! His eyes lit up, and Kuno would see the fingers of the hands held at his back tighten into firm fists of celebration. They'd done it! One down.

He barely had time to process this, before being summarily dismissed.

"Sir, yes, sir!" He barked, before turning sharply on his heel and marching (though he felt like skipping) past Kuno to the exit. Once they were clear of the door, he afforded freedom enough to his hitherto reserved face, to grin broadly at the accomplishment.

Passing the officer at her desk, and heading back out of the facility, he finally let himself look back at Kuno and mouth the words: "We did it!"

His moment of triumph was reduced a bit by the realization that he'd have to get back into that rickety little shuttlecraft to return to the Noble Gambit, but he'd survived the flight down, so maybe he'd venture to keep his eyes open this time. At least for part of the way. And, in any case, if he were to die in a fiery wreck, at least he'd have done so having accomplished something for Zaichaer. But the mission was far from complete....

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:38 pm
by Rune
The officer that had led them to the room was still standing outside it and to say that the man was surprised when the two strangely uniformed messengers emerged from the room, not only after not having been shouted at, but with relieved grins on their faces, was a significant understatement. Nevertheless he led them without comment back to the entrance area where they were eyed by several people who had arrived to wait their own turns at the old bear, as well as the woman behind the desk.

It looked for a second like she might say something but they had been escorted back properly and, as she hadn't received any orders to the contrary, were free to leave.

Kuno couldn't keep back his smile after the initial shared grin, but it was his only show of triumph until they were climbed back into the tiny ship that would take them back to the Noble Gambit to continue their journey. Once the door was closed behind them he reached out, taking Reiner by the shoulders and have him a congratulatory little shake.

"Well done man! I thought he was about to take your head off there for a moment. Got myself all ready to be sick or something, but no! Compared to the stories I've heard that meeting was practically affectionate. He must have some unnatural soft spot for you." Giving his friend the sort of questioning look he might have used if he suspected the private of having a secret girlfriend he said,

"Have you tamed the bear? I wouldn't be surprised if he asked you out after the show I just saw." The expression fell back into the grin as he laughed and slapped Reiner's arm.

"I suppose we should head back, might want to straight face it for the Captain when we get there though. No good would come of it getting around that you charmed old Lang out of his den."

Taking his seat in the pilots chair he began to strap himself, in, turning to do the same for Reiner once the private sat, whether he remember how himself or not.

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 5:50 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
"Ahh!" Reiner let out a little yell of excitement to coincide with being shaken, because the sound of an excited shout better suited his emotions than any word or phrase in his lexicon at the moment. He was also very glad that Kuno didn't comment on his little overreach, but he supposed if Commander Lang had let it go, it was only fair that the lieutenant did as well.

"Heh, well you know firsthand that it's no easy thing to go shouting at this puss." The private pointed to his own face and furrowed his brow, adopting a puppy dog pout complete with a quivering lip and making his big eyes look tragically sad, his boyish features looking impossibly innocent.

"Seems like I tamed the bear!" Reiner agreed, chuckling at the little tease, and shook his head. "I'd have to politely turn him down, I'm afraid. Grizzlies are not my type. Y'think he'd give me the usual explosive treatment when I said no?" He grinned winningly, and realized that he was taking all the credit without giving any back.

"But!" He clapped a hand on Kuno's shoulder, "I would have totally choked in there if I hadn't been prepped so thoroughly by my bestie back on the ship! Thank you so, so much for all your help, Kuno. This is your triumph as much as mine, and I'll make sure everyone knows that, yeah?" He offered a reassuring nod and pursed his lips as he reached for the straps on his seat. He released with a slight eye roll as Kuno took over and strapped him in.

"I'm not a kid, y'know... I can handle it myself, now that I'm a bear tamer and all."

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:09 pm
by Rune
There was something inherently charming about Reiner; to Kuno it was the combination of his boyishness and his ability to man up and do his job when it was needed. The naivete that sometimes meant he needed an older friend to guide him only added to the inherent attraction, so long as it was him guiding the impressionable youth rather than his loft cousin. The amount of time the two roommates spent together opposed to the amount of time Reiner spent with the Minister would hopefully out balance the star-struck attitude the private had towards his relation.

The lieutenant laughed at the joke, more from the joyful triumph still bubbling inside him than because it was overly funny. Lifting a fist he nudged it against his friends 'puss' playfully as though to imply that, indeed, surely no one could contemplate attacking it.

"Any time you need me, I'll be there." He winked gamely even through it wasn't really a joke.

As he carefully lifted off so as not to jostle any one or anything important he kept his eyes on the sky rather then glancing over periodically at Reiner as he had on the trip down. As pleased as he was by their victory, and as much as he believed him when the private promised to share the glory, there was a lot to consider. The next few months could very well set the course for the rest of Kuno's life. Seeing the opportunity that Reiner represented and attaching himself to it had been only the first step. As their relationship deepened into a bond of brotherhood he would need to balance carefully to ensure he rose just a little faster, keeping the power between them tipped in his favor without ever tipping so far that distance developed between them.

In addition to the calculation, based at this point mostly on speculation, Kuno found himself genuinely liking the boisterous younger man. It almost felt like they could be brothers, their lives running nearly parallel up to the point when they had met. They could have stepped into each other's identities without suspicion if they were going to places where their faces were not known. The sudden realization that, if all were to go down in flames with the Islands and Kuno somehow survived without Reiner, he could claim his birthright and all that still belonged to the House Dornkirk.

The idea was so monumental that it was actually frightening how much power would be suddenly in his hands. Enough so that Kuno lost concentration for a moment and the tiny ship lurched in midair.

"Oh! Uhm, damn birds!" He grunted under his breath the try and cover for the wobble. If he hadn't said anything it was unlikely Reiner would have known to ask, but he was feeling suddenly defensive. Casting a quick glance toward the other man he offered a tight smile before returning his concentration to the job at hand. Was it possible this was the destiny the gods had for him? With this thought he firmly put the topic away, these were matters too big to look at while he was distracted. They would wait till he had time fully alone to contemplate, and to pray.

When they had safely reattached the lifeboat to the Noble Gambit he turned and said,

"I suppose it's still early, but in my opinion, this calls for a drink, eh?"

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:08 am
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner pursed his lips and mimed as if the gentle fist to his cheek was a brutal blow, leaning to his side in slow motion. When he straightened out, he wobbled in a silly, whimsical way and bit his lip.

"It does feel that way... I know you will." Even if Kuno had been attempting to make his comment about being steadfast a joke, Reiner took it earnestly. He'd just told the older man how important he'd been to the present mission and it hadn't been lip service. Yes, he did feel obliged to say it, because he knew Kuno could be sensitive when he felt neglected or under-appreciated, but that didn't make it any less true. Reiner could be self-centered. It was really his own fault that Kuno had been vexed after their evening out. Now he was committed to making the effort he'd failed to make then.

As the small airship lifted off, Reiner shut his eyes and took a deep breath, but it was fortification this time. He forced his eyes to burst open and watch what was transpiring, even if it was very scary. Actually, because it was scary. And he found, in the aftermath of their triumph on the ground, the sort of scary the heights and perceived danger represented were of the more thrilling fashion. Before he'd been wrestling with two sorts of scary, and now he was blending victory with his fear, which exaggerated both.

But then the ship felt as though it was about to fall out of the air, and his pale fingers grew paler for the force of their grip on the arms of his seat. It was a brief moment during which his eyes clenched shut, but it wasn't long before he let them flutter open again. He hadn't seen any birds prior, but he was no airman and he had shut his eyes quite quickly. He wouldn't have put it past Kuno to have done it as a tease, but if it had been, he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting it disturb the rest of the flight. He would prove himself poised and confident. He would impress Kuno in this, as well.

He was quick to unbuckle himself once the ship had docked, as if eager to prove he could do it on his own. He grinned at the suggestion of a drink.

"Right now?" He'd figured they'd have some sort of debrief, but in truth Kuno was the superior officer. "Is that an order, lieutenant?"

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:04 pm
by Rune
"You bet your army ass it is!" Was the initial reply but, once they were fully aboard the ship they were due to inform the captain of the success of their mission. Not that he could actually do anything about it, or even inform the Minister. They would circle through the other forts and arrive back at the Islands the day before the larger ships arrived at this first fort to give their report to the ones who would actually use the information. Kuno conceded, internally as they spoke to the Merovech that the captain knowing that he would not be fired upon by the fort was useful intelligence.

Once this was done the lieutenant confessed to being hungry and the pair went for a meal before he would have to ready himself for his duty shift. He was of two minds about being assigned duties on the ship as well as escorting Reiner down to the forts. He knew it was an honor to be assigned, even briefly, to serve on the Noble Gambit, and he would not have been willing to give up his role in Reiner's assignment. Yet having both at the same time made him feel put upon.

Knowing that the next two forts wouldn't be any real issue, so long as they were still intact and not under siege, he asked the private if he wanted to join Kuno during his shift to learn a little about the running of a ship. Now that all their lives seemed inevitably tied to the skies it might be useful if the youngest Dornkirk officer at least understood the basics of how they were kept afloat and moving forward. If Reiner wanted to remain in their cabin and go over his notes, or make notes on the encounter they'd had that day he wouldn't be insulted. Some aspects of flying seemed to cause discomfort for the younger man, and while this amused Kuno, he wasn't going to try and force Reiner to spend time on the upper decks if he didn't want to.

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:38 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk
Reiner chuckled at Kuno’s vehemence and consented to oblige the order with a salute and a “Sir, yes, sir!” Worthy of the training his ‘army ass’ had undergone in boot camp and beyond.

As the private had suspected, they were indeed expected to debrief Captain Merovech in advance of their tipple. Reiner offered a very detailed and strikingly accurate account of the exchange, with many of Commander Lang’s quotes being verbatim. He didn’t have an eidetic memory or anything of the like, but he had been conscious of making a concerted effort to be as accurate as possible. Kuno would assert details of his own and Reiner would express gratitude at being prepped by the lieutenant.

To their disappointment, it seemed their celebratory drink would have to wait, as the captain gave the lieutenant additional orders that would require sobriety. At least they had time to take another meal and rehash their victories whilst planning how they would commemorate them later over lager.

“I’m glad you offered!” Reiner grinned, excitedly. “I was actually gonna ask you if you’d be able to teach me how to pilot at some point. I know you won’t be able to do that now, but that is to say— I’m interested in building up the sort of skills that will make me more useful in this brave new world of ours…” Kuno would likely remember that Reiner’s initial intention had been to join this branch, and it was only because he’d been rejected by the ZADC and the Riverland Corps before settling on the infantry.

He hoped Kuno would have noticed the improvement in his level of comfort between the two ferry flights. His fear of flying was no phobia, but a simple lack of experience dealing with such scenarios. It was a fear he very much wanted to face and to overcome.

“Lead the way, Lieutenant! I’ll be your little shadow.”

Re: Going Down (Part II)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:48 pm
by Rune
Kuno eyed the private and scoffed a little. Being shown around and having the parts of the ship pointed out was a long way from being allowed anywhere near the steering controls. The lieutenant himself hadn't been given the chance to even explore the flight deck of the Noble Gambit, though he had stood on it a time or two. Ships of this caliber had a specific rotation of pilots, rather than the smaller craft he was used to serving on, which had to rely on the crew assigned to take their turns at the wheel. This had suited Kuno, as it had allowed him to learn on the job and gain an aptitude that had meant trading less entertaining duties for shifts in the pilot's seat. When there had been a seat. His career had not been exactly glorious before the events of the 34th, however he might chose to describe it after.

He informed Reiner just how far he was from being allowed anywhere near the controls of this ship, or even a ship like the little lifeboat they'd taken down to the surface, but offered to lend him books that would teach him about things like wind speed calculations and navigation when they returned to the Islands, if he was serious about learning. The younger man's enthusiasm was infectious, however misinformed, and Kuno enjoyed their shift together. No one questioned his choice to have the army private along, as no one was really sure how they were supposed to treat the messenger.

It was just an over-watch shift babysitting the airmen as they went around jobs that, at least on that ship, they knew how to do better than Lieutenant Kämpfer did himself. He was there to give commands in the instance of anything unexpected occurring and to give permission for minor course changes required by changes in the weather patterns. He made his rounds over the deck and into the cabin from which steering decisions were made, so he could be seen and no one would consider slacking off when he might appear at any moment. During these walks over the hours of his shift he pointed out each major part of the ship that was visible to Reiner, explained what they did and the proper names for them and their functions. Explaining the ranks and jobs of each of the men working under him took another chunk of the time and, despite the windier than normal circumstances he found he was enjoying the teaching itself, and the questions it garnered, very much.

By the time his replacement arrived to salute and relieve him Reiner could name all the major parts of the ship and Kuno had promised to take him into the below-decks areas that housed the engines that kept them moving and in the air. This way, he figured, if the private's illustrious cousin began talking shop, at least the boy wouldn't be wholly lost.

They took the last meal of the day after being relieved and Kuno was able to fast talk his way into getting them two bottles of good beer to take back to their cabin.