"More Than This" [SOLO]

Brothers in arms acclimate to their new headquarters

High City of the Northlands

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Reiner Dornkirk
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:40 pm
Title: ZDC Lieutenant
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3786
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3787

"More Than This"
38 Ash, 122
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The Islands were an awe inspiring sight to men like Reiner Dornkirk, and had just been graced with a small surplus of men like Reiner Dornkirk. Some were carted off straight to the infirmary as others disembarked from the Noble Gambit with wide, disbelieving eyes as they took in this novel vista— new, not just to them, but to the world of Ransera.

As the sole infantryman on the original crew of the mission to the Hotel Schiller, things were a bit murky as to whom his direct superior was, but things were wont to be nebulous after the Blitz, and Captain Seeker Angevin had taken Reiner under his wing. It was that same officer who took it upon himself to relieve Reiner to tend to his ZDC brothers. While Kämpfer and Angevin tended to duties aboard the ship, Dornkirk descended the gangplank as his fellow ground pounders lined up on the ground of the larger island.

“I know…” He began, looking across the rows of familiar faces, unwashed and smudged with soot and ash, uniforms frayed from the consequences of endless skirmishes with Mistborn mutants. Few eyes met his own, as most surveyed the airborne landscape.

“It’s a lot.” The private continued. “These islands and their accompanying flotilla represent the work of countless patriots of Zaichaer, who strove to carve out essential parts of the city that were salvageable during the initial Blitz. It is largely possible through the work of Captain Seeker Angevin and Chief Science Minister Stefan Dornkirk… my cousin.” At that, all eyes were suddenly upon Reiner. And instantly he regretted that last blithe addendum. It had come out feeling like a bit of trivia, but it landed like a boast. He cleared his throat and glanced down.

“I’ve been cleared to take you somewhere to debrief you all and get you acclimated to…” He gestured broadly. “All this.” He took a backwards step, “Please, follow me.” Turning on his heel, he marched his brothers away from the airfield and made for the largely abandoned neighborhood to which Kuno had introduced him. Though the landscape was still new to Reiner himself, he offered explanations of what landmarks he could en route. By and by the ended up at the abandoned pub and Reiner showed them in. He unshouldered a pack and opened it to reveal a small horde of field rations.

“Help yourselves. And I’m sure we could all use a drink.” Reiner said, taking up a tumbler and a bottle of whiskey for himself to show that it was all right. Though the first priority was filling their starving bellies, a couple of men were quick to leap on the booze as well. Others soon followed suit, as Reiner poured for himself and took a seat on the bar top he waited for everyone to claim their drink of choice. When all who wanted a drink had one and settled to seats or leans, he began:

“So.” He raised his glass, “First, let us drink to Major Trier, Lieutenant Lüger and everyone else we lost today and every day since the start of this chaos. Für unsere Brüder!” He downed his hefty pour and replaced it as he spoke on.

“Now. I’m sorry for how this all came about, but I’m glad you’re here. The Islands aren’t like the city. Up here the threats are more remote and less constant. Of course we’re in danger, but those dangers aren’t as present and the fight to quell them isn’t as hopeless. We’re well situated up here to help more people, and what they’ve been missing is men like us. It was all airmen and river guardsmen before I showed up, and—“

“Hold it, Strauß.” It was PFC Maurer who piped up. He was a man from the old neighborhood. They’d dueled with broom handles before either had ever taken up a rifle for the State. He’d known Reiner before he adopted his mother’s maiden name as his surname, and was still fond of calling him on it apparently. “What the fuck have they been doing up here while we’ve been starving and fighting for our lives nonstop for weeks? Drinking poncy cocktails and cooling their well heeled heels?”

A few grunts and mumbles of assent complemented the question.

“Trying to keep afloat and tend to the lives already under their care. Resources aren’t limited, but strides have been taken and continue to be taken toward renewable food sources for a growing population. Plus, in the long run, we’ll expand to the point where we can serve greater Zaichaer as we begin to rebuild.”

“But you were just going to leave us, if that attack hadn’t come while the Noble Gambit was there.” Another soldier, Private Egers, noted.

“I wasn’t going to—“

“Well, maybe not you personally,” Maurer interrupted, “But your new family and the ZADC seemed perfectly content to throw up some fucking witchy wards up, throw us a few field rations…” He held up the half eaten bar of dry oats and whatever else it was for emphasis, “And pat themselves on the backs for being our saviors!” The grumbles grew louder, as dissent burgeoned amongst a simple majority of their small contingent.

“Boys…” Reiner tried to garner their attention, but they’d grown too loud. All at once he leapt up to stand on the bar top, looming imperiously over his brothers, red faces and teeth bared:

“BOYS!!!” He shouted loudly enough to halt the recently roused rabble.

“Listen up, and listen good.” He began, sharply, his voice still raised so it was louder than necessary with people having piped down.

“This ain’t fuckin’ ideal, all right? The whole verdammte city got blitzed and everyone, I mean everyone got fucked. It’s a brave new world out there boys, and this ain’t the fuckin’ time to grumble about injustice. We just lost one war, you wanna start a civil one that kills more of our brothers? No? Because that’s where this bullshit leads.” His snarl twitched until it softened and melted away completely.

“You know I grew up poor as any of you, and I don’t believe in privilege a man doesn’t sweat and bleed for. Injustice pisses me off just as much as it does you, and yeah— I got fucking lucky, but I’m not taking that for granted.

“Now is the time to step up and show your merit. Go above and beyond the call of duty, and the people up here are gonna notice. You know what that translates to? We’re all gonna have a say in how the new world is forged. But what we need in the here and now is unity.” His hazel eyes slowly scanned the faces of his brothers in arms.

“First we survive.” He punched his left palm with his right fist, “Then we rise. All of us. Not just the rich and privileged, we’re gonna make our own privilege if they don’t give it to us willingly. But that’s the next war. Let’s finish this one, first.” Silence hung heavy on the air, and Reiner’s shoulders slumped slightly…”

Maurer grunted, narrowing his eyes slightly, before leaping up onto a chair and addressing the other.

Also!” He began in Kathalan, for they were soldiers at war. “Was sagen sie, Brüder? Sollen wir gemeinsam nach einer neuen Welt erreichen?

Private Egers stepped forth and raised his arm in a Zaichaeri salute.

Ich sage, jawohl!

Next was private Schreyer.

Ich sage auch, jawohl!

One by one they stepped forth and hailed their assent, as a proud grin slowly spread across Reiner’s boyish face. Soon the room was a chorus of cheers and Reiner raised his voice above the din.

“Für unsere Großstadt!"

“Heil Zaichaer!” Replied the infantrymen.

“Für unsere Völkerschaft!” Reiner prompted.

“Heil Zaichaer!”

Für unser Vaterland!” The private shot his fist into the air, nearly punching the ceiling for the additional height granted him by the bar. He leapt down, and started pouring shots to celebrate this new accord, and set about to filling them in about the exciting new opportunities the Islands would present them all.
word count: 1423
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