Parting the Veil II [Memory]

Continuation of Parting the Veil.

Hundreds of miles Northeast of Solunarium proper at the Vasta River Delta sits the only other major settlement in the kingdom: The port city of Tertium- so named because it is the third settlement to occupy this location. Originally founded as Vastium Orientem (East Vastium), the city has been razed to the ground twice, after being conquered by foreign powers and rebuilt to serve as a port of trade and a tether to the world without. As the once reclusive Solunarian government is beginning to make diplomatic inroads with many nations abroad, Tertium’s star is on the rise and many of Solunarium’s less fortunate are flocking to the city in search of new opportunities to prosper.

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Hilana Chenzira
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Location: Solunarium
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10 Glade, Year 110

[Part 1]

“Namah is getting engaged to Caius tonight,” Sarala told her. “You remember him, surely? There will be a big celebration, everyone is coming. That’s why you’re here. I’m sure the family is looking forward to seeing you again.” Hilana glanced at her at that. She remembered what happened the last time what happened when everyone had been there, and the look on her face said she doubted it. “They are, Hilana. You’re a wonderful little girl and you look beautiful in your outfit. Your sisters will be glad to see you when they come home, and then they’ll get ready for the party, and we’ll have a lovely time, right?”

“Yes, Aunt Sarala,” Hilana said as she knew she was expected to. For all that Sarala had hoped Hilana would be the one to call her mother, it had never happened. And when she had had the girl’s hair cut before she went into the sands all those years ago, that had been her biggest mistake with her. Hilana hadn’t forgotten it and from the moment she came close to her hair, even if just to touch it, the girl started screaming. And screaming. And screaming. And the moment Sarala left the room, the noise would always miraculously stop. She was her father’s daughter in that she held grudges and she never forgot things like that. But the woman knew better than to get her hopes up. She would take what she could get with her. This was about as productive a day as she could have with her inside the house, playing with the kitten and petting it. All while not running everywhere and getting into things…

The door opened, and Hilana heard the footsteps as her three elder sisters came in. Namah, Marah, and Athalia. All of them glowing, wrapped in hand-painted silks, jewelry in their ears and on their wrists and at their necks. She got up, scooping up the kitten, and started towards them as the kitten moved to her shoulder. “Hi,” she greeted them hesitantly, stopping in the doorway at Athalia’s frown rather than following them further towards the wing where all of their bedrooms were. Normally she would have just barged after them, but the promise of that lesson…

“Hello, Hilana. You look pretty,” Namah offered a small smile to her youngest sister. “Try to stay clean, please. I know that it’s very difficult for you, but tonight is especially important. It has to go well. You need to make a good impression on people after the last time you were around everyone here.” The small smile that had been growing on the girl’s face vanished as she stood there, looking at the three of them.

“Just do as Namah says,” Athalia told her with a sigh. “It’s her special day, Hilana. You mustn’t ruin it by being… you know…you. Just pretend to be us.” The eyes of the youngest Chenzira flashed, and she had to bite back a retort. Remember the lesson, remember the lesson…!

“Athalia, that was unnecessary. So harsh,” Marah shook her head, bending over a bit to look into Hilana’s eyes, searching her face. “Just try to stay inside, okay? Smile and be friendly, and play with the kitten. You can tell us about how you’re doing with your camel tomorrow, yes?”

“Okay, Marah,” she finally spoke again now that Athalia and Namah had carried on towards their bedrooms to get dressed and prepared for the party.

“Good girl. You can do it, I know you can. You didn’t bring any… gifts… this time, did you?” Her elder sister wanted to know. “You know that those weren’t proper last time.”

“No,” she looked away and shook her head. “But it really was a pretty tarantula. It was hard to find and it—-“

“Was a gift for father, yes. But you must understand that the things you find in the sands aren’t suitable for people of our caste, Hilana. They’re insulting,” she straightened up, adjusting her sari. “You are much better off getting something from the shops—“

“Marah!” Athalia called from Namah’s room. “Hurry up!” She sounded irritated in the way that teenagers tended to be.

“I’m coming,” Marah answered her, returning her attention to the baby of the family. “Go sit with Aunt and play with the kitten. Did you name it?”

“No,” Hilana shrugged, looking at the cat perched on her shoulder that had now seated itself, the furry tail against her back. “I’m going home tomorrow. Why would I name it?”

“What if you stayed here? Then you could have it and name it, and it will be your kitten.” Marah smiled at her. “I will see you after. Go see Aunt,” she tapped the girl’s nose. Hilana was staring after her as she disappeared and the doors closed. Stay here?! Her face was working with too many emotions as she went to go and sit on one of the couches, looking at the kitten. Was this some sort of trick? She was forced to come back sometimes, but this wasn’t her home. She had told her father that after his birthday. Her home was out there. She was just here because she had to be, not because she wanted to be.

“Animals don’t go on the furniture, Hilana,” Sarala corrected her automatically as the girl stopped mid-movement, and left the couch with the kitten to go sit by the window. “Child, you can. Just not the kitten.” Hilana shook her head, making the ribbons dance in the ringlets of her curls, sitting back on her cushion with the kitten and lifting it to her lap. Why would Marah suggest she stay here? Why had no one named the kitten yet? Was this some sort of trap, and the kitten was the snare that she was expected to get caught in? Immediately, she wanted Asher. Or Markus. Or Vorenus. Or any of the older pack that she could go to with questions. She didn’t like this at all. But she wasn’t going to be able to get to Vorenus until tomorrow. Hilana just knew that something felt off and she didn’t feel right. “We heard from the tutor that you’re doing very well with your lessons,” the elder Vastiana prompted her niece, trying to engage her in conversation where she was staring out the spacious window at the Delta. There was no answer for a moment. “Hilana.” She raised her voice slightly and that at least got movement from the child as she glanced back at her. The girl was far too quiet now, and Sarala didn’t like it. When she got like that, energy was gathering for something else.

“If he says so,” the girl adjusted the sash of her sari, retrieving the fluffy kitten’s claws from it, gently squeezing her little paws in order to keep her still for the moment. She did the lessons, as the others did, but that was only because the others did. Subjects that might have been expected for her as an Equestrian fell to the wayside with the children that worked the herds. Formal etiquette, softer subjects like arts and music fell apart, and the girl was like as not to wander off, and the tutor knew the girl well enough by now to let it go. Short of trying to teach it to all of the kids, all of whom were sturdy, rough-and-tumble devils that were kept in line by some internal hierarchy, it was a losing battle.

“Everything is fine,” Sarala told her. “Namah is just a bit nervous about tonight, that’s all. It’s going to be a big event, little one. It might be a bit different if your mother was here...” Hilana turned away again, looking back out at the water as the kitten curled up. “But she’s here in spirit, surely. Namah has her wedding veil to wear tonight and for the wedding when it comes.” That got her attention again.

“Mama’s veil?” Hilana repeated. Sarala nodded.

“Your mother’s veil, yes. She wore it for her wedding to your father. And now each of you will get to wear it in turn, isn’t that lovely?” Sarala’s fingers continued with her lacework. “It was something that our mother made for her when she was betrothed. And she is the one who taught me how to weave like this. Wouldn’t you like to try again? Maybe you’re ready to make your fingers work that way. If you can pet a cat, then you can weave lace...”

“No... thank you,” the last bit was forced, because she had made a promise to Vorenus in exchange for that lesson, and Hilana wasn’t keen to give it up.

“It’s not hard, you know. You can be creative once you learn how to do it,” her aunt was encouraging. “Come. You can bring the kitten if you want.” While Hilana got up, it wasn’t over to her aunt that she went, but she took her nameless companion out of the living room, leaving her calling after her before heading towards the bedrooms. She knocked on Namah’s door, before opening it and peeking in. The laughter that had been coming from within hushed, and her three sisters looked at her. A lacquered box on the dressing table was open, and Hilana looked inside. The kitten remained in her arms.

Part III

Last edited by Hilana Chenzira on Wed May 24, 2023 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1632
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Notes: I am reviewing while I do counts for Nano so if I miss anything you wanted as part of the review, just let me know!
word count: 65
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