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A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:19 pm
by Raithen
50 Ash, 122

The party had continued late, but Raithen was young and he'd made sure not to drink as he might have on a night out with fellow soldiers. Having no intention to embarrass or bring any shame to his family, and every intention of attempting to trip Sir Ayreon into a bed of their choosing after the reception and dancing had finally wound down to its ultimate conclusion, abstaining had not been difficult. Additionally, he wasn't particularly in favor of the very finest wines and cocktails typically served at such functions, preferring instead simpler drinks that he'd started drinking in the guard barracks and grown a fondness for.

Now he was waiting outside one of the gates that led into and out of the ambassadorial complex. He'd had a servant slip a note into the pocket of the object of his lusted intention that informed the elf where he would be once the evening's duties were discharged. Whether Sir Ayreon's tastes ran to high entertainment or low debauchery, Raithen had places to take him, and if he wanted to forego any such diversions to trip directly over Raithen's offered wooing onto the nearest comfortable surface, Raithen would be just as happy to oblige. The Avialae's lovers found him nothing, if not obliging, nor was he shy to express his own desires, verbally or physically once clothes and bets were off.

How long he might have to wait he did not know, but it was a comfortable state to be in. If the sun began to lighten the horizon without him having been joined he would find his way home, or, more likely, to one of the brothels where he was known and allowed entry at any time of the day or night. He was in the mood to spill himself into another person, or several other people, however things panned out. If he was stood up he would make inquires later to ascertain if the slight had been intentional or unavoidable and go forward accordingly.

The boy and the moon were high and bright, the night air was just cool enough that the slight outfit he'd worn to the ball wasn't enough to keep his skin from pebbling and his nipples from growing tight, but he hardly felt it. The gift of his father. His wings were another gift from the man he'd never known and, truth be told, hardly bothered to imagine, the third patriarchal endowment rested above the hem of his tunic, and while it was not raised to taunt by the chill of the sun's absence, it was ready to be so as soon as there was a worthy offer for it's attentions.

He began to whistle, a clear, lively tune that put him in mind of flight, and fighting, and fucking, and other things that brought him contentment and joy.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2022 6:52 pm
by Pharaoh
The Solar Sovereign returned to the Solunarian side of the portal within an hour of revealing its existence, and the party began to dwindle apace from then on. Ayreon remained with the ambassador as the last of the guests made their goodbyes, and the Aurisian guards made certain no Solunarian stragglers remained in Auris beyond their welcome.

In truth, the Embassy Ball had been rather dull for Ayreon's tastes. He'd obviously been in the know about the big surprise of the evening, and so the portal reveal hadn't done much for him. Though he was certain he might have persuaded the Ambassador to grant him leave to indulge in some of the spirits on offer, he didn't wish to dabble in a tipple. He didn't like getting buzzed, he liked getting drunk, and he certainly wasn't keen to do that in front of the Solunarian sovereign's watchful eye. Apart from the time she'd spent singling him out, the highlight of the event had been the rather brazen overture from a winged guest who seemed to have some relation to the princely class. A duke himself, judging from how his name had been styled by the Solar Sovereign, this 'Raithen' would have caught his eye even if he hadn't been so brash as to invite him to dance. It had been a tempting offer, even at the time, and had he allowed himself that aforementioned indulgence of drink, he might have cast caution to the wind and accepted. But instead, he deferred to a later time. And that time was fast approaching, he realised, as he smirked down at the note that had been delivered into his hand. Persistent pretty thing, wasn't he?

"I thought I might explore the city a bit, if you'd grant me leave to do so..." The knight posited to his charge. A dismissive wave of the ambassador's hand would serve as permission enough, and so he headed out of the embassy and jogged down the steps. The crowds of onlookers had dissipated with the departure of the most notable guests, and so it wasn't hard to find the Avialae where he waited.

"Your Resplendence," The six-foot-four elf bowed to his winged companion. The honorific seemed well-suited to the striking youth. Solunarians had a penchant for pageantry that he rather enjoyed, and they were, on the whole, a very pretty people. Raithen was certainly no exception.

"I wonder... was your interest in me born of aesthetics alone, or is there some other reason you might have sought my company so boldly?"

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:51 pm
by Raithen
A grin, bright as moonlight flashed when he saw his intended companion of the evening exit the ambassadorial complex and head toward Raithen.
The question made him laugh, in delight, not mocking or even the imagination of a shared joke. In answer he waved a hand back and forth, open palm facing down.

"I am afraid it was almost entirely your 'aesthetics'," Here he let his eyes wander the whole of the other man's body to imply that it was neither his dress nor his decoration that was meant, "That caused me to approach. I know nothing of you, though I admit to wishing it were otherwise. I was hoping that we could remedy my lacking along with our sobriety and perhaps other things, as we go."

His manner was charming and open, authentically so. As much information as he was given he would keep, and offer to his matron when he returned to her, but he would have sought out Ayreon and eagerly learned what he would tell of himself had he been of no interest to House Phædryn at all.

"Come," He held out an arm, which the knight could take as an intention of direction or step into it and allow them to walk with it about his shoulders, "Tell me what delights our city can offer you? There are houses of pleasure of every sort imaginable." Houses that offered pain and other, darker delights as well, though if such was to Ayreon's taste Raithen would let him broach the option.

"We can dance, if you want to, leaving others and finding a place where we can spend time more privately."

Raithen was in the mood for a good deal of debauchery, but there was no rule that said that it being shared between two people would make it less than if it were a dozen.

"Or one and then the other. I am in a mood, Sir Knight, to indulge in the whims of another, if you will be my indulgence, I promise to ensure your own."

He did not wink, for while he had not named any specific acts they might engage in, there was little in the way of real subtlety in his offers.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:06 pm
by Pharaoh
Ayreon smirked a bit superciliously at that answer.

"Something to be said for good genes, I suppose." He was amused, but uncertain. He hadn't often been pursued so flagrantly and, typically the pursuer himself, he wasn't altogether sure how he felt about it.

"Well, then." He inclined his head. "Let us get you your due knowledge and drink away the bulk of it, hm?" He arched a brow at the offered arm, his lip twitching slightly. He stood his ground, and gestured. "Lead on. I follow." With that urging uttered, he would follow Raithen off the grounds that were considered honorary Auris, and onto the sands of Solunarium proper.

"I have heard much of the decadence one can find in your Umbrium." He observed, in answer to the question about his preferences. "In Auris, we haven't the same culture of using magic toward wholly hedonistic aims." He smirk broadened, "I find the notion very appealing." He glanced sidelong to the shorter man,

"Can you take me to place where I might be availed of more varied pleasures than I've had occasion to enjoy? I want to be enlivened in pleasure centres I don't even know exist within me, as yet..." He trailed off, and knitted his brow as a pair of Vastian passersby bowed to him. At first he wondered if the gesture had been intended for his companion, but when it happened again a few paces further it was very evidently directed toward Ayreon himself. He wasn't a public figure in Solunarium, and he'd only arrived for the first time today- never having left the embassy.

"Ah..." It occurred to him all at once, and he chuckled. "I'd forgotten how your people revere those of us whose features tend toward the platinum." He seemed to rather relish the attention, as he cast his gaze across the sprawling Luxium before them.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:24 pm
by Raithen
The host in the host city hummed an affirmation of good genes; it was an attribute that they shared. Raithen was no vain, but he also wasn't unrealistically humble about his own appearance. He was at the stage in his life when he was attractive to the widest variety of people. The number would go down as he aged, though he doubted that between his mother's money and her name he would ever go fully without partners if he wanted them. His lack of shame about sex in general, and about paying for it specifically had gained him a level of comfortable, almost wholly casual confidence that took him through acceptance and rejection both without becoming tarnished.

He raised a brow at the suggestion of the higher end pleasure houses that the Umbrium had to offer but the expression held not a whit of judgement. It suited his mood well, and he said so, letting his arm fall back to his side after it had pointed them on their way. It would have been faster to fly, and he would have traveled thus had he not been sure his companion would not be comfortable as his passenger.

A few options bloomed in the Avialae's mind's eye, but they were all in the same direction; which was to say, down. Before they reached the great set of stairs (or rather, one of the great sets of stairs) that would take them under below the streets of the Luxium he'd settled on a single location. He wanted to give what was being asked and enjoy it himself, but some of the magically augmented pleasure dens came on too heavy for keeping one's mind aware enough for garnering information. He kept up as much conversation as the elf wanted while they walked and it wasn't a very long walk once they plunged into the relatively darker streets of the Umbrium. The attention the knight was getting was no surprise at all considering his height and coloring. It was the one thing that Raithen had that Phocion did not, but, thankfully, people were usually put off enough by his wings, which blatantly stated his mixed parentage, to bow to him in public. He noticed Ayreon seeming to enjoy the attention and it boded well for their time together.

The Indigeo was part club, part brothel, and one of his favorite places in the world. The establishment's resident Mesmers were more subtle in their craft than most who plied their trade for gratification; it was as if they invited you to enjoy yourself instead of forcing it down your throat. Those who plied an even older trade did so at their own discretion, the owner did not require them to take on any client who could pay, nor were they required to take on any, were they inclined toward none of the night's offers. One, who Raithen had become friends with over the years he'd been visiting, had explained it by saying they were more like independent contractors than whores. If they used a room to ply their trade then they paid a fee for the space, and when they entered the establishment with the intention to work, they paid a fee for that too. In exchange they got a nice place to work where there were sure to be clients and if anyone tried to force their suit on a worker who was not interested, the establishments security showed them the door. The costs were fair and everyone got what they wanted. It also allowed Raithen the assurance that, pay or no, he wasn't ever forcing himself on anyone.

The music that flowed out the door as he pulled it open for his guest was subtle and not so loud people inside couldn't talk, but loud enough and fast enough that people could dance if they wanted to. The woman behind the bar nodded to him with a friendly smile that held nothing of flirtation and he nodded back, pleased to see the manager but not interested.

"This is the Indigeo," It said as the new comer took in the sprawling, multi story building with its internal balconied hallways and high ceiling, "It holds many delights, and is more open to having them asked for directly." The last was said with laughter in his voice, for he hated the similar establishments that made one pretend one was there for reasons other than self-gratification.

Attractive people lounged, or strolled, or danced, some smoked from elaborate hookahs, some played at small tables of dice or chess or backgammon, most were drinking, most were having conversations, some were being led away up the stairs to the rooms above. Raithen led the way to a little alcove near the back where they could continue to observe the whole room. A woman about Raithen's age came over to them almost right away, giving a small bow to Ayreon before leaning over and kissing Raithen on the mouth. He kissed back and slipped his arm around her waist in a little squeeze that said more of a greeting embrace than anything possessive.

"Evaline," Was the introduction once their mouths had parted, "This is Sir Ayreon, he is my guest for the night, he wanted to see what delights the Umbrium could offer that he might not get in Auris." The woman, who had at least some of her own elven blood and matched the coloring of the two men, turned and looked her new client over and gave him a smile that was interested without being lecherous. "Bring us a bottle of the Iris Arcus."

The woman nodded and walked away.

"It's made from the nectar of plants that only Elementalists can grow and only Alchemists can brew, it's... an experience." He smiled, watching where Ayreon's eyes landed, what interested in, in both flesh and activities. The information would aid in their mutual gratification, as well as goals for later.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:59 am
by Pharaoh
During the trip down to the Umbrium, Ayreon was relatively terse. He was very difficult to read on the surface level, so his reticence might have been born of anything from distraction with the alien surroundings to a generalised personal aloofness. He wasn't rude, per se, and it might have even been some brand of shyness holding his tongue, but his default smirk made it hard to interpret things that way. Whatever the case, he would answer questions and initiated a few lines of discourse but not many. He was more reactive than active.

His telltale smirk broadened to a grin as the entered the venue and Raithen announced its nomenclature, which elicited a knowing chuckle. They'd been speaking Vastian for their entire exchange so the less than subtle implications were not lost on the fluent knight. His lips parted as the young woman approached Raithen and greeted him with sensual affection, and the knight wrung his hands absently in his anticipation.

"Evaline." Ayreon inclined his head in a subtle salutation to the girl whose complexion resembled that of his winged companion. Pointed ears perked at as the young man ordered a bottle of something he'd never heard of. That was enticing in itself, and the explanation only made it more so. As Evaline sauntered off, Ayreon looked at Raithen as if with new eyes that roamed the peaks and valleys of his form with newfound interest.

"That will do very nicely." Although there were many things that might have diverted his attention from Raithen in the present setting, it was as if the other temptations only served to enhance his attention to the man who'd brought him. He sidled closer, and lifted a pale hand to caress Raithen's cheek with the backs of his long, slender fingers.

"You're such a good boy to oblige me in my whims, Respendent Raithen..." Ayreon fair purred as he brought his face closer to deliver a light kiss to the Avialæ's lips. "I don't want you to think I'll be inattentive to my host, merely because of the diverting surroundings I requested." He whispered against his mouth.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:54 pm
by Raithen
Raithen had been content to wait and see what might catch the eye of the elven knight, but when it turned out to be himself that, despite the many, many other temptations, caught Ayreon's interest his returning smile showed his pleasure at the attention. The boyishness that remained in his face and often his expressions somehow mixed well with the knowing light in his eyes as he opened his seated stance to make all the room a man could want beside him. He did not lean into the touch but the way he allowed it suggested he would be open to more, both of the same and in escalation.

He didn't recall engaging in outright sex in the main room of the Indigeo, but then, there had been many nights he'd spent under the establishment's muraled roof which he only remembered in the vaguest terms. Privacy wasn't something he was concerned about, nor was showing off. If this nights knight wanted to show off or find somewhere they could shut a door between themselves and all else, Raithen was of a mood to be obliging. Perhaps even enough to...

But that was getting ahead of himself. He laid a hand high on his companion's thigh as their lips came together in an introduction. The scent of the other man filled his senses and he let his eyes close for the length of the kiss. The need to taste, to explore skin and moving muscle beneath but there was all night to get there.

"I hope you'll enjoy all the night has to offer." As he spoke he leaned back just enough to open his body, chest going wide and thighs parting under the nearly sheer white and gold damask of his chiton. The idea of watching Ayreon take his pleasure with one of the beautiful courtesans offering their favors for gold was almost as enticing an idea as being allowed to do it himself.

"I'm pleased my invitation was not too bold. Perhaps not bold enough." He laughed a little, tilted his head till it was almost resting on his own shoulder, eyes flowing over the features before him. Pink lips in the golden face parted as if to say more but at that moment Evaline returned with a decanter filled with a red liquid that shimmer as it moved in the simple glass that housed it. Sitting up and turning toward the woman without taking his hand from Ayreon's leg he thanked her, as she raised a brow and looked between them.

"Am I to take this to mean you won't be entertaining any of us this evening?" There was teasing laughter in her tone but it was subtle.

"I don't know yet." Raithen glanced to his companion as Evaline poured the alchemical wine into two glaces for them. "Give us time to drink and I think we'll have an answer."

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 3:37 pm
by Pharaoh
Ayreon’s eyes roamed the features of Raithen’s face from this new and closer vantage with some ravenous relish. His smirk verged on crocodilian as he sat and sidled close.

“Bolder than what I am used to, I’ll grant, but for a realm of glass and crystal, Auris is not terribly transparent.” He rasped wryly.

“I’m not sure whether I should be on guard or disarmed at such brazen overtures from a scion of Phædryn. I’m told yours is the house of whispers, and yet you speak so plainly. Or perhaps I am just thy naïve to Solunarian mores.” He fluttered his lashes coquettishly, glancing up sharp as a whiplash at the approach of the courtesan bearing their intoxicant.

He parted his lips to respond, but Raithen beat him to the punch and he was satisfied to let the winged youth’s answer speak for them both. He watched her pour the drinks, gaze lingering on the liquid in search of outward signs of whatever enchantments augmented it that he might ready himself for what was in store. When she stepped away, he leaned forward and lifted the glass to examine it as he spoke on.

“I will confess, I care little whether you’ve ulterior motives. Mine for the night are entirely hedonistic and as long as those are met, I’m prepared to be used. It isn’t as though I’m the keeper of any great Aurisian confidences.”

His free hand rose to tangle a pair of fingers into the golden hair of the Avialæ, while the other lazily swirled the glass. He wouldn’t taste it until the proper technique was explained or demonstrated. His instinct was to down it in one shot, but he realised that he was on unfamiliar ground and would be better served displaying a modicum of patience whilst he still had the presence of mind to do so.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 5:22 pm
by Raithen
There seemed to be no special technique, or, if there was, Raithen was not aware. He simply picked up the slim glass filled with red and violent that seemed to swirl around each other rather than mixing, and sipped at it. Holding it in his mouth for a time he could feel the heady sensation it cause beginning to pull at him almost immediately.

The roaming of Ayreon’s eyes began to feel like a tangible thing, lathing against Raithen's skin. The rasp of his voice was a warm purring at Raithen's mind in a way that made him want to both curl up close and stretch out his length to be touched.

The drink was having its effect on his senses, and he leaned into it. It made the five sort of blur at their edges, bleed into one another so that one felt as though it were being interpreted by another.

His own laughter at the commentary on how unlikely a Phædryn he seemed felt like bells in his chest.

"I am not a match for my House, that is true enough. Too much wild in me, too much honesty." Lifting his glass he took another sip, holding it again on his tongue, feeling the blurring of self deepen before swallowing.

"I can't be ought but what I am, and while half my blood flows from my mother, passion was my father's gift, and it is that which I sought to gratify when I was so bold in my request of you."

Finger's carding into his hair made his wine stained lips part and his eyes returned the wandering favor of soaking Ayreon in. The man was beautiful, a fact made all the more appreciated by the fact that Raithen now felt as though he could taste beauty on his tongue, catch the scent of the contrast of the blue of his eyes and the red of his mouth. The effect was not all invasive, and if he concentrated he could push it back. It could be confusing or overwhelming the first time and he was ready to order the 'antidote' if it appeared his companion was not able to relax in the way that would allow it to be a pleasurable experience. He would rather not, as it was one of his favorite pleasures, but he was no interested in forcing anyone to experience things they weren't interested in.

A half-bred hand slipped further up the thigh it had been resting on to feather over what lay at the apex.

Re: A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:09 pm
by Pharaoh
After observing Raithen's sipping style, Ayreon inferred that this was no shooting drink, so he followed suit by starting out with a delicate taste of the decadent drink. Tipping his head back, he curled his tongue to welcome the unnaturally smooth spirit into his throat. He shut his eyes and let the sensation be subsumed by mind and soul. It made the silky gold of Raithen's hair feel that much softer and more enticing against his fingertips. He tilted his head to one side and placed a tender kiss to the curve of his chiseled jaw, before whispering:

"Lovely." Against the soft skin there. He would have welcomed a high that stripped him of his coherency if that had been what was on offer, but he didn't mind the fact that he was still in control enough to participate in an exchange of thoughts.

The tension between the queen of this realm and the materfamilias of Raithen's branch was not lost on the Aurisian knight. Members of both camps had taken particular interest in him tonight, but Her Divine Radiance hadn't offered up the sort of exploration of Solunarium that he'd been thirsting to try. He'd lucked out in finding a boy like-minded in decadent intent. Were it not for this winged beauty, he'd likely not have ventured out tonight. Or, if he had, not so far from the embassy. This, he imagined, was the real Solunarium.

"Ah yes..." His devilish smile broadened as he canted his face away for another sip, as he considered Raithen's sentiments. "I've not met many of your kind, but I am given to understanding that you have particular passions... Bondmates, isn't it?" He mused, curiously. "Have you any bondmates to nest with, pretty bird?" Ayreon was chuckling as his eyes danced back to Raithen, and found their gaze returned with novel intensity.

"I hope you don't take my ribbing poorly. It's done in fondness." He smirked, "I quite like poultry."